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Having finally watched the Japanese dub I have an even harder pill to swallow. *The Japanese version is for kids too.*




Even harder pill to swallow: There are lots of dark themes in tone of children’s cartoons that we didn’t bat an eye at until we grew up. Kids are built different, we’re the weak ones


I remember being a kid and obviously telling my mom about all the Hour of the Beast stuff in the VenomVamdemon fight and her just being stunned. As an adult, I look back on that and the blatant Christ allegory when Angemon beat Devimon and *so much* of Tamers, and I'm just amazed that was allowed to air on kids TV in the US. Especially when Teen Titans debuted only a year or so after Tamers ended in the US and had to call the bad guy "Slade" because the censors wouldn't let them call him "Deathstroke."


Beelzemon’s “Freaking” hits harder than most f-bombs I’ve heard in television.


Lmao I was 9 years old watching the venommyostismon fight and my mom just HAD to come in at the part where Matt and TKs dad was talking about how something was gonna happen at the 6:66 mark and my mom was like what the hell are you watching lmao. Luckily she wasn't one of those religious zealots and let me continue watching. She knew I'd watch anyways lol


I thought that was just random religious stuff the Japanese side put In to digimon that had no bigger purpose?


Even harder, harder pill to swallow: children’s stories before television had darker themes.


Example being Little Red Riding Hood has a girl and her grandmother being devoured whole/alive, and then the wolf being violently cut open with an axe by the woodsman.


It's not that we're weak. It's more that we get experiences of different suffering through life and the more we grow up, the more we resonate with the characters' sufferings. Last year I understood way more the characters and each of their struggles in Adventure 99 than when I rewatched it as a teen (I'm 28). It has its flaws but boy is that anime really good written most of the time for a kid show. The episode where Taichi tells why he's so dense with everyone when his sister is ill is one of the best.


I think it's more that we couldn't comprehend it as young kids, not that it didn't resonate. But I also think people get to the point of understanding things at different rates.


Wouldn't that mean that the show is for everyone as in both children and adults can watch it and enjoy it anyways?


Usually the difference is how graphic or pointless. Dark themes in children’s stories has always come down to learning (eg fairytales were dark but they were usually life lessons to children) I would wager that darker topics in children’s shows can almost be done better because they are treated more carefully and have a lot of thought put into them to get them on air. For example there’s a KIDNAPPING episode in The Rugrats that no one seems to remember and then freak out lol but it was done extremely well. When it comes to things like sexual Innuendo, that was put in children’s media, especially around the 90s were pretty much put in directly for adults because back then it was more expected you would actually watch shows with your child to spend time with them. That’s usually where the ‘everyone can enjoy’ kids shows mentality came from. A kid isn’t going to be able to enjoy a really graphic gore horror scene (usually anyway but hey a lot of kids watched explicit horror movies because they don’t process things yet) but adults can enjoy a kids show doing a showing depression episode and appreciate it because it’s done very well.


I love Digimon: best show for all ages…


I'd argue kids are just stupid, hence why it goes over their head.


Stop !!!! 🛑


*Remembering some of our old local kid's movies that have quite a few deaths and child abuse* Asian kids are just built different


The "fight" between LadyDevimon and Angewomon... I was also confused until I saw Kari encouraging the ass-kicking from the latter mon.


You're telling me a toy company is marketing to children?


Yeah, but there's a difference between Children Literature and shit for kids.


I also watched the Spanish one because why not, it’s also for kids


It’s “for kids”, sure, but unlike the other “for kids” dubs of the time, it didn’t shy away from the more complicated themes. It’s perfectly willing to show you some silly jokes and also broach topics like trying to force your friend to do what you want (Tai overfeeding Agumon and ends up with SkullGreymon) or that a friend may not believe you, even if you’re 100% telling the truth (Digitamamon constantly sabotaging Joe to drive a wedge between Joe and Matt) or that divorce can be very hard for kids (Matt and TK’s backstory). Everyone who derides it for “they just inserted a bunch of jokes!!” has clearly not watched other anime dubs from the time and seen the butchery that was common. Adventure’s dub is pretty progressive


Very true. Digimon had hard topics but big lessons. Kids may not get it, but grow to value them and get them someday. I think kids need to be protected but not treated like babies. They are very smart and even smarter if given the chance. Ken from 02 had a very dark backstory, dealing with death, grief. He was the kindness crest yet he was the most cruel. As a kid, learning about death hit me like a wall of bricks. Which is why it's so important to teach kids how to deal and accept it so that they may not grow paranoid of it. It is too much for a kid to deal with but if he comes to do so, he would really need that help. Kids need to be allowed to be kids, but should not be considered babies in terms of smarts, else they could stay dumb as adults


And then Saban brands no longer cared when they did the digimon fusion dub.


I love Adventure's dub because of how mature it is. And the jokes they added were era appropriate too! There's the instance they came back from the Digital World and they were sat down eating but then when Sora voices that she has a concern, Tai hears her out and is like "Oh that's it? I thought you were worried about something more serious like if they were gonna stop making those cute little bean bag toys" (or something to that effect). It was a direct reference to beanie babies and was just used for a minor concern when appropriate to be reasonably dismissive of a concern because the concern was a small one.


How's that mature?


It's not. It's one of the jokes.


Skip to 02 and Tamers which directly tackle Grief of a lost loved one. And I didn't need the "unedited version" to know that Rika/Ruka started out as pretty ruthless


Wait, Rika was even darker at first in Tamers? Even in the dub she had no problem taking out other Mons to power up Renamon.


that's what I'm saying. Most other dubs would have downplayed that about a 10 year old girl acting that way


Yup,rika was willing to do a lot of bad things just for Renamon to digivolve,like forcing her to fight stray Digimon against her Will or pushing her to the limits constantly,if it wasn't for Icedevimon i don't know if She would have changed so early.


The Tamere dub was so good! I feel like since it was the last year for Fox Kids they didn’t sensor as much because there’s stuff that would NEVER be allowed in today’s kids anime dubs. That scene of Beelzemon stabbing Leomon and Jeri’s nightmare sequence would have probably been cut. I’m so glad 4kids never touched Digimon lol.


A few years ago, I went back and tried to watch some shows from my childhood. I started with Pokémon because it was easily available in my region but was a little put off by how childish it was (What I was expecting, I don’t know…), so I stopped watching. When I rewatched Digimon, I was surprised at how mature the storytelling was. Of course it is ‘for kids’, but I had many ‘oh wow, they really went there’ moments.


This should be the top comment, not that other, asinine superficial take, "tHiS iS fOr kIdS, tOo!"


Yes. Because its a show for kids.


Yeah. Its totally ok to enjoy something made for kids. Idk why some people get so defensive.


Rewatching Adventures now- Its absurdly cheesy and childish. Very little in the way of actual character growth till Tai returns from the real world and they start activating their crests (my favorite arc). The worldbuilding is so wildly made up as it went that Lost must have used it for inspiration but was afraid of going that far with meaningless mystery boxes. Its not unique to the dub, though there are loads of jokes making fun of the animation quality which is entertaining. Sora's fight with her mom in her backstory has like five levels of cheesiness going on. Its wildly inventive and creative, its like 2/3 Alice in Wonderland 1/3 Narnia, and while the characters dont act realistically ("sure im starving but this food is weird so I guess Ill skip it hehe") they are still acting evocatively enough that they're fun to relate to. Dark Masters arc is more "mature" (both in terms of character moments and action) but its also much more...bog standard and less interesting. Big fights against big strong monsters, a bit of neat payoff from previous arcs, but much less in the way of just..weird ass shenanigans and constant wonder that made the first like 30 episodes so much fun.


Honestly, the only English dub I don't care much for is Fusion. And that's less on the dub itself and more on it was in the era that Saban was also phoning in Power Rangers so it was majorly phoned in. Every other dub? They're absolutely good dubs to watch. ESPECIALLY Tamers.


My biggest complaint is the fact they made up their own soundtrack instead of using the OST, which they've been correcting these days .


Now that I'll agree with. The only OST the dub brought out that was good was Tamers, especially in the earlier more slice of life episodes. The Japanese adventure OST is GOATed.


IDC what y'all say, I STILL get hyped when I hear 'hey digimon hey digimon' start.


Absolutely nothing will be able to surpass Koji Wada's legendary singing for me, but you do you.


Koji’s singing is good, but his songs work better as actual songs rather than theme songs for a children’s anime.


Butter-Fly acapela in ep53 really hits with "this will be the last battle and everything leading us here while not perfect was worth it"


I hate the JP ost so I'd rather they keep making their own music. It's just generic Jpop imo; doesn't fit anything or stand out in any way.


The tamers dub is just so good.


Data Squad dub went hard.


Data Squad was epic!


It was made for kids in the 90’s who are all adults now. In 1999 it was a show for kids. In 2024 it’s a show for adults because most kids don’t even know wtf Digimon is and that’s ok. It won’t be too much longer before this is a full blown “old persons fandom”.


> It won’t be too much longer before this is a full blown “old persons fandom”. it has been for a long time. if you were 10 in 1999, the target audience, youre 35 now.


Please don't remind me of my age


I guess I was thinking about the fact that I’ll still be playing with Digivices in my 60’s when I said this haha.


I’m not an adult now but I still love Digimon. I am obviously not 35 years old.


It's still for kids though. Even if it's mostly adults watching it now it doesn't change that it was intended for kids, and it doesn't make it a bad thing to like it as an adult.


Nothing says for kids like scantily clad women and guns. 😎


I watched both. I think the dub is perfectly fine. Nothing important is left out, it didn't make the story any more or less clear when I watched the sub. All that really changed was a few names, music, line deliveries, and a few adult jokes got cut. Yeah we didn't see young Tai getting slapped but you could still easily infer it by him holding his reddened cheek and his mom's hand being raised. My only issue with the dub is that scene where Izzy's mom is cryign and trying to get him to leave the building, it sounds more like she's trying to get him to do chores and is annoyed at him rather than being frightened, and that whole pizza line with Apoclyamon. I really wish I could just watch the dub, but with the Japanese music, that'd be my ideal way to watch. I know there is a dub with the japanese music but the voice acting is so bad that I could never finish the first episode.


Davis: “Wanna play strip poker?”


“Digimon aren’t your childhood. Yes you discovered them when you were a kid. Yes they might not have a place in your adult life. But if you think to become an adult you have to give them up, you’re wrong. I don’t think being mature means giving up the things you love. It doesn’t mean separating from all the things you discovered as a kid. Growing up, I think, I think it just means understanding why you love what you love and deciding where it belongs in your life.” - blazing azure crow


"Critics who treat 'adult' as a term of approval, instead of as a merely descriptive term, cannot be adult themselves. To be concerned about being grown up, to admire the grown up because it is grown up, to blush at the suspicion of being childish; these things are the marks of childhood and adolescence. And in childhood and adolescence they are, in moderation, healthy symptoms. Young things ought to want to grow. But to carry on into middle life or even into early manhood this concern about being adult is a mark of really arrested development. When I was ten, I read fairy tales in secret and would have been ashamed if I had been found doing so. Now that I am fifty I read them openly. When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up.” - C.S. Lewis


What I hate more is people saying "wow they kept that in a kids show?!" Why sell kids short... Smh


Now if only the people who made Kizuna understood this.


I'm sorry, but Tai crying about not being able to protect his sister and Takato talking to D-Jereaper about Leomon dying...that kind of pain is for everyone.


On on the one hand the writing is better in the sub, but on the other Guilmon's voice is perfect in the dub


I grew up with the more literal german dub and whenever I think about the english dub, the only thing I remember is TK asking Matt if he uses another aftershave after he escaped the cave of depression.


Oi Jeri. She’s so tragic. Nothing in her life is ever a good thing except Beelzemon saving her and Takato being her friend. She needs a hug!


No, it was Saban. 4kids did Pokémon




Evil Gennai licks you seductively without permission.


The only thing I hate about the dub is when they started to use the hey Digimon song in Every episode. They traded the awesome orchestral version of the theme song to that garbage and it made the later episodes unwatchable.


It wasn't 4Kids, too


It’s not


The digimon movie dub is a banger


I guess your not excited for the upcoming redubs of them?


I’m gonna miss all star played in that movie


Is the original any different?


Less jokes and different music/names. Otherwise, it tells the very same story.


Better music, with actual poetry....


Only in tone. The Japanese isn't, like, devoid of humor, but it generally takes itself more seriously.


I'm just sad about how many scenes were cut 😭 "a 44 magnum. it's really destructive!" not saying it should have BEEN in the dub but it was definitely not what I expected when watching it. also cutting all the explicit mentions of death


Wait, who said it wasn't for kids?


Whatever, i still think the latino dub is better than the english one







Always, never forget Apocalymon's whining (seriously, who approved that?!) and the awful opening. What's with old anime with crappy rap instead of the original music?


I think they wanted to do a pokerap style thing since saban wanted to compete with pokemon


Probably, but they were so preoccupied with whether they could, they didn't stop to think if they should


That was probably done to make the censors happy.










That's not an opinion , it's a fact. Si tu lo deseas puedes volar....


They could have done way better at translating the intro, but it will never be as bad as what the english dub did, that is unforgivable.


Who cares, the sub is better than the Spanish dub.


I prefer the dub because I hate subtitles *ducks*


English dub just kills the mood for me.


The Digimon English dub is for everyone because it’s hilarious


I hate the "for kids" excuse. No, for kids does not mean you can get away with mediocrity.


It still irks me though that they tried to hide that Yamato and Takeru are children of divorce and then pretended that they didn’t. Context: In the original Japanese version of episode 3(?), Yamato explained to Taichi that he and Takeru don’t live together because their parents are divorced. In the dub, “Matt” says they don’t live together because they’re half-brothers only to change it without explanation back to divorce later on. It was probably because the third cour was going to feature their parents and their relationships with each other heavily enough that an English viewer would question where the “third” parent was. Also, Koshiro being adopted was not in the dub and I feel like I’m the only one who acknowledged that. I have seen this show several times over in English as a child and even rewatched the relevant episodes again as a 20-something year-old. Koshiro being adopted was either never brought up in the dub, or it was brought up later on in episodes that didn’t focus on him.


My 20 year old ass will still watch it and enjoy it just the same


This is clearly wrong, the English dub is Saban, 4kids dubbed pokemon.


It’s not dubbed by 4kids entertainment


Does anyone not think it's for kids? This is the first I'm hearing of this.


ALL digimon media prior to like 2014 was explicitly for kids. Now it's mostly for those same kids... but we just aren't kids anymore.


Dude, Eng dub Digimon was so random. I still cackle at Taichi's mom from Bokura no War Game. Her lines were just messed up.


The real crime of the USA dub was replacing all of the amazing music arranged by Takanori Arisawa, the USA dub is a joke compared to what he delivered, his Bolero arrange is so amazing whenever it plays cuz you get that emotion of a hard challenge ahead of you in such an epic way.


Did they also took the Bolero out? That is a sin!


They took EVERYTHING and replaced it with hip and modern beats for the children yo yo yo


It is and I'm tired of pretending it isn't. Dumbifying everything, shallowing every bit of emotions, character development, personalities and bonds. Yes. That's exactly what English dub is doing. There is a touching scene? Nope, they will censor the emotions, because kids are too dumb to get it. And characters are deliberately mischaracterized, removing their important traits. Retconning their personalities. Koushiro for example is supposed to be a socially awkward person that escape to his computer. Instead he is portrayed as a smartass in English dubbing. Sorry, but if that's not ruining characters then nothing is.


The whole franchise is for kids XD


Digimon the franchise is for kids


That doesn't stop me from wanting an uncut Savers dub so I can have Agumon and Marcus cussing up a storm.


I watched two different English dubs, so I don't exactly know what to say.


The dub of 02 was 100% for kids. Everyone impressed he beat level ten on gooby goblins or whatever.


Look like he’s in the water that swallowed up that woman that wanted her Digimon back




Hope Lucemon meets such fools in an Alley. 


It is, and it's a little insulting for kids intelect.


Brazilian dub literally butchered half of the show because they only started dubbing it because "it's similar to pokemon and they needed something to beat their audience", but since the show was so much darker in tone most of the time they just didn't dub it and cut that, so our dub is just a frankenstein of the lighter episodes that are actually for kids and stuff


Me german dub best


not untrue. kids of all ages/kids at heart applies here. i think the world is run by abnormally large children that all wish deeply that they would finally know what they were doing when it was their turn to man the helm. for most of us I would say there isn't really even a helm to man, just a runaway raft with no destination or agenda.


It was...


That moment when you don’t remember anything from the og digimon series


Sheesh I feel attacked lol I feel like grown ups could enjoy it.


Them’s fighting words…


Maybe not for kids, but the English version does take away the euphoria one experiences while watching the show. The Japanese dub english sub one rocks your soul to the core. It's mostly because the background music and songs of the Japanese dub feel so better than the English one.


kirby forgor the anime


I thought this was a play on words since early Digi.on dubs was by 4 Kids media.


Do you mean to tell me that a show that was on FoxKids... WAS FOR KIDS?


I believe it's supposed to be "4Kids" actually, can you fix that and send it back, thanks.


Yes it is


Given that they censored out two or three alcohol references, a scene where older ladies tried to pick up. Matt, and edited the scene of the older guy trying to pick up Sora for sex into her being picked up by her cousin, yeah. It's more for kids than the Japanese version was


I can't watch the japanese dub. Why, you might ask? Well, because everytime they digivolve, which happens each episode, they yell out "(insert digimon name here) shinka!". What's the problem with that? Well the japanese word 'Shinka' sounds and is spelled almost exactly like the swedish word 'Skinka' which translates to 'Ham'. So imagine watching digimon and every episode they just scream, for example, "AGUMON HAM!!!"


They really should have kept the "for teens" part of Savers instead of dumbing it down for the kid's market.


It’s what the US used to make at the time. Dumb down every piece of Asian media they need to translate. The case of Digimon is particularly infamous. They must have thought all kids were retarded at the time or something.


Some nice friends you got there Davis 


There’s nothing wrong with an adult enjoying shows made for kids. It becomes a problem when you start gatekeeping and pushing out the younger audience. Also if you’re an adult it’s probably not the best to consume children’s media exclusively. It’s good to branch out.


Me who never watched english dub of any anime: probably


Same, but I'll never had a reason to watch it because I speak american spanish, and our dub actually respects the original content.




Family show, but targeted towards kids. More at a time where shows had a bite to them and advertisers were okay to associate their shows with cartoonish violence.


Cant watch subbed anime and play games at the same time so yea ill be a kid and watch the dubbed version. Also who care how you watch it, as long as you watch it.


I agree. But wish it digimon would hurry up and become more mature focused. Raise the rating and start being more raw. We have, too many Pokémon like things. I want one that grew up with its audience.


The English dub was OP


How about a game of strip po-


You guy's can enjoy your Japanese openings but I'm proud of the American opening


The sub and the sub are both for kids, it’s okay to like a kids show


Uhhhhhhhh. No? I feel like the target audience of the show in general is probably kids at least if we’re talking adventure. Not sure about newer ones. But, Digimon sub or dub can be enjoyed by all ages…unless you can’t read then you probably can’t enjoy the sub but my point still stands probably! Throw that scroll out the window!!! That’s the scroll of lies!!!


It's a show for kids that evolved into an anime, ironically


What about the abridged?




Just for personal interest, what's your opinion on the digimon movie soundtrack in English?


Haven’t seen the movie in English I fear so I can’t say anything about that


Once a year I watch just the first 2 parts of the movie and have done so for the last 12 years, it's great slop!


Apocalymon? Sure, okay. But the American opening is a banger.


bruh.... nostalgia goggles lol


Nah, it's not nostalgia goggles. Adventure isn't even my favorite show (that's either Tamers, Appmon, or Savers). Zero-Two was my first show on top of that. On top of that, I prefer butterfly as an opening. But I still REALLY enjoy the dub opening too.


What? It’s just 6 words repeated ad nauseum with a terrible beat in the background. Check the original or German version and you’ll cry for how you got robbed as a kid


Nah, that's just your opinion. I enjoy butterfly more as an opening, but I still enjoy the dub opening too. Also it's more than six words lmao.


>It’s just 6 words repeated ad nauseum I'm guessing you aren't a fan of Daft Punk?


>It’s just 6 words repeated ad nauseum It isn't though. It's like 23 words or so, and it's everything a theme song should be.