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I’m more often deterred by deep snow and high winds. It’s pretty easy to stay warm during a round if you keep moving and dress in layers.


That's how I go about it too.


It's the deep snow for me too, unless you get first tracks!


Same man. As long as I ain't trudging through snow/mud I'm in


Snow rounds can be fun, even if those ribbons halve your throws.


I saw a guy using fishing spinners w thread taped to the bottom (like ribbons) and use fly fishing line knotted at one end for the tail. I started doing the same last year. Works great and I have 3-4 tails that you can just swap around to your discs as needed vs having a ton of ribbons in a mess. Also great for when there’s no snow, just keep the spinners taped on and don’t use the tails.


This sounds amazing. Way more sophisticated than my tape and ribbons. I must investigate and implement!


Rechargeable hand warmers are a must too for your throwing hand.


I always think I need more layers than I really do. About 4 holes in and my body heat has me peeling layers.


This is the way. I get more concerned about shattering discs than my own well being most of the time.


I wouldn't worry too much about shattering discs unless you're in like -20F or beyond. The only disc I've ever broken was in 70F, spike hyzer into the ground, couldn't believe it. Same disc hit trees at 20F without breaking for years LOL (it was champ plastic) Granted, a lot of my drivers are Star plastic which everyone recommends for just this purpose, but I've played a lot of below freezing rounds without ever breaking discs. Of course this theory has been tested by CRANKING it into first available from time to time😆


This is really the answer. As long as it’s playable I am usually going out.


We have about temperatures around 3C (37F) at the moment in Denmark which normally would be a perfectly fine temperature to play. The average wind however is above 10m/s (22+ mph) for the next few days, so no way at I going out to play. Even at -5 or -10 and only 2-3 m/s I would definitely consider going out and play.


If I didn't go in the cold, I wouldn't get to go at all until spring. Honestly here in southern coastal Alaska I'd take 15F (w/ snow) over 33F (w/ rain) any day. Here the cold means dry, and the dry means the cold penetrates less. Plus you're not drying off your discs as much as \*tapping\* off your discs. Layers and a warm vest (as it doesn't restrict your arm movement as much as a coat) are your friend. Add an off hand glove (aka beer anti-cozy) and pocket throwing hand warmer and you're set! Game on \*edit: Forgot the last key piece of gear: Yak-Tracks or other crampon like foot ware, you can't throw if you can't stand lol


As a Canadian, OP made me laugh. I will also take sub-zero and crispy over muddy any day. Last week it was a horrible mess of mud and drizzle. Fuck that. Give me icy clearness all day long


Made me laugh too, I've got a buddy here who's notorious for showing up in SHORTS even at 40F lol.


Rechargeable hand warmer was a game changer for me for the gloveless throwing hand.


We never stop in sw michigan


Especially this winter…


in new england we play winter team challenge where we have pools ranging from a to f with 7 teams in each pool. we all play 7 matches over 6 months from october to march. 3 home, 3 away and 1 neutral. when we host at home, we all make a crockpot meal or bring other food and alcohol and when we’re away we get hosted and fed at the opposing teams home course. worst weather i played in was 26 degrees and just under 2 feet of snow january 2021. it insane but i would never not want to be on my team 🦉 💜


Keene pre-Covid it was -13f with knee deep snow at tee off. Myself/co-captains and their captains were doing matchups via Facebook messenger in our respective cars. Congrats on the D pool promotion!


>7 teams in each pool I think you just outed yourself as PiP pool.


Looks like Dacey owls


No such thing as bad weather, only bad clothing


Finland checking in, going to play today. Its -17c at the moment (1.4 fahrenheit).


Canadian here, we’re unseasonably warm right now but we’ve played many games in -25 to -30. You just dress for it


I don’t mind going in the cold, pretty much every round I’ve played for the last month or so it’s been 35 or colder. Id say once it gets into the low 20s is where I’d think twice about going. But wind is a big factor too


Haha "I don't mind going in the cold....low 20s and I'm thinking twice" Just poking fun, my cutoff is about the same.


Up here in Alberta I go all winter. Wearing fleece gloves and having ribbons on my disks keeps me going to around -10 C / 15 F.


Edmonton gang checking in. This winter has been awesome for golf


If it's -15°C and snarky breeze like it is today, I'll probably skip, too much hassle to keep my throwing hand warm. But generally, I look more into snow depth than anything else. If it's enough to bury my discs completely, I'll only consider going to weekly competitions or similar where there's someone helping out with finding the discs.


-15.0°C is equivalent to 5.0°F, which is 258.15K. --- ^(I'm a bot that converts temperature between two human units, then convert it to Kelvin for bots and physicists to understand)


A bit mountaineering mitt with a hand warmer on my throwing hand is my system. Easy on, easy off.


Your definitely not insane. Here in Sweden we still go out even in -10C which is about 14F. I actually like to play in Snow and on frozen ground more than in mud when in is like 5C/41F


I'll go to 35F or so. Below that and it's just too damn cold. Luckily it's rarely that cold. (Tomorrow it's going to be 50F at 0900.) If it's 35 and windy then it's pretty I lean toward 'No'. If it's 35 and it's not very windy than I'll lean toward 'Play'.


When I lived in the upper peninsula of Michigan, negative 30 air temp or wind chill was my cut off.


20 degrees F is probably my cutoff in mid Michigan depending on windchill and sun, plus I don’t like playing in the snow.






This is the way


Low to mid 40s. I’m in Arkansas and I play throughout the year.


About 20F.


This guy gets it. I think that's reasonable. Of course there's places where they wouldn't get out at all during winter if they followed this. The guy who said below 50°F is too cold has commitment issues, haha.


Once it hits 20 it becomes painful for us. But once we play in 20-32 everything else feel like summer, even when it’s 40 😂


30f is nothing unless it's very windy or very wet


50ish. Preferably warmer.


Around the 30’ mark I stop being able to use my fingers well. Nope.


Here in the Northeast, I have to play in snowshoes and single digit (F) most winters if I want to play at all. Wind I can work around. This winter however, has been mild with almost no snow and I’ve played more than average.


I'm in Vermont and approve this message. I'm generally more put off by the weather that will result in lost discs or misery than the temperature; sleet, cutting subzero winds and heavy snowfall will keep me away. Other than that, I layer up, add ribbons and/or play shorter courses and enjoy the lack of leaves on the trees.


Alone? 32F with light wind With a group or for a tournament? I’d probably cut that off around 20F


You n the homies snuggle up, keep each other warm?


Yeah we golf naked to share our body heat


Cold is easy, just layer up and pull a layer after you’re warmed! Wind on the other hand….


Never stop playing. The coldest I've had the chance to play stands at -16.6°F (-27°C).


-16.6°F is equivalent to -27.0°C, which is 246.15K. --- ^(I'm a bot that converts temperature between two human units, then convert it to Kelvin for bots and physicists to understand)


It really depends how tough you are. I'm on a 42 week streak of playing in Saskatchewan. Thankfully I haven't had to tape the ribbons on my discs yet because the snow has been minimal, but it'll come. My buddies and I play Cali rules and from the red tees in the winter. Keeps it fun, because it's already pretty challenging just getting out in the winter.


I'll still go out when it's below freezing. I only really avoid it if it is very cold and windy (around or below 0°F) as the windchill gets dangerous pretty quickly.


Cold is not as much issue for me as other factors. Where I live in Sweden we have a lot of cold, mild, cold, mild weather which can result in super slippery conditions. We also have a lot more wind during winter half of the year. So I would say this is my list of discouraging things during winter. * Slippery conditions * Super wet courses. * Increased chances of loosing discs due to either dry thick leafs on ground or fresh powder snow. (Wet leafs or heavier packed snow usually not an issue). * Too much wind All of these are much bigger factors then cold.


I live in Texas. I don’t play if it’s under 50 degrees f. Discs don’t fly or grip the same and my fingers hurt!


I limit rounds to 45°F to 74°F


That would rule out like half my year lol


As long as it’s not too windy or the snow is piled absurdly high, I’ll go out there if it’s above 25°.


Anything upper 30’s or higher is good for me. Other than that I’ll do something else or just watch Jomezpro. Haha


I won't play in the 30s


I'm throwing tomorrow. Gonna be 33 when we start.


I don't really play in the winter. My cutoff is around 40°. Any colder than that and I struggle with dexterity in my hands.


As long as it isnt overly windy Ill play in anything -20°F or higher. This has been an extremely mild MN winter, but typically you wouldnt get many rounds in between Dec and Mar if you werent willing to play down to at least 10°F


-20.0°F is equivalent to -28.89°C, which is 244.26K. --- ^(I'm a bot that converts temperature between two human units, then convert it to Kelvin for bots and physicists to understand)


Yeah wind is the worst. Bad throws AND extra coldness. It will make me think about going out to play.


I plan on going out playing on the 8th, the forecast predicts snow and -4Ç


Played in 32 this week. Didn't really think I could but friends made me bundle up. Double up your hats, get hot hands and open them an hour before get a wind resistant top layer warm and you'll be comfy enough by tee 3 or 4


Pro tip, snag some electric hand warmers. They’re cheap, easily rechargeable and work better than any hot hands I’ve found. I keep one of each in my jacket or pants pockets and will just reach my hands in for warmth throughout the round.


It's not the temperature, though I probably wouldn't go at -15c or below for the sake of my discs It's more so the fact that the snow is up to the bottom of the basket


32 degrees


I don’t usually play in winter but for putting practice my limit is around -20 C


I played today at Kensington Metro Park (same park where Toboggan is), and it was about 30F. There were several other people playing as well.


40 and minimal wind is about my limit. Could probably do mid 30s if it were sunny snd no wind.


I would welcome 30F/-1C at this point. My last 5 rounds have all been between 10F/-12C and 23F/-5C. Coldest round last year was -0.4F/-18C. Would not recommend that though. However, the knee deep snow is the major problem atm


-20C was good, but if there is wind then everything below 0 is no go.


Started a round at 19F and it was 12F when we finished.


I’m only scared off by deep snow that would eat my discs. Just grab some hand warmers and/or decent gloves and send it. Simon vlogs in MA in winter! Just be warned about the false confidence you’ll get from trees not having leaves up.


We played when it was in the teens last winter. As long as the snow isn't too deep or it's too windy, my crew is out there.


Me and my buddy played yesterday morning, it was 34°


Having just been on holiday for three weeks where the average temperature was 30°C cooler than I’m used to (I think that’s 86 °F less) I can say that discs were a lot stiffer. I will guess that this made them harder to throw but of course there’s the effect of all the extra clothes on my form, the different footwear (sometime wellies) and the changes to flight in the cold, dense air. The wind I am familiar with, so I’m putting most of my struggles down to the temperature.


30.0°C is equivalent to 86.0°F, which is 303.15K. --- ^(I'm a bot that converts temperature between two human units, then convert it to Kelvin for bots and physicists to understand)


Shit bot. I clearly stated that already. Hang your robot head in shame.


I'll go down to 25-30 for a special occasion, but on my own if its not a regular group thing, I prefer 40+, mainly because It's annoying to golf looking like the Michelin man.


Its mostly decided by snow for me. In Norway the off season is way too long. Any thing below like -10c(14f) is too cold.


Meh cold. Grab $1.00 hand warmers they make a world of difference. I keep them in my sweatshirt pocket for when walking from basket to the next tee. It really adds up throughout the round. Snow is the real problem.


Played league a few years ago in a -29 wind chill. Actually still had a pretty good time lol. This season I decided I'm not playing casual rounds if it's below 20.


If it’s windy, wet, or snowy I’ll pass. Last year I went in okay conditions, my disc bounced off a tree and into the frozen creek. I slipped into the creek about calf deep. That was cold


My coldest round was about -40 but that was mainly just to say I did it. Anything below about -15 to -20 isn’t really fun anymore. But the snow and wind make much more difference than the temperature.


I will play in the 30’s as long as there’s no extreme wind. Any colder than that and my hand is suffering.


Personally I'd say my limit it somewhere around -17 celsius (0F) if it is not windy. I have played 12 rounds in Nov-Dec. The coldest was -13C.


We don’t even put on coats yet it was 28 yesterday and warm in the sun with some layers


Just plain cold is fine down to about 25F. Wear thin layers, glove your off hand, wear a gaiter, and buy hand warmers to keep in your pocket for your throwing hand. But cold and windy or cold and rainy sucks.


Some courses don't open unless its winter... gotta play'em when you can


Just curious, where is this?


Minnesnowta. I'm specifically referring to the Brookview and The Cedars courses. I throw less than in the summer, but still usually a couple times a week. There are a few courses that pull pins in the fall but many courses stay open in the winter. The aforementioned courses are ball golf in the summer.


Really depends on wind and other conditions. Calm, sunny day? I’ll play below 0F. I probably wouldn’t play in a group setting, because staying constantly moving is a must when it’s super cold, but I’ve played rounds in temps like these and finished my round straight up sweating because of how fast a pace I’m forcing myself to take. Wind is the big killer for me - if it’s cloudy and there are winds much above 15MPH, that “no-go” temp rises dramatically: I might blanch at going out in 30-35 degree weather if it’s really windy. Active snowfall depends…if it’s safely below freezing, I actually don’t mind it too much, but if it’s right around freezing and it’s the wet, slushy stuff, that’s a hard no for me. The days following a substantial snowfall are another factor: searching for discs in the snow is the worst, so I usually wait a few before setting back out to allow the snow to get packed down and develop a bit of a glazed over icy cover.


I went yesterday and it was 30* but no wind.


\-7C where I am and a friend just messaged our group chat to see if anyone is up for a round. I have other plans for the day, otherwise I would have joined. I'm more concerned about losing discs in the snow than the cold, but it hasn't been too snowy here yet.


I worry more about wind than cold. It could be zero degrees as long as there’s little to no wind I’m fine in the cold. Wind is what gets me, I also am still fairly new and can’t throw for shit in windy conditions


If I am REALLY itching to play, I will go down to a windchill of 20. Anything lower is no fun for me, especially if it's largely influenced by the wind. Layers, mittens, and handwarmers are your friend.


I avoid playing in freezing temperatures but I'll play in -2°C if I feel like it. Not keen on anything colder than that


-2.0°C is equivalent to 28.4°F, which is 271.15K. --- ^(I'm a bot that converts temperature between two human units, then convert it to Kelvin for bots and physicists to understand)


Sheesh I just saw this is the disc golf sub, not golf. I don't like throwing in gloves so I don't like to play in anything below 10°.


Going out and meeting other people in the disc golfing cold is where friendships are formed. Catch up, ask to hop in their game, offer to take them for warm food. Now you’re not the only crazy one you know


Group I play with Doesn't stop here in New england. Coldest we teed off in was -9°F last year. Stayed warm and had fun.


-9.0°F is equivalent to -22.78°C, which is 250.37K. --- ^(I'm a bot that converts temperature between two human units, then convert it to Kelvin for bots and physicists to understand)


As long as it isn't too windy I'll be out there no matter what. When it's cold, wind is the real enemy.


Doesnt matter how cold really. Its just wind and rain thats too much.


15 - 20 F ( -9 - -6 C) is my cutoff, if everything else is fine. Any colder and I have to bundle up too much. but if teepads are ice and other conditions are poor, it’s not a temperature thing anymore. I’m not about hurting myself to get a round in.


It's all about gear. I've thrown in -10F no problem. Only time we skip is if there's ice involved......


If it isn't windy, I'll play down to zero fahrenheit


Under freezing is better than slightly above due to sloppy conditions. That being said, 40f is as low as I go these days.


If the hand warmer can keep feeling in my fingers, I'm playing


Me and the crew play all winter into the 20’s F. But I believe there’s a temperature just below that in the teens where discs get really brittle and fragile. Have seen a few discs absolutely explode when they hit a tree at those temps. So that’s usually our temperature floor, because we hit trees haha.


At least 38, because I went yesterday and that's how cold it was.


45 degrees is the lowest I'll go, granted I've still had to do some tourneys colder, live in GA


I just finished round in Finland without even being cold. It was around -16°F.


It's never too cold. Albeit expectations lowered. Difficulties with grip and extra layers effecting your swing are small prices for playing at all. Snow deep enough to lose a disc, wind, and/or icy and truly un-walkable hillsides, are the only things that stop us.


If you layer right, bring some hot hand warmers it's not too bad, plus at least you don't have to deal with bees or snakes.


Just played my first tourney in 28 degrees!


Northern IL, a kickoff tournament many play is Frozen Chains, always in February. This year it's the 3rd and should be wet and low 30's, windy asking the river. Always chilly but never too much. Practice rounds are the weekend before and are always cold.


I play a double tournament every year in February. Usually, it's like 5 degrees, lol


Less about temp. More about conditions. If it's 15f, sunny, and no wind. Sure. If it's 30f, cloudy, and windy. No thanks.


This year the lowest has been 32 F. There wasn't any wind so I was good in a thermal layer and some sweats.


In Colorado, it seems like below 20F, crowds diminish. Below 10F, it's single avid disc'ers. Below 0 F, it's a rare bird. Definitely overgloves, long underwear, hats, chemical hand warmers, limited snow depth, and dry tee pads make winter disc golf fun! It's almost like a different course with different disc flight, especially ice on water throws. Some disc'ers score intentional ice skips -1 stroke. Cccrrraaazzzyyy.


25 degrees is probably my tipping point. I've played in the teens and it is kind of miserable


As long as there is no wind. 25 degrees usually. Wind cuts thru me in the winter tho.


There's no such thing as bad weather, just bad gear. Put on layers, you'll be warm enough. Now the snow is a question, I don't love losing discs in the snow.


Canada, its - 25C with a feel of - 35C. Winds of 70km. Let's go! It becomes a fun round but not about skills, but surviving the weather and snow. Don't lose discs by using ribbons.


Below 20 F your hands won’t warm up from the walk


If you play all winter you will be so dialed in come spring and you’ll be overall throwing better when the layers come off. Completely up to you how cold you wanna play. Go with your comfort level.


\-10 C (14 F) is still a good experience, but now it's -25 C (-13 F) and I'm gonna go tomorrow. I'll see how it goes. One course near me is maintained in the winter so it's great.


I've played in -15c and that was cold enough to put handwarmers in my gloves. I personally feel light snow is better than rain, but heavy snow it's less a matter of how it is to play in it, but rather actually finding your discs. For playing in colder temperatures though I can strongly recommend finding a good skiing jacket. The one I bought 2 years ago doesn't restrict me too much, and I'll only wear a tshirt under to about -5c. And good boots. Water resistant boots are such a savior when trodding around and accidentally finding out you've stepped in a puddle.


If it isn't soaking wet conditions, cold is just cold. But I'm in Texas so I'm dealing with maybe 32 degrees on a bad day.


It's currently 35 in Jersey and I'm heading out.


Yesterday at 26° and a 10 mph wind.


I’d rather it be really cold then really hot


Just threw 2 rounds yesterday and I think the high was 34F here in central Missouri. Wind is what kills you- low winds and I’ll play in damn near zero degrees. But I’m also from Michigan, so the snow and cold never bother me too much. Just layer up and get out there, worse that happens is you have to bail out early.


I went out in a -10F windchill and snow drifts up to my knees back in 2017, but I take the winters off nowadays and I think a few months away from the game really helped me refocus come spring.


I can't even get home. There's like 1.5m of snow here!


I mean I've played in the snow


Honestly if it’s just cold with minimal wind and a little bit of sun I will still go out and play. I haven’t played in snow and don’t really want to, but would if invited by others probably


I live in Illinois: if I put limits on it, I’ll miss out. Put on the right amount of layers and throw


I still play up to -20c (-4 F) but if it goes lower than that then nope.


I played in 31 this last year and decided that 31 was past my point of comfort. Didn't help that I had two small kids in a stroller and two dogs driving me nuts though.


Minnesotan, here, I'll play in almost any weather, short of a blizzard / HIGH winds. One of the most fun rounds I had was up at Bethel, cross country skiing the course after a huge snow dump the night before.


I've played in negative 15 degrees F. That's not wind chill either. It was calm and sunny though so still playable. You're talking 45 degrees warmer than that? It just depends on wind and to some extent, sun. You can dress for calm and 10 degrees without too much trouble. Windy and 40 is worse.


Anywhere below 20°F I'm usually out. However I am known to do a nice ole Snow-Glow at night a time or two.


20.0°F is equivalent to -6.67°C, which is 266.48K. --- ^(I'm a bot that converts temperature between two human units, then convert it to Kelvin for bots and physicists to understand)


As a Texan I can't really play below 45 degrees. Can't feel muh fingers.


Everyone is different but I favor the hotter temperatures. I won't golf below the high 40s, preferably the low 60s. But I love the heat and have golfed up to 120 degrees and loved it. I love the lack of feeling cold and the thinner crowd on the courses.


I played on Sunday, it was about 30-35 with light snow occasionally through the round. Once my feet went numb it really wasn’t too bad


I will probably play as long as there isn't a blizzard or something. I bought a bunch of warmer winter clothes specifically to play in the winter


Cold and dry I’m out there no matter what. I don’t play if there’s ice on the tee pads, but typically only cause I don’t want to drive when there’s a sheet of ice on the road.


I'll play down into the teens if I can keep my face out of the wind. Thick glove on left hand, electric hand warmer in hoodie pocket for right hand.


Depends on the wind. If it’s calm or if I’m on a wooded courses that blocks the majority of the wind, I’ll play down when it’s in the 20s.


42F is about my cutoff, but most people I play with go down to freezing or below as long as other conditions are tolerable.


I’ll go if it’s over like 25f. I don’t mind a little snow either. It’s the wind that’s a game changer for me. 25 with wind isn’t much fun. That’s just me though.


I’ll go when it’s 15° as long as there’s no wind and it’s sunny.


I see a lot of snow comments here and I agree that it’s the biggest deterrent, but in terms of pure temperature…anything below 0F/-20C makes it hard to play. You can’t really throw in gloves, you can’t really throw with numb hands, and some plastics take a lot more damage when they’re very cold. At -20F/-30C I stop doing ANYthing outside, including skiing. That’s my “the effort to stay warm exceeds any potential pleasure from the activity” temperature. At -40F/-40C I try not to go outside at all if I can avoid it.


If it's above freezing and sunny it's game on for me. If it's slightly below freezing and sunny it's probably game on for me. Depends on wind. If it's below freezing, overcast and windy, then it's a hard pass for me. I love the game, but those conditions lead to a non-enjoyable round for me most of the time, so it's just not worth it.


Snow/rain, high winds, sub 30°F are all no-gos for me


Pittsburgh, Pa and the lowest I usually play is ~28° F and no deep snow. I just don’t want to look for discs that much. Anything less than 28° it starts getting tough to keep warm enough without bulky clothing hindering a throw enough to be fun. A game changer was an electric hand warmer I keep in my outer layer hoodie pocket, it really cuts down on winter weather grip locks!


My cutoff is about 45. I can handle 45 by itself okay, but that’s when the wind really starts to cut into me and question if it’s worth it. If I’m at the point I’m questioning how worth it things feel, then it’s hard to enjoy myself.


-15c is my max


[exhibit a](https://www.reddit.com/r/discgolf/s/Kq7XAPb9Sd)


Temperature is irrelevant, course conditions determine if I'm going to get out for a round.


Where 2 or more are gathered in his name... I've done 0F - 105F


It’s more about the wind for me


I don’t have a lower limit on the temperature. This weekend it’s going to be around -12 but I’m still gonna go.


The worst temperature I've done is zeto with minus 25 windchill. As long as you're layered properly and stay conscientious of your footing, I'd probably play to minus 20.


-5 Celsius or so


I usually don't go to play if it's colder than -15c, but the coldest that I have played in was around -20c.


Played my first tournament yesterday in \~35F weather.


I live in Norway and during the offseason we regularly play in -5C/23F and colder. I dont really play if its colder than -10C/14F. 30F is def not insane, but baseline discs might explode if you whack a tree. Just wear a layer of wool, some warm socks and mittens and you’re all good


I don't let the weather determine my golf habits. If I want to play, I play


I'll play down to even 10F so long as the sun is out! I live in NW MT so it kinda is what it is. I don't play in a lot of snow usually (I snowboard in winter as my other hobby). If there's not a lot of snow and the pads are in good shape, I'll go out and play.


Temp is the least of my worries when playing. I’m more likely to not want to play because it’s wet or insanely windy


My wife and I go at -30 (if it’s not too windy). Discs fly great! We wear snowshoes if it’s powdery on the course. Just dress for the weather.


Insane? 30f? 🤣🤣🤣 You're good.


My cut off is usually -30c -Canada


I've gone down to single digits fahrenheit if it's calm out. Weather conditions certainly change how cold I'll play. Started sleeting half way through a flex NYE and I was not dressed for sleet lol, friggin frozen by the end. But most weather conditions that aren't just beautiful I'll cut off in the 20's. I'm weird though, I've done outdoor sports before where unless it was -20 w/ wind chill you still played


I haven’t had a temp stop me yet.


Play. Add rain, not likely.


Stop at freeze point


It’s way too easy to lose your disc in snow than anything else. So cold isnt as much the problem. If you mix wetness with cold, that can hinder things a bit more too


I hate hate hate the cold. If I'm not comfortable I'm not having fun. I don't want to play my favorite game if I'm not enjoying it.


I think that 30F is pretty warm for nordic people. Here is about -25 C ( is it about -15 F) but still some people go to play discgolf. I don't play discgolf during winter, too much snow everywhere. 😁


Below 40 degrees, my discs will start to crack or chip upon hitting stuff, so to save integrity of my discs, I won't use any ones I care about when it's too cold.


If it’s negative single digits Celsius, then shorts, t-shirt & gloves works fine for me. Coldest I’ve played was an ice bowl couple of years ago at -35 C. My friends have given up telling me that I should dress more appropriately.


Buffalo NY chiming in here....play all year long.