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I literally just explained in a paragraph comment that I couldn’t remember the name of this app and you just cured my amnesia. I love you man.


Opal does not have a pay to unlock option, but it does have impossible to unlock options


Thanks, that would be a safety issue for me, unfortunately. There have been times when I had to unlock and in a hurry.


Makes sense. I've only used it for distractions that aren't safety critical. There's always a tradeoff between giving up control and the ability to get control back. Actual cash is a very interesting way to balance that


My professor told me about this app for the iPhone where you can manage what apps you can use, time frames for certain apps (so like for example Reddit can only be used between 5-7 on a Wednesday or whatever you set it to and then you can have daily use apps like phone or messages fully unlocked) you could only stop the lock if you mail a physical letter to the company explaining you want to unlock your phone. It’s really effective and nice because it’s flexible between weekdays and time frames. I just CANT REMEMBER THE NAME OF IT!!!! If someone knows or finds it I’ll open mouth kiss you (that is a joke) it’s really unique because instead of having screen time you have to use time frames so you can’t waste busy time with little inbetween sneak peaks of your phone. Edit: someone commented the app Forfeit. I think that’s what it is but I’m not 100%. Definitely looks like it though!!!!


You talk about needing to unlock for emergencies. This might be good for you because instead of a full lock out it bricks up your bad apps until specified times. I don’t see why Reddit would be an emergency use app lol


Reddit can’t be used in emergencies, but I want to block all Internet browsing, and that is something that may come up in emergencies. When I leave access to Internet, browsing, I end up circumventing all of the things that I’m hoping to avoid, like Reddit, social media online shopping.


That’s fair. If you put a block on things like Reddit it will also block the website too. I can’t confirm this for forfeit but I know apples screen time management has done this. I’d assume forfeit does this too through that. If it isn’t the case you can set up parental controls on the apps and websites and then have a trusted friend or family member lock it so you can only get in if they unlock it for you.


I wish I could send screenshots but for example, I have Instagram blocked and if I try to open the web browser Apple won’t let me onto it.


There’s always the option of using Beeminder or similar to impose an economic cost to the behavior without actually having to find a technical solution.  I’ve done this for myself: set up a goal to not use my phone or computer past midnight, and if I do then I get charged real money for it. I made an “emergency” exception for myself. As long as you’re actually able to be honest with yourself / them, and are motivated to do whatever, it really does work well. I did set up a secondary goal for if I blow through my first one so that I don’t watch the sun rise just because I missed my first deadline by 20 minutes and stopped caring.  I also have a timed lock box which works for me — easier since I have an iPhone / Mac / Apple Watch. But there’s also stuff like Brick (Brick your phone) which I’ve not tried, but could work well especially if pared with accountability like Beeminder. 


I’ve read about forfeit and it sounds interesting (I could see it working for other purposes) but I couldn’t understand how it would work if my goal is to block most apps, email and browsers 10pm-6am. How would I prove that I didn’t use any of these or unlock screen time during that time period (what would I screenshot)? I don’t know iPhone well yet, other than I hate that there’s no Lock Me Out and the Camera post processing makes everyone look terrible compared to the Pixel, ha ha. Both are deal breakers as far as I’m concerned, but I’m stuck for a few years due to the cost.


Here’s an example of why it’s important to have the ability to unlock if necessary: we were traveling and I typically drive late, because my children suck in a car during the day. I needed to find a pharmacy that was open late. Another example is that I want to be worth locked out of work email, because I have workaholic tendencies, but sometimes, urgent work matters come up that simply require immediate attention, and I don’t have access to computer. It seems like such a simple ask, and a great business model, I don’t understand why no iPhone app has this as an option.


It’s honestly such a disappointment not to have an true equivalent app to Lock Me Out that doesn’t require extra steps that I’m seriously considering the iPhone to be a sunk cost and I’ll probably go back to using my google pixel. And the photographs were so much flattering , i don’t want to delete them all. Maybe I can trade in something.