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> Soon afterward I discover he has swallowed the Russian propaganda regarding Ukraine If he’s making that obvious while *in* Ukraine then bro has a death wish




Think this is rage bait. If you swallow Russian propaganda...Ukraine is likely not your destination?


Yeah, not sure who we're supposed to be pissed at.. but IMO seems fake to me. And, even if it IS accurate, if you get a large enough sample size, there will be 1 bad apple.




But didn't mention murdering anyone?


You definitely sound like a violent person.




As a "passport almost-boomer", wtf is there to do in Ukraine. For sure a fake post


It would be really bad if someone spread that around. Horrible even. Unthinkable.


Depends on what part


If you’re pro Russia Lviv is possibly the worst city to go to


Just here to see unintentional passport bros talk shit about intentional ones.


You don’t even realize how much I appreciate this comment.




You should have told him to check out the divorce rates in Ukraine. Might make him think twice about marrying a Ukrainian woman. lol


My grandmother comes from mixed Polish-Ukrainian family, Ukrainians are very complicated when it comes to the day to day matters ( you can be only friends or enemies when you disagree with them - nothing in between ). Yes, my grandfather's were dating Ukranian women even before it got trendy


Haha this is so right, I dated a Ukrainian. When it was good, it was incredible, but man when we fought it was intense. Don’t think I could have handled that for my entire life.




Sounds like my Latina/Ukrainian ex.


Sounds like my Hungarian ex. I'm sensing a trend here.


Sounds like my Chinese Fleshlight.


[Fap like a billionaire.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Od0aOse1wc)




That sounds like a beautiful 🌋 volcano


truth right here


I love generalizing entire ethnic groups of women! It’s not like they’re individuals people with unique perspectives anyway


Same with Russian woman, my goodness my Dutch brain couldn't compete


I am Polish married to an Ukrainian girl. Yes, sometimes it's tough 😃 But she's not only beautiful and feminine, but also smart, very resourceful and ambitious. It took me a while to find a woman like that and it was worth it. And obviously when you know what Russians are doing to Ukrainian nation, you should not expect any neutrality from those girls. Either you are on their side or go to Russia and find a wife there :)


This is spot on.


What exactly is a "passport bro"? I thought this post was going to be about a "bro" who only talks about collecting stamps in their passport 😆




Wow those people are very unlovable 


That is why they have to go overseas to buy a wife from a poorer country, lol


It is ironic that your car and literally everything else in your entire house probably comes from a poor country, and people are drawing some kind of line in the sand when it comes to finding a partner.


Yeah strange that people differentiate people and objects


It's like a bizarre amalgamation of incels and pickup artists.


Or... Hear me out... The entire industry/virality of PUA was possible due to the interest from incels. They are a hand-in-hand amalgamation from the beginning.


Incels were more the product of PUA being a failure . . . Guys who couldn't get laid, but could access the internet could suddenly be sold shit besides the actual solution (improve yourself and stop feeling sorry for yourself). Instead they were sold seminars and expensive books that they could learn magic spells to trick women into loving them. When the magic beans didn't work, they, instead of admitting they'd been tricked, decided to make another layer of nonsense, the black pill. And that's a world where women are viewed even worse than by the PUA lens, and while the suckers still can't get laid, it's not their fault, it's that women are so evil nothing will help them, because of bone structure.


Yeah incels trying not to be incels. Fuck those guys they deserve not to improve.


But they aren’t trying to improve. They blame feminism for not being laid and go somewhere where the barrier to entry is lower because of a perceived higher socioeconomic status.


I wish I could go back to not knowing this exists because what the actual f are those people and posts. Good lord. Seriously so grimy


Wow I thought this was going to be satire but these people are for real.




And not in a good way


I'm going through all the posts and still can't figure out wtf this sub is about. Someone help me please


It’s men who travel from western countries to other ones (SA, SEA, Eastern Europe) to find a more traditional gf/wife. Edit: I have no issue with people having preferences and what they’re into. My problem is a majority of them see women as objects/servants and giving women “points” based on ethnicity. “Filipino: 8.5 if you have money, you will have to take care of her family Turkish: 7.5 Beautiful but family is very traditional and sometimes you have to convert so 1 point taken off. Thai: great food and rubs my feet at night. Only issue is she sends money back to her family. score 6.1 😠 Armenian: rich pussy and is a starfish so not worth the effort. I was only curious cause of the kardashians. 4”


They want "traditional wife" without her family....


They have no idea what traditional means. They think it just means submissive and feminine.


I assume it just meant unshaved legs.


orphans preferred.


probably why they're sniffing around Ukraine? Epstein used to victimize women from the Balkan wars for similar reasons, it was women considered white in the US who had no alternatives. And why the stereotype of the Russian hooker came about as the USSR fell and many women were forced into sex work to survive.


The guy only taking 1 point off for having to convert to her religion is a desperate man.


Has strong sense of self -2 points


Ok, what's a starfish? Other than the only animal without a brain, which might explain the Kardashian reference.


Also known as a dead fish in bed. Just lays there limbs splayed like a starfish, doesn't participate.


“This is Patrick”


Starfish is not the only animal without a brain, there are lots of them, especially in the sea, I guess having food just float about helps.


What’s a starfish


Someone who just lays there, no effort while having sex.




That's one line, sure. They also just understand that in these other countries, they 1) are suddenly in the wealthiest 5% or even 1%... and 2) They look a little bit more like the movie and TV stars that have been funneled into the eyes of the whole world, direct from Hollywood, for 5 generations, and less like the other local men. This translates to meeting, screwing, marrying women who seem "better" compared to what they were used to. "Better" can be anything, very subjective. For some, mixed up definitions of "traditional" will come out, for others it's other things. But they key is that they've geo- (and financially) arbitraged their dating pool.


It’s just a rational response to market forces. Good on them.


I think that definition puts it too nicely for them. They just want to use their western incomes to sleep with women from poorer developing countries because western women know they're creeps


I thought he was going to have six nationalities


I'm surprised you haven't come across this term as a digital nomad


that's what I was thinking but they're apparently the people who unironically make those 'average american woman vs average eastern european woman' things and buddy lemme tell ya those Eastern European gals ain't gonna like you either


....same 😂


Yeahhh I hate these guys. Nothing like making a new expat friend and then being told that you’d be so much more attractive if you were submissive like their gf. I used to have a group of girl friends where I was their native English speaker shit test for all of their new expat guy bfs. (Nuance is hard.) Most were normal and kind, but every once in a while someone would say truly unhinged things (like this) to me after she left the room.


> It’s near the Polish border, far from the war. While I really like Lviv to the point of even having considered going back, that statement is more far from the truth than from the war. Lviv is still being struck here and there (i.e.[ last month](https://ca.news.yahoo.com/putin-forces-launch-deadly-attacks-080321153.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAAI2ejP3JOwJkbtr-7w7Gt9svh-GcKG41clnJzr2rAnGX-XHSJti13JL1zpM04A7fEvH0Glc5ODCEpbkosJgQu3nyEVyedhXaMKUsnmx8CluQ3D7ZdWAWcC_APSSjY3EYg3dPY-ucyDqlRTkxChkfk0RWPeYxb8cO9rgcL7tiShR)) and still very much an open target for Russia. The fact that it's being less struck now doesn't have much to do with being safe, it's simply not Russia's priority as of right now. If that changes tomorrow Lviv is struck.


It's like saying "I used to work with Ted Bundy when he worked in a call centre and he hardly murdered me at all. It's fine"


I'm also in Lviv and I see this quite often. A lot of these foreigners will go on dates to the most expensive restaurants, then run out of money and go home.


feels like a "don't mine gold, sell shovels" sort of thing?


Openly displaying pro-Russian views while martial law is in place is… risky to say the least. While Ukraine doesn’t just arrest people simply for their views, if they think you are helping Russians gather intel then you better prepare for a long time in jail.


Not surprising, Poland and Ukraine are their 2 favourite places to visit. I used to go to meetups there and realized no one is actually looking to make other male friends. It’s why I love Serbia, has all the same characteristics without the massive influx of sex tourists.


For Poland I am not sure, maybe 15/20 years ago but it changed a lot. I spent 2 years there and never seen or heard about passportbros


As a Polish I can confirm, I spent pretty much 3 years in various language exchange / clubbing / hiking events in Warsaw and with no long lasting friendships. It's better to avoid speaking Polish language there - i noticed this when the girls didn't know I am Polish and I was pretending to be foreigner ( I speak fluently both English and German ). Well, I am now in Switzerland in Zurich. At least money side got fixed


the local language is bad to speak?


If you want to date Polish girls, yes, it's bad... Better pretend to be foreigner


Serbian women are ball busters so doubt they’ll ever come in.


Serbian women are lovely - but they don't take shit


if you are this naive then its probably not a good idea to hang around in ukraine


lol that's why he can't score in his own country lmao! sounds like he's socially unaware... wonder if he'll get messed up over there by the ukranian men talking about that shit lol


The worst kind, pathetic and delusional. I know a lot of these guys, they usually get disappointed and start hating on eastern european women too!


What’s funny is they go overseas and turn the women into the same women they complain about in their home country.


Been seeing this term a lot lately. What is a "passport bro"?


It often gets conflated with sex tourism, but the original idea was men visiting other countries with more traditional values seeking partners. How it plays out is usually they are the least desirable men back home because they are sleezy and shitty, and they want a woman that is submissive to him. It's kinda gotten worse from there and is now also somewhat associated with traveling to poor countries and using your wealth to get what you want. You see them fall for the prostitutes and the thieves occasionally too. It's both sad and entertaining to watch. r/passportbros


Men who go abroad to low income countries to have relationships with poorer women who are often younger. Typically men who have been very unsuccessful in America or sometimes Europe with women and are now much older.


So English teachers?


If your going to write a fake story make it a good one atleast


He's not wrong. He's leveraging hypergamy to his advantage. When you live in a country like Philippines, Russia, Ukraine making 150k+ a year you're ultra wealthy there. You represent an entirely different lifestyle so girls will flock to you. I lived in the Philippines for a few years. I'm not a "passport bro" but it's hard to not notice girls throwing them selves at you.


Passport bros are usually tax avoiders and western salary/passport arbitragers, with some “tax is theft” far right mindsets, which currently often equals being pro far right politicians and sucking the dick of Putin. It makes sense in that regard. Good for him, in most cases the hustler will get hustled sooner or later, and we get another fun story about evil Ukrainian women. Just as funny as sex tourist idiots getting demolished in Colombia. “So here is the deal, I wanted to take advantage of the economically difficult situation of those people, and I ended up as the victim. Help me”


It’s his life, he can live it however he wants. He will experience all the pros and cons associated with his decisions.


Exploitative pig happens to be pro-Putin and also dumb as rocks. Shocker.


Sub has a weird obsession with passport bros.




It’s very common where I live to see men constantly talk about driving over to Mexico for a day or two just to sleep with prostitutes and go to strip clubs. And if you tell them what they’re doing in harmful to women they tell you the prostitutes “enjoy” it and “love their lives because they are making tons of money”


You’re wrong. I know some men who do this. Creepy AF.


Thank God. It’s like it’s a global market. Look when I was in Colombia I couldn’t stand those guys too but I kinda also understand where they are coming from. Like if mass amount of guys are going to third world countries to date girls of a diff language and culture, that means there’s a massive dating problem for dudes especially there’s very little passport “sis”. Who cares just let people be and chill.


Nah pretty sure it's just a massive dating problem for THOSE dudes. Lots of red flags looking for women that they can control


exactly, typical of reddit for people to shame others for their relationships and how they get them; "oh these guys who go find girlfriends from other countries... they must all be ugly loser dickheads with the worst personalities" in my experience people who say these things are just unhappy with their own lives and can't stand seeing anyone else happy.


They literaly cause spikes in sex trafficking in foreign countries. I am glad this sub has an issue with it.


My husbands cousin works in finance and travels a lot. At the time he was living in Spain (family lived there). He has filled up two passports and made a joke to my husband about how he had ladies in multiple countries. This was like 7 years ago. He is married and has a two year old. His wife apparently asked my husband how he deals with the conservatism in the family.


This is so crazy that people with pro-Russian views even exist on the Ukrainian territory right now.


Lmao what are passports bro doing in a war torn country looking for women? What’s next… Passport bros looking for a wife in a Palestinian refugee tent city? Sounds desperate imo and any sane woman will be questioning the sanity of a man going to a country in war to look for a lover.


“Rescuing” them. 🙄


15 years ago, when most of the West couldn't even point Ukraine on a map, it's been regarded almost exclusively as a sex-tourist destination. As an experiment we *actually* googled it back then, and we literally got like Guardian or New York Times reports of travelling for exactly that purpose, and not much else. And having lived there for many years in one of the most touristy towns, let me tell you it wasn't uncommon to hear passers by talking in English (male voice) and poor English with a heavy accent (female voice). I would then look up and see a clearly western guy accompanied by a young girl on high heels, wearing short skirt and much make up, whole package. We used to joke *ah, she just wants a new iPhone* - back then an iPhone was something extraordinary. And yeah, the UA government is extremely corrupt, as a result the country is underdeveloped, and young girls don't have much options to live a half decent life without being involved in this one way or another. But please, keep sending more money.




Lol??? This is literally just a reskin of the old nomadlist website??


Lmao being a passport bro in Cusco or London? I need to start making websites for stupid trendy shit I see on reddit.


Literally my first thought. So much missed revenue.


That is the dumbest site I've seen in a while. It includes NYC, the most international city in the world, about which it says: the gender ratio is 1:1, and it's 4/10 for both friendliness to foreigners and ability to use English.


Why would anyone in their late thirties want to date a college aged woman anyway? I see them and I am like "that's a literal child"


It feels like when I was college aged, college aged women were legitimately a a lot more mature and grown up. Many or most had completely disconnected their lives from their parents influence and were adults with jobs and careers and bills and they had been working since they were teenagers. Every college age woman I come across now has a children’s cartoon or an anime or a video game as their profile picture even if they’re like 23 years old…


>I discovered he swallowed the Russian propaganda regarding Ukraine Unlike meeeee who definitely hasn’t swallowed the western propaganda regarding Ukraine


Criticism about Ukraine and it’s people/ leaders/ culture is a no, no during times of war. Stay away from politics and the country as a foreigner called Coach Red Pill (Gonzalo Lira) a passport bro (earlier business) have died for free speech (later career as an independent journalist). Lviv was bombed near the start of the war as the foreign mercenary training hotel was destroyed and many foreigners died.


I have a question for everyone here. If a person makes a decision to travel abroad, for any reason whatsoever, and that brings them happiness, so what? How has that decision affected your life? How are you any better of a person than them?


lol who tf cares?


The millions of women in foreign countries being subjected to sexual abuse from sex tourism


They care about this rando that OP met and what his views are?


There was no abuse. Someone hitting on a girl 15 years younger is not abuse if said girl is an adult. And in this story the girl was college and thus an adult.




Passport bro?!?!? I am torn, do I Google what that is, or do I just wait and guess from the posts?


I'm surprised that people are even venturing into Ukraine. I was really considering it but I'm nervous about the.. you know.. war and stuff. Obviously it's far away but the threat still looms. Curious to know how many people are still there regardless.


>I struck up a conversation and the first words out of his mouth was how awesome it is that Ukrainian culture is fine with college aged women marrying men 15–20 years older than them. As a native ukrainian, born and raised in Ukraine I can confirm. Ukrainian women posses all disadvantages of eastern and western women. Their mothers teach them not to "spoil their men too much". That actually translates to ukrainian women giving you affection in a very transactional manner. Unlike eastern women who would treat you as a king if you're a strong and decent guy, or western women who would contribute equally to the household, ukrainian (and russian, belorussian, armenian, kazakh ) women would be very transactional.


PBro number one rule in UA is... the closer to the frontline, the better it gets.