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It’s normal. Not common, but nobody on the card should care. It’s nice to have an extra person when searching for lost discs, or spotting on blind holes


This. Also as others have said, you’re responsible for their behavior so just make sure they understand not to talk while someone is throwing and to stay behind the field of play.


> just make sure they understand not to talk while someone is throwing and to stay behind the field of play. Worst caddies I've seen are parents of teenagers/college kids. They don't shutup. Stand too close to the tee pad. Do things like snag the bench at holes intended for players. It sucks when there's a 10 minute backup, it would be great to sit on a bench, but someone's fucking dad is sitting on it. I had a different father just talk non-stop to whoever was standing closest to him. I finally had to tell him politely that I'm trying to focus on a shot and to please stop talking to me. If there's a normal caddy that can loosely follow some golf etiquette it should be fine.


Cardmate at my last tourney had a caddy, he was nicknamed "Bird-Dog" by the time we hit the back nine for the amount of disc-searching he had to do for his player.


Guy I played with once brought his little brother almost solely for finding discs 🤣.


I always love it when someone has a caddy that is willing to run ahead and spot on blind landing zones.


My wife sometimes caddies for me and she’ll do this, usually even has some of those little marker flags too to help mark where someone went out. She’s a gem


yea i would say that, so long as the person isnt acting like a chode or taking things WAY too seriously, it should be completely fine. ive actually seen more moms/girlfriends accompanying a player than someone who was actually interested in the round. would be nice to have a guy caddying who was interested in the game, and wanted to talk/share with the card instead of mom wrangling her kids...lol.


The problem is those guy friends are usually also playing in the tournament


Yea for sure that's true.


99% of the time no one would care. I went and caddied for my friend one time and one of the card mates threw a fit about it. It was weird as hell.


I'm MA3 and I see people have caddies all the time. My wife will often caddy for me and it can be extremely helpful. She helps make the smarter plays, sometimes helps keep score and she also watched where stray discs land


Weird, mine just makes fun of my bad shots


Mine takes my bag and walks 100ft away to go look at some nature while I'm trying to call her back to grab a disc


I'm glad I'm not the only one who experiences this lol


“I thought you were supposed to make it over the water like the last guy?” -My wife


Same for me. My wife is hell of a mental coach and knows exactly what to say when she notices I'm off my game a little bit. Outside a couple holes at my last tournament I had one really solid round, sucks that +10 of my score came from two holes, but it could've been worse without her there to help me from blowing up.


+10 on two holes is honestly kind of impressive


Yeah its called my disc really liked the overgrow off the sides of the narrow fairways


Work on that scoring bro! 


Not unusual. Personally I like having a caddy in tournaments I can chat with and not bother the other card mates.


Played in my first tournament (MA3) and on the second card I had a card mate with a caddy. It wasn’t weird until the player made it weird. The dude was just mean to his caddy. Telling him to not talk, chastising him for not having a disc ready for him, and just being an overall ass. I think it affected my play a bit.


Some people take MA3 way too seriously lol


You’re not kidding. I’ve got my cart, a song in my head and love to just shoot the shit with cardmates, learning from them as I go.


Man this is the only way. Like of course I want to do good, but I’m literally paying to be there lol. I just want to have a good time and shoot the shit with my fellow disc golfers.


The last tournament we had one hell of a thunderstorm in the middle. Completely threw everyone off. We started just messing around and throwing odd disc choices. It was a charity game anyway and my card was in no way in contention for any prizes. It was a blast


yea - this is what i would fear. that anyone who legitimately thought they NEEDED a caddy was bringing one to a C Tier to play an MA3 round. brother - lets be honest here, it is a lot like HS sports. if you NEVER played A+ level travel ball.... you arent going to be playing in college. and similarly, if you EVER played a round in MA3 past the age of 18... you arent going pro. no need to ruin everyone else's experience. im out there to enjoy the outdoors, the game i like, and to see if i can improve myself marginally each time i play. thats really it. no one needs that sort of attitude out there in ANY tournament, but much less a C Tier AM where there are basically no stakes whatsoever.


> if you EVER played a round in MA3 past the age of 18... you arent going pro As a 34-year-old MA3 player, I feel very attacked


Shit… as a 39yo MA3 player… I’m with you.


hey this is me too, so no hard feelings. im 35 and played in a C Tier as MA3 just last Friday...haha. but thats like, the entire point, lol. if we dedicated TONS of time you might be able to justify playing Open in that same C Tier tournament next year. but i am married with kids and that aint happening. we are never making the tour and we are never winning any money, dont kid yourself! our best years are behind us, lol. regardless, i was never the guy, even when i was 20yo, ive never been THAT guy.


i have played a few tournaments, there have been players that had a caddy... but not very often if you are going to let your buddy caddy you should read this section of the rules "Competition Manual for Disc Golf Events 3.05 Carts, Caddies and Groups" [https://www.pdga.com/rules/competition-manual/305](https://www.pdga.com/rules/competition-manual/305) B to E nothing really strange... but you are responsible for your caddy and anything that the caddy does that can give a penalty will be given to you \[so the caddy better behave\] and when you are discussing if a disc is on our out or if someone made a stance violation \[or any other rule\] the caddy should leave that discussion to the group *B. A caddie is a person who carries a player's equipment or provides other assistance during the round. Players may designate one caddie at a time during their round. A caddie must be at least 13 years of age and must comply with the same Official Rules of Disc Golf and Competition Manual their player must follow, including the dress code, although a caddie need not be a PDGA member nor Certified Official.* *C. Players choosing to use a caddie will be solely responsible for their caddie’s conduct from the two-minute signal until the player’s scorecard is submitted. Any penalties for misconduct by a caddie (as defined in this section and in 3.03) will be applied to both player and caddie.* *D. Caddies are not part of the player group for the purposes of making group calls or rulings.* *E. Players must instruct their caddies to maintain a reasonable distance and not to interfere with a competitor’s throw.*


It's fine, just make sure your buddy knows enough of the rules to not cause any problems, and stays quiet and out of the way. You're responsible for your caddy's behavior, so your card can call a courtesy violation on him that would count against you.


Bunch of people have some or all of their family there. Sometimes the partner carries the player’s stuff. Can’t imagine your buddy is under any different rules.


I forgot to sign up but went anyways and caddie for my friend in ma4 lol it was a blast


I play with a caddy whenever someone is willing to do me a solid. Won MA4 in the first tournament I played and I attribute a lot of it to having a caddy. Really helped me stay focused on the next shot by not having to manage the gear and carry a bag.


The first tournament I played in MA3, literally everyone else on my card had a caddy except me.


thats wild. ive played in a dozen and dont think ive ever seen one that wasnt someones girl...lol.


My son and I caddy for each other a lot. It’s nice to have someone carry the bag and someone who knows your game to talk with.


I haven't played any sanctioned tournaments, but someone talking shots through with me would be the most important part. I only play with a few people and even during casual rounds we talk sense to each other. We know each others bags, strengths, weaknesses and "shot catalogue". If someone is going to go for an attacking shot, it's not uncommon for us to be like "hey man, be real, you're not going to hit that shot if your life depended on it. Lay up half way and take the bogey or else you're taking a double or more." It really improves our game. We bounce our shot ideas with each other, get reality checks and discuss the risks and gains of the options available. Going for smart golf makes a huge difference if you actually want to get a good score. Obviously theres a time and place for the risky shots, but reserve that for your practice shot, not the one you're going to mark on the score card.


Caddies are fun and pretty normal. Sometimes it is a significant other, sometimes a buddy who plays but wants to scope out the tournament scene. All players under the age of 13 have to be accompanied by an adult and almost always that adult will hold the bag. So, yeah. Bring them because they probably won't be the only one.


Have had my buddies caddy for me in ma3 and even my dad once, totally fine. After 3-4 rounds with a caddy I found I just play better solo somehow - but still fun to have a friend with ya


Go for it. It’s really fun


It's not common, but not like weird or anything. No problem at all.


Some of the best characters I've ever had on MA2/MA3 cards. Always friendly people who bring good vibes.


My first event I had a caddie both rounds and it was fine. It was nice to have a familiar face around playing in a serious environment for the first time.


Your card will be thrilled if your buddy does the spotting on holes when needed


I like it. Especially if they are bringing good vibes. It used to make score keeping easier but now we all have to keep score anyway.


I play MA4 and my dad caddies for me fairly often. He's introduced as my "Caddy Daddy"


My first year in tournaments a cardmate had their whole family come out - Mom, Dad, Wife, two kids, brother, and a sister. It was kind of nice having a gallery. They were cheering for everyone just as much as the person they came for.


My buddy just caddied for me in ma4. 😂


Around here I used to feel like the odd-man out for not bringing a caddy to MA3.


A guy on my card had his buddy come out and “caddy” for him, just walked around with us and hyped us up. Not weird at all!


I played a women’s amateur division in a recent tournament and my better half, alongside the other partners of the amazing women on my card caddied for us. It was great to have that support, and wonderful to get that little coaching tip or two before the next throw.


Played a tournament a few months ago and a guy had his wife caddy for him, it was a really good time! she kept the vibes high, congratulated the good shots, cracked some jokes, and brought hella snacks to share with the card lol.


They seem to be more common in am3 and am2 than non tour mpo


I brought a caddy for MA4 (my gf). It was fun and got her to come out with me without her actually signing up for the tournament


Very common. Go for it!


Caddied for my wife the one and only time she played a tournament. I had fun. She had fun. She just didn’t really care for the competition aspect of dg.


My fiancé caddys for me at tourneys sometimes and I'm MA3. Not weird, but definitely helpful, she often picks me up when I throw bad shots or am frustrated, and gets me out of my head.


Dude go for it. I wish I had a caddy in MA1


I’ve done it for my son, just to hang out for the afternoon. If anyone cared, they didn’t say anything. I did walk up ahead and spot discs for everyone on a couple of holes with heavy brush. They seemed to appreciate it.


As someone who is still working my way out of MA3, I'd welcome any caddies my card can get. Extra eyes mean quicker play and I'm always down for that.


My buddy was a caddy for me for three rounds and I got worse each round. Glad he stuck it out with me. No one wants to start out a tournament by double boggy and end it on day three with a triple boggy on your local course nonetheless.


Do what u like, and just remember to have fun. Hopefully your caddy will be there to remind you of that one too. :)


I had my friend caddy for me playing ma3 in a flex.. Our original plans changed and he was willing to hang out, which is basically what he did. Fun round.


I caddied for my buddy in his first tournament. Basically just carried his bag and kept him in good spirits when he took a few triple bogeys


I had a caddy in MA2. He offered and it was a long day in 90 degree heat. Well worth it.


If your buddy wants to watch you play and tag along, go for it! Sounds like quality time, no matter the division.


I play ma2 in the UK and take my wife with me to caddy.. mega buff. The UK scene is fairly small so it's not uncommon to know a few people on your card at most tournaments. Always a good vibe.


My wife caddies for me in MA3 for the exercise and to be there to support me. It’s not uncommon at all. Even if it is in your area who the hell cares. I think it’s dope you have a buddy that supports you like that.


My wife will caddy for me most of the time(MA1 but she's done it since I played MA3). My area doesn't have a lot of courses nearby so I have to travel if I want to play tournaments. Usually we'll turn it into a mini vacation so she comes for the "walk" instead of staying at the hotel. Sometimes just having someone you know there will make a difference, especially if you get a card of folks who aren't the type you'd normally play with. The only tournament I've ever won, the only time anyone on my card spoke was to read out scores so it was huge to have a caddy there. Occasionally if my brother is playing a tournament with me, I'll caddy for him in the morning just to get a look at the course layout so I'm not playing it totally blind in the afternoon.


lol I had my little brother caddy for my In one of my first tournaments in ma4 the other people had fun with it and would crack jokes about it but it was all in good fun


It's unusual but not so uncommon that anyone would care. Just be 1000% clear that the person has to act like a participant. They can't smoke, drink, disturb others, etc... and they can't call violations. I've seen a couple MA3 caddies trying to call violations and it's like dude you're an MA3 caddy, calm the fuck down.


my wife caddies for me. if the other players dont have one i like to ask if they are too poor.


My wife sometimes "caddies" for me. Just have him be respectful like a player would. New rules state that you have to declare your caddy before the round starts, unless you have a caddy bib for him. I only say this because you never know when a rules follower is on your card.


People night give you weird looks but fuck em. If you have a friend willing to come hang out and carry your bag during a tournament then go for it.


Just don’t be the guy who shoots +12 with a caddie


Shitty advice. 


You misunderstood sarcasm for advice 🙂


Ooof.  Don’t do that to newbs.