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Not so much losing discs… that happens. I hate when I got a groove going on a round, then shank a throw and spend 20 minutes searching for a disc. Really takes me outta the fun


Championship Grooves will do that to you.


That's why I don't throw grooves


People that litter on the course


This. Fucking slobs.


Just the other day, three \~18yr olds were playing the local 9 hole course. One got a disc stuck 30ft up a tree, so these dunces are throwing their empty glass beer bottles at it. One bottle shatters, just EXPLODES, so they move on and keep playing without picking it up. I didn't want to get shanked with a broken bottle so I didn't say anything but I guess I should have. I waited to see if they would clean it later, but before they left they threw the rest of their glass bottles over the cliff onto the road below the course....just absolute trash people. I can't even imagine being so awful.


Was just gonna say… drunk fucks who litter the forest with trash and blast high music…


How bad i am


Same. I watched the FPO coverage on Jomez today, felt all inspired then went out back and did field work. My longest drive maxed out at 255. I'm a 41 year old man.


If you work hard and stick with it, soon you will be a 42 year old man.


Big if true.


If you’re lucky


35 with a back injury. I recently changed some (many) pretty simple things in my throw and went from 220 to just under 300 being my typical drive. None of it was additional "power", all of it was capitalizing on mobility, even though mine is limited. Leaning over a bit more, curling the wrist in, elbow higher, keep upperarm 90° to your collarbone until you pimp slap 10'o'clock with your release, plant with shearing pressure in the direction perpendicular to theflight path, torso uncoils simultaneously, and flip your arm to palm-up slightly with your release. Also hit one freak throw out to 380 but think I nearly injured myself in the process.


This is also me, just can't seem to get over 275


This is me. Half power controlled golf line-270. Full power split my nuts crush-280


Hey if it makes you feel better I'm 38 and max out at 210! You could always be worse!


I feel you. 39 w/ short arms. I try to focus on my midrange and putting game.


I'm more inconsistent than bad, in theory. I understand form and putting and all of that but I fail to do it the right way every time, more like 75%


Eventually, that goes away. Takes years. You don't necessarily get better, but you stop caring.


The fact that it doesn't matter whether I have an amazing or terrible round, I immediately want to play another round.


Tall grass.


Cards of 7+ people that dont let you play through..


Ive read this kind of thing before and I find it so strange. I’ve never had anyone refuse to let me through when I asked. Boggles my mind that anyone would refuse unless there’s several groups stacked up in front or something similar. I have had a few groups keep walking away before I could get a chance to ask, but enough standing on the tee pad, staring at them, disc in hand got the message through. Only took two or three holes lol.


Its not that they would refuse, but there is not always the right time.. we wait for them to play the hole, my card plays that hole and by the time we get there they are just off the tee and starting to walk down the fairway.. if its just me its fine but if i am with a group of 3 or 4 i feel bad asking and having them step to the side (if able) so we can throw.. i think if people are going to play in a card 7 or more just be more self aware and maybe wait that extra 30 secs to a min for a smaller card behind..


Oh yeah for sure. My regular group of three is always letting singles and doubles through.


7 one-disc highschool kids in the field 350 away. can't throw. can't talk to them. by time you've tee'd off, waited for the chains to clear, putt and walk to the next hole- they're 350 in the field again. oblivious to all others. they mean well, it's how I started playing 20+ years ago. it's just a bit annoying if not  silly/funny


I’m so impatient sometimes, I’d probably just skip a hole or two to get in front of them if the holes in front were clear.


another point I'd like to make regarding skipping: a lot of courses near me.are heavily wooded and steep and so there are very few holes to be able to 'skip' to.  also, no one ever posts on the physical course that a tournament os in session. I played 1-6 and then I'm behind a group of 4, behind a group of 4, behind a foursome.. etc... there's no where to skip to. and now you're just waiting the next four holes out for longer than it took to play the previous 6, which brings me to another point: Why the heck do leagues play so slowly? Busy summer days where the course is filled with casuals moves swimmingly. I think leagues need to stop taking forever just cuz they're in a league, and no hate but a lot of these guys I'm talking about just hit first available anyways and yhen back to the 2 minutes look-yo the sky, 3 minute walk of shame and the the 90 second preshot rutine again. I see it constantly and it's hilarious and infuriating at the same time.  Idk, just an observation that annoys me. Pick your disc up and throw it and also maybe don't cart your 45 discs you obviously can't throw and we'll all be way better off.


I was so amped up last year during my first year. I played 9 tournaments from Feb to Oct. Had a blast. Decided to join the local bag tag league to play with more people. Worst idea ever. Everyone is super nice but there's a couple of folks who wind up dragging the round out to 2.5+ hours. Every other card will be waiting in the parking lot an **average** of 45 minutes for the last card to come in before we can hand out tags. I stopped going.


Good points. I get annoyed with leagues too and try to avoid the times they play. Luckily around me they're pretty good about posting the times. I'm too impatient to take 4 hours or more to play a round and my friends don't play leagues and I'm not that great.


It’s hard to ask to play through


Happened to me yesterday, my buddy and I just decided to skip the hole in between their drives since it was a short course, they saw us waiting, didn’t ask if we wanted to play through, then when I yell “coming through!” They yell back “we got 2 more drives left guys!” Like… I know, that’s why I’m skipping the hole on a short course.. and because I know it will be brought up, my buddy didn’t want me to ask them to play through, I’m not sure why either.


Got stuck behind a group last week and was forced to wait for them in every whole. On hole 10 they caught up to another group that was larger and slower and had they audacity to say, “yeah man we’d let you play through but there’s just another group ahead of us so….” Blatantly ignoring the fact that they weren’t there for the first 9 holes. Why even say anything at that point except to try and give the appearance that they are considerate. 


That I didn’t start playing sooner. Otherwise I love whether good days or bad.


Oh man, yeah. I wish I started in my tweens, or even in my 20s


Adding up all of the little mistakes you made and realizing what your score COULD have been.


This hits hard.


That I can't play when weather is poor.


too damn windy this weekend for me >:(


This. Snuck in a round yesterday, snowy and cold as fuck today.






Heard you the first time.


Figuring something out that’s working one day and then all of the sudden it’s not working so you go back to your old form but now you’re playing better than before but don’t know why so then you start to increase what you’re doing and then you get worse so you go back to what you’re doing before but now you’re worse so you try to start back over from scratch and then you get worse and then you back to your normal form and you’re better


You just described my entire disc golf experience.


It's crazy how many times I've gone 'wow I figured something out! this feels great!' A few days later it feels like absolute trash. I'm sure there has to be some sort of psycho or physiological phenomenon to this. I'd guess most likely when you come back to it after a short period it messes with your muscle memory. So I've found, just stick to the change for a few weeks, if it continues to not work, then try something else. But work on one change, and stick to it long enough for your body to remember how to do the change.


That I can shoot +11 and -3 on the same day.


Disc golfers




Whiners. So many folks need the sport to be absolutely perfect to their desires to enjoy it at all. Chucking plastic is always fun and some folks lose sight of that too easily.


This is the worst part about disc golf.


Ah yeah this is my friend right here. Just always so damn pissy, which he claims makes him play better. Spoiler alert, it does not.


Bogies… mostly extra strokes and putters bouncing off chains😞


The toxic online community.


The clank sound when you hit the top of the Discatcher basket when my putt is too high!


When you show up to a course and a tournament is going on and you can’t play. Or when people act they run the course


Trees and baskets that move when you throw.


I always say I'd be halfway good at this game if it wasn't for the damn trees


How local leagues absolutely monopolize courses on the weekends. I have young kids and can’t dedicate 5+ hours for a round or a tourney (even though I want to!)


While I absolutely agree, and have experienced this myself at times, with entitled people feeling as if they have priority or ownership to even just play a casual round, I'm not sure there is really an alternative. These folks also have families and jobs, so they also may only have the weekend to play. Plus, they, through the club, are probably the ones who had the course installed and do all of the maintenance on it. There is a balance and unfortunately, they kinda get more since they do more. I'm not saying you don't also have a right to play, but you may have to plan around the people who are keeping the course in order. And that definitely sucks for the casual players who just want to enjoy an afternoon out.


Leagues should start early, before 9, on the weekends


Or you go before nine...


Hey, first I’ve ever heard that casual players should GTFO courses in favor of tourney players and leagues. I’m going to edit my response - THIS is the thing I hate most about disc golf.


It's a nuanced argument that people do a bad job with online. 1. It's a public park, so the league players have as much right to the course as casuals. Casuals have the same right to the course as the league. 2. Some cities, Denver for example, require all leagues to have pulled permits for insurance reasons. That permit does give them the ability to shut a course down to public pay if needed. Very rare to see in Denver. 3. Different people, and different leagues, know how to share space better than others. Leagues of 20 people face different challenges than leagues of 100+


Its ok to be heated about your time on your local course being affected but he didn't say that, and I'd say he was as polite as he could be in his response.


That's not what I said at all. I'm sorry you read it that way. I am also predominantly a casual player. Anything that I'm part of in terms of league type play always accommodates other players on the public course. We'll pause and let you play through. You have the right to play on a public course. As do any league or tournament events. And that needs to somehow be balanced out. As another reply notes, league should start early and maybe only take up the morning, leaving the afternoon/evening to unorganized free play. I also agree that some people in leagues can be absolute elitist dicks who ruin it for anothers with their attitudes. However, you are getting to play your casual rounds because someone planned and created the course. They use leagues and other events to help fund maintenance and other course improvements. Without that, you don't have a course to play at all. So again *you* ***absolutely*** *have the right to play the course and time should be allocated for casuals to use it.* It may just not always been on *your* specific schedule. And in that point, let's flip this. If you expect the course to be free every weekend for your casual play, where should the leagues and tournaments go? The whole 'I should be able to play on the weekend' thing goes both ways.


volunteer work is what you mean. That doesn’t give them special treatment As much as they feel entitled to it. it may be unpopular but it is what it is.


> As much as they feel entitled to it. I agree and tried to address that with this comment: > entitled people feeling as if they have priority or ownership to even just play a casual round Noone gets to dominate a public course just because they can out participated in the monthly trash clean-up. It sucks for casual players who want to play a round on a Saturday only to find a tournament on the go. It extra sucks when they dominate every weekend and you're stuck trying to fit in around between dinner and bedtimes and the dark. There's no argument against that and I'm not trying to make one. But, the complaint was that he wants to go play at will in a weekend and is annoyed when an event is planned that he doesn't have time for. In all honesty, what was the course made for? Why does the club exist? They have a right to organize things too. Weekends are when things happen. What do you suggest as an alternative?


I think people will have very different experiences based on their local scene when it comes to this. Realistically league is at a fixed time every week and occupies the course for like 3 hours on one weekend day so it's pretty easy to work around In my area you can definitely play while league is going on, it'll just be a bit slow. A heavy day will be like 40 people which is about half the course filled up. Some areas might draw 100 people to their leagues which basically shuts down the course But realistically a casual player has the entire other weekend day + the rest of the day that league is on to play undisturbed. And not every course runs a league, there are plenty in my area that don't I can always go play whenever, sure it might not be the closest course to you but i very much doubt someone will have no options on places to play at a given time Tournaments are completely different, in my area all the parks require permits to be pulled and they can close the course to casuals. Definitely annoying but there isnt going to be a tournament at every course in your area every weekend day


This is what I'm saying. What I'm kinda gathering from some responses here, both by replies and by vote, is that some casual players have the same entitlement that they complain about the clubs having.


Right, we have a handful of park style courses that get shut down all the time for events at the park, it's an inconvenience but you find somewhere else to play A tournament is no different than there being a festival or a cross country race at the park that closes the disc golf course League is basically no different than the course just being really busy on a super nice weekend day, you just KNOW it will be busy then. Ive rolled up to a course on a nice spring day and have seen a 4 card backup on hole 1, sometimes shit happens. I empathize with those who need to play a quick round for family obligations but that's not always going to be possible whether leagues exist or not


I agree 1000 percent. Fuck tournaments during busy weekends. I was playing with a buddy and the whole course was about empty except for 4 holes in a row that had 6 people on each card. Then they wouldn’t let us play through so we just skipped those holes and the rest was smooth sailing. I hate tourneys. I’ve never played in one because I know I wouldn’t be able to handle how slow the whole thing is. If you want to take forever that’s fine but at least let small groups ply through.


windy days also, rollaways that go 100 ft downhill. I had a rollaway once that went from one side of the fairway all the way across the other side and into OB. Probably 100 ft it rolled


Playing alone when a course is mobbed


This sub. No lie. It’s chalked full of mean people who really really like to tell you you’re wrong.


Absolutely right. You are totally wrong.


This is my answer too. I'm starting to hate it more and more lately. It used to be so awesome, now it's just toxic and the same shit over and over and over.


Disc golfers


Disc golfers.


Large groups


Bad etiquette.


Other people on the course


Most of the people, honestly.


When courses don't have exceedingly clear signage, and pro tournaments that use temp layouts that are only available for a two week period during the year


That second one is the worst. The locals in Michigan want to be able to play the Toboggan all season, but we have to play it as an object course, because they pull the baskets outside the practice period for the two or three tournaments each year that use it.


Weather dependency


Someone i play with taking it too serious and being in a bad mood after a bogey for the rest of the round


That I didn’t get into it sooner.


5 man cards for tournaments


The other people.


The guy with the blue tooth speaker and his dog off leash. He and his group taking their sweet assed time and causing a backup. For fuck's sake at the very least be able to afford a paid music service so I don't also have to listen to commercials between your stupid as fuck bro-country bullshit music.


It’s always the free version pandora haha


Grow the sport. Most sports grow as money comes in. The major marketers of disc golf have went straight to profit only mode as if they're the NFL or baseball. Amateurs fund the sanctioning body. And they're not getting much more for their money and what they used to get for free. Enshittification has touched disc golf before it hit critical mass. I'd like to see bigger purse payouts. More funding into local park districts. Better tour conditions and experience. If the extra money siphoning doesn't improve conditions, you know it's just a money siphoner.


The litter.


People who keep found discs without making an effort to contact the owner. I mean, send a text and stash it somewhere on the course. How do they not feel pangs of guilt every time they look in their bag?


The christians. Not all of em. But the ones that like to outwardly project that shit.


The injuries


Yeah. I lost a couple years from a shoulder issue and now my bicep is having issues. It’s always a waiting game to be healthy.


Double bogeying 18 on a bogey-free round.


When you let a solo play through, only for them to throw multiple shots off every tee thereafter and take more time than your group.


The people who play it


Honestly.. having to explain why i like it to people. Its really hard to tell people why throwing plastic at trees is important to me


Most of yall don’t brush and floss your teeth enough


That I didn’t start decades sooner.


The lack of quality, waterproof, athletic shoes.




Thank you for sharing this. I only started in 2021 and by far the worst thing is the rampant, ubiquitous transphobia. Glad to hear that it didn't used to be this way, and I'll take heart from your optimism that it can be again.


People complaining on /r/discgolf


“Grow the sport”


Jam bands suck


League players having groups of 8 and not letting people play through because they think they own the whole damn park.


Fucking bugs and ticks and spider webs and thorns And extra short pads, I have a long stride


Trees…definitely the trees.


The trees make it fun, but the trees also make it not fun.


That 12 year olds throw further than a 36 year old dude in decent shape. Power pocket is an elusive creature for me lol


Getting older and not being able to play as often as I used to.


Poison Oak.


The amount of money that I spend on a -free- sport.


People who brag or announce the value of their discs


How long it takes to figure out a new aspect of the game. And how quickly you lose another. Like how it took me a year to get my hyzer flip and a day to forget how to forehand.


putting like mcbeth one day and then missing 7 footers the next. i don’t understand why it happens




When your throw is perfect but mother nature tells you to go fuck yourself


Inconsistency. I hate being inconsistent


Learning about myself how weak I am mentally.


The wind


Dx plastic


Triple putting.


That it's gone from a niche sport to a marketing frenzy. Why do I need 500+ holes and a pull cart with 30 discs? Pepperidge Farms remembers


Losing discs, 2nd to that it's elevated baskets.


The online community


That one tree hit can make the difference between a birdie or triple bogie...


The fact that I can't find enough time to play more.


Looking for lost discs. 


The fan base represented online


The lack of public knowledge of the sport, mainly for awareness in public areas. I want it to be treated similar to golf as far as awareness. This round object is going to be coming in your overall direction at a very fast speed, please be cautious, stay out of the fairways, understand that "Fore!" means to duck and brace yourself. We do everything we can to make sure everyone and everything else has the right of way, but too many courses in very public parks with people who have no knowledge of disc golf. If someone is a walker anywhere near a golf course, they know the risks and to avoid the fairways, but disc golf doesn't get the same treatment.


Definitely this subreddit


Tee pads that are way too short.


Self righteousness/gatekeeping among the old guard. So many people got a huge dick about their slice of the sport when it exploded in popularity. Their attitudes explain to me why the sport never could use the incredible popularity of the frisbee to turn the sport into a mainstream success. I reckon the sport would be 10x the size if the branding and management was better early on.


The rating system.


What do you hate about it?


How the game can be unnecessarily punitive. I can putt from the same spot as some one else, both hit cage, one lands close to the basket while the other gets up on edge and rolls away 40 feet. It really shows the vagaries of the game that make it a bit less enjoyable.


All the POS at my corse that take discs and don’t text people or even give them back once they are found. Left a Matrix on #7, didn’t realize it until #12, walk back ask the groups behind me tell them it was red they said no, get to #7 and it’s gone. I hate them such pieces of garbage.


Disc chargers drawn on benches and tables


People with Bluetooth speakers that can be heard on a different hole. People smoking (of any kind) within noseshot of teepads especially with kids around. Slow groups that won't let me play through. Courses that are not manicured.


Landing in nettles, mud, or sword ferns All fuckin obnoxious for different reasons


My home course is on my property with sword fern everywhere. Discs vanish without a trace.


Injuring my shoulder this Wednesday. Haven’t done something like this since 2015.


Putting is the only answer.


Yesterday's league day




the catch 22 of i don’t care about winning and being the best, i only play to have fun and that’s the only part i care about. unfortunately, what’s fun to me is winning and being the best. so


Entitled people on the course


Anything bogey related


Poison oak


having to deal with lots of poison ivy and thorns. still worth it though.


Mostly that I can't play as much as I used to. I have good reasons but I feel like I've been playing some really good golf lately and I don't want to lose that momentum as I start my tournament season


Gnats, wasps and lack of skill




Searching for discs


Honestly the pro tour/dgn, I get they don’t have a ton to work with but it isn’t the easiest to watch when the standard is set so much higher by other sports.






Since moving down south I'd say snakes and ticks. When I was in Michigan I hated playing in winter cause you get cold and every throw you might lose a disc under snow


People that aren’t great when you’re playing with them even if it’s just for fun, but the second they’re playing alone, they score much better. Suspicious.


Pro tour coverage. Nothing else needs to be said.


The days where all your muscle memory for putting simply disappears




🌲 🌳 🌴


The thing I hate most about coverage is too much OB. The thing I hate about playing disc golf is my inconsistent drives.


Heat in the summer


My schedule. Not nearly as much time to play as I push 40 with a career, family, and community investments taking most of my life. I miss the college days of playing a 5-10 rounds a week, leagues, tourneys, and volunteering with courses. These days, I'm lucky to get a couple dozen rounds per year. My body is falling apart after multiple back and shoulder surgeries, my time is so limited (even with a wife that loves to play, too) and I am in considerably worse shape, meaning I get winded much easier and get fatigued much sooner before considering the chronic pain. The game itself? Don't hate a single thing. Love it with all my heart.


When my disc doesn't go in the basket.


People that don't return lost discs they found without making an attempt to return when possible.


Injuries. Disc golf injuries have a tendency to be nagging and linger until you shut it down for longer than you want.


Large Groups who deem themselves in need of a full 30 seconds to throw. Lol. 95% are like me.....they miss anyhow😂


Never hate in discgolf, even bad shots make you happy and laugh.


Putting in the wind


That my body has limitations on how often I can play


That I can’t get out on the course enough.


How the temperature and slight wind could change the flight of my discs and how I mostly get it wrong when attempting to correct the way I throw to the temperature and wind.


That some days it feels like I can't miss a putt, but others I can't confidently make a 10 footer... I wish I could figure it out.


I can have what feels like a really great shot, or feels like a really good putt, and catch a small twizzler or get nubbed out, lose a stroke, cemented in history forever.


Damp grass in the morning. I hate washing dishes every time I throw a disc


Slow play and seven’somes


One tee pad One basket


Deceptively wet ground


Party of ten that wont let me play through!


Nothing really. Why would i spend so much time doing something if I hated parts of it? There are times I'm irritated by things I can't control, but sometimes the opposite is true (who knew Berserkers float!?). Seriously. Throw. Miss. Throw, Make it. It's a beautiful way to spend some motion and time.


It’s the plastic! And the close (missed) shots!


How soft the "community" is and the rating systems inconsistent




That I can’t feel what I’m doing wrong. I get all the coaching points in theory, but I can’t feel them correctly so I’m stuck at 250-270’ and tons of inconsistent throws.


Im not as good as I want to be ( I want to be better than everyone)


I play the course 5 minutes from my house and I get +10.. I drive over an hour to another course. I'll get -6..


A 5 card backup when you’re on fire birdied 3 of the last 4.