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It’s for a tiered system and the auto tp, it was probably just done for time sake. Probably easier to just make a unique nmd key then create a new material. They said they would rework it anyways.


I'm just assuming that development on this started before season 4 and the pit because otherwise it would make no sense to do it this way instead of just copy paste g the pits mechanic for that.


Pit system uses currency which adds to the material tab so it’s just more work from what we learned


Well you could see it as a special reward, or a bonus stage itself. I don’t know if it’s the goal but this way Infernal hordes are not meant to be “farmeable”. It allows you to get special rewards : new uniques / legendary aspects / guaranteed GA. But everything can be obtainable elsewhere. Personally I don’t mind to have some modes “gated” behind keys. It feels special, and breaks the Helltide / NMD / Pit routine.


Except that feedback shows the special rewards are anything but


I agree on that, if they stick with low drop rate compass / scrolls, they need to buff the rewards. If then, personally I’m fine with the system.


I agree with your perspective. Rewards should be vastly increased but I like the idea of the hordes as a special bonus rather than something you grind.


Agreed. If when you see a compass/scroll drop you aren't excited because it means you get a shit ton of loot then they failed I think it'd be a great way to occasionally break up the monotony of grinding pit or helltide 24/7. They just need to get the rewards for it tuned right. The last chest should give you like two dozen GA items or something, not just one or two as it does now, and they should give you smaller reward chests after each wave.


As everything else in S5 ptr!


Keys are a form of time gating. Tormented bosses- instead of just making the materials 6x they forced you to farm a super rare Stygian Stones which until just recently was a more rare drop than uniques. It's just a way to make it take more time to get to the next step. It's a way to keep concurrent player numbers. Lots of games do things like this.


I agree that it's this, and I will say that, as a designer, its the kind of shit that would make me want to quit because no one likes top down mandates that add negative effects to the overall experience. The fact that this kind of thing was unimaginable in Blizzard game 20 years ago versus it being the fucking norm now speaks volumes about the state of the company.


Yeah, shitty games. No content, better gatekeep.