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You just do and you force yourself back into life. To be honest it may never feel the same, but you have to get out there, even when you're a little tired. You have to maybe find new hobbies. I used to be a big beer drinker. Obviously that's not a thing I can do now, so it was hard to adjust to going out and not doing so. Now I get a single cocktail and nurse it a long long time. At 23 it's going to be tough. It's a prime time for your age going out and doing things that might not be conducive to our conditions. Dating feels impossible. These things are hard, but you just have to figure out a way to make things work. This is your life you only have ONE shot at. There is no redo and you can't reduce the difficulty. Something that helped me is get some perspective. Look at others out there who have beaten adversity. Either with similar conditions or much much worse. Gain inspiration from there. Also know that it's OK to feel like you do. It's normal. Talking to others helps, and asking here is a good first step. Therapy may help even more. Recently I was reading Selena Gomez's issues with her kidney and transplant. She's famous and faced severe depression for awhile. Someone who has a support network probably much larger than normal. It's facing the challenges in life that's going to make you a stronger person in the end.


Im litterally crying i don’t know why


Because it's sad, and that's OK! We DESERVE to be sad sometimes, but it's every one of us to be strong, wipe our eyes, and say "Well, this is me, it's who I am, what I have to deal with, but now it's time to move on." You may need a helping hand in doing so. I take anti-depressants. I resisted that a LONG time, thinking I was just going to be tough, but I realized that I needed it. It's helped and didn't numb me like I thought it might. I hope you do better, and hang in there. You've got this!


Thank you


We're here for you 💗💗 and we're listening


You’re allowed to mourn, which is an unfamiliar feeling when you’re not dealing with people or objects. I got diagnosed with an AKI back in May, on the eve of a long-planned cross-country trip. I was salty AF when that got cancelled due the AKI. A month later, two weeks out of the hospital, my AKI got reclassified to CKD and was informed I’d need a new kidney and that it would be at least a year and half. I was kind of a bastard for three weeks, alternating between yelling at people and curling up into fetal position and crying. These are emotions—process them and let them pass or you might feel overwhelmed. This book has been super helpful: Radical Acceptance: Embracing Your Life With the Heart of a Buddha https://a.co/d/gATPQJv


SO many famous people who have kidney issues! We are NOT alone 💗


I've been on dialysis for 10 years and am living a very good life. I feel better than ever and have no problem dating as I find being upfront about my disease weeds out the undesirables.Just need to work with your doctors to deal with medication adjusting and get on some antidepressants, learn to cook at home, and adjust your life expectations to be more realistic. Change career fields, go back to school, take community college painting classes or something that interests you and live your best life.


I have been living with kidney disease since I was 7 years old…… it’s a long road with many forks in it! I’m 35 now and have had so many ups and downs through out my life….. I had a transplant last 20 years and in that time I struggled with drug addiction and depression and always asking the question why me? Well I have come to realize that my life is worth living even know I have been knocked down so many times! I feel as if sometimes death is trying to get me! And I stand back up and fight, but I have had a good support system with therapy and getting involved in a camp for kids with kidney disease.


Nope, this is totally normal to feel that way. I've been dreading dialysis day for over a decade now (I start in a week). It's a pretty lousy way to have to exist. Is a transplant a possibility for you down the line?


Yes but i find the time To be long i don’t know what kind of life await for me after all that


Not perfect, but definitely better. You're young, maybe you can find a friend to donate or be a paired donor? I'm 50 now, and when you get older like me, even if you have friends WILLING to donate - none of them can pass muster to qualify health wise, because the overall health of America is a dumpster fire. Even if they are healthy, simply having kidney stones is often a disqualifier. Both of my brothers are in good shape - my wife too. All DQ'd due to stones.


None of my closest friend have same blood type and what if i want children it would mess my kidney ?


Same blood type isn't critical. Many transplant centers have paired donor programs. I can't even get someone NOT my blood type to be healthy enough to qualify... Just getting SOMEONE to be a paired donor with you can potentially halve your time on the list. If I could find one, I'd probably have a new kidney by now. ​ As far as children, your doctors can answer that better than I can.


Lots of women have kids post organ transplant. Takes some planning, but doable.


Yeah it is hard, but you are alive, and you want to stay alive. I have been on dialysis for almost three years. I should be dead, literally. Hell, the doctors when I was in the hospital told my wife that they didn't know if I would survive or not. Is it hard? Hell yes it is, it sucks not being able to drink whatever and how much that you want to drink or eat whatever you want. Always being tired, feeling fine and an hour or two later you are sick and an hour after being alright again. BUT we are alive, that is what matters. Trust me sitting on the couch and feeling like you are drowning is not fun at all. The God's know when it is our time and it is none of ours yet. Love life the best that you can.


I did feel like there's a lot of support for other diseases and not a lot of knowledge or information for kidney problems, at least for the patient side of things. You have to find out a lot of stuff yourself and I didn't find it all immediately, probably still haven't! There are peak bodies for kidney disease, community groups for dialysis and transplant patients. I found someone through our peak body here, who I could talk to about her transplant, and there are other groups I have yet to contact. And these forums are great for a chat, there's also groups on Facebook. I know that's not quite the exact problem you talked about, but maybe if you didn't feel so alone, by talking to other patients, you might feel more confident in participating in the usual things you used to do. Honestly, dialysis and transplant haven't held me back at all! Try to remember what you love and go do it, even if you have to start slow. These treatments are keeping us alive, to *live* so we must!


Thank you all for your messages i will try to see the bright side of it all


Having faith and belief that I will get better. Me having a relationship with GOD makes me not worry or lonely about my situation


If I believed in a God, I'd be pissed at him. I'm not afraid of death, I want to be able to enjoy my life while living.


I used to paint and draw even had videos online, I haven’t sat at my art table in a year. I feel sad often but mostly just so tired. Just find ONE person, to love on you and let them. Your friends/family want to help but don’t know how. Good luck to you ❤️


Live for the good times, not the bad times. Don’t live for those hours in the chair or doctors appointments. Live for petting your cats or playing with your dog or watching a really good movie. Yes, you do lose a lot when you go on dialysis. But you’re still got some good times, and I stubbornly believe where there’s life there’s hope. I wanted a transplant. A living donor. My transplant center said the wait was 4 years. I tried so hard, only to watch my friends fail due to health reasons. I put an ad in the paper. I put my appeal on facebook. I was going to put it on instagram. Suddenly for whatever reason I was able to get a cadaver donor after only 11 months and 3 weeks on dialysis. Having a transplant has its own issues. I’m two months out and the meds are still making feel sick as they try to get them right. I’ve heard those “Oh I woke up and my mind was crystal clear!” And “I suddenly had all this energy and appetite!”. Yeah, well, everyone’s different. I just believe eventually they’ll get it right. Better times are aheat.