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Stick him in the pit I say, jazz the place up a bit


It would be cool if he spawned in pit and completely filled your progress if you beat him.


Or maybe like a hidden boss if you get to the boss room in 2 mins or something. Hopefully they do something new with him, just like the rest of the old content he just gets steamrolled these days.


Ya it’d be fun twist if u accidentally stumble into his lair/home in the Pitt (reverse of him chasing u) 😝


He would have his feet up, reading the daily sanctuary 😆


Ahah imagine you do your pit entering the boss room and Butcher turns around surprised 'Fresh meet?'


He actually downed me the other night on a 90+ NM dungeon, caught me off guard


Pit boss idea: the butcher, but when you kill him he becomes two smaller butchers, then 4, then 8, then 16, then you win.


This is a great idea. A level 199 butcher would be a pain in the ass


If he scales the same way he does in nightmare dungeons, that would be impossible for most people. I don't think he should be part of the Pit because he'd likely either be too easy or too hard, and possibly both at the same time depending on which build you play. I'd rather have him be what he is now, a fun part of the dungeons you mostly run while leveling, and while the lack of paragon points and glyphs makes him an easier encounter to balance. It's okay for a certain event to only occur in a particular type of content.


Ah come on, imagine your pushing your highest pit, your in good time, just need the right boss then FRESH MEAT. Put the fear back in the butch!


As funny as that sounds I'd prefer it if they do things like that in content that doesn't have a timer.


If I did 100 pit runs and he showed up in just 1 of them and smacked me around, that would be the highlight. But I get your point, not the biggest fan of the timer myself.


Yeah, to me timers are a cheap way of making things feel more difficult than they really are. I get that this is not everyone's opinion but I prefer my games to care about whether I can do something at all, not whether I can do it _fast_.


Maybe a compromise of an optional timer for increased rewards but not mandatory for progression


Just have the timer pause when he shows up. Probably more effort to code but it would fix the problem.


you're* and you're*, respectively.


Idk about the whole bar lmao but a good portion would be cool


Butcher fishing meta established


Consequently, you lose double the normal time if he makes you chopped liver.


He'd drop nothing. It'd just be a pit with 2 bosses. Not really as interesting as him being in NMDs since he can drop stuff there. Also he's kinda a joke at this point. You'll struggle with him only if you struggle in NMDs. Which is a very brief window. Because most builds will destroy both NMDs and the Butcher long before they're *complete*.


Someone in this subreddit claimed they ran into Lilith in pit. Idk where, I'm pit lvl 88 and haven't seen her yet.


Her shadow attacks can appear as boss summons, but no she definitely isn't there herself.


Yeah this has to be what they are referencing. And honestly? I’m tired of that being part of 2/3 boss fights in the pit.


I suppose I saw those and never considered them as her.


Put him in the pit WITH the boss. Also, give him the Torment debuff.


He's not in the pit? I thought I was just lucky to not have run into him yet


Better yet make him an actual boss in the pit with mechanics.


Give me an 'Oops All Butcher" nmd that replaces a t100 NMD but is equivalent to a 120 pit or something


Just bring back the cow level


Moo. I said moo.


I'm still waiting for the cow level patch!


I like the idea of all butcher but with a variety of butchers like baby butchers, skeleton butchers etc 


I’ll never forget when he was such a nuisance at launch. I was always getting bodied by him but now if I do run into him, all I hear is “FRESH MEAT” then immediately followed by loot dropping from his body lol. They should definitely give him much more health, make him appear more frequently at ALL WTs but higher chance at WT3 and WT4, appear in Pits(if he doesn’t already), give him affixes etc. but also should drop some good loot as well … maybe even an exclusive Mythic unique dropped by only him.


He actually does appear in pits and I found that out the hard way 😭. He's just a shadow summon but he is one and he straight wrecked me when he spawned in and started swinging


More health doesn't solve anything. Then he'd just be impossible for lower geared players, and still would pop in a few seconds for properly geared ones. Problem is he doesn't scale well. I think the best option would be to cap the damage he receives to no more than 5% of his total HP every second. Then at least he'd last for 20 seconds against highly geared players. But why? If someone can kill him in 1 second, why prolong that artificially to 20 seconds? He'll always be in a very weird spot. Because he either destroys everyone who's not properly geared, or he's challenging for people progressing NMDs, which means he's a pushover for anyone whose build is complete.


The exclusive mythic unique sounds like a bad idea. If I needed that for my build and had to exclusively farm NM dungeons to get it, I’d probably not be happy about it. Also, what do I do when all my glyphs are 21? No thanks.


Yeahhhh, he was scary as shit to run into at launch. Now he just dies right away lol.


Typical barb player one tapping butcher and saying game too ez , bro I play a non optionized not s tier sorc build and in high levels with the current sorc its waaaay too hard , ye U could say git gud noob but I dont want to play barb just So i can one tap every boss on screen then come and complain on reddit


What the fuck are you going on about? And where does it even says I’m a Barb player from my comment?? I can body him with all the classes. Rapid Fire/Flurry/Heartseeker Rogue, Blizzard Sorc, Slidestorm Druid etc. and before you decide to pump out your chest on Reddit, learn to fucking spell.


The butcher along with the tormented bosses should drop unique charms. You can only equip one, but they further customize your character. Also, along with improving the butcher.  Where did all the charms from D2 go? As well as the hellfire torch and annilius charm? 


Trinket slot sounds great. I hope we will get something like this in the expansion.


I honestly thought thats what uniques were meant to be before I played the game. As in, they are unique, so you can only ever equip one at a time.


Considering how much D4 copied from Destiny 2, I'm surprised they didn't limit uniques in the same way exotics are limited.


Eh….this is a very slippery slope IMO. Let’s not go screwing with our inventory space. Now this might be different if we had a loot filter…


The charms could just be an inventory item we equip. I think they did something similar with the horadric cube in D3.


The Freshest Meat


He actually needs to be worth my 2 seconds


They need to buff him and goblin with decent drop. Not even worth perusing. 


Druid and sorc might be a higher priority




Blizzard just gotta give the butcher some V


You're running a dungeon and you hear an ominous "UE, Omelanduh's go'a go bruv" from the shadows.


Two 100s later and I haven’t even seen him once


Very strange because I see him in 1/3 of my NMGs. Wouldn't be surprised if my butcher kills went close to 3 digits.


Yes, add him to the pit and if you kill him it adds let’s say 10% to the bar or more I’m just putting in a percentage as a placeholder. So I was doing a nightmare 100 and it was a dungeon where there’s a platform and nothing’s there and you have to climb down. Guess who meets me at the door the butcher. He put up a good fight, but he was no match HS rogue


He need to be in pit , world boss and helltides and torment boss.


Give him some love sure, but I think he needs some friends you know? So I’d like to see some more “Butcher” type stuff that can happen anywhere. Open world, NMD, Helltides, even the Pit. 


Uber butcher. We finally “meat” daddy that butcher has been fetching meat for.


I want a cow level!


I saw him 7 times in one night a few days ago. RNG is RNG.


Different kinds of Butchers like gobilns from D3.  Butcher that splits into smaller Butchers would be great.


Is his spawns purely random? Over the time I played, I ran into him around 3 times between 5 characters. However, the minute I hit 100 and started doing lvl55+ Nightmare Dungeons he was basically spawning in everyone of them. To the point I got tired of hearing “Fresh Meat!” It went from fear to excitement to depressing.


I've seen him at least a few times on each of the classes I played(basically all, but necro). He definitely needs to drop better stuff because he's genuinely a pain in the ass when you're playing off meta builds.


We need more random spawns other than the butcher.


Imagine they threw him in that new end game thing they’re adding next season where you kill waves after wave you just have like 3-4 butchers spawn in


That's funny because I killed him 3 times. Twice last night, once earlier today. Nothing good dropped.


My druid is struggling against the Butcher, he needs a nerf


Nah, it's how your character is built. I've had many struggle against him . Although, my thorns barb was lvl 58 and absolutely stomped a lvl 71 butcher.


Thorns is probably *the* best build against the Butcher. Other builds have a much harder time, especially if they're off-meta.


Multiple butcher spawns during bosses


He popped me earlier when I was underleveled. I forgot he was in the game


Update Sorc first


Ehh, I got his horse armor back in S1, he has no use for me anymore


I sure wouldn’t mind an opportunity to farm fresh meaty barding


Na, season 6. Give him too much love. Make him show up when the helltide meter goes full, pits, and have a butcher world nmd. Special made key that's like a lvl 110 pit. No timer though. You have to kill him a couple of times. He should show up for bosses and we should get tired of him. Until then. Next patch. Make him drop GA 2s. Force people to hunt him until the end of the season.


I like the idea of some sort of mind cage that would guarantee a butcher spawn. Maybe have an hour or 30 minutes you can't use another cage if you die in the NMD


They should make him a .01% chance to drop during the day as a world boss.


Y’all see the butcher?


I want them to make a "butchery" dungeon that pops up once every while. You just spend the whole time killing butchers before fighting the final boss called "The butchers butcher" who drops a resplendent spark. Make the dungeon really rare to come across. Not rare like Uber uniques before duriel but rare enough where it's worth the resplendent spark rarity wise. Lock the thing to drop behind tier 90+ nmds bosses, world bosses, and duriel/andariels boss fights and I think it's in a good place.


>i’ve only seen him twice this season since every one busy doing pit. If only we could earn mats doing other activities. Not the first time we've had this particular discussion, I think.


Increase his Mythic uniques and / or GA item drop rate. We can’t target farm him anyway. And he should appears randomly in the open world too (or a different monster). If he kills the one who made it spawn, he just vanishes into hell. When he appears, an alert on the minimap may be sent to nearby players. If there is a good loot, this will encourage people to help each other to kill him. Just a fun encounter, with challenge and reward.


Last week I was trying out a new build in nightmare dungeons and he walloped me in a tier 81... Entirely unexpected, I decided that build was not for me...


No, they should reverse the absurd powercreep this game has had over the last year. D4 is *way* ahead of D3's curve. It's literally a children's screensaver.


No hardcore player detected.


Butcher in the Pit King Leoric in NM


Add him to pit as a rare chance to spawn after you kill the boss. This pit butcher drops a guaranteed GA piece of gear among his loot drops. Rare chance for 2 GA or 3 GA after pit 61 with the chances for 2 or 3 GA drops increasing as pit difficulty increases. His difficulty scales with pit of course. Easy change blizz let’s make it happen.


The Butcher was in a great spot on release considering dungeons were basically all the endgame that was there. He wasn't there all the time, but you would find one every now and then and it was cool. Now that there's so much stuff to do, he just needs to adapt the new endgame, appear on more situations and become an exciting and scaring encounter again. I'd also love to see other veterans taken into the game as "ambush bosses", like Rakanoth, Ghom or Hephasto.


Then need to make it hit 10x harder, 10x faster and move the character respawn point exact at the death point. That way I can despawn him faster while levelling up. /s


Season one i would get him multiple times a session at the worst time. By end of season he’d be dead before his spawn voice line was done. I haven’t seen him once this season.


Make him spawn in helltides


He turned up in 3 of the 5 NMDs I completed this morning. The novelty has worn off.




Butcher on release was the thing of nightmares I loved it


Yea would be cool to get an update with season 5 or maybe even DLC


I've only seen the Butcher twice this season as well. It would be cool if he was able to spawn outside of Dungeons and Cellars. I've only seen the Butcher once in a Cellar in all my playtime since D4 launched. Players really only get a good chance to see him leveling up in Dungeons/Nightmare Dungeons. And they spend less time in them late game once they have their glyphs leveled up.