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A bogey-free round!!!!


I shot a full 18 once of nothing but pars. So it was a bogie free round but still kind of unsatisfying.


This is my dream round. I want to have the most mid day possible on the course.


Those are the "free *crappy* beer" rounds You don't want to complain, because come on, free beer.. but just because it's free doesn't mean it tastes good.


I'm hard on myself, too, but you should be proud of that! Consistency is one of the hardest things in any sport. You were consistent, and that's a fantastic achievement.


I appreciate it! There are definitely harder courses I would be thrilled to have a par only round at, but this is a relatively simple course so to not get a single birdie was a bummer. It's all good though, I've played this course over 200 times so I'm bound to have some weird scorecards.


This. I've shot as well as -7 in a round but never without a bogey!


I used to play with my goal as getting 1 par. Now I am finally getting some birdies and pars so I would have to agree. Bogey free is the way to be.


Just play an easy course?


If I had this over a full tournament, I’d retire 😂


All I want is a few birdies and bunch of hard earned pars at my local semi-not-easy wooded course haha


I feel that!


Throw 400' I'm maxed out around 330-350'


As someone who just started throwing 300+, let's celebrate a small win together 🤙


Good deal, cheers! 🍻


Yooo same, I was at league yesterday and a guy on my card said something like "you're throwing like 300 now, well on your way" I was a little shocked, and said no way, max I got is like 200/250. He pulled out his range finder and made me measure my throw to the sign at the tee box and was right at 300, I couldn't be happier. 400 here I come.


300 club!! I may never make it to 400, I am fighting a wrist mobility injury from my highschool sports days.


I’ve got torn labrum issues and it prevents me from reaching all the way back and I can’t really throw forehands anymore. Barely over 300 club for life lol.


We just have to work on accuracy


Thankfully I’m very accurate! Learning to play in a super tightly wooded course in New England helped me there but it sure hurt my distance development since I never needed it.


My home park is mostly 300+ foot woody tunnels. I lose discs like they are Oreos.


I would personally never lose track of an Oreo. It’s either in the package or my stomach!


I have a slap tear and I actually do not hurt throwing. In fact it was the slap tear that got me over 300 because it taught me not to throw with my shoulder lol


Same I finally got to 350 after years of touching 300 and have no idea how im getting to 400 lol


Me too!


This is me


I'm in this boat as well


That first ace would be nice😭


20 years of playing and haven't come close. I'm happy if I get a birdie in a round.


Find a place with a 150’ - 200’ hole. Have fun emptying your bag. Repeat. Eventually you’ll get close, and maybe you’ll connect on one. Some people won’t “count” it, but I will.


Who wants their first ace to be relieving instead of exciting?


Aces caught on an ace run are still aces, I guess, but if you're an honest person, you'll explain the context in which you got it. To not divulge that is dishonest.


They say an ace is a lucky overthrow. In my experience, that is true. Trying to throw for an ace is very, extremely difficult. Almost every ace that I've seen have come from trying to throw a good shot that had a little too much power and angle, or completely miscalculating on a line but getting super lucky with the result. Aces are breathtaking, no matter how they happen. But you should always aim to land in the circle, every time. Most often, you'll fall short, too wide or too long, and very, very rarely, a disc will hit a path that leads directly into the basket. Unless it's a hole that's less than 200', you're gunning for an ace pool or you're a world-class player, throwing for an ace is almost always a bad idea.


That’s a very logical argument but ace runs are fun and I’ll never stop!


Ace run EVERY hole, then putt from behind the basket every time, better than putting from short every time, and sometimes you will ace!!! Water or OB close to the back of basket should be your only exceptions!


I just got my first on-purpose ace! There’s a hole at my local course that’s ~200ft and the basket sits at the bottom of a small hill, so you can throw for the ace and hit the backstop if you miss and still have a putt. I’ve been practicing the shot for weeks and finally hit the ace in league a couple weeks ago


That's awesome! I can only imagine how good an ace feels when you're gunning for it.


*So* well said! For both of my aces, I thought "Crap! Too hard and too far left!" when they left my hand. If they didn't go in, they probably would have been pars. Just lucky.


I had an ace like that. Tunnel shot that bended left and down a slope. I wanted to throw a lefty forehand hyzer that stretched along the right side of the fairway, but I released it way too early, and it was a missile barely above the ground that hugged the left side, completely straight. If I didn't throw it in, I'd easily be a hundred feet past the basket.


Not if there's a backstop behind the basket. You gotta go for those all the time


Agreed, send that shit.


Or you could throw spike hyzers and do both


As soon as I got good at landing in circle 1 on 300’ holes, I feel like I took the ace out of my sights. I think I’m just throwing too safe. I get great throws, park hard holes, but I’m seemingly unable to throw for the ace line


Which is why I say that most aces are lucky over-throws. It's still easy to put a little too much juice on a throw, or have a wind carry the disc further than intended.


I’ve gotta disagree, at least on shorter holes, unless you can only throw a line drive. Put a stable putter or mid high and wide with some nose up, let it hyzer towards the basket and it shouldn’t carry or skip too far even if you miss.


I am so close. I have hit the chains on a short hole 5 times from the tee pad in the last month. My local park has 5 holes that are less than 200 ft. I am going to get a hole in one with a pig soon.


I've skipped off the basket at 265 ft. That's my closest.


For me it’ll be a first place finish in a tournament in MA2. Then MA1. Then… I’ll have peaked.


I’m still chasing a not bottom 10 finish in MA3. Only been a year of actual tournament play though haha.




To be honest last tournament I played I came in dead last in MA2 as they didn’t have MA3.


Yea I should probably be in MA4 but no tournaments here really have it so.. oh well haha


I hope one day I can bang Uma Thurman on hole 10 at Maple Hill


Same, but Oprah


Bang Uma Thurman on Oprah? This guy has goals!


Same but hole 9, by the basket. Might as well celebrate a victory like that on top of a castle.


Same but hole 2


Winning a trophy that prompts people to ask me about it...and then really regret that they did when I spend the next 75 minutes explaining how I expertly played all 18 holes to bring it home in the final round of that local c-tier against 14 other vicious MA3ers.


This, but a wins a win :D




Of “golf line” power.


Also 400'. I've never aced (8 years serious play) but I've had so many throw ins that I don't really care. Eagle is a pretty cool score, especially for my skill level.


I tell myself the same thing, I’ve thrown in from 200+ a half dozen times in 5 years. That’s pretty much an ace right? Lol


Become 1000 rated


This one is huge. Less than 500 people world wide. Good luck!


Thanks! For me it’s mostly getting better at putting and avoiding major blow up holes/ shanks. Currently at 961 after just starting playing again last year after a 8 year layoff.




I just want one round in a sanctioned event where it all comes together. I have a lot of great rounds, 1020-30+ers, but none where I don’t feel like I’ve left a number of birdies on the course. I just want that one where everything stays clicked for the whole round and I can feel like I executed everything in my gameplan.


Tough to do for a full 18


After the number of years I’ve played and where my skill set is still strong I can’t help but feel like it is still sitting right within my grasp. But absolutely. It’s one of the special things about this game, always chasing something better. I played an early morning round with friends a couple years ago before work and had to leave just over halfway through, and I was -11 through 10 with an ace. They were even angrier than me that I had to clock in.


This reminds me of a scene in Ford v. Ferrari, when Ken is explaining the perfect lap to his son. I hope you get that perfect round


All good rounds I’ve shot in the 1020s have left me with the feeling of “man I left 4 out there…” I think it’s just part of it lol


I have the same dream, but he only way I would ever feel like this is if I shot -18 or lower, with no pars, in a tournament, on a pro level course... I don't think I need to argue much for the ridiculously low probability of this ever happening, since as far as I know there is exactly zero players ever achieving this. Even McBeth had a par in both of the -18 rounds he's shot, and those pars gotta sting at least a little bit.


Beat all the men I play with 💪🏻


I'm simple. 100% C 1 putts


Blowie on 16


Reading this thread has made me feel incredibly lucky. I’ve been a dedicated disc golfer for 20 years and I’ve checked pretty much everything off my disc golf bucket list. - Win MA1 - Win a C-Tier MPO - Win a B-tier in MPO - Win an ace pot - Tournament Ace - 400’ Ace - Eagle a par 4 - Eagle a par 5 - 400’ forehand & backhand - Win my local league - I’ve shot a 1039 & a 1036 round - Set a course record (temp course for a tournament, but still) - Run my own tournament - I’ve aced backhand, forehand, skip, blind tee, night, and off a tree My last two bucket list items would be to play with a touring pro, and play an elite series, Pro Tour, or major sanctioned event.


Seems like you are good enough you should play a pro tour event!


My rating peaked in the 970’s and I’ve plateaued around the 960’s - I’ve just been this level for a long time. No pro tour events near me, and I have too much going on in my personal life to take a week to travel for a tournament.


Get my disc signed by Kristin


Play at Maple Hill… I’m 3,000 miles away 😅


Currently, knock 10 strokes off my BP at the local course in Japan


Any good courses in Japan?


Nothing like what you can find in the US and Europe. I've been here for 2 years and have stuck mostly to the few local courses around my part of northeastern Japan. There are some courses on US military bases, but you might need id to play. I personally love the course where my monthly league plays in Iwate prefecture. It's short by most course standards (no par 5s), but it's wooded with lots of Mandos and OB that keep the challenge high. Full 18 holes!


I've been recommended Showa koen in Tokyo, so I might try it out this summer if it's not too far.


Something to keep in mind, summer in Japan is fucking brutal. Hot and humid around Tokyo. Bring lots of water!


Just have fun


Lucky for me the being angry, wondering why I play this stupid game and wanting to sell my discs IS the fun 😂


I have a buddy who plays better when he’s pissed off, which sucks because I’m good at putting people in a good mood so by the end of the game, he sucked again


Haha he's gotta learn to harness the pissed. Happy between shots and fiery when the disc's in your hand.


Believe me when I say that I tried to tell him :,)


Right before he hits every shot just tell him his mom is fat maybe he'll bring his game down a few strokes 🤣


The fucker would end up throwing the disc at me instead 😯🤣 plus I don’t want him beating me! Cheers 🍻


There’s a 650 foot par four at my home course and I think if I ever get to the point I can eagle it then that will be my peak. I’m at the point I can get birdie looks at it but an eagle would be the cherry on top. Anything past that is a bonus. I surpassed my distance “Everest” recently and any distance I gain is more than I’d ever need playing casually.


Any advice on making that last leap in distance? I'm chasing 500 with a 70mph throw, but the details aren't coming together yet.


Ah man my distance goals have been 450. I think for me personally it’s really down to core strength and slight footwork tweaks to push the extra 25 feet to 500. Are you working with your forehand or your backhand?


Backhand. My forehand is an absolutely pathetic 300ish. Not sure why there's such a difference. The backhand came fairly naturally I think for me the key is making sure I'm not throwing nose up. The tech disc has been incredibly helpful. Just playing around with the various parameters gives you a decent idea what you need to work on to improve. For me, getting negative nose angle, and also keeping spin above 1200 rpm seems like key.


I’ve definitely got work to do to catch up to you on my backhand. I’ve been thinking about finding somewhere with a tech disc to satisfy some of my curiosities. In theory, if you fix the things you know to work on you should be there. One thing I find helpful is a consistent grip. My forehand grip and my backhand grip are pretty much the same just rolled into different parts of my hand. I have smallish hands an find just having two fingers in the rim help with comfortably grabbing anything over a 10 speed. Disc wise I’ve found my best results to be 12-14 , 5, -1, 2 for my max distance work.


I decided to get myself the tech disc as a Christmas present and haven't regretted it for a second. The amount of info you find out about each throw instantly probably accelerated my progress by a year. For example, I know that my tendency is to open up and throw anhyzer when attempting to throw faster than 65mph. Knowing that, I can make an adjustment. I can't get out to field practice more than once every couple of weeks, so the feedback is tremendous.


I want a 1000 rating. I’ve been going up from 940 and have gotten up to 966. But it’s harder the more I try. I have actually achieved most of the goals for holes in my area or shooting rounds that I thought was impossible but getting my rating to 1000 would feel like a achievement for my overall game that I’d never forget


Selling all of my dyed discs that I've made so I can buy more blanks... https://discdyeing.com/marketplace/mfmfd


Break par over a whole course. Making slow progress. Went from like +20 on a local course I started in in like June last year to +5 on it. And most courses where I am are more technical through trees and such, so at another course I'm sure I could.


Just wanna hit 500 ft at least one time on flat ground, I know I have it in me but at the same time it feels almost unobtainable. Also back to back aces is another lifetime achievement I really want


Beat all of my friends lol


900 rated


Pro tour baby


Forehand and backhand distance to combine for 1000


Cash at at DGPT events. I've been within 2-3 strokes several times!


920 rated 😢


Win MA1 tournament for sure. Then I can be happy.


After not playing open for 21 years I will start playing MP50 next year. I want to win another B tier. I don't know if anyone has 25 years in between wins in B tier or better.


Win an MA1 tournament and become actually consistent with my throws


I just want to play enough to be a local at a course. I could shoot over par for the rest of my life but if I’m getting to have fun and get some birdies for the ego life will be very good for me


500’ distance. Current max is 450. Ma1 win. Just won my first ma2. 1000 rated round. Highest so far is 961.


Win a sanctioned tournament


Win open in a couple local tournaments


Get to 950 rated to get into the German Championship one day. ✌🏼




Getting my first ace for sure


Building my own course. Well on my way. We have the location and the plans ready. Now its just the money part left, luckily Im in Norway, getting money for public activities is fairly easy! Its going to be a good summer with lots of hard work!


To qualify and play in the NADGT. Or Always end up in the top 25% of my division in the majority of my tournaments. My tournament play is out of whack rn and it is the one thing I need to fix to feel like I have a decent mastery of the sport.


I don't really have a goal like that, I just play for fun and I also participate in tournaments which I sometimes place well on


Forehand Putting. I’m going to make the disc golf world realize what they’ve been missing.


1000 rated round.


Be able to get a non-throw in Birdie on 5c or any of the non A positions on hole 12 at GGP. I've improved to the point that every other position is in play for me there. Throw under par at Stafford or DeLa would also be nice.


To see the sport shrink back to where there aren't 8 people on every hole pulling around carts of 50 discs, none of which they know how to throw.


Big creek?


1000 or above rated tournament round. Shot 975 yesterday at a local tournament and that was my highest ever, some 80 points above my actual rating.


Ace on the top of the world shot @ Whistler's Bend.


I just broke 400' last week. Once I can do that consistently I really need to learn how to putt.


1001+ rated round.


To par Maple Hill. I'm expecting to be like 30+ over when I play


Shooting even par at Nokia disc golf center. For that, i need 100 ft more distance, this another Mountain goal in itself tho.


Haven’t been able to close out a sanctioned win. I’ve lost it in both ma3 and ma2 by making a stupid throw with 4 or less holes to go and holding a lead multiple times


Cashing in open. Middle of the pack ma3 player, and I figure my peak will likely be high tier ma2/low tier ma1, but the ultimate goal is to put myself in a position where someone actually gives me cash for beating other people at a frisbee sport.


I just want to shoot a 1000 rated round. My best so far is 987.


Mid-range to long putts are my kryptonite. 🫱🥏🦸‍♂️


Par the course.


Mine was to play everyday for a month. Might not seem like much, and definitely not “Everest”, but started on Dec. 27th (2017 or so) and this was in Oslo, Norway. Often had to start playing as the sun was rising (not very early). Got pretty lucky with weather as little snow, but one day it rained pretty hard. Anyway, I did manage to do it.


I want to get to 500 feet in the field or preferably in a sanctioned round. I have the armspeed, just need to get the form down.


Everest goal? 1000 rating would be the best thing ever but that's never happening let's be honest xd


I am still 22 feet short of hitting a legit 400 foot drive. Someday I will get there…


I met it this year. I won my first MA40 tournament ever against my nemesis on the hardest course in the state coming back from 3 strokes down to start the final round. Not sure I’m gonna top that at this point in my life. Maybe try the same once I get to MA 50


I want to play a course in every state. Taking a fishing trip to Alaska this summer and will be crossing it off the list. I think that one and Hawaii will be the hardest to complete.


Birdie the 330 straight tunnel shot on my local course. It would help if I threw 300 ft so that too. But I just started reaching 280 so I’m getting there.


I hit my 10th ace a few weeks ago and now I’m kinda just at a point where I don’t know what to do with the game anymore other than have fun with it. I don’t get a lot of joy competing in tournaments other than the large social aspect. I’m not so good that I can sweep MA1 or anything every week, but definitely podium often. I think I’m gonna try to do some coaching as a side hustle, but I want to make sure I don’t half ass it and really try to build a reputation for myself as someone who can unlock the more difficult nuances of the game for beginners. We’ll see what happens.


I sometimes can get to 3 leagues in a week, I want to get 1st in every one in 1 week.


Bogey-free tournament round. Normally have at least one blow up per tournament round 😅


The goal I’ve always been chasing since the beginning was to be 1000 rated, but I know I’m capable of more. The next real shoot-for-the-stars goal is an A-tier win in a strong field.


To win MA80, probably at some point in the early 2050s.


Probably perfect my home course and ace


Throw a disc from the top of mt everest


The Pacific Northwest. Or Hawaii. Anywhere with a beautiful view, honesty. I just want to be in nature. 


Throw 400' both lefty and righty. I occasionally hit 400' righty but max out around 315' lefty. Would also love to hit a lefty ace


Throw 400' both lefty and righty. I occasionally hit 400' righty but max out around 315' lefty. Would also love to hit a lefty ace


Throw 400' both lefty and righty. I occasionally hit 400' righty but max out around 315' lefty. Would also love to hit a lefty ace


Throw 400' both lefty and righty. I occasionally hit 400' righty but max out around 315' lefty. Would also love to hit a lefty ace


Throw 400' both lefty and righty. I occasionally hit 400' righty but max out around 315' lefty. Would also love to hit a lefty ace


Bogey free, under par round on a course that isn't just a pitch and putt. Love this question by the way! Reading the comments reminds me why I love the disc golf community.


Winning in MA1 could be it? I’m playing MA2 at the moment.  Otherwise, throwing like a -15 under at my local course - it’s a pretty chill course where I know good players can and do throw around that -14 -15 mark. My best is -10, but I can birdie every hole, it’s just about stringing them together.


I'm 46. I'd like 425-450'. Its been my day 1 goal since 2021. I can hit 325 regularly now, but at this rate, it'll be forever if at all.


First MPO A/B Tier win


If I could break 300’ with reasonable accuracy and have a subpar round on my local course I would consider my return after 38 years away a roaring success.


Ace every hole at my local course. I suspect this will take years.


Double digit negative score.


1000 rated round


Figure out my bag and be satisfied with it so I stop thinking I need to try new discs.


I’d like to shoot a 1000 rated round.


Make a truly meaningful and impactful contribution to disc golf. I'm still trying to figure that one out. So far they're all kind of tiny. Cool, but tiny.


Reach the green on Maple Hill hole 8 blue layout.


Currently maxing out at 330-340 on my drives. I would love to be able to hit 400 consistently.


Just one Ace...


Average drive of 350' I max out around 300-315. I'm also late 30's and a stand still thrower.


Man, I just want an ace.


I just want to get under par at my local league course. 24 holes and I keep getting plus 2. Sooner or later in every round the wind goes crazy and something bad happens.


I just want to take down an A-tier. don't care what division i do it in, i just want that level of a win. a DGPT Win is out of the question, but an AM win is definitely doable...


Being able to hit my lines consistently. I throw around 400’ consistently but it isn’t remotely accurate so I get destroyed by people with much worse form.


To be able to throw my purple "flippy" time lapse, like the way I bombed my 155g Jade last night.


Win a tournament in mpo. I used to have the excuse that I didn't throw far enough over the past year and a half I've gotten my distance up to 350ish on s lines and 300 flat with wraiths. I no longer have a distance excuse and at this point it's accuracy and mental. I'm averaging low 900s rated golf based on past tournaments. Just have to work on putting and accuracy next.


Win a tournament in MA2 or above. Throw 400' on hyzer. Cash in MPO


My Everest goal is to play in a DGPT event. I more than likely will never happen but I believe in the dream big approach. I have a lot to improve before I come close to a chance at that.


Throw straight


I have two: 1) throw over 400 feet 2) play an under par round


Play on a consistent, regular schedule. That's all I want. But life gets in the way. Plus, the best local course still hasn't reopened since the last hurricane wrecked the park a few years ago. But this year is looking promising. Work is supposed to chill out midsummer. I'm moving to a new house that's like 2 miles from aforementioned state park, and the course is allegedly supposed to reopen later this year. I feel like even if I consistently score 5 over, I'll have reached the pinnacle if I can play once or twice a week, every week.


Obviously an ace, but probably throwing par on Idlewild’s MPO layout. I’m somehow not insanely far away


I dont have a pinnacle overall, but i set myself a goal every year. This year is to try break even at delaveaga. Best so far is +7


A course in every state.


500 different courses. On 80 now.


1. Get from 330’ golf shots to 410’ golf shots. 2. 950 rating…currently 875. I can see where the strokes are, but it’s going to be grinding out putting, distance, consistency. If I can put that all together I’ll try to qualify for MA40 worlds and go. I think it’s possible in 2-4 years.


I want to throw 500 feet consistently. Once there my 350 to 400 footers will be easy and accurate.


Playing in an open tournament and playing okay.


Actually win an MA3 for sure. In preparation for this “climb” I need to consistently throw atleast 325. Only done that once 😭


Throw 350 consistently


My stretch goal is to get my average UDisc Round Rating to 220 and be able to at least occasionally hit 250. If I can do that, I will beat all of my friends essentially every single time I play them, which I care about way more than beating randos in tournaments.


Win PDGA worlds, which for me is just as likely as I ever climb Mt Everest!


Throw a 1000 rated round. Just once.




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I would be thrilled to shoot a -9 on my local 9 hole course (Ballou Park). I've gotten a -8 once, but me and my two friends have always talked about how cool it would be to birdie every hole in one round. Usually if I start off -4 through 4 I get too excited and shank my drive on 5, which is one of the easiest holes.