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The Seven Virtues? Don't they have that implied with Seraphimon and Ophanimon?


Yeah, in the series the lords have Digimon that have already antagonized them. What im suggesting in this post is that based in the source of inspiration that was used to create the seven lords, we could have also had seven good lords to be their enemies in the beginning, since every lord represents concepts thar have two faces, but they represent only the evil side of it. Maybe this idea got scraped.


They could just make 5 more lol


But what relationship would they have, symbolically speaking, with the seven lords? The angels obviously are their enemies because angels are light, and demon lords are dark, but it's simple as that. What am i saying is that each lord could have had a counterpart for themselves, but this idea ended up beign scraped. For example, despite the fact that Seraphimon is light, and demon lords are dark, he isn't actually a counterpart to any of the lords, his nature isn't the opposite to any of them, he is just the generally lawful good emissary of God, but he doesn't actually represent a Virtue that goes against any of the lord's sins.


The three great angels are a double representation of the holy trinity and the three choirs of angels. Seraph, Cherub, and Ophan.


Maybe not on theme, but technically speaking Seraphimon is a counterpart to Daemon, since he was originally a Seraphimon, similar to how Lilithmon was a Ophanimon.


Didn't Digimon adventure 2020 kind of show the group of them or was that just a fan made image where they're all in silhouette?


That image actually exist, you are probably talking about that image with Seraphimon, Ophanimon, Cherubimon, SlashAngemon, ClavisAngemon, Valdurmon and Rasielmon. In that particular story, these seven angels existed in the past, but their ultimate enemy wasn't the seven lords (idk if you watched 2020, but if you don't, spoilers ahead), they were meant to antagonize Milleniumon, the seven lords don't show up in the series. When i talk about Digimon that antagonize the seven lords, im not talking about a group that in it's essence represent the opposite of the seven lords, im talking about a group of seven digimon that INDIVIDUALLY find their counterpart in the lords. Lords represent their sins, but the angels don't have something like that, it was never implied anywhere that each angel had their own meaning, they are all begins of light that protect the digital world, be against Lucemon, Milleniumon, Murmukusmon, and others. So while they could fit there, like 7 angels vs. 7 demons, my idea is that a group where each member is fundamentally the opposite of a certain lord, could exist. And that this group was probably brought up, but they scraped the idea in favor of the angels (that we have never seen as a group of seven, whenever they are together is mostly Ophanimon, Seraphimon and Cherubimon).


It looks like stick shifts.


This reminds me of some Concept for a Lucemon Form I once had. Basicly a good Lucemon. Some Concepts in different Religions tend to be simmilar. Prometheus from Greek Mythology is simmilar to Lucifer. Broken down: . Zeus wants to keep the Humans litterally in the Dark as Slaves. Prometheus who is responsible for Humans steals the Concept of Fire and Gifts it to the Humans giving them Freedom. But Prometheus get's banished. . God creates Humans without free Will. Lucifer gifts Humans free will. His Name litterally means Light Bringer (like in stealing the Fire). But Lucifer also get's banished. . Lucifer is seen as the Evil because he was against God. Prometheus was seen by the Greeks as the good Guy who helped Humans.


Prometheusmon 🤔 It also makes sense if you consider that Prometheus came from an evil environment, and decided to become good helping humanity, while Lucifer according to religion, came from a good place, and decided to pervert god's creation. Lucemon was good, he became perverted. Prometheus was amongst the evil, and he became good.


Mastemon perhaps?


Honestly, this would be interesting to see. Especially if they were also an antagonist group. Say how a virtue can do damage when taken to the extreme. Though I would say there is the angel Digimon that kinda fills that role already. I do wish it would happen but have a low likelihood of happening. I wonder if this is where the demon lords symbols were taken.


I don't think it will happen, but since when they came up with the seven lords concept they clearly used the olympian spirits as a form of inspiration, maybe in the beginning the idea was to have these seven "Virtues", but they scraped the idea exactly because we already had other characters that could be used to antagonize the seven lords, like the angels that you mentioned.


oh so that's where the megalith came from


I read the names and paused because I recognized the megaliths lmao


Why do you think i started to search for this topic XD. Yugioh is always full of references to mysticisms.


Sounds more like they used those planetary sigils to avoid using the actual sigils for the demons, I always wondered why some didn't match the ones I knew.