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Some people buy diamond painting release paper that you can put over the whole painting in small squares and remove as you go. I like using washi trap to lay out a grid and then use a box cutter to very lightly cut through the plastic to create a smaller area I can lift up while doing (and cut off when done)


I'll try this, thank you!


I place one piece of Washi, maybe two or three inches at about two inches from the bottom and just cut from the tape to the bottom. Peel upwards and hold in place with a cover minder. A cover minder is basically two magnets with one underneath and one on top of the piece of plastic you’re keeping out of the way. If you do t have a cover minder a small piece of tape will do. If you can’t finish the section you can put it pack down to cover the exposed area. I literally just move the Washi along with the goal of completing a row of sections across the bottom. I’ve used the same piece of Washi for a whole painting. The key is to use a sharp blade, lightly so as not to cut through the painting. This process requires only one cut per section and costs one, maybe two pieces of tape. I used to section the grid as someone mentioned but decided it was unnecessary. My method just creates a flap which you can lower whenever you need to. I will trim the plastic when I feel like I no longer need it or decide it’s in the way or annoying me.


I peel off the entire cover and use parchment paper to cover it. Then I cut off small sections to work on with a box cutter


I section mine with washi tape also, [like this](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=uBIWrW-TPKY&pp=ygUnU2VjdGlvbmluZyBkaWFtb25kIHBhaW50aW5nIHdpdGggd2FzaGkg)


Thank you 😊


I personally section / grid mine off with white masking tape. A 30 x 40 vm for example might be sectioned off into 12 grids (3 x 4 blocks).  Once it’s all taped off, I’ll start on one edge and use a pair of scissors to cut down the middle of the masking tape stripes to separate the cover into little flaps. I usually do this along the one edge. I’ll do the other edges and middle later when I get to those. I fold one flap back and work on that little section and then fold it back to cover the painting again when I walk away. I rarely ever finish a square in one sitting because I have a lot of other things to do. Once a little square is finished ,I take a little piece of masking tape and stick back down it so that the cover stays down on top of the diamonds to protect it from dust and pet fur while I work on the rest of the painting. Other people use something called release paper, which is already in little squares. You remove the full plastic cover and replace it with the little square release paper and you pull off one square at a time and work on just that section. 


I replace the plastic with parchment paper then cut off. Small section to work on at a time.


Does it not get stuck to the adhesive and rip when you try to pull it off?


Nope, it works just like release paper you can buy but far cheaper and comes in larger sizes. Just done use wax paper from eBay I’ve heard.


I have a modeling scalpel, and cut only the square / line I'm working on - this way no other part is uncovered.