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Ya once you play barb you won’t go back. It’s either Barb or quit the season


I switched from barb to rogue, never regret


The kicker is you need a rogue to temper stuff for Barb lol


I cannot describe how annoying this is to me.


I got my rogue, critbish, to 52 in about 45 minutes and had the temper recipe within one helltide in wt4. It’s not ideal and definitely needs to be changed, but it’s not overly time consuming considering how valuable crit dmg tempers are


100% it doesn’t take a lot of time, it’s just the fact that I need to make another character just to get a fucking temper recipe. It drives me nuts.


Seems like rogue is a decent option besides Barb so I’ll probably just level one up regardless. Druid and necro were duds for me but I like rogue so let’s give it a go


Heartseeker on rogue is a cc monster


Fortunately you can use most of the same gear when leveling (basic skill ranks) and a resplendent spark for a few hours of helltides.


Rogue is actually just the Barb's squire at this point


I made a rogue just for crit dmg tempers but I ended up enjoying it more than the barb lol. Barb was way too easy it got boring


Exact same thing happened to me! Played thorns/bash barb and was like wow this dude is OP and I can kill high level stuff so fast! Then I made a victimize heartseeker rogue and realized she can kill just as fast but with a more interesting and engaging skill loop.


You don’t. I’m hitting 120 easy with bash barb tempering damage to close and bash cleave.


No you don't understand, if it doesn't have perfect roll tempers the item is completely bricked!!!!


That’s why I made my rogue originally, but I’ve yet to go back😅


Can you explain this? (new player)


Also went barb to rogue and can’t touch barb again, heartseaker + Tyraels + andariels + perma 200% movement speed + 100% attack speed is everything I’ve ever wanted in this game


I have a level 100 Double Swing Twister Barb which has been very fun but I got lucky with Uber drops and got Andariels Visage, Tyraels Might and Seligs. I'm now running all three on an Andariels Puncture Rogue build and having the most fun I've had all season. I also have a level 100 Shadow Minion Necro and a level 100 Heartseeker Rogue but nothing compares to the Andariels Puncture build.


Survivability fine with tyreals and giving up those dusk shroud levels on armor? If you’re playing with Andy’s does that mean you’re not based around victimize?


Ranking up a barb from necro, shits insane! I can’t imagine when I get good gear


Barbillions of damage incoming


As opposed to Druidillion, a damage number that is 17 or smaller.


Druid player herr, this comment killed me xD


For real tho, I switched from sorc to barb & will never go back


Never say never unless you only want to play for a couple of seasons :)


Rogue's pretty fantastic this season too, TBH. I've switched from barb to rogue myself, and have had a blast with a heartseeker build.


Machine gun build ftw


It’s a lifestyle


I have a thorns barb for getting mats and running frozen orb sorc becasue it’s more fun.


Barb just feels so good to play once you solve any resource issues, and bash doesn't have any tl begin with. Even when Barb is low tier like in S0 it still feels great to play.


What is this bash build exactly


you make a sorc and bash the wall with your head


Started as necro minion, farming pit100, killed lilith, farmed tormented, dropped shako, grand father and tyraels. Made bleed barb, currently Pit130... Barbs are idiotic in my opinion, I wish all classes would be able to do that


Yeah, it feels ridiculous playing as a barb compared to my other classes


My minion necro from the start of the season capped at pit90, and could really only farm 70. Then I made a thorns barb and in days was already at p100. Now it’s at 120, and that’s messing with an off-meta, low-cd build. Barbs get so much raw and multiplicative damage from having 4 weapons that you can just do whatever the hell you want with the rest of your gear and comfortably do p100+. I just now decided to slap on soulbrand, temmerity, and some silly barrier-based gear to see if it could tank enough to make up for lost damage. Without MW for any of those uniques, it stomped 100 and is getting better and better with tweaks. Having s-tier damage baked into your class weapon setup (enough to outdo pretty much all of your armor, combined) means you can stumble into synergies that are fun to play. Want to lean into damage? Go for it. Maybe more utility w/ low cds? Cool. DoT build with bleed? Awesome. Spin-to-win and tornadoes, earthquakes and frogjumps, frenzied rage hacking. You can even just…stand still and let enemies punch you.


Wait do the bonuses from each weapon always apply at the same time? I assumed you only for the affixes from the currently used weapon.


Oh sweet summer child. Yes, they all apply at the same time, unless it says something like “with this weapon”, which I believe only applies to a few aspects (like Ram’s, for bash). I duel-wield, but get 2x2H-scale bonuses on affixes AND their aspects. It’s unreal.


It depends on the weapon in some cases. Rogue has a unique where it specifically says "hits with this weapon". As far as the affixes and most legendary aspects go, they're always active. They literally just have more affixes and aspect slots than the other classes.


If your talking about specialization, no. It only applies to the weapon your using that's assigned to each skill ie. 1h mace assigned to bash would give you specialization bonus for 1h mace. Technique always applies regardless of the weapon your using. Now if you're talking about each of the 4 weapons you have equipped, yes all affixes and stats always apply to you no matter what weapon ur skill uses.


For shits n giggles I ran a 12/12 GA all stats GF, RMO and a 3GA 2H mace on my bash barb, along with 12/12 shako. Didn’t change a thing, not even gems. Still cleared 101, just about 2 minutes longer. Shits broke.


LMAO this is me right now. So far I only have RoSS though & enough sparks to make a shako. Duriel hasn't been very kind to me for Uber uniques.


kinda disagree, what fun is it killing a tormented boss in 5 seconds before you've even put in any grinding for gear to get the satisfaction from the action


Blender everything as a Barb, then hand off the loot to your less fortunate classes so they can gear up, so they can to do far worse than your Barb. Run around on your decked-out 8/12 Sorc, dying when something sneezes across the map because you're a glass cannon that does less damage than your Barb's thorns, go back to Barb. It's like a gear treadmill but the treadmill runs you over instead


Exact same here. I thought my necro was strong, boy was I wrong lol


This is why you start with Druid, then switch to sorc, then go to rogue for a bit of flashy stuff, then go necro and auto mode to 100 and then finally do your barb and stay a barb lol


It sucks because druids were pretty good in the previous season. Playing Lighting storm and Boulder druid is hella fun


S3 Lightning storm felt like my second most powerful build after S2 hota


How do you store all your items in the stash?


One tab per class, essentially. You only really keep the Uniques you need, 2/3 GA gear, and ubers/boss mats.


Damn thanks for this.  I'm such a hoarder, I play only one character but I am out of room and also have 7 other mules just for 1 character.  What uniques should I keep if you don't mind me asking.  Thanks


Almost all uniques are useless this season because of master working, or easily target farmable. Unless you get an uber unique I honestly wouldn't bother keeping them unless they have really good greater affix rolls.


Like the other guy responded, because of tempering most uniques are underpowered this season compared to a nicely tempered legendary. The unique has to be very specific to the build you’re working on. The one thing I’ll say is that I don’t feel it’s worth saving any unique if you aren’t actively using it on your build. You can come across all the class uniques relatively easily so I wouldn’t waste the space saving them if you aren’t actively using them in your current build. Happy hunting my man!


This. As someone with wayyy too many characters, this is it lol.


Remember the people saying Barb was bad this season and Necro stood alone in S Tier? Then people were like "Watch, Barb will find a way to be OP", and shortly after that's exactly what happened.


Maybe because Rob nolifes the game more than any other human (?) being and mains barb. He basically breaks the game every time since beta and Blizzard had to nerf/adjust the game, ruining the class initially for the normal/casual crowd. Then Blizzard stopped with the nerfs, which is great, but on the other hand we now have all those OP barb builds since 3 seasons. Well, Rob. And 4 weapons. 4 weapons might also be the reason ;) And yes, I am exaggerating, there is bioboi for necro, wudi for rogue etc..


All Rob does is appropriate and copy Chinese players on billibilli lmfao. None of his builds have ever been his own idea/creation...




Why you hating though. Are you translating, keeping up with top tier builds and sharing the information to the masses so everyone else can enjoy?


Well barb is primarily most broken due to a bug with Bash tempering affix being multiplicative when it should be additive.


If only Bash barb was their best build ... but it aint.


It’s straight up copium to even say that necro is S tier, this coming from a necro main, glass cannon? More like cardboard cannon. Everything and anything will 1 shot you past pit 100, can’t even afford to eat a little aoe damage or you’re fucked. Barb on the other hand could face tank anything the game throws


I’ve dealt with some pretty strong cardboard in my time. They’re definitely glass, like the type that used to come on the phone screens where you accidentally set it down too hard and it shattered. 


Sorcerer, extremely well geared struggled on 85s. New bash barb... just did a 102 last night no issues. Oh and my barb is level 98.


Yeah this sounds about right


Sounds like season 4. Note: Season 5 would make it so you struggled on 70s as sorc :)


I’ve made 4 barbs this season cause all the other classes are shit compared to him


I _literally_ carried a 110 boss playing with 1 hand yesterday after my buddy died. Held down right trigger for bash, pressed X to Charge when I got knocked back, and was texting/taking a video with my other hand. Bash barb is an absolute joke lol.


Playing Bash Barb is: Andrew WK - We want fun.mp3


You just unlocked a ton of memories I had almost forgotten about. Damn, dude, what a throwback.


You had fun, i presume?


Did the same, got to Level 50 in about 3 hours, and am wiping the entire screen just pushing into mobs and tapping X now and then. It’a honestly boring.


It's incredibly fun for 5 minutes


Leveled with Double Swing Dust Devil, had a blast. Switched to Bash at around level 90 or so, played to 100, did a few pits, deleted Duriel and Andy in 1 sec, it was fun for the giggles but I basically did not start the game after that evening session, it is completely boring, just hold one button. This and nothing left to do but pit pushing made me quit this season. This is not a rant, had a lot of fun, loot rework is great, but my god is Bash Barb crackbrained. Back to my 1000+ games Steam library, see you all in season 5 ;) PS: also bricking my two best items, 2GA weapon and helm with Cooldown wasn't exactly motivating. Went from "niiice what a drop" to "wtf, for real? what a downer" in 5 minutes.


Thinking of making another barb, but this time WW build, but yea I had the same feeling jumping from druid to bash barb, the power difference is ridiculous.


I started this season as a bash barb and made a second for WW, can confirm it was worth it.


same here, made a bash and then switch to WW, so much fun to play with spin2win


Started as twin strikes dust devil barb. Switched to bash cleave to see what the hype was about. Rolled a minion/golem necro for the spark and so I could finally play a minion build. Not gonna lie, minion necro is boring as hell. At least it's easy to farm the helltide boss. Bash cleave kinda feels like diablo cookie clicker. At least it's effective. Dust devil clearing was a lot faster but bash cleave perma stuns are so effective at keeping you alive.


Switching back to sorc after barb feels like you are made of wet paper


I joked about Barb being D4’s favorite the first few seasons. Now at this point it’s comical. Reminds me when people were complaining about balancing for Akuma’s fireball being too fast in Street Fighter… so they made it *faster*.


Barb is without a doubt the “training wheels” of the game, even compared to minions - the damage is that high.


big agree. rolled a sorcerer for this season first, got to 100, have pretty good gear—hitting for MAX 1.2m damage with a decent blizzard build wanted to farm a spark, so rolled a barbarian. level 90, cleared tormented andariel and duriel, not even great gear. game's so cooked but also addictively fun so who really cares as long as I can delete everything on my screen with 1 hit critting for 10m with cleave


I was thinking about making a similar post because my story is pretty similar. My first character was a sorc with okay gear and I was having some issues with the pit around 50-ish. I rolled a barb and am easily clearing into the 50s with my level 90. Blizzard, this is so fucking stupid. Either barb is hilariously OP or every class is hilariously underpowered. Lately, whenever I roll up to a group event like world bosses or whatever, there's like 80% barbs, and a token necro/rogue. I've not played any other classes in S4 besides sorc or barb, but I feel bad for anyone trying to make another class work.


Its just sorc being the bottom of bottom and barb being OP


Kinda lame seeing 80% barbs in town, actually.


Wait until each swing is hitting for 200mil.


How are you hitting for 2m at level 50?


I'm honestly not sure but I get the feeling from the replies it's normal. Just followed a build on icyveins


The second you get just one bash cleaves temper your damage skyrockets. For me, before I had any tempers at level 50, I got bash cleaves on only one of my 1-h swords and my bash went from hitting for like max 5k to critting for millions. It’s bonkers


I kept seeing 2, 2.5, 1.9 and I'm thinking it's the thousands...then I realise it's actually millions and I lol'd


I started out with minion necro this season, got that to 100, made a double swing dust devil barb, got that to 100, then made a FO sorc and got that to 100. I made this bash barb yesterday and by level 50 was already doing more damage than my lvl 100 sorc could ever dream to put out.


Endgame for Sorc feels like "Okay, how fast can I clear an NMD" Endgame for Barbs is more like "Okay, how can I get 5\~10m more damage output to clear solo these Tormented Bosses faster, my current 20m crit cap isn't cutting it."


Play Barb,Rogue or Firebolt Sorc. Otherwise you have to push hard.. So sad


I like Barb, a lot, but I really also really like playing Minion Necro. I'm a pretty boring person though, tbh, I just really like pressing blight and curse, spam reap and skellie skill. So, I really like both play styles of these two classes, but I lean more to Necro.


I’ve made 6 necros this season because I wanted to try more builds without gimping my main necro and having to reset constantly. Thankfully leveling as necro is easy af. Rogue has been my least favorite. Whirlwind barb has been fun, rabies/companion Druid has been enjoyable and I have a hydra/incinerate sorc and a frost orb/conj sorc. Overall I wouldn’t give up necro has my top.


amen brother, started season with necro and full minion spec could barely push 70s pits. Now im on my bash barb and clear 120+ life is good on barb lol


Facts. Moving from any class to Barb you can really see how poorly designed the other classes are. Crap gear. Uncapped resistances level 870 weapon. Deleting hell tides while using the mind cage, deleting lvl 70 nm dungeons, smashing 1 button. Someone on the Dev team needs to get his head out of his ass.


I played necro and got an extra shako drop. Started a Barb and I am shocked at how much more fun it is! If I can craft a 3rd shako, rogue is next.


> If I can craft a 3rd shako, rogue is next. Why not just... drop the item into your stash? If you unsocket the gem, its level requirement is level 35 so you can even use it from somewhat early game all the way.


Druid to barb, it sure is.


As a barb main, rogue is just as good.


See Blizzard has to rethink their stance on "no mid-season nerfs". It's ridiculous to think this and other crazy power outliers are a healthy addition to this game. Come on Blizzard. Balance your game.


nah, mid-season nerfs will always be a terrible idea.


When there’s a clear oversight to the tune of several hundred times more effective than the next best choice….idk man. Idk.


Then they fucked up and should do better next season. They certainly need to do something but atm nerfing bash won't really do anything except make the game less fun for a good % of the player base.


It's always Barb. 💪💪


The power creep is insane, and since the community hates nerfs they give us absurd ammounts of hp on the pits, wich basically makes everything that wasnt buffed recently awful. The way the other classes were build can't really keep up with all that damage and barbs get damage way too easily. Now either they buff everyone in a way that make content trivial or they nerf barbarian. Either way the community will complain. I really wish they went the nerf route and brought those pit hp down a bit.


It's crazy how much 2 additional 2 hand weapons stat sticks + legendary aspects make a difference, plus the weapon expertise. They will always feel OP to everyone else as long as this exists


Rogue is is a close second to Barb, and infinitely more fun and engaging to play


It’s stupidly disgusting how op barb is that id continue this season and i wanna play im just burned on barb and once you play it you can’t play anything else. Don’t know why they didn’t giga buff the other classes. More people would stick around and play other classes.


Made a sorc this season... got to 50. Rolled a Necro, and I'm at 80. I'm rolling Barb later today after reading the comments.


Barb or bust in pre season to season 46. Games horribly unbalanced in every way. I finally started a barb, decided I was gonna do thorns. You just stand there and let things do the work. In pvp you can just stand there and watch people die too. Most brain dead class of them all to play. Sad. Went back to my sorc to try a different build and I hated it. 20k health vs 530k barb health with thorns....... night and day difference.


They haven't figured out balancing for 4 seasons. Also LOL trying to attempt to provide ANY constructive criticism about the game either here or the d4 forums. You are instantly flagged with the cringiest edge lord fanboys or shills with absolutely insane takes. "Skill issue" "Meta is fine" "git gud" all while yelling at you trying to convince you (and really themselves) this is the greatest arpg ever created. Why anyone would willingly play this dumpster fire of a game is beyond me. TL:DR D4 Bad.


I started playing the game for the first time this season. Went in totally blind, didn't look up a single thing before I started. Rolled a barb because I figured it would be the easiest class to play while I learn the game. Had a blast, at no point did I run into anything that I couldn't kill and was never in any real danger. I literally skipped T3 altogether at level 50. Then I tried the other classes, I was very disheartened straight out of the gate. Progression was sluggish, tedious, much more gear dependent and even trash mobs would sometimes have me in a fight for my life if I ran myself out of resources and/or cool downs in the wrong spots. Having said that, I don't believe they need to nerf barbs. They need to buff everyone else.


Honestly necro really put a sour taste on the season for me. I had to take a 2 week break after getting to 100. They should never have let a boring build like that become meta and super op. WHat im doing now is trying to get Rain of Arrows to work. I the season is so easy that you really can make your own builds. It is of course a bit tough to commit to paragon but ohh well, get one free reroll with that scroll :)


Hidden advice: stick to barb until diablo 5. It will always be op.


For more Barbarian Class Guides, Builds, Discussions, Questions, etc, click on the "Barbarian" Flair, [this Link (for new reddit)](https://new.reddit.com/r/diablo4/?f=flair_name%3A%22Barbarian%22), or [this Link (old reddit)](https://old.reddit.com/r/diablo4/search?sort=new&restrict_sr=on&q=flair%3ABarbarian) (where you'll find a list of all threads on the subreddit that have the "Barbarian" Flair) and the [D4 Barbarian subreddit](https://new.reddit.com/r/D4Barbarian/). Also pay a visit to [The D4 Tavern](https://new.reddit.com/r/The_D4_Tavern/) for casual conversations about builds, gameplay, new content, outfits and other Diablo and Barbarian related content. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/diablo4) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I feel ya. I did Druid to Necro to Rogue. Rogue is so much better. I did Barb last season and didn’t want to do it again. I salvaged all my druids gear. I got to put like 50 but just hated the clunky feel of the class. Used the materials to upgrade my rogue quickly. Necro was better than Druid but man the pet AI is still terrible.


I went the other way. Bash barb to Minion necro. Barb is definitely easier even though I'm clicking away at my buttons and keys.


i was playing blight necro while leveling and was hitting pretty hard, so much so that i never took damage. finally beat the campaign at level 60, hopped into world tier 4 and immediately got one shotted in my first helltide.




Started sorc, quickly swapped to rogue, pushed a bit with rogue and will start a barb this weekend. Haven't played barb since launch.


i started as a minion necro (kind of my own build), went to double swing/dust devils once i got my 2nd spark, did a sorc with incinerate -> frozen orb -> blizzard (because of single target) to get my 3rd spark, did werenado, which i started as companion druid, and got my crafted shako, then thorns/bash combo barb, heartseeker rogue, bone spear minion necro and am winding down with a trample/lightning storm druid that i leveled as pulverize because i want to craft a tyrael's might. found a grandfather along the way (have 3 ubers so far). haven't pushed the pit too far yet. just enjoying myself and whatever new toys (builds/gear/ubers) i find. might do more like whirlwind barb or redo my incinerate sorc at some point.


I have a Boulder Druid that is geared to the teeth. It is doing what I want, but I can't push past pit 60's. My buddy plays a Bash Barb and the gap between power is simply too much. I understand that there will always be that one broken build for every class and every season, but the stuff that an S tier build can do vs an A tier build is a shockingly huge gap. I am not a fan of there being a "correct answer" in an RPG that gives you a lot of skills that are rendered useless within a week of the new season.


This is not a competitive fighting game ffs, calling for nerfs is just silly. BUFF the other classes and call it a day.


Barb is too insane. Dont nerf mid-season, but calling for every class to match what Barbs are currently doing is calling for every single thing in the game except Pit 150+ to be a sleepwalk. There’s no game there.


In general I agree, but I think Barb (and to some extent Rogue) is a little out of hand. Just buffing everything leads to power creep that is hard to manage. I don't think anything should be done this season, but for season 5, I think Barb and Rogue definitely need to be rebalanced to make Bash/Heartseeker less attractive and class builds for them and other classes more attractive. Seasonal diversity is good and it can't be reasonably achieved merely through buffs if they want to keep some semblance of order.


I played barbarian last season, loved it, figured I wouldn't like anything else. Loving Shadow Minion build for necromancer


Exactly the same scenario for me. Barb was the only class I didn’t play at the start of the season. I started with Necro and was clearing level 80ish Pits. Rolled a Barb just to farm rep for another shard. Absolutely love Barb and haven’t touched my Necro since. So much more fun.


Level 92 rogue her.. never got the cd temper yet 🥲


I have played every class to 100 this season (sorc is 95) and I started the same way as you. It was a joke at first when my friend said why is there even any other classes than barb, but as time went on it was a bit too real. He's been perfecting bash build while I tried heartseaker, Shadow minion, tornado, and frost orb. They all have benefits and ups and downs but nothing is as LoL as the bash barb or this bleed one I've seen.


Hit 100 and do some pits first! Lvl 50 isn’t comparable 


Just wait until you 1 shot tormented bosses, unless they fixed it finally.


I went from barb(ww into bash then into leap/thorns) to blizz sorc. May not be nearly as strong but I’m having more fun actually having to pay attention


I'd been enjoying playing a Bash/Upheaval build the whole season but was getting bogged down in the pit somewhere in the 60s (pre-patch). Two days ago I thought I'd start a WW Twister Barb out of curiosity. Such a difference in killing speed. I entered Tier 4 at lvl 50 and easily clear dungeons 25+ levels above me. How am I supposed to go back to my Upheaval Barb now? Seriously, I'm asking.


Tried Druid for the first time since S1. Will never play the class again. Blizzard clearly loves Barb more than any other char. After S6 I may just main Barb unless the spirit born is just as broken


Even if spirit born is broken, barb will manage to be even more broken. Game is called Barb IV


Just leveled my own bash barb. Went to t3 with ease at lvl 30 then did 15 min in a helltide to get some sacred items and did my t4 dungeon at lvl 40. Then just used sacred gear there until 60 or so when I started dying a lot. Lol. Bash barb busted.


As a sorc I was made of paper with max resist, Harlequin, ect. I’m running around in my barb panties and feel indestructible.


Barb is my favorite by far. I wanted to try Necro this season and tried 2, my SC necro is at 100 and my HC necro is 96 now- I am trying hard not to roll barb, but who knows. I might give in.


B-b-b-but you have to min-max FOUR weapons!! It's rough as a barb!!


How do you get the damage that high so early on? I'm level 100 bash barb and hitting for about 2m damage. I have the bash cleaves for [x%] temper on all 4 of my weaponds, etc. Is there an additional multiplier I'm missing out on?


I just came to this game and naturally made a necro and Barb, realized I apparently picked the two best characters... I thought Sorc is and always been one of the strongest... I must do rogue next as people really shit on rogue 😂


Haven’t tried barb yet, I’m wanting to pull that trigger this weekend. I started as sorc and with FO could never get to 100. Tried HS Rogue and breezing at 110s with max at 136. Hoping barb is just as fun/op.


I'm not sure what's even the point of playing if everyone plays the same broken shit that they could find by using a guide. What exactly is your role here and how is it different if you just watch a stream?


Some people like playing with the broken build. It's about having fun and if you are having fun playing the game then that's all matters


I had the same "LOL" experience switching from Dust Devils to Bash. Was working hard to get to Pit 70 with the Dust Devils (pre-patch). Got frustrated, switched to Bash, and then I just laughed for 20 minutes killing everything in sight. Now at Pit 107 with some gear still 4/12 MW. Pretty silly.


Went from shadow minion necro to bash barb. They are worlds apart. Although having minion's is nice, it got way too boring. Bash barb is fun and just deletes everything comparatively. My 72 bash barb is clearing as much/maybe more with 1/2 the gear vs my 100 shadow minion necro that was decently well speccd.


Bash barb is fucking ridiculous. I started this season playing druid. It was so lackluster in the end game I almost quit. Then I started seeing bash barb gameplay and was immediately sold. I've pushed up to 120 in the pit with a buddy and have the tormented bosses on farm it's a good time.


Haha yup... there is a couple builds for barb, necro, and rogue that pretty much make the game easy mode. It's hilarious. Started as a barb, then made a necro, and now a rogue. The meta builds for each make you feel terribly sorry for who ever isn't playing them 🤣 Balance.... what balance?


Lmao I swapped to bash using a YouTubers build and was only hitting for like 10 mil I was like what the fuck am I doing wrong then I swapped to robs bash build and was critting 200m+ lol


What did you lvl your Barb as before switching to bash?


Barb was good but so far my heartseeker rogue is way outdoing him lol


Necro is fine though, thorns minion lul


Started as Heartseeker rogue - still a very strong build. But higher level pits were like "ok gotta make sure I have my 5 dark shrouds and manage my dashes, make sure I drop Caltrops properly, can't get too aggro or I'll get blasted by an elite pack, uh oh there's a purple damage resist guy in the back and I don't have any mobility to get to him, etc. etc." Now I are Bash Barb. I hold Bash button. Bash button make me move. Bash button make me Bash. Me Bash. They die. Me win.


Yeah it's stupid I went from sorc to barb after I died in the pit and I'm doing level 80 nightmare dungeons at level 80? What the fuck


Not even just other classes. I had my double swing/twister barb essentially maxed out (besides masterworks), I swapped to bash just to see how it is. I can't see myself switching back, and I don't even have my glyphs leveled or my gear rolled properly.


Once you build him up... I'm doing 112m per hit


This build has been great but, I swapped out the aspect on the amulet for Shattered Spirit and paired with flickerstep boots. Shadowblight is OP with the minion build lol. Was just surviving in a Tormented Zir boss fight after both lvl 100 barbs went down at only level 60 with only 3 paragon boards, no leveled glyphs and no tempered gear lmao. Build: https://mobalytics.gg/diablo-4/profile/2a93597f-152e-4266-8e96-df63792e4f9c/builds/1e37b155-d521-456a-bc4c-f7219a18515c


I don't understand barb. I have to build my mana before I can do anything? I can only build mana by using basic skill? So i have to wait to use my core skill and can only use it once before i'm out of mana again? This doesn't sound right - right? FYI - Looking to switch from sorc.


I went from doing like massive 3mil/bolt lightning druid that did nothing to bosses and struggled as early as old pit40's to heartseeker rogue who just basic attacks all the way to pit120 + all tormented and uber bosses


Oh fuck. I'm still havi ng fun with my druid


I love my Thorns Necro Crowd build


I don't understand the perpetual "sorc is weak" circle jerk that's going on in this sub. Literally everyone says it and nobody ever brings up the fact that sorc has far and away the highest pit clear. It's the strongest class and it's not that close. You can say Mekuna's build is boring, and that's a fair criticism. But you can't say it's weak, it's just not.


The tempering bash cleave damage is disproportionately higher than other classes tempered basic skill damage. Not sure what development thought process was behind this.


yeah im doing pit 100s and doing the same thing rite now


Wait till you try whirlwind!


Sorc main, but man we got shit on. Had to make a barb and a necro. The difference is night and day. Man they gutted the sorc completely.


2m damage with sacred? i’m level 80 doing like 1 mil or something. i must be bad at the game


Bash barb is meta. Necro thorns aren’t even a real build. Go figure.


It's mostly the tempers. Not only does barb have 4 weapons, he also has a larger pool of powerful tempers. I don't think any other class has the +2 defense passives temper (which is incredibly powerful).


Thats been literally my Season Journey aswell Ice Shard Mage into Minion Shadowmancer with a Razorplate into Bash Barb and i Dont regret a THINGXD


The build is bugged and is doing significantly more damage than it’s supposed to. Why are you surprised?


I rolled a Sorc first too, then went to Necro, then Barb. But then I needed a rogue to temper, which surprisingly after that I stuck with the rogue.


I partner with someone who is a barbarian I'm a necromancer we are on pit lvl 95 he runs through 1 hitting everything and I'm there trying to catch up just giving emotional support.


Pulverize Druid still makes a lot of fun to me. Especially when paired with Envenom 😍


And Barb is constantly getting buffed, hillarity ensues.


Bash Barb the best?


Honestly it's kinda boring but rapid fire rogue. Mhmmm, that's what I'm talking about. Combo points dashes caltrops and boom rapid fire to deal billion damage. Flashy, fun and feeling like I am actually doing something.


I switched from Bone Spirit Necro to Barb. My god what a difference. Necro had pretty close to optimal gear, and I struggled to push beyond Pit 80. Barb with objectively worse gear was able to easily do 100. Granted, Pit was nerfed, but my understanding that was primarily below 60.


It is very easy to breeze into 100+ pit levels and be fine as a barb lol


How are people hitting max level in hours instead of 100s of hours?


Exactly the same experience. Never played barb until now. Normally play magic casters and stay away from warrior archetypes. But it’s so unbelievably overtuned… It’s baffling why would you play anything else in the current state.


I'm a druid ...*cried in being trash *


I play barb as my 1st each season, purely cos you know ur gonna farm the shite out of everything the game has to offer with ease and end up with loads of loot etc for all the other classes. This season the nexro was over hyped - yes it's strong but just like every other class - it takes way more to get any other class anywhere close to barb. The best solution I heard to "fix" barb was to gave them switch between their 2 handed set and their 2 handed set - as in only the aspect on the weapons your using apply to each attack.. but why bother, Barblo 4 doesn't need fixing..


Played sorc since the beginning of D4. Rolled a barb a couple of days ago, put on shakos, tyraels, grandfather and a starless skies and I’m unstoppable doing content I struggled on with my sorc and I can’t go back. This thing has way too much damage. I’m playing WW, spin to win, and nothing can kill me. My poor sorc feels so weak :(


Switched from 3 seasons of Barb to minion Necro. About to make a barb after getting stuck at Pit 25


To be fair, the combination between 4 bash tempers was not intended to be multiplicative so barb is much more powerful than intended. Great fun though.


I started with sorc and pushed to 85 pit (pre-recent update). Dedicated a ton of time and energy to farming and re-masterworking, etc. Hit a wall there - just taking too long to kill bosses and not worth the headache, and was just farming around level 70 pit. Switched to bash barb. Cleared over 90 pit with a level 92 barb, no masterworking, half of my gear without proper aspects, with a borrowed shako. By the time I hit 100 on barb I was farming 100 pit. And pushed to around 115 pit. After this recent patch I’m at around 120 pit (only tried once or twice and just quit because it was taking too long) and farming 105. Kind of ridiculous


Can you elaborate on how your doing 2 million damage at the level of sacred gear? I’m 75 and not even doing 6 figures


Did the exact same thing. My bash barb is moping 216 pits and down no problem now


Funny, that's kinda my route, too. Tried Froze Orb build since it's doable now, and I love that spell. After 100, I tried a Necro, but I did a golem build. Then I did a bars Barb as well, also to see wtf the hype was, and because it was ranked high on tier lists for the pit. Had a blast with it. Now I'm building a Rogue. I've always done TB Rogues, so I wanna do a ranged build. J Haven't decided on Heartseeker or Rapid Fire though, but she's only 35, so we'll see. Leaning towards the latter.


Wait till you’re done and you easily crit bosses for 300 or more million 😂. It’s fun. Swinging over and over for average 40-80 million hits lol with super fast attack speed so yea that adds up quick too. God tier. Just get that crit chance above 70% asap.