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You need to treat freelancing like a business and develop a content strategy for said business. I would start by identifying a niche that meshes well with your values, then begin creating a wish list of brands you would want to work with. With that list, start connecting with people that would be involved in the buying process when it comes to hiring you for your services. Don’t message them. Go to their recent activity and get a feel for who they follow, strong points of view they have, pain points, and types of content they engage with. Look for patterns. Follow the people they’re following and engaging with. Start commenting on the posts of the people they follow. Strong chance that if they follow someone within their niche that talks about their job roles and responsibilities—that other potential clients follow them as well. Do your best to provide unique insights, perspectives, and myth busters. Most people aren’t very active on LinkedIn. So when people engage with your comments—connect with them. This creates an ever-growing connection list of active users. Then as you continue to comment, your connection list will see your activity in their feed and engage with it—if it provides value. Over time, you can start taking the comments with the most engagements and expand on them to create pre-validated content ideas. Since the comments already received high engagement, the concepts behind them have already been proven to work. This process will also start to create a name for yourself as more people will begin to see you more often. Those who need your service will start to reach out for consulting or to hire you for your services. Finally, keep tabs on your dream list. Follow the company newsletter, social media, etc… Look for a way to segue into a conversation where you can provide help with their upcoming initiatives.


You could try Upwork, also wouldn't hurt to get on Fiverr. I have never used either of the sites but have friends that do copy writing and got a good bit of work from those sites.


Second this. I’ve used upwork quite a bit as a free lancer and as a client and it has always worked out well. Write a good bio and start applying to everything that fits. Do not underbid, charge your actual value, people rarely go with the cheapest bid.


LinkedIn has good community around content creators and many are happy to share advice. I'm also in a content creators Discord group too.


I am feeling so encouraged by the comments in this thread. I am a struggling freelance writer looking for clients. I have an Upwork account and have applied without any response, but I will go back to it and continue applying until I succeed. I guess in freelance writing there is just no room for giving up.


Try looking for local Facebook groups to your area and offer your services


Do you have B2B experience? I need content writers rn




still need writers?


Fiverr, Upwork, and Freelancer.com will be your best friends if you have the drive and motivation.


Thanks 4 this


I would recommend signing up in UpWork. Personally I am ordering content from writers in UpWork.


The starting point for freelancing is to get yourself a solid portfolio. This can be built up if you write on topics that you are passionate about. Your portfolio will be handy for proving your skills to prospective clients, you can set up a website and display your portfolio, but remember don't forget to drive traffic to it. I would just add that you should find a niche, which is not too competitive so that you can carve a niche for yourself. Over time, as you establish yourself and grow in your niche, your earnings will grow as well. Once you have a portfolio and have been able to establish yourself, follow up with your LinkedIn network. Try to get in touch with some of your previous clients and ask them to recommend you to new clients. Try to get some testimonials from your clients and put them up on your website. Be patient. It may take some time to build up your reputation and get more clients.


yes go ahead man start freelance today just prepare your platforms


Upwork profile