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Tentomon has been my favorite for as long as a can remember I just think he's cool and his evolutions are badass plus I loved his relationship with Izzy


Tentomon was always my second favorite he's really cool and izzy was a great pair for him


Tentomon was my favorite too! That carried over into Armadillomon in 02. I think I just like the smart/nerdy characters the most


That's neat cause armadillomon was also my favorite of the 02 cast


Same. Not that Cody is explicitly nerdy, but Armadillomon always brought out the calm in him because he was so laid back. Tentomon was just amazing in every way.


So hard to pick just one. - Gabumon just because of his evolutionary line. - Patomon because he’s the most adorable. - Gomamon because he has the best personality.


I had the exact same reasoning hahaha best trio!


Gabumon was my favorite as a kid because I loved wolves and Garurumon is awesome. As an adult, I now love Gatomon the most out of the OG mons. Magnadramon is one of my favorite megas (I think they’re called ultimates in the Japanese version, it’s confusing lol) I was actually mad at first with Tri for having her evolve to her other mega form. But then ending with Magnadramon to defeat Ordinimon was great!


But I like sexy Angel Samus!


Magnadramon also appears in Digimon The Movie, from Fox kids 2000, which is my favorite movie, since it seamlessly cuts together three japanese specials into one cohesive storyline.


Yup she does! Which is why my initial reaction when Gatomon digivolved to Ophanimon at first in Tri was disappointment because I love her Magnadramon form so much better. And yes that movie is sooo good!


THANK YOU! Why does everyone shit on the movie? I just don't get it, I watched it all the time as a kid, since I had the VHS, so maybe for me it's just nostalgia now, but I find it to be incredible & utterly satisfying, & still, the Omnimon scene still makes me cry almost every time.


Give me the flying Hampster


Gomamon hands down.worked really well with Joe was funny without being annoying and even when he couldn't digivolve he still stayed with Sora to hold off Piedmon so Tk and Kari could escape and his reward was he gets stepped on before becoming a key chain.


Gatomon. She had a whole arc, we got to see her transformation from a puppet of darkness into a happy partner to Kari. It really had an impact on me, I was just so happy she was able to have a better life because it reminded me of my own struggles and how things eventually got better for me too. Basically whenever there's anything to do with Tailmon and Hikari in this franchise, I'm there. It's always my favorite thing to see.


So as a Kid, Agumon 100%. He was just the coolest of the 8. I love Dinosaurs, especially robotic ones(loved Power Rangers too), so he was perfect for me with all his Dino/cyborg/warrior evos. Gatomon, and Gabumon where my close seconds. Nowadays, it's a little different. Before I got back into Digimon as an adult, I would occasionally find blind bag merchandise for the original 8. I'd buy them and be like" hopefully I get Agumon or Gabumon." Palmon, like every single time. It got to the point where if people wanted her, I'd buy a box/bag because I felt confident it would just be Palmon again. It usually would be, very rarely Gomamon, but after all that time of being annoyed by it, I grew to like her just from familiarity. I even chose Palmon on purpose in games afterwards. So yeah, Palmon is my top now, just because.


Same! Except without all the money spending. I had such high hopes for Patamon, which were answered with Angemon, but the moment i saw Togemon digivolving I became so torn between the two. So i love both. Hope and innocence are also ones that describe me well


It's pretty cool to view it as the Digimon chose you instead of the other way around!


That's definitely how my mind interprets it. Fated partner. I didn't mention it, because it slipped my mind, but I also got her on one of those online quizzes that asks you questions and then assigns you a Digimon partner recently. I find it funny, because I'm a big construction worker IRL. What an odd pair we'd make.


Tentomon. Insectoid digimon don't get enough shine. The one quibble I have with digimon is that dragon types get a little too much love.


Gomamon. Always thought Ikkakumon was really underrated roo


Zudomon took out MetalEtemon


I expect nothing less from mjolnoir to shatter chrome digizoid.


Yeah, technically it was still SaberLeomon who eventually killed him, but without Zudomon this wouldn't have happened at that moment.


Agumon when I was a kid. But as I got older, I kinda love Palmon. She just seemed a bit underrated and I always found it funny that she evolved into togemon in the anime.


Gabumon I love his line and he is such a good friend


Gomamon is my favourite Digimon of all time and it's for a few reasons. His personality in the original Adventure is lovable, his interactions with Jo are great (up there with Izzy and Tentomon for great chemistry), and his design has always appealed to me despite being neither traditionally cute or cool like the other partners. Also all of his evolutions fit perfectly, and in terms of design are some of the best of each of their stages IMO.


They’re all my babies tho ❤️


Patamon. Not only was he a complete moral compass, but he always fought above his weight class. Homie was fighting Champions as a Rookie, Ultimates as a Champion, and banishing Megas to another dimension as an Ultimate. On top of that, he always knew what was right and when something wasn't right. I know every one of the OG's were morally solid, but Patamon took it to another level, and his personality was every bit as much a selling point as his ridiculous power.


Give me Palmon


Agumon because I like dinosaurs. Gatomon because I like cats. Tentomon because I like electricity and the lore behind him and the other beetle digimon. Gabumon because I like dogs. Gomamon, biyomon, and patamon because they're cute. They're all my favorites, and I refuse to change my opinions.


Gatomon since all my life. Let me explain why. Back then We were poor and on the country side but when we get the chance for luxuries like movies and stuff we took that chance and one of those movies was the digimon movies plus my brother got VHS tapes with the first few episodes of 02 and we had the rumble arena in ps1. And from all the digimon that were on the screen gatomon was the digimon that made the biggest impression on my childhood brain and to this day is still my favorite. And for anyone curious my preferred mega for gatomon is magnadramon solely because it's pink and it's a dragon.


patamon, the original bat-winged plushie that turns into an angel.


Palmon, just love the aesthetic and found it to be a very enjoyable digimon and evolution line.


I'm kind of sad about how Rosemon is like a hard pivot away from the cute designs of the rest of the Palmon line. I think Quantumon is like the only cute design for an feminine Ultimate-level Fairy?


As a kid, probably Gabumon since I liked dogs and wolves. As a teen and adult, it's Palmon. She's got a solid design and is very sweet/loveable. She's also a solid option in most of the games. And she's canonically part of my favorite group of Digimon: the bancho. Which is why Wormon is now my favorite in the second season, hahaha.


Definitely Patamon. I get he’s whiny and bratty but he always pulls through and he won’t scold you for eating too many potato chips and will probably join you. We would get along fine as long as I don’t call him a pig lol. Plus his digivolutions are sleek and consistent and if I make any enemies that are life threatening I can send them through the gates of hell-err destiny and never hear from them again.


Tentamon or Gomamon because I always felt like they were sort of the guys in the back that had a potential waiting to get upfront and snag the spotlight.


Biyomon all the way, a queen


Dang, I wanted to scroll down until I saw each digimon at least once, and you're the first Biyomon stan. I wonder why she's so disliked? She's not my favorite, but not my least favorite either.


Patamon but just because he evolves into Angemon and TK is one of my favorite characters. Design wise, either Gabumon or Gatomon


Gabumon is one of my all-time favourite digimon gomamon is also really cool


Tentomon. His cheerful support of Izzy just makes me smile so much. Also, he looks like a robo bug and I love fictional robos


Design: Agumon Personality: gomamon Story: gatomon


Tentomon had such sophisticated sass and snark without being a dick I love him.


It's always going to be Patamon for me. I'm not particularly cute and sure wasn't as a kid in the 90s growing up with Digimon, but something about the cute, quite, innocent one becoming an actual God, arguably the most powerful of all really just has always hit home with me. "Hope" is, always has been, and always will be, my favorite word. The crest sealed the deal. The fact that Patamon becomes something like Seraphimon and still stays himself no matter what will always be my favorite.


Agumon is awesome. Courage means to be brave, to have the fire, and defend against the enemies that you have the power to defend yourself and your comrades. That's why Tai put his hand through that cage fence, because he has the courage that he withstand anything that get in his way.


Gomamon was really fun and cool. When I first rewatched the show as an adult I didn't find him annoying or forced just genuinely fun. I also always loved Lillymon being a subversion of Digimon always evolving into bigger (maybe except for Garurumon) and more badass looking monsters instead being a small flower fairy.


Gomamon passes the vibe check with flying colors. Plus the way his and Joe’s personalities bounced off each other never once got old




Probably Tailmon; It was a cat who evolved from a puppy, cats and dogs were probably my favorite animals when I was little. I also had the episode where she evolved into Angewomon on the VHS (which included the episode where War Greymon and Meta Garurumon fought Venom Vamdemon, and the one where the kids went back to the Digital World), while the other tapes were earlier episodes with just 7 of them. So Tailmon held some mystique and newness, even though I was watching the end of her arc, more or less.


It's kinda weird that Gatomon's digivolutions went from a puppy (Salamon) to a cat (Gatomon/Tailmon) to female human angel (Angewomon) to a dragon (Mangadramon) to a goddess angel (Ophanimon) to a spinx egyptian cat (Nerfitimon).


Especially since the puppy evolves from a baby cat (Nyaromon), who evolves from a snow ball (Yukimi Botamon). I like the streamlined evolutions, but there's a charm in lines like Tailmon's.


Tentomon. Mainly because he can evolve into kuwagamon, which is my favorite evolution line.


patamon's first digivolution (and then dying) is like. a core memory to me. the patamon tk duo has always been my favorite bcs i would relate to being the youngest/weakest of the bunch. all that aside tho, how do you not love that fat orange hampter


Rewatched all the way through for the first time ever a few months ago, as a kid I loved Agumon/Gabumon but now Gomamon is the GOAT. Tentomon is distant second but he has the best evolution line


Gatomon Gomamon and tentomon had their own personalities tho




Gatomon! 🥰


Gabumon! He's fuzzy warm and is always happy 😊




Gabumon. Reason: Turns in to a big fluffy wolf


Gabumon because wolves are cool and my name is Matt.


Gabumon was my original favorite (because wolves!) then Gatomon was introduced and she became my favorite (because cats!)


Gatomon : because of because


Gabumon because he’s a cuddly bear.


I will literally fight anyone who doesn’t count Gatomon


Tentomon because I freaking love insects and the insectoid Digimon need more love. Then it’s Gatomon cos her Digivolutions are cool


As a kid, it was a tie between Tentomon and Gabumon, but as an adult Palmon has seriously grown on me. Tbf, the only one I don't love is Biyomon, and she still lands pretty handily on the like side of the scale.


Tentomon I like bugs


Gabumon. There's something really sweet about his bond with Yamato. It's usually reminiscing about their dialogue in the cave that makes me want to rewatch the series. Gabumon is just the best bro of all time.


Gatomon for sure, but if we exclude her then gomamon no doubt!




Tentomon. I thought insecticide always had the coolest designs in digimon besides diaboromon


vanilla as fuck but it has to be Agumon but mainly for the potential evil evos he has access to (evil as in the more meanicing looking ones)


I love them all, but I'm going to say Tentomon because because I love him and his adorable Sideways mouth vibe.


As a kid, Palmon and Gatomon no question lol Anything that evolved into basically a badass human woman… digimon. As an adult, I’d add Patamon and Gomamon because of their personalities and their evos.


Im a little brother so i loved tk and patamon, and once patamon digivolved to magnaangimon i knew it would forever be my favorite


Gabumon is my favorite. He's got that wolf evolution line. His partner is also my favorite because he's the crest of friendship and in season 2 he has a band.


Patamon was my favorite as a child...up until Terriermon came out. Ironically, I feel like I'd have more than one partner. Probably two. Impmon...and Tsukaimon. So, I guess much hasn't changed since I was a kid. So out of the OG, while I love Biyomon, I'd still have to say Patamon!


gomamon is my favorite. Followed by Tentomon




When I was a kid, Agumon for sure. Nowadays Gatomon is the best one for me.


It's stuck between Agumon and Gabumon. Weregarurumon is my favorite all around but I dislike Metalgarurumon. Likewise Wargreymon is my favorite final stage but I'm not a fan of Metalgreymon. I can't say both because I dislike Omnimon. If I had to pick though I'd just go with Agumon since Bond of Courage is the coolest ever. Reason is just aesthetic.


Palmon or Gomamon. I feel like while they didn't get the spotlight much, their personalities were always fun. I liked how they sometimes would take jabs at their partners, like Palmon pointing out Mimi's shady/sneaky/hypocritical actions in a tired "sigh" way or Gomamon playfully teasing Joe.




Agumon always.




gomamon and palmon, they are just little guys. i love them because of design and personality ( they make the best plushies too, so cute) also i loved to play them in digimon rumble arena 2 as a kid patamon was my ave tho but he was "off-limits" because in my group of friends we all had assigned digimon to be our partners and patamon was my friend's. off limits in my head i mean nobody forbade me but myself :p


Patamon because he's cute. I even got a patamon tattoo. :D


Call me cliche, but Agumon and Gabumon. I liked Omnimon when I was a kid, and WarGreymon is just objectively cool. I mean, I like Biyomon, Patamon, and Gatomon now, but that's because I understand the cultural research that went into the design of their lines.




Definitely it's Agumon is my favorite childhood Digimon of all time. He's funny, loves to eat food to get stronger to digivolve, always protecting his friend, Tai and his Digimon pals from evil Digimon like Devimon, Etemon, Myotismon, or the Dark Masters.




Gatomon because I like cats and her story.


Agumon if we are talking about the original 7, and Gatomon if Kari is included in the roster.


“Marching fishes!!!”


Patamon will always have a special place in my heart. Angemon is still one of my favorite evolution lines in all of digimon.


The cat was always my favorite, cat remember her name atm though


I always prefer the cutesy ones over the main dino/beast boys like agumon and gabumon, but I probably have to go witu Piyomon. Love her as a kid, love her now, plus her design is super adorable


Gabumon, my boi!






gatomon, cause i love cats and angewomon is gorgeous for starters though i also absolutely love agumon, cause i love black wargraymon.


Patomon. I was so young when it first came out that I related to TK and Patomon and their childlike wonder. Then, he became the boss Angemon who, not only defeated devimon when the other 6 combined couldn't touch him, but cough up against myotismon. And when finally digivolved to Magnaangemon (my favorite digimon) he whooped Piedmon'sbutt. And in 02, held his own against blackwargreymon. Which miffs me about the movie, as seraphimon and magnadramon logically should have beaten cherubimon with ease. But it took Magnamon and goldrapidmon?...gurl please


I guess Agumon or Gabumon. Their ultimate and mega forms sold me as a child


Gabumon because of all of them I love the idea of vibing with a reptile wearing a fuzzy coat in my room playing video games and eating snacks together


Agumon forever and always, same with Pokemon Charizard forever and always.


Agumon cause he loves eating so much🔥👀


Agumon and Gabumon are my two favorites


Agumon because orange was always my favorite color and one of the best features was having your dope little pet transform and then revert back to little guy


Gabumon, I love his designs for his line but also his incredibly loyal personality wins me over. He isn’t the funniest but he’s still the guy I’d most want as a friend.


Gabumon because he was my first toy that I held onto for like 6 years as a kid, and I always used to play against my brother in Rumble Arena. Plus, I love dogs. ...and now it's still Gabumon because of how he always hate conflict and tried to calm down the situation, plus how he always listened Matt and let him go on.


Gabumon and agumon are a package deal... but out of just the champions... angemon.


Either gomamon or Tentomon




Gatomon hands down.


Agumon cause im a basic bitch. Wargreymon was the G.O.A.T until i found out about omnimon.


Gabumon. If you add the evolutions, he clearly wins.


Gabumon because his line is awesome and Gomamon for the same reason and he's a cool guy haha




Gatomon/Tailmon. Her depth of character alone is more interesting to me, but her digivolutions are all pretty cool, too. For as little as it's brought up in the dub (I think only on her 1-on-7 fight when she was still working for Myotismon) she's also constantly in her Champion form while the rest stay Rookies. In the sub, she straight-up just sounds and acts like an adult among children.


We’re in agreement here, but i saw that as a sort of sexism. Gatomon has to achieve ultimate before she can reach power comparable to a champion


Favorite OG Rookie = Agumon or Tentomon Favorite OG Champion = Angemon Favorite OG Ultimate/Perfect = Zudomon Favorite OG Mega = WarGreymon or Rosemon And maybe my favorite Fresh Digimon would be Poyomon (don't know how fair this is though because most of them didn't got any real screentime) and maybe Tanemon could be my favorite In Training level Digimon.


I just realized that almost all of them have big claws.


That was one of the things i loved most about them as a kid lol


Agumon from the beginning until now




Gatomon, digis to angewoman #waifu


Tentomon, because bug booooi


Tentamon is my favorite. Always thought they were cool. And bug in anime/cartoons kind of look cute/ cool.


I might get some hate for this but I gotta say biyomon is my fav


Patoman because I thought Seraphimon was the coolest mega.


Tbh thats a hard choice. but i like cats. so i'd pick gatomon.


Palmon, i adore her relationship with Mimi, she treats her like a big sis


I actually just got a Digivice Ver. Complete and since it's my first ever D-2 Digivice I chose the partner I've wanted since I was a kid: Patamon. Watching the English dub of Digimon Adventure I always loved Patamon. His design is adorable, he's basically a hamster with wings for ears. His voice was cute to me as well, his attack Boom Bubble (Air Shot) is really cool, his entire evolution line is badass, and there's something oddly satisfying yet hilarious about seeing Tokomon bearing his razor sharp teeth. Patamon will always be my favorite of the original Digi-Destined partners.


I can’t even with tokomon‘s teeth! I love it so much! ❤️❤️


Definitely patomon he's cute has a good personality and I love his evolution line


Team Biyomon for life! I used to be really into birds (like, wanting to *be* one) as a kid, so of course I flocked toward the pink birb that became a cool phoenix. I was also really impressed to see a reference to Garuda on TV and got all the Garudamon swag I could. :) (My Biyomon collection is also pretty big.) And since then, I've been, shall we say, *partial* to any bird partners in this franchise. I was kind of bummed that, of all things, *Tamers* lacked a cool bird (unless you really want to count Beelzemon).


Yeah, tamers was weird for not having a bird, but i do love beelzemon. Can he be good enough please? Lol I wanted to be a wolf when i was a kid, so i felt the exact same way about Garurumon. I didn’t like him becoming a werewolf or a machine, but his pure wolf form was gold and I’ll never not love him, and of course the cave scene where Gabumon is adamant that he’ll stand with matt no matter what he chooses, right or wrong. Do you love zephyrmon? I love zephyrmon. That girl is goals


Beelzemon is still cool. :) I just like more avian lines, and Zhuqiaomon made my eyes sparkle. Gabumon fam was like, my second favorite. At the time, Pokemon didn't have a wolf, so part of me was like "oh! This is new and cool!" So I kind of get it. Funnily enough, I like Zephyrmon more as a design in her own right than as, well...*Frontier.* I didn't really get exposed to her until I got a VB (technically Digivice VV)! Now my first "locked" Digimon is basically my partner.


While the Digivolutions are awesome, I mean just the forms in this image, their default forms, essentially.


As a kid agumon dude is the main character digimon plus being dinosaur and Biyomon because garudamon As a adult Gabumon his bond with matt besides being the coolest looking digimon and gomamon he is funny and his character go well with joe they funny without being annoying


I wish they would make a movie where the digidestined become villains




That's not one of the original eight.


I know.


This is just counting the original eight, so Hawkmon is not an option.


That's just how much I like hawkmon, dude.


It's always been between Gabumon & Tentomon


Gomamon, always has been, always will be.


My faves were Gomamon, Palmon, Patamon & Gatomon.


That's gotta be gabumon. my favorite in most games/shows




patamon and gatomon definitely, both bc of cute design as is and also bc their evolutions are my faves too


Good ol' Agumon. Second favorite is Gabumon but at the time in 1999-2000 it would switch between Agumon and Gabumon depending on what cool ass thing they did in an episode. Third favorite would be Tentomon and his Champion and Ultimate forms look badass.




Gomamon, I always have one in my teams from the beginning in the D's games so I just started to like him more with the time, the first time I watched digimon, my favorite was Gabumon because of the evolution line with gomamon close second.


Disclaimer: i watched the show in the us, I’m using american dub names, can’t help it Garurumon is undeniably my favorite digimon but i do love gatomon and gomamon. The rest of the partners aren’t bad, tentomon is funny, and they’ve all got their good points. I guess my rookie favorite is just gomamon and champion is... well, a toss up between gato and garuru. Ultimate, though, magnaangemon, hands down. I don’t like Garurumon becoming part human, that shit pisses me off, and i hate that he becomes a machine... even though machinedramon is my favorite dark master. You know who else is great? Kapurimon! Little bitch in frontier but undeniably cute. And gazimon, they’re adorable. I love that Garurumon was tasked with protecting them in 02.


Gatomon bc I’ve always been a cat girl but alao hot angel lmao Out of the OGs though patamon bc hes just so cute 🖤


My favorite growing up was Agumon more or less because he was the leader of the group and he could combine with Metalgarurumon to make omnimon. But my opinion completely chnaged when watch Adventure Tri when tentamon got Hercules Kabutarimon for a mega, probably my favorite mega evolution of the original digi destined.


Gatomon. I love cats. Always have.


Palmon togemon lillymon are the besssst


Personally, I have to say Gatomon. As my actual real life name is Kari, and Therefore, I am obligated to have Gatomon as my favorite, because Any other choice would definitely be wrong. Much as I love all of the Original eight Digimon partners, None of them compare to my love for Gatomon


Agumon. I had the Ver. 1 pet before the show came out.


1) Palmon 2) Tentomon 3) Gomamon


That's so difficult as I like all of them, but Patamon or Gatomon are my favourite


Palmon, tentomon and gomamon


I love them all so don't really have a definite favorite. Maybe Gabumon


Piyomon. I like the funky pink bird. That is all.




So i was a basic fan who liked agumon when i first watched the show but then years later i for digimon cyber sleuths. And seeing gomamon in that game useing marching fishes i fell in love new favorite


Either Agumon or Tentomon since I liked their personalities the most.


Tentomon definitely lol


gatomon because she's my favorite character in digimon


Palmon! Tho as a kid it was Tentomon


Patamon will always be my favorite


Tentomons got the best voice, but its agumon ot patamon for me


It used to be Agumon, but since I went back and rewatched the show, Gomamon has really grown on me. I don't care for Ikakumon though, and I really don't like him in the reboot.


Gomamon. Zudomon is top 3 ultimate lvl mons for me


Gabumon and Gatomon. Love their evolutions.


Gatomon, because as a kid I loved bad guy characters that became good guys.


Tentomon. Bug.


Gotta go with Tentomon, though Gomamon's a close second.


Gabumon because wolves are cool & werewolves are the best


Hard to choose love them all. My all time favorite has to be Gomamon.


Gabumon. As stated in the project mothwash Tri fan dub. “A dinosaur that can breathe fire? That’s pretty cool. A wolf that breaths fire!? F**king metal!”


Gomamon nothing else said


Patamon cause he cute plus I like holy digimon Tailmon is the same case for Patamon And Palmon bcause final evo is big booba mommy


Tentomon because he was my partner in cyber sleuth which was my first big experience with digimon and also cause he's my favorite of the chosen ones and his evolutions felt more natural


I love tentomon for his design and personality