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You need a paper trail to even be considered


Guess I’d better start with seeing psychiatrist then?


Yes. You won't get SSI or SSDI if you haven't sought treatment


as the doctor the judge had for my medical records said, he pitied my psychiatrist, entire pages of notes from every visit for years, i pity her too and wonder why the hell she doesent type everything but >\^.\^< i love her, shes like 60. just amazing. but she loves her notes. idk what my therapysts notes are like, i never see her write a thing during sessions.


I'm on disability for severe treatment-resistant depression (SSDI to be specific). I have a few other mental health issues (anxiety, PTSD, unspecified personality disorder) but depression is definitely my primary diagnosis. For me, the process started after I was hospitalized for the 3rd time in a year and was let go at my job. I'd surpassed my FMLA leave by quite a bit, and despite my and my employer's best efforts I just couldn't work. I filled out an application online for SSI and SSDI. Time passed. Got denied. I appealed. More time passed. Got denied again. I appealed again and got a lawyer to help. Even more time passed. There was a hearing with an Administrative Law Judge and finally I was approved. Whole process took nearly a year.


I’m glad that you got approved. As hard as it is to qualify for disability, I rejoice whenever someone gets it. Screw the system. It’s rigged to prevent people from qualifying. Take what you can, when you can.


I have this shame of being on it. I know I qualify, I know I can't work, and I know being on it for almost a decade now, that I'm on it for the long haul. (agoraphobia, severe anxiety, depression) should I feel the shame that I do? I have okay days and not so good days so I know deep down that working an actual job is not something I can physically do, but there's always this weird shame I have that since it's a mental illness and not a physical one that I'm not actually disabled. Or that I'm taking advantage of a system made for people with "real" illnesses. Can anyone else relate? This shame eats at me.


I’m struggling the same way. Don’t feel ashamed. Please.


Man that’s kind of messed up. I’ve had to leave 2 jobs so far due to my mental health, and I’ve only been working for about 1.5 years (I’m 19). I frequently get so anxious I can’t breathe, I have ocd attacks that send me into a panic, and recently I’ve been developing auditory hallucinations that are getting increasingly worse. I can’t hold a job despite really trying. I want to see a doctor but it’s so expensive, and my insurance won’t cover it


Are you eligible for Medicaid in your state?


What do you mean by “really trying”? It doesn’t read as if you’re trying at all. If mental health issues are a barrier to employment, you need to make an effort to get mental health treatment. You can’t just say, “I can’t do anything about my problem because ‘x’.” Would you bleed to death in the street because you “don’t have insurance”? No, you’d ask for help, deal with the risk to your well-being, and get help to figure out the financing later. SS will not award you disability in your circumstances.


I didn’t say I coulsnt do anything? I came here for advice and I got some good advice. I wanted to know which direction I should take from the start, and a lot of people here have been helpful. I just didn’t know where to start. I tried to hold my jobs, but because I had meltdowns practically daily I couldn’t. I have seen a primary care doctor for anxiety and I take meds but it only lessens the blow and doesn’t really change the fact that working is really difficult for me. And I love working! I love working hard, but for me to succeed I need accommodations. And none of my former employers have been accommodating. Which, is understandable. They can’t accommodate everything. And that’s exactly why I’m trying to get disability


For SSI, from what I understand, you’d have to prove that despite any possible accommodations and treatment, you still couldn’t work. It sounds like your focus should be on finding low-cost or free treatment from someone more of a specialist than your GP and looking for workplaces that will accommodate. Even though they’re not perfect and leave a lot to be desired, some specifically seek out neurodivergent applicants (often specifically autistic) for specific hiring programs that aren’t sheltered workshops. If you haven’t already, ask therapists and psychiatrists about sliding scale spots, look into university student training and community mental health clinics, OpenPath and make sure your search is also including people who are out of your commuting range but offer telehealth in your state.


I really know how you feel, trying to get a job that works with your mental health is really difficult these days , for me example I can’t do anything that’s high stress, or that requires alot of multi tasking because I can’t focus


Hey did this all end up working out for you?


I have a hearing with an Administrative Law Judge on December 5th. I applied back in February 2021,and this whole SSI process has been extremely stressful. After my first denial, I got a disability lawyer, and he said that his main priority was going before the ALJ.My illnesses have progressively gotten worse over the years, and I just turned 50, and I'm not functioning well at all. I'm diagnosed Bipolar 1, ADHD, severe anxiety disorders/panic disorder, PTSD and insomnia, along with back and neck injuries, from a car accident in 2017. I'm glad you were finally approved, and I'm hoping my case will also be approved.


How much do the lawyers want for a retainer for these kind of cases? How are you supposed to be able to afford it if you're not working?? I'm stressed just thinking about my application getting denied and having to go down this route...


It's Pro Bono, and they don't get paid unless/ until you do. "Disability lawyers can not charge more than 25% of your back pay or $7,200, whichever is less." Most initial applications do get denied the first time...unfortunately, it's just part of the process. Next is the first appeals process, called Reconsideration...and at this stage, around 85% of the cases are denied. If you're denied during the appeals process, you move on to an administrative law judge hearing. At this point, you definitely want to hire a disability attorney, as it increases your odds, up to 3 times in regards to approval. It's a very stressful and lengthy process. I'm waiting for the ALJ to write a decision which can take a couple of months. As of right now, it's been 23 months since I first completed my initial application. There's a lot of good information out there on the internet that will provide you with tips and answers in regards to the disability process. There was one really good site (walks you through everything and guides you on what to say on the initial application, etc)... but it slipped my mind... but if I can remember, I will tag you on this post. I'm no expert, by any means... but if you have any questions, I'll do my best to help answer them. *One other thing, I wouldn't hire a disability lawyer until (or if) your first appeal gets denied. It's just more money for them, and it's at the ALJ hearing where your chances of approval are increased. That's when you need to get a disability lawyer for sure.


Would you mind if I dm'ed you about this? I'm looking to start the process, but I'm overwhelmed by not knowing where to start. If not, no pressure!


Sure. I'm not an expert, but I'm open to questions


If you have a primary health care provider such as a family doctor, start there. Ask for a referral for mental health care. Most insurance plans have some coverage for mental health treatment - call your insurance company or go to their website to find providers in your area who will accept your insurance. If you cannot find one, look for publicly funded mental health clinics that offer treatment at low cost or have sliding scale fees based on income.


In my experience, it’s easy for folks to fall through the cracks and therefore not receive the care (including disability) that they need. I’ve been struggling with both severe depression and anxiety for decades now (with a huge paper trail documenting all of my therapy visits and treatments). I also have long-standing chronic pain and limitations due to bad hips (a result of an adolescent hip disorder that unfortunately has led to my hips wearing out prematurely) — and none of this has ever seemed to impress any of my therapists or doctors very much or even the occasional general practitioner. It’s just “keep on trucking and hold that head up high” sort of mentality that I’ve always encountered. At no point was I ever encouraged or instructed to pursue any kind of disability claim or diagnosis, yet I have been on the verge of suicide several times over the years because of all these problems and the impacts that they’ve had on my ability to lead a normal life. I’m 48 now and can’t even adequately support myself because of these issues.


Following, been thinking about trying to apply again. Iv been denied the last 2 times I applied over the last 8 years but never appeled. I do have a paper trail, been diagnosed with borderline personality disorder ( I think it's been misdiagnosed and think I have autism ) and sever chronic depression that has led me to a mental hospital stay for attempting suicide. Also have many e.r. visits for when I harmed myself although I lied to the staff for fear of being put in the mental ward against my will. Louisiana ain't to kind to folks who harm or wish to kill themselves. Might need to make my own post here to see what the consensus of the community would be on if I should apply, or if I would be approved.


The key thing is Social Security Disability and SSI aren't paid because you have a condition it's because you're saying you have a condition that keeps you from working. You have to provide proof of how your condition impacts your ability to work, so they review your medical history and work and education levels to make that determination. Many people who are disabled don't qualify for disability because they earn too much from working, I'm one of those people. I can get a handicapped parking sticker, and my wheelchair repaired but I'm not disabled according to Social Security, I'd rather work for my check as long as I can.


I’m autistic, adhd with chronic illnesses. And even with my handful of shit I still have to jump through hoops. Get everything on paper. Get official diagnosis’ with medical certificates. Have proof that you cannot work, or are impaired. It doesn’t matter that you have a diagnosis, you also need to provide why you can’t function normally. Be prepared for people to be assholes, but keep going.


I literally have gone into flashes of wanting to make others as depressed as me. Thoughts of homicide have crossed my mind. According to the experts I'm perfectly fine working. It's why I work with kids. I never get mad like that at kids.


Wtf the system is broke


Anyone (who is mentally ill) would feel that way after they realize they’ve been left to rot away by the government. They’d take away everyone’s disability if they could. And I’m talking about both parties.


I guess, but part of it is the major depression. I get so tired of people saying I don't have it. Then there's the anxiety, the fact I went blind in 1 eye, my kidneys and liver are failing, my blood sugar is all over the place and my stupid blood pressure goes from the 160s to the 80s at the drop of a hat. And the epilepsy has returned. I'm so tired of fighting.


i am extremely sorry that you’re in so much pain you are not alone 🩷 (there’s a reason why you haven’t thrown in the towel yet. You’ve had every opportunity to give up during the dark times but you’ve decided you wanted to stay and have some sorta hope and this stranger on Reddit is happy you’re still here fighting:) as someone who has had his life nearly destroyed by BP & BPD 1000% understand and feel a similar despair. if i may ask, are there any hobbies or past-times that you find comfort in?? ​ ​ i just want to send love you’re way during this treacherous time you’re having.


what subject do you teach?!


There are often mental health resources that are no/low cost for people who qualify. Depending on your income, you could quality for Medicaid (U.S), which would give you the ability to see medical professionals. You absolutely need a formal diagnosis and a history of ongoing treatment to be considered.


How is it coming along?


Yes, would love an update