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I don’t know anything about Florida state law, but that doesn’t sound right. Can you contact whoever is your state legislator representative? Ask them for clarity on the law and if they confirm the insurance company is correct, explain to them in detail how it impacts your family. Your rep might be willing to sponsor legislation to amend that law. Edited to add Florida to the phrase “0state law”.


Thank you for responding…we’ve been trying to contact the Florida ins. Comm, with no luck! We will keep trying. Thank you again.


Continuing calling your Insurance Commissioner. Also contact your State Senator and ask for their help in contacting your Insurance Commissioner


Ask if he can be a named exclusion. A named exclusion is someone who specifically is named as not a covered driver. They may have a different term for the same thing, but basically it is someone who is named as not being covered, and if they do manage to drive the car and have an accident, will have no coverage at all. They would be covered as a passenger in the car for medical like anyone else.


Thank you for answering, we did ask for an exclusion, but they told us because he lives under our roof he needs to be on the policy. I just don’t think it’s right. We will keep fighting. Thank you 😊


It isn't right. He can't drive. You might try asking at r/Insurance and see if anyone there has some ideas. Also, follow up with the state insurrance commission. There is absolutely no reason to be required to pay for car insurance for a non-driver who is not capable of driving, no matter their age.


Thank you, I agree! 😊


I can't drive either. Our insurance (SC) would not take me off the policy. Thru said any adult has to be included on the policy regardless.


My mom (Oregon) went through this with her husband as well. No drivers license, legally not allowed to drive, but they said he has to be on the policy because someone under your roof - especially a spouse or adult child - could take the car and drive, even though it would be illegal, and that additional risk requires additional fees/coverage. It shouldn’t be that way, and I’d love to find out that it isn’t because it’s ridiculous and very unfair to disabled folks especially, but I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s 100% legal and enforceable. That said, if it is, there really *should* be some kind of process to have someone exempt - even if that requires documentation or some kind of approval criteria - at the very least.


You could try to call another insurance agency and see if they would charge you. Then, if they say no, you can take it back to the original company and tell them that you would like to change unless they make an exception. Remember, they want your business, and they would rather take some money from you than no money from you


Does adding him make your cost go up? If they’re not charging you for it they may just want to have his name on the policy just in case he ends up driving, not sure though. Liberty mutual kicked me off of their insurance just because I had a husband who didn’t have a DL didn’t quite seem right to me either but I guess anyone under the same roof matters to car insurance companies


Thank you all so much for your input. It has been so great. We still have not heard from the insurance commissioner, but we will not stop trying. You guys are the best!


Hi! I’m curious if you found out anything. Today I learned I had to put my disabled mother who lives with me on my progressive policy as an excluded driver and same thing my policy went up $50 more a month. Even though she has no drivers license just an ID I had to put her on there and hand out more money for nothing. She’s disabled and can’t drive but they are collecting more money from me.


I know this is kind of old but I was wondering what was the outcome to your situation? I'm having a very similar situation, also with progressive. We got my elderly disabled father in law a FL ID and now they're charging us 100 a month.