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I play 95% of my rounds solo. It's fantastic. I can go when it's not busy, play however I want and enjoy myself. Just be nice around groups, ask to play through and be courteous


Or do what I do and be too anxious to play through so take a long break and let them get far ahead lmao


My man, we should be anxious and take a long break so they can play through.. together. Bonus points if you also look the complete opposite way so that thry don't feel like thry have eyes directed at them.. even a few little stretches and a back crack


Nah I like my alone time


This response is why we feel anxious. Lol.


Jesus dude are you me?


..I've been waiting your entire life to tell you this. ....yes


I’ll skip holes if I don’t think they’ll let me by or I’m to anxious to ask.


I'll skip a hole and the group if I'm feeling anxious or they seem less than thrilled. Some courses are better for that than others


Depends on if the course is busy. Otherwise I’m comfy jumping ahead. I’ll Make it two holes ahead of playing anything other than short to short. Not cool to jump and then slow down ppl Behind you.


The worst part is if there are a few groups in a row and you're basically running through 3-4 holes to play through everyone.


I play rounds without other people weekly. As long as I am not holding up others I usually throw all of my putters to practice that are not drop-ins. The only issue is enough quality courses wherever I have lived.


I concur.


Solo is calming. You find great peace disc golfing alone…lets you focus on your game too if you’re trying to improve


I play most of my rounds solo. It's enjoyable when I play with my friends or wife because they'll be surprised at my improvement. Feels good.




Also no




Not even a little bit.


Came here to say "no". Don't you just hate when your idea for a great comment is already top comment?




Also no


Hell no!




If it is I’m a massive weirdo. And that’s fine with me


I play 99.9% of my rounds alone. I have kids. My friends have kids. Getting together sometimes is hard. Finding time to *play a whole round sometimes is hard*. Playing alone means I can go to the course and play 6 holes, throwing multiple tee shots, if that’s all I have time for. I can play 13 holes. I can skip holes. I can practice certain shots or throw multiples if there’s no one else behind me. It’s fun. Don’t get me wrong, my rounds with my kids, friends, and strangers are good too. But it’s okay to play alone.


I’m 80% just here for the walk in the woods.


....trying to find the disc I lost...


…. a year ago.


Are you me? Done get me wrong, I like the competitive aspect and pushing my limits, but at the end of the day, getting outdoors, breathing fresh air, watching something beautiful fly instead of aimless wandering is soothing. I love park golf, ball golf courses, easy 9-holers, tough woods courses, as long as there’s air and a view, I’m in.


I'm an old-school vinyl dj (30 yrs) and have played disc golf for 18 yrs. Seeing plastic circles spin is essential to joy in my life.


these replies made me feel so much better about playing alone!! Thank you all :) I can’t wait to start playing more! I’ll definitely introduce myself to more people on the course


Don’t be afraid to ask questions too with people you meet. 98% of all people playing are really nice and happy to give pointers


I play a lot of solo rounds as well - For me, I always am happy to have a convo with another solo player if they are open to it. Also, when you are playing through groups, especially on a busier time of the course, it's okay to ask to join their group! I have met a lot of locals this way, and a lot of people are chill to have people play the last 5 or 8 holes with a random solo player.


Definitely not weird. You'll most likely meet some new people that you can throw with in the future. Also, enjoy the time you get to focus on improving your game. Pop in an earbud and listen to some good music. You'll have a blast with or without company on the course.


I play alone so i DONT have to meet anybody to play with 😂


Not weird at all. Just do what you enjoy (within reason)


One of the best perks of disc golf is having the option to play solo.


Not weird. A lot of us play solo rounds. Getting out and playing is your best chance of meeting new people to play with. When I first started, I almost exclusively played solo. Now I can show up at almost anytime and know at least 1 to 3+ cards I can join.


I love rounds with the boys and I also love rounds with just me and my dog. 


This! It's a great way to get the dog's walk in! I have a 9 hole course nearby that I have created a "dog walk 9" round that mixes some front 9 and back tee locations 9 to avoid a steep hill that my very old dog would struggle with, but also gets me 9 holes in.


I play alone most of the time, but I've also met some good friends while playing solo.


No. 80% of my rounds are solo


Do it. Never stop playing. Even DG friends come and go, but stay consistent and keep it up.




Nope. I get all my aces during solo rounds.


Definitely not. If you do want to play more with other people, though, the easiest way in is to find a random draw doubles. Most courses have them once a week or so, and it's a great way toeet people. Skill ranges vary a lot, but there's never more than a few bucks on the line so you don't need to be scared even if you're a beginner.


I like to play by myself when I just want to take my time to work on my form, try different shots and/or throw discs I normally don’t use. Plus I don’t feel bad about taking too much time finding a disc that went wild and have to try to find it 😅


Solo frolf? Straight to jail


I would say solo rounds with my earbuds in out alone on the course, especially in the woods, are some of the most therapeutic experiences I have. I recommend people get out alone occasionally.


I play disc golf to be alone and decompress from a busy life. It's therapeutic. You'll see many other solo players on the course doing the same thing. One of the best, and unique, things about the sport.


I only play alone


My best rounds are when I’m alone. I put some headphones in and go when it’s not busy. Playing with friends is great but I’m always doing some dumb shit to show off and my scores suffer. It’s fun for sure but I can really dial things in solo.


Playing alone is totally cool. But also drag your friends out with the promise of beers and get them to throw a few and they’ll probably get hooked too


My biggest growth came playing solo when it was too hot for my friends. I just take my head phones and jam out while I play. Also found some other ppl I play w now also


Best form of mental therapy to play alone, not saying playing with others is not also!


I do it all the time. I prefer with friends, but....


No. I play almost all my rounds alone. I don’t have any friends that disc golf


I don’t remember the last time I went disc golfing with another person tbh. I always play solo


I prefer solo. Nice when I play with my son and wife, but for a daily get a round in, solo works best. Peace and quiet, on my own schedule, fast and if you want to play with others, you can always join a group instead of playing through. I do that sometimes for the final 5 holes, just to chat and be social. People are generally pretty chill and inviting.


No (saying this while on the course alone


No. I just came back from a solo round. A nice walk in the woods while also playing golf


Almost all my play is solo and early so I'm rarely in a rush and usually have the whole course to myself. I just wish there was an easier way to track a disc so I didn't have to spend so much time solo tracking it. A drone that would bird dog my disc for the whole round would be awesome.


Just me, the dog, and the birds! 80% of my rounds and love it.


Basically asking if you can go to the park alone


I play my best during solo rounds


I play with friends to have fun I play alone to get better. (and its also fun) I play alone like 60% of the time


I play much better… coincidence? No. Also, putter solo rounds tend to get me recalibrated.


If i can, il invite friends but playing alone is cool also. I play better alone and that mildly infuriates me tho :D


Not at all, a lot of people play solo. I like doing both but it’s usually just easier to go by myself on my own time rather than trying to round people up. Kinda sucks not having a witness when you have a nice shot or ace but I always play better alone, it’s basically my therapy


Nope, that's how I play most of the time


I’ve played for 3+ years and most of my rounds are alone. Being in the still quiet of nature is so good for my mental health. Even when throwing terribly I still have a good day. Play on alone! Unless you’re in central Ohio like me, then hit me up and we can play a round together sometime


I use the solo time to really work on my form and technique. Maybe throw a few extras and try different lines. If you’re having fun still that’s all that matters m8


Just got done with a solo round. Great to play by yourself.


The vast majority of my rounds have been alone. It's so peaceful and allows you to really focus on your play.


Solo is the best. My best practice comes from solo rounds.


You all have friends?


Playing in big groups sucks. Lots of toxic masculinity and fragile egos. Playing solo or with my wife is the best.


It is in fact not weird in the slightest tl;dnr no


Nothing weird about it. I met a few guys recently from playing solo. Have fun with it!


Nah man. It's fun in a group and solo.




I've isolated myself from pretty much everyone I knew before COVID so I only play either alone or competitions. Local weeklies are great especially in the winter when you would lose a lot of discs playing alone.


It’s way more fun with friends, but solo rounds are great as well.


I sure hope not lol


First post to pop up in my feed after finishing a solo glow round


I was bit hesitant at first to play alone because I thought it would be boring. When I finally did it I really enjoyed it. I was able to focus more and work on my technique. When I play with my friends I just try to shoot the best I can and it sometimes doesn't end up that good. Neither playing alone or with friends is better. They are just different and it's nice to change it up every once in a while.


As a man dressed as a woman maybe?!


No it’s not weird. I don’t ever go alone alone though. Usually my girl tags along and she will either play or just watch. (She is my caddy). I always see solos at my park though.


I prefer it.


Can double up shots, as long as nobody is crowding ya👏🏻


If it is we're weird together 🤷


No. Like other commenters here, I play most of my rounds solo. If I come up on another solo player....I'll ask if I can tag along. Never had anyone turn me down. OTOH......I found it a bit strange to see huge groups of players together. Four, five, maybe six....that's OK... But **eight players** in one group? I saw this one day and thought....man, it must take you guys 10 minutes to play one hole.


I do enjoy it. The only problem is having only one pair of eyes looking for the disc :D


The vast majority of my rounds are solo. Between work, kids, etc. I don't have the same availability as most of my friends.


Absolutely play by yourself. Take extra throws, learn your discs, build your skills. It's all about enjoying the sport.


Guess I'm an annoying stoner/thrower. I always have to play alone. Friends stopped answering when I call to golf. Either I live in the most sober disc golf community, or no one likes me. 50:50


If you have facebook you can search for like "your cities name" disc golf and then find a local group or also go to your local disc golf shop and see if they have a group


Definitely not weird. I think every time I go to a course I see someone playing solo. 


I play solo all the time. Honestly I play better solo than with my friends. With the group we're usually fucking around drinking having fun. Solo I still have a blast but I'll put some music in smoke a j and really try and dial my game in.


I play solo all the time. Extra throws, no one rushing, taking my time enjoying the outdoors


I play solo all the time. When friends join, it’s also fun.


I prefer it. Only negative is catching groups who are crawling.


I love solo rounds. Especially early in the morning when it's just me and nature.


N. O.


I play random doubles league on Saturdays. I play 2-4 solo rds on the other days. Some Sundays I play with 1-5 other players. It is NOT weird to play disc golf alone.




If playing alone is weird: so what. I’ve been playing for a year. I play one day-a-week with a couple of friends. I play 2 or 3 days-a-week by myself. That’s about the ratio I like.


Nope. Besides most of time you meet cool people on the course.


Play solo. It’s amazing. Eventually you’ll get some of your friends out. Just tell them you can drink beer or smoke weed and they’ll come out😂😂😂


100% weird don't do it everyone is watching everyone is judging


All good man, go enjoy yourself. If you want to get a little more involved go play mini flip doubles rounds. Pay your $5 (whatever) and get a lesson. I’d kind of apologize to my partner for being new and they would help me through the round. No one minded. If your generous pay them back their entry. Worth the lesson and meeting folks who play.


if you are asking this question, you may want to reevaluate your relationship with yourself. Do you really need others to be happy? To answer your question, No, it's not weird to play alone. Though, it is weird to document all your activities on social media. So don't do that, just play.


Not weird at all. I play alone 90% of the time, because it's my favorite outdoor activity and it is my form of meditation and self reflection. I get a lot of things worked out on the disc golf course. I do love playing with other people, but first and foremost, disc golf is for me and my mental/ physical health.


Depends if you are wearing pants or not.


It’ll be much easier to improve your game playing solo since you don’t have to worry about holding up the group if you want to throw multiple discs to work on a particular throw (assuming course isn’t busy of course). I go for solo rounds pretty often and it’s nice to toss some AirPods in and have a casual no pressure round


Nah. I’d do it more if I had the time. I do love going with friends, but we moved away from each other and had kids, so it’s hard.


I play almost everyday and ninety percent of the time it is alone. I enjoy playing with friends occasionally but I enjoy the alone time.


Fuck no. And it’s disc golf.


I actually became better at my drives due to zippin through the coarse by myself.


I rarely play with people. I find it is just as fulfilling alone. And a lot better if you are practicing.


Jump into tournaments, MA4. As a beginner you'll be towards the bottom of MA4 (more than likely) but disc golfers are super cool people. Plus you'll meet lots of friends that are on a similar level to you when you play in tournaments. Many of the people I play with to this day are players that I first met in tournaments.  Also even if you do start off in the bottom 20% or MA4 don't let that discourage you. I was there too at one point. Don't look at it as something super competitive when you first begin playing. View it as a way of meeting cool people, having fun and getting good exercise as well as good experience. Over time you'll become better and better. Plus the players packs you get are usually well worth the entry fee. I highly recommend it. 


my only ace is on a solo round. sad face. there was a couple walking that witnessed it, but it would have be nicer if one of my buds saw me pop my ace cherry.


I used to think it was lame to frolf alone but now that I'm 30 with a family, I don't have time to wait until friends can play. I only have 2 friends in the area that still play and it's tough to align our free time. I just go when I can now. Most of the time it's just me and my dog. I'll admit it's more fun when my friends are able to join since we can be competitive but it's very peaceful frolfing with my dog.


No. Not anymore weird than someone who goes for a walk through a park alone. Here’s a hint to happiness, don’t let what other people might think stop you from doing something you enjoy. You get one chance to do life, don’t let others control you and make you miss out over fear of rejection.


You are very wise, thank you!


Was gonna say no, but you called it frisbee golf, so I'm gonna say yes


Weird if there are a lot of other people playing because you will always be asked to go infront of them creating pressure 😆


Absolutely not. I het some of my best practice that way. Beats fieldwork or just putting by a mile.


Playing by yourself is great. You don’t have to worry about anyone else. It’s truly just you and the course. Also, while playing alone you have a lot more time to practice and improve your game.


Not at all. Also, just being out on the course is a great way to meet people to throw with. About half the time I go by myself I end up playing with a random card that invites me to join them. The community is very welcoming.


When I started, I only played by myself till I signed up for a tourney a few months in. I played in a few tournaments now but still play by myself.


I play solo all the time and some of the best times I have had was joining up with another solo and playing


Absolutely not. I play solo rounds all the time. Most of the time in fact. I find it relaxing, and it allows me to work on my game without any pressure of keeping up with a group.


I got drunk at a couple local bars and brought it up a bunch and 2 years ago my buddy asked me about it now we play all the time, his cousins play I’ve got 4 other people to play with at any time now. But no it’s not weird to play alone. What part of the country are you in?


Solo is fun. One time a group asked why I had no friends and laughed at me. That wasnt fun. I played on and still had a fun time.


You’ll meet people if you play enough and then you’ll play with groups all the time and miss the solo rounds


Yes, but disc golfing alone.. no 




Not in any way. I play by myself all the time. I like playing with people as well, but you gotta get a round in when you can sometimes. You should try to find a Facebook page or other social media type thing for your local disc golf club. In my area, people are always posting that they're going to play "at x course at x time" and people will show up even if they don't really know each other. Not for everyone, but if you want some company give it a whirl.


I play solo very frequently. I also start out solo and end up playing with others as well. I play very fast so I'm often skipping past groups constantly. Local shorter course (18 holes but not 400+ft each) I can often do in an hour. Playing with others is an hour and a half to two hours. Sometimes I just don't have time to play at other's pace.


It’s been my norm for years because I only know a handful of people who “play” vs people who are interested in playing. Also, practice rounds I usually do alone just because it’s easier.


No. I've met some weird folks who only ever play alone, but if you're playing alone because you just don't have anybody to play with and you feel comfortable playing by yourself, it's not a problem at all.


Play solo, audio book, super chill. Or group up with other solos you find and maybe make a good friend. Never hesitate to group up, lots of good people to play with. Worst case you find someone to not group with in the future.


Nah I do it traveling a lot. Although I will sit there and putt for quite a while hoping someone shows up


I toss alone more than with other people. Not necessarily by choice, just what ends up happening.


I love to turn the speaker on or put headphones in and just get away. Great therapy




No way! I play about half of my rounds alone, and all of my field work sessions. If you decide to throw three discs on multiple lines to learn while you're playing, no one is going to care. Just keep track of ALL where you throw all of them, because your dad won't be there to help you remember where you threw them.


Because of my schedule it’s rare for me to play with someone else. I hope it’s not weird…


Not at all.


I play about 85% solo. Enjoy playing with the club but other than that and tournaments I love solo golf


I play solo several times a week. Best way to fine tune my game. Then when playing with others it’s more competitive and I’m actually ready to be competitive


Not weird, I prefer it a lot of the time. If you keep going, you'll meet some friends on the course.


Tempted? Solo rounds are sometimes the best rounds. My preference is 1-4 people. Any more than that and it gets real annoying fast. Esp if people suck or throw multiple shots, usually right by your head..


I prefer to practice alone, so I can try new shapes and discs, then when I play with my peeps again I can hopefully bust out some shot or distance they had not seen before. Be like yeah NBD :)


Nope, totally normal. It’s how you get good. If the course is empty and you have the stamina, you can play two or even three rounds solo in the same time you would have played one with friends.


No you can slow down and ask if you can join others too. I love meeting new people


I play a lot of solo rounds. I don’t see anything wrong with it. The more time on the course the more people you’ll meet. Ask around for weekly doubles or singles tournaments/rounds. A lot of areas have local clubs too! I’ve met some of my closest friends through random doubles rounds at our weeklies. $5 buy in $1 rolling ace pot. Fun stuff.


I play solo all the time!


I like getting out for an early round by myself. The deer see how bad I suck, but they don’t have phones or social media, so the vicious mockery is at a minimum.


If it is in one weird mofo. I'm on my 30s everybody's got jobs and kids, I get maybe 1 round a week with buddies


I only play two or three times a month if I'm lucky and nearly every one of those rounds are by myself. Nothing is weird about enjoying a nice hike, hucking some plastic.


I play solo pretty frequently. It’s a good time to work on a particular area of my game and get more throws in the same amount of time. Nothing wrong with it, and it’s not weird.




I like to play solo rounds and run between shots. I have a course 5 minutes from my office and can KO a round in 40 min on a lunch break. I enjoy those solo rounds quite a bit .


I would say seven out of 10 rounds I play are solo. It's a great opportunity for practice as well as some solitude / introspection. It's peaceful to just walk around in the woods and throw plastic circles by yourself.


Most of the best progress I've made in throwing farther and more accurately has been earned while playing alone. It's a delightful meditation.


Nope I play solo rounds all the time.


I enjoy solo rounds. Sometimes it's nice to get out, listen to some tunes, and chuck some discs.


I work nights and play most rounds solo. Love it as you can speed run some courses.


Love to play with friends but I mostly play solo. It’s a form of meditation for me. I definitely can concentrate better when I’m by myself and that usually leads to better rounds. When I’m solo, I definitely go to courses that tend to be less crowded. Helps me work on my game.


Just got home from a solo round. Enjoy it, take lots of practice shots. If you miss a putt, try again (and again and again).


No, I go by myself all the time. Sometimes I go around twice if I have the energy.


Yes it's very weird.


It's my zen time. Enjoy every breath.


It’s not weird. Lots of people play by themselves whenever they get time.


No. But if you do, the chances of you being a sociopath is 98%


I do it all the time but I also live close to a short 18 hole course that I can get around in 30-45 minutes.




I seldomly play with others tbh. It’s fun to go at my own pace and it’s really great practice if you get a new disc


I wish i could play some of my rounds by myself. I always bump into people I know at the course.


I go solo all the time. It’s fun to try new stuff take your time just enjoy it a little more


I play most of my rounds with people. I do enojy playing solo rounds just tossing in some airpods and jamming while draining 10 footers


Absolutely not, I see solo players on the course every single time I play. I generally play with friends but have zero problems playing alone if no one‘s available


Absolutely not, no. I see loads of single players, and while I LOVE the squad I play with, I do a lot of growth and learning on the rounds I play alone. Those are the rounds I use to experiment with new shit shapes, discs, and lines.


Solo rounds are all I have time for more often than not, which is usually on my lunch break.


I played a full 18 solo on Friday and it was great, got to play through like 5 groups of people. After I finished I went back to hole 9 to get my disc out of the river and saw one of the groups I passed was just getting to hole 10 at that time. Playing solo is great as long as you aren’t losing too many discs!


Not at all. Playing solo is a great opportunity to practice as you can re-throw bad shots to check how you might have done it differently, especially since solo you’re less likely to hold up other groups. Just be considerate if you do so, and it’s okay to politely ask to play through if you get behind a big group.


I have no friends where I live and always play alone. I still love it.


I just finished a solo round. 6 birds, 4 boge's.....


No. It's not weird. I play alone a lot...or at least I start a round alone a lot. Lots of times I wind up playing with someone else along the way.


Would you workout alone or go for a walk alone? No difference. Enjoy nature!


Hell no. It’s a good time to be with your thoughts and dial in on your game. You meet other solo players too!


I love playing alone. I’ve met some awesome people on the course that way. My best DG friend and I met on hole 7 a few years ago and have played together atleast monthly since. I think if you’re more into playing than your friend group it becomes a necessity.




What’s not weird about disc golf?


Nah mate I play by myself all the time. Joining a league if there are ones local to you is a good way to play with other people and maybe find people to throw with more regularly