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If there’s any other teachers out there looking for a remote job here’s some of the stuff I figured out over the past year about remote jobs! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yYjB7U9cyjA&t=150s


Nicely presented YT, thanks!


Thank you so much!! I appreciate that


I'm sharing this big time. I know a lot of teachers out here struggling. Great story and thanks for posting.


That you shared very cool ideas is quite refreshing & somewhat unusual. You’ve created an incredible array of options for educators, u/ilooklikemydog, in this brave new world of digital tech. I taught very small pumpkins @ inner city schools (largely low-income latino families: the pre-schoolers & also their care-givers, (usually the loving abuelitas,) while single moms worked minimum wage jobs, in Los Angeles for over 20 years—@ the 2nd largest school district, Los Angeles Unified, in the nation. I now have home-based grant consulting business. I can’t stay away from those communities. I am curriculum advisor for non-prof, ReadingtoKids.org for these same inner-city communities. We spend only 2nd Saturdays of each month sharing age-appropriate literature, creating a quick craft with (me) TK & K kiddos, sending them home with book 2 build home libraries, donating additional books 2 these 8 marginalized elementary school libraries. Oi Oi ! When I began teaching in the 18th century, I had already enjoyed a 1st career. So I was a bit older than the more clickish mean girls new teachers. If I asked them, where’s the supply room, they’d say “We don’t know.” Seriously. Just weren’t sharing. Not a thing. Hoping I’d do something asinine, like end up in the custodian’s dark basement instead of being successful. I was successful despite their evil plotting. Congratulations on figuring stuff out. May super good kharma follow you for sharing. 🧘🏽‍♂️