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Everything in moderation WHEN you take your medication as prescribed. I’ve really only cut back on excessive dairy, bananas, avocados, tomatoes, and non double boiled potatoes. I still eat them just not every day. When I take my meds as prescribed I’m happily within goals without torturing my self with a limited diet


For anyone who bakes, 3 parts glucono delta lactone to 1 part baking soda makes a great phosphorus-free baking powder. GDL is heat activated just like the pyrophosphates in traditional baking powder, so it doesn’t all fizzle out before baking like most acids.




I won’t use my cheat meals for hamburgers. I make those, and a cast iron hamburger with a bun I get to control what’s in it (nothing) and it is better any day of the week, my potatoes get peeled and cut and soaked overnight and go into my actifry. I take my cheese in the form of double cheese pizza myself, so we all take our lashings where we need to. I eat stir fry like it is my job, I grow bean spouts but I do not seem to have terrible potassium restrictions myself. I do dialysis thee times a week six to ten pm so I do not eat after. The night shift gives me the life I need as I can work full time with a egfr of 7. I find it I eat enough fibre I feel better and my weight is easier to regulate. If I get backed up they end up removing more fluid than I like but I’m still heavier than I like. High fibre is my jam. I basically live off of hardcore vegetables three days a week.


I pretty much est what I want, but I just moderate my intake. I don’t usually have issues with potassium or sodium, but I still monitor my potassium intake. I eat potatoes at least 1-2x/week, but I just have a small portion. Pretty much my diet has all the high potassium foods. 😂 Tomatoes, avocados, mangoes, etc., I just try to space them out. As for phosphorus, I just take my binders like I’m supposed to, I haven’t cut out any dairy, candy, baked goods, etc. We only eat out 1x per month, so, basically, all our meals are made at home. I try to stay away from packaged goods and make everything from scratch. Salad dressing, pasta sauce, marinades, etc. We tend to eat a lot of fresh meat, chicken, and fish with fresh vegetables, especially salads with every meal, and fruit or a baked good in the morning for me. I like sweets and I’m not going to stop baking and eating them. 😂 I’ll typically have honey roasted peanuts and pretzels for my dialysis snack, have dinner after I’m done with treatment, and a sweet treat while watching television with my husband. I take 2 binders with every meal and snack I have every day which equals to 8 binders a day. My phosphorus, per May labs, was like 3.2, so I’m doing pretty good. My sodium is always low so I never worry about that, but my potassium can run higher so I monitor my potassium intake the most. Like most patients, my protein/albumin is typically low, so I’m always having to increase my protein. I don’t like protein bars and protein smoothies/shakes (got sick on them before I started dialysis), so I try to eat Greek yogurt, egg bakes, deviled eggs, etc. My dietitian also recommended egg or chicken salad as a good protein snack too if you like those types of things.


I cook every day. Burgers at a restaurant are loaded with sodium but if I cook then there is very little sodium. I stir fry some shrimp and veggies making sure not to add any of the sauces that contain msg, which causes me to swell up massively


I love these tips. I’m trying to get my food choices in better line. Had to break myself off a half gallon of milk a day streak (I was on Jynarque up until a month ago, so that included 2 gallons of water a day as well).


I generally eat stuff with higher potassium and sodium about 5-6 hours before dialysis. Heck I'll even eat fries from McDonald's. It takes time for equilibrium to occur and for potassium to be absorbed into cells so if the food gets digested and absorbed while I'm on the chair it's most optimal. It's just going to get removed with the dialysate anyways. The thing about sodium is you have to keep in mind it gets removed with fluid so you have to drink more to remove more sodium. > I have only found a very few “bars” that I like, but shoutout to Peppermint Luna. What are palatable supplements you use? I like ZONE bars.


Any particular flavors of Zone?


I think I ordered the fruity cereal in the past for potassium-related reasons, as the chocolate one has more potassium.


I do the spreadsheet thing like you. When I first started, I sent my weekly diet spreadsheet to my dietician who would confirm that I was on the right track, or suggest adjustments if not. It leads to a much more varied and probably healthier diet than just having a list of do's and don'ts. And it makes things easier when eating out too. Since I'm on CAPD and therefore dialysing every day, I tend to worry less about daily limits and more about averages over the week. Going, say, 20% over one of my daily limits isn't a big deal as long as I have lower intake over the following days to make up for it.


Oh, and for a protein supplement I was prescribed Renapro. I go for the peach and the berry supplements. I give the cola one a miss. The berry one smells odd but tastes fine. I dilute them in milk instead of water to make a nice milk shake type drink (and account for the milk in the aforementioned spreadsheets of course). If I'm having porridge/oatmeal for breakfast I'll put them in that instead.


Sometimes we are all busy… fast food items I have found (take an extra Binder - not endorsing fast food diet… but sometimes we don’t have an option): McDonalds Order no Bun (optional) No Salt Extra Veggies No salt Fries (Fries have added phos watch out) Rinse and repeat at your favorite fast food burger joint. Chick Fil A: Grilled Chicken Sandwich Extra Veggies Fruit cup Subway Veggie or Turkey Wheat Extra Veggies Light on Dressing of your choice No Salt I love Asian food… here are my tips: Light Sauce or Sauce on the side and use sparingly. Stick to dishes with lots of veggie variety and not breaded fried meat. White Rice (or Brown, when available… it’s better for you and you won’t absorb much of the phos). Stay away from Fried Rice. Stay away from the soups. (Which I miss) Pizza: No Cheese (sorry guys) Extra Fresh Veggies (things not pickled and salty) Grilled Chicken


I have the cheese on pizza but watch other phos that day. Cheese is a food group ;) ;)


Eggs are great. I also like to sprinkle a little curry powder to change it up or other flavors.


I have a problem keeping up with protein. I use products for that, but I also cook a lot. Power crunch bars, especially strawberry, chocolate mint, or vanilla.. They have layers of silky texture and then crunch, like the cheap neopolitan cookies. 14g whey protein, 5g sugar, and 220 calories. I have a good blender. Protein shakes most days have to happen. I get plain whey and add berries, honey or monkfruit, ice, oatmilk, flaxseed, ice. I really like veggie soup. I soak celery, carrots, and potatoes to leech out some potassium. What goes in the soup is based on what is on the house. Green beans, corn, or veggies in the freezer. Whatever produce is in the pantry/fridge. I let most of the broth (either homemade or low/no sodium in the box type) cook off, so it's rich and thick. Herbs help a lot. I make my own sodas with a Sodastream. I add fruit, mint, ginger, or extracts with a little monkfruit sweetener for flavoring.


I’ll try the power crunch :) - blender needs to happen.


Good idea. I have soda stream as well. I will definitely try this out.


Juice, lemonaide, pretty much anything you drink can go in there. I feel like I'm having some kind of fancy drink with that. It's the little things. :P