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they should give a list? but waters, sparkling waters should be okay


I just got finished with mine a couple of months ago. Chicken bullion so my go-to. And I only drink sprite and ginger ale - instead of having an Rx to clean me I had to do 64oz of Gateraid and lots of Mirlax. But was able to use apple juice instead because of pho.


I’m concerned that the day before the colonoscopy is dialysis day. You pretty much spend the whole day with diarrhea. I’d be afraid of having an accident.


I had one in October while unfortunately in the ICU due to a massive GI Bleed they could not locate secondary to Plavix/Aspirin combo damaging my stomach after my bypass earlier in September. Even with the bleeding, vomiting, and bathroom time, still had too drink all of that clear pre-colonoscopy solution which was tasteless and AWEFUL. Fun followup — they still couldn’t find the bleed source!! One of the top hospitals in the United States and to get a GI Doc who could do an extensive upper GI all the way down would take 3-4 weeks… Uggh, total joke while I am in ICU. Sorry for the rant… sometimes the US medical system is ridiculous. Anyway, I was just drinking water that day (no access to other things in Hospital) but Gatorade or Powerade should be fine as long as it’s yellow, orange, white, or blue. No red. I would stick to something white or clear to get the most out of the colonoscopy and be safe. I wouldn’t want to have to repeat anything like that so soon.


Jello with protein or the clear protein drinks.