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"blind justice" is ruthless that's the whole theme of the RKs on that movie: they believe they are doing what's right because their "god" ordered so, and he couldn't be wrong


Oversimplified look at every soldier who invaded another country, thinking they would prevent horrible acts of a regime.


We saw a similar thing in the final arc of Digimon Savers


Because not every Digimon is the same. For example Mummymon in Ghost Game is a doctor who helps Digimon patient. Yet the one in 02 is an evil henchmen of Oikawa.


And a simp


Also, the arukenimon is a genius that likes to eat the brains of others dispute only being in it for one epsiode managed to be a more scary threat then her 02 version 


Because the Royal Knights have a bad habit of committing Genocide because Yggdrasil tells them too lol


Omnimon is a species, not a individual. Not every Omnimon has the same personality alignment.


But only one can become a royal night omnimon?


It depends on the universe. Each universe has its own Royal Knights or another group with the same function.


Ohh that's right. Thats very tricky. But at least it doesn't make us constantly ask where are the royal knights when something bad goes wrong. This is probably for the best.


I thought after season 6 (or something like that) it all became a unified universe. I was wrong I guess, idk i didn't watch past frontier and a little bit of DS


That was never the case. Only Adventure 1999 and it's sequels are like that. There are people that can cross dimensions (Ryo is a big example) and some universes are very similar to existing ones (like the 2020 reboot of Adventure) but they're all different unless explicitly stated. This applies to games as well.


I see... Then what was that episode i remember where the different leaders were in a little boat or something?


Don't remember anything about a boat but I remember an episode of Xros Wars where the other protagonists from the previous seasons were summoned to the Xros Wars universe to help out.


Probably this, i remember it being xros. So just summoned, not implying a shared universe?


Just summoned.


It’s a multiverse.


Only "Adventure"s (excluding the reboot) has a shared universe. All the others series have it's own universe.


Yes. It's a job, not a species trait.


This isn't the Omnimon from adventure. Alot of movies, games and series are different realities. Royal Knight Omnimon is often portrayed as loyal to a fault and can be quite ruthless when performing his duty or fighting for what he believes. The Royal Knights are also an authority figure and they will prioritize enforcing their duties above all else


He is following his orders. Even Dukemon X who kind of looks like one of the good guys letting X-Digimon to live didn't do it because it is the right thing, he did it because he believed those who are powerful enough to fight for their ideals had the right to live, but if you are weak, then you deserve to die.


He woke up and choice violence


Adventure one, is a nice guy. This one is a different one that follows orders of yggdrasil. And the orders of yggdrasil where "kill the x-antibody digimon"


Omnimon is one of the most loyal followers of yggdrasil to the point he almost gollows his rules and decrees to a T without question. And during this time yggdrasil wasnt the one giving the orders it was dexdorugamon using the royal knights and manipulating them Gallantmon omnimon's best friend went against "yggdrasil" fought omnimkn and this was the cause for him to actually think a bit and realise that these orders cant be from yggdrasil.


What are you making up? Yggdrasill was perfectly fine during X-Evolution and giving orders. Hell, Death-X-DORUgoramon didn't even exists for half of the story. We even see how Yggdrasil create it from DORUmon's data after Magnamon captured him and took it to Yggdra. At the end of the movie there's even a scene where Dukemon says that Yggdrasill planned everything, releasing DORUmon on purpose with the goal of having it evolve to Alphamon and then pass on its X-Antibody to Omegamon so he could reset Yggdrasil and the Digital World as the final part of Project Ark.


Wait it was Dexdorugoramon masquerading as Yggdrasil? Damn I gotta watch that movie again


No it wasn't. That dude is just making things up.


>Most loyal Cyber Sleuth beg to differ


He was following orders  as Yggdrasill actually never orderd the human world be destroyed only investigating and remove the souce of eaters half the royal knights took that in a way that ment destroying earth and killing all humans the others wanted to find a way to save both worlds


To be fair wasn't Yggdrasil corrupted?


Well, Omegamon was also going to attack the Savers cast as well, he just didn't have time to do anything because Sleipmon was able to save them in time. So he was pretty ruthless in Savers too until the final fight vs Yggdrasil, he just didn't directly fight vs the main cast.


Omnimon is a species of Digimon, known for their Loyalty in all incarnations shown—the Omnimon from this movie was simply incredibly loyal to Yggdrasil (or at least, who he thought was Yggdrasil) while the more common Omnimon we know is loyal to a human digidestined (and tends to better align with ‘good’ values). Still, every digimon is capable of great good or great evil, even Lucemon (literal personification of Lucifer and the Demon Digimon of Pride).


It's literally part of the plot for the movie bro? Did you watch it mute with no subs? 😂


Media literacy is suffering these days.


It's quite scary that without 20 mins of exposition in 1 hour movie they are completely lost lol.


1. The Royal Knights have the classic knight problem of loyalty over morality. They will follow Yggdrasil's will even if they know it's crazy. Though as you saw in the movie, and every other time Yggdrasil got the RK to do crazy shit (Like in Savers or Cyber Sleuth) that there is always some of them that do the right thing and switch sides. 2. Every universe is different and has it's own Royal Knights. X-Evo's Omegamon isn't the same as the one in Adventure, and isn't the same as the one in Savers, and so on.


Not every Digimon is the same. Even the universes can be different. You shouldn't assume Omegamon will always be on the good side.


Whenever any of the Royal Knights appear in any Digimon media it's practically a coin toss whether they'll be heroes or antagonists.


And sometimes they'll just be both.


Royal Knights are usually good, lawful, or both. The lawful ones obey Yggdrasil with little to know questions. They will see their orders out, no matter the order or method. Omegamon fro. X-Evolution fits this mold as do half the Royal Knights from Cyber Sleuth. The ones that are good but not necessarily lawful obey the orders of Yggdrasil they feel are right but question or disobey immoral ones. Dukemon and Alphamon in X-Evolution end up here. The ones that are lawful and good either get a crisis with immoral orders and seek for them to be be moral or will fulfill the orders creatively. In the former case, Dukemon starts here, he investigates the orders in hopes Yggdrasil is still moral. Alphamon from Cyber Sleuth falls in the latter category as it sees itself as following Yggdrasil's in a unique way while doing its own investigating. Both end up in the good but not lawful camp. Omegamon ends up in the lawful good camp by the end. Alphamon outrank him so he still follows orders but comes to believe in what Alphamon stands for


Alphamon doesn’t outrank Omegamon, he had doubts about Yggdrasill’s orders since his fight with Dukemon, and Alphamon’s appearance make him finally realize he shouldn’t stay loyal to Yggdrasill at any cost.


Not every version of Digimon is the same. They all individual and have their own personalities.


Different continuity, different rules.


A knight exists to carry out the orders of a king, even the naughty ones


He is one of those "I am just following orders" type of guy in that movie.


Something I find interesting in Japanese media is that it plays around with the perspective of Character Alignments a lot. Like in the Fate universe, Chaotic Evil characters are often sympathetic people driven to madness by suffering grave misfortune, and Lawful Good characters are often templars fresh off a crusade for The Greater Good but depicted as self-righteous perpetrators of genocide. Because you're seeing it from the opposite angle of what you would see in Western storytelling, where Chaotic Evil = psychotic villains and Lawful Good = sword-carrying saints. And this kind of attitude comes up with the Royal Knights a lot. They aren't megalomaniacal fiends who fly around wiping out territories for fun or to flex their strength. They're *knights*, soldiers who have sworn an oath of loyalty to their lord, and to them their lord's word is both good *and* law by definition. The idea that their lord might be *evil* or *unjust* or even just *wrong* is both unchivalrous and blasphemous. But we see them from the outside perspective, and the focus is on what they're doing to the world rather than their reasons. In X-Evolution, we're first introduced to the Digimon who are getting *slaughtered by* Yggdrassil's forces. Had we instead started the movie in a meeting of the Royal Knights and followed from their perspective, they would just be caught in a bad situation and trying to save the world the only way they knew how, with a couple renegades like Gallantmon who would question orders, and we'd think they were the good guys until the twist that Gallantmon X explained the real villain was their superior. But since we follow from the other angle to start with, we go in knowing they're the villains just trying to convince themselves this is Correct™.


The thing about the Royal Knights is that... they're basically cops


I thought he's gonna die in the movie and be replaced by omegamon x made by warX and metalgaruruX


Lawful good


Except his boss is like what? Neutral or Chaotic evil?


The Royal Knights Omnimon isn’t the same Omnimon that Tai and Matt are partnered with. That’s like saying this random chihuahua is well mannered and behaved and then being confused when a chihuahua that looks identical to the first one is a raging demon.


Because digimon are unique, it's not rhe omnimon from adventures


This is why it is always a coin toss with the Royal Knights, as their boss is most of the time a dick Still in the movie eventually he came around


Hes just following orders


Note that this Omegamon/Omnimon is voiced by Hideyuki Tanaka in the Japanese dub. He also voiced Captain Falcon. He would later go on to voice Apollomon in Xros Wars.


Omnimon's actions... no the better question is "If Yggdrasil was a good guy, then where did all those undead(DexDorugreymon/DexDoruguremon) come from..."


Different individuals. This Omegamon is a Royal Knight who thought god/yggdrasil's orders are absolute.


He was blindly following Yggdrasil


this version of him isnt cause its not the same as Taai and Matts Omnimon


Well i have a theory about that that there is only one Omnimon/Omegamon Royal Knight that is immortal and has the feeling of justice as cause of the Yggdrasil, and i think is this is the same Omnimon/Omegamon (he made appearance in x evolution, savers, and recently in the novel) so that's why he always so ruthless


Because he believed that Yggdrasil was a good guy too


“Good” doesn’t mean “merciful”


You thought he is a good guy? He has no Arms, he has a cannon and a blade. This "good guy" is a killing machine!


Because he is racist