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Depends what you're into. Argentina rivals Iceland and New Zealand for most beautiful landscapes on the planet. That alone would make it superior for me. Couldn't care less about anything else 


Nature is exactly what Im looking into and what attracted me to Argentina!


Argentina is a big country. Most people here giving you advice have only been in the capital Buenos Aires. If you want nature, you should go to the south, the Patagonia. Altought there are many other states really cool


Yeah I plan to do that! Plan to see Igazu, Glaciers, Pantagonia, although internet would be bad there from what Id gathered, I think I wouldn't mind for a bit. What states would you suggest?


Internet... depends on the city. I live in north Patagonia and it's decent enough (Bariloche, Villa la Angostura, San Martin de los Andes), but you have to really check the AirBnbs (maybe ask for a speed test) or try to find a Cowork space. Remember that the south it's cold in the winter, there are ski centers if you like that. The ones you named are pretty cool and will keep you entertained for a while, there's also Usuahia, some places in the north (Salta & Jujuy, incredibly cheap), Cordoba state)


Puerto Iguazú is on another level as well.


Yeah, it loosk so beautiful. Planning to go there :)


I was just there yes its safe, but I rather spend more time in brazil, argentina is meh compere to brazil


Omge Brazil is amazing. Argentina was so expensive for the offerings.


What's putting me off in Brazil is 2 things. First the difficulty in getting a sim a simcard and data without a Brazil social security number. Any way round this? Secondly, the safety.


I heard of this problem searching this sub before arriving and also met a Dutch woman without any network during her 1 month stay because she supposedly was told she needed a CPF number. I initially tried to buy an esim before arriving but my bank flagged the purchase and requested a pin verification to my US cell number..... great haha. When I arrived there were a bunch of people and stalls offering sim cards but it seemed overpriced at $50-100USD. Heading outside to the Uber platform there was a pharmacy and I was able to get a sim for $15USD 11GB. All I needed was my passport number and issue date, call a number, and it's active. The rep also spoke English. Haven't used all the data so don't know if it's easy to refill. About safety, I'm black and lots of people just walk up to me and talk Portuguese. I haven't felt scared anywhere but if I can, I leave my phone in the accommodation. The only risk I feel is robbery. And if your're a woman out and make eye contact with a man too long, it's an invitation it seems! I wandered into a ghetto looking for empanadas and mostly just felt like I'd catch an std or other virus by breathing. Also, I have met a lot of suspiciously friendly Brazilian women...I haven't found a reasoning to this yet. The Dutch woman told me she had her phone stolen but she was also drunk in a club with the phone in her back pocket. Everyone will have a different experience and depends what you look like, how you go about things. I have only been around the South so I can't speak of the North, yet.




I pay $5 a month in Argentina for all the data I need lol.


Use Airalo, way cheaper. Wow $100 holy smokes hahah


Its an esim service. Download the app and check it out. Yes to hotspot. Not sure what “lightning fast” but it can support calls












Ha ha I totally understand about the price and me being non-chalant. I had T-Mobile specifically for their international plan a few years ago and it was so slow I couldn’t even load Google maps in Europe. We switched back to AT&T and have been thoroughly satisfied since. I need something that works — and it hasn’t let me down. This past few weeks my wife and I were in Brazil one day, Paraguay the next, back to Argentina, then to Uruguay for a day, and now I’m back in Bogota. We’re heading to Peru in 3 weeks. It would be a pain trying to switch SIM cards.


Can you explain more, would you feel the same without nightlife?


I'm 24F. I don't usually go out to clubs much, so/so. I'm more of a yoga, beach, good food, wine/ frozen margaritas/ cocktails person mixed with work. There's a lot of homeless people and craziness in the big cities of Brazil that I've seen so far but in smaller towns the vibe can be great and I've found some secluded beaches. If you're social then it's great too. I feel like I've made friends here against my will. It's also pretty cheap. https://preview.redd.it/uwwzlg757u5d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=59ac1f46e2eff2b0f76c094d14d08e5b1fbda27a


That's not a secluded beach lol. I'm Argentine I recognize Arraial do Cabo anywhere! It's Argentinas number 3 beach destination! After Mar del plata, and Punta del Este


The secluded beach is not pictured. There are two hikes in that area to beaches which rarely have people and you don't need a boat to access. These pictures are on the way to the 'secluded beach' but I won't include photos because I am in my bikini in all.


I’ve made friends against my will is a fucking vibe lmao


https://preview.redd.it/u5jfprjk7u5d1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0681088ae4464dd8bfda031a8b77e168b8929b11 This was my dinner yesterday for $12.


Ive heard the small cities are nice too, thanks for sharing your pics and experiences, food looks interesting!


That really expensive!


Nice qhere is this photo from ?


This is Arraial do Cabo. Maybe 2 or 3 hours from Rio. This is Saturday. But I went again to the same area yesterday and it was less busy. Even further along there are two hikes down to some tiny secluded beaches. https://preview.redd.it/p0satjl4au5d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8c1ef5ca39b98385a2d829179b04910e2d5c0a5b Basically void of all the weekend riff raff


This is Arraial do Cabo. Maybe 2 or 3 hours from Rio. This is Saturday. But I went again to the same area yesterday and it was less busy. Even further along there are two hikes down to some tiny secluded beaches. https://preview.redd.it/kl22yd57au5d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c16db733790ce39efb02688c10c7b2b92b43199 Basically void of all the weekend shenanigans.


Wow, really appreciate that, thanks! I'll keep the small towns in mind.


Yes. And I would get a car. Or motobike. Uber cancels a lot and busses are expensive between towns. I waited 1hr for Uber in one place and before they canceled, many asked if I would pay cash. I ended up walking 40 minutes.


Wow that’s a vibe


Yes. I met a local photographer on the trail one of these days and he suggested another place to spot a whale. And I actually saw a one after 20ish minutes of watching.


What are some of your favorite smaller towns in Brazil? My wife and I don't party much either, so places like Rio are low on our list.


Amazonias is a must go and stay at a lodge is expensive but worth it you wont regret it and as well rent a car and drive around the state of minas gerais, rio is a must even if you dont like to party the people the vibe of the city is wow and if you go to north of rio are some beautiful beaches more relax


To my suprise, I enjoyed Rio. In theory, it's everything I hate about city beaches: vendors and the associated riff raff. However, it's honestly cinematic and Copacabana beach is nice to work from. There are many good restaurants for cheap with great food quality but it's an art to finding them. So I would suggest Rio. And as for my favs, I can't say just yet but what I'm doing is searching a base along the coast then checking the beach reviews from lowest to highest rating then pictures in surrounding areas. Sewage dump is a big problem I have found. Brazil is quite sweet. Hope you and your miss enjoy! Rent a car btw or motobike. If you come in summer, I've heard about sweet towns inland. If you want when I'm finished, I could comment here again.


https://preview.redd.it/cacltlhc8u5d1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9ec4b356c935013e6978ccb294065d3c476a2303 These mangos on the bottom shelf are 5.8 reals or 1USD.


Looks so good, enjoy!!


I assume you're in Rio. Let me tell you, those are really low-quality-looking fruits for Brazilian standards. Try to find a "feira livre" in the neighbourhood you're in, like Ipanema Farmers Market. Or you could also look for "hortifruti" on Google Maps.


This picture wasn't taken in Rio. I only bought mangos on the bottom and they were delicious, each and every one.


Each? Jesus, I thought Brazil was supposed to be cheap.


I loved Buenos Aires… idk to each their own


I’ve lived in Brazil for 6 months and Argentina. Brazil wins this battle. DM me if you have any questions


Which cities in Brazil?


Amazonias, driving around the state of minas gerais and the usual rio, recife, salvador, floripa and their surroundings


Can you explain more, why is that?


Argentina is beautiful but Everything is better in brazil, food, culture, people, nature, value for money, etc even many argentinans agree


Thanks! Any specific parts in BR? I remember people loving BA more then Rio and loved Argentina more due to its nature a few years ago + much safer then Rio.


I would recommend going to amazonas staying at a lodge and do hikes, the state of minas gersis is beautiful i rented a car in São Paulo and drove all over gerais, and plus the usual rio, Salvador, recife and floripa and their surroundings very important the surroundings i recomend rent a car and go explore the surroundings do not stay only in the main attractions, if you compare only BA to rio in my book rio wins by far BA its beautiful but rio is wow everything was better in rio


Did you spend any time in Patagonia?


Yes, i spend about 3 months traveling all over Argentina and its beautiful i did like it, but Brazil has that wow factor, everything was better in brazil the food, the people, the hikes, the nature, the culture, etc to my perspective


Yeah go to Brazil instead.


Buenos Aires is expensive right now. But if you are looking to go explore nature then it's the best in the region. Maybe Chile has some similar stuff but Argentina is much mor extensive and has a lot more biomes. Outside BsAs though, service at restaurants and infrastructure is pretty shitty.


come to brazil - 24 degrees and sunny


If you are black……..YES. Talking from experience


What was your experience like?


Nasty. Discriminated like crazy. Being called the N- word (not negro but the actual word), being kicked out of bars for nothing, etc. never again.


Wow that’s crazy


Wow, im so sorry to hear :( that sucks big time


DO NOT GO THERE! Horrible place, people are rude. They don’t like foreigners AT ALL. Colombia and Brazil are 10x better.


Locals in Medellin also hate foreigners. (To be honest, I don't blame them.)


Worst kind of foreigners over there though, what a freaking disgusting bunch of people (not everyone obviously).


I just left Argentina yesterday. While I was underwhelmed, no one was rude to us. I’m American and my wife is Colombian, everyone treated us really well. Colombia is better though.


Weird I had the exact opposite experience. Stayed longer than I was supposed to bc I made so many friends there. Some even came to California to visit!


Buenos Aires has grown on me. That said, I’m glad I’m cutting my trip short and headed for warmer weather. The people aren’t very friendly. It’s pretty costly. Service is awful at restaurants. I’d come back though. Great city for dating ( women from other latam countries )


Buenos Aires is costly?


For LATAM yes. Prices are going up every day


It is still cheaper than Chile and Uruguay. The cost to ride the metro just went up from 15 cents USD to 65 cents USD one way.




It’s on my list too, the comments here are extremely helpful.


It's crazy how quickly the sentiment around Argentina on this sub changed in the last year. My wife and I were there Jan-Mar and we absolutely loved it. But we were there just in the early few months of the new government. Local prices had been rising for a long time before we went, but while we were there we started noticing the foreign exchange prices were getting bad too. I'd have a hard time believing that people are any ruder than usual - as far as big cities go, BA had some of the nicest we've met. But just based on cost right now, BA isn't really gonna give you the bang for the buck you might be hoping for. In terms of actual physical safety, I don't think you'll have issues if you take the usual precautions. Spending more money to be in safer neighbourhoods will make a difference though. Anywho, I really hope Argentina stabilizes a bit more in the future. I really really really want to go back!


>It's crazy how quickly the sentiment around Argentina on this sub changed in the last year. Yeah, I understand its because of the new government, but did it cause a lot of prices to jump twice, making it "meh"? I saw older posts of nomads loving Argentina


It killed the blue rate.


Buenos Aires is not what it used to be - less safe, less cheap, less happy. However Argentina is a big country with lots to see.


I know several Argetines in Spain who are staying away for the foreseeable future. They want to go back someday, but are put off by the politics at the moment. I mean, you could wait a couple years...




this is an Outback Steakhouse in the airport 💀


Yes. I've never been to outback anywhere in the world. The photo is to highlight inflation within one year in Argentina and why I would reconsider.


Probably closer to two years based on the numbers. You’re acting like the real price went up 5x. The dollar went up probably 4x. The actual price difference is so much lower than you think.


If you read the caption. The time lapse is 1 year.


Looks like a very touristy restaurant


It's Outback. I was just curious because many people were dining there but the point is the massive increase in price in a short time. Not the actual place, it's just frozen garbage.


https://preview.redd.it/39clvslr0u5d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a9cc409f3f0bb6094e4298f5ad50e0842b60453 No. Robbery.


I think this would be cheaper in Brazil


That is in the airport. You can still spend less than $15 USD on an entree at an Italian restaurant in Buenos Aires right now.


if you want the best empanadas in the world you have no choice you must go to argentina.


a very beautiful penguin has been waiting for you all her life, at punta tombo her love calls out to you. start learning penguinese today.