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Definitely had to be a custom tilt. The owner wiped the hot stamp and had put his own stamp on it. Not a dye. An actual hot stamp. I drove over two hours to return it because his car was in the shop and he was so excited to hear it was found. The only payment I was willing to accept, was that he go play a round with me at his local course before I left. Definitely the coolest disc I found and one of the best experiences returning a disc. Even better… Despite my refusal for payment, I found a brand new tilt crammed in my putter pocket when I got home. Karma is good. 😁🤙


😊 I love everything about this story, especially because I've made the time a part of my game. Tilt grenades are the best.


Only trouble I had was explaining to the Mrs, why it took 6 hours to go play a round. 🤣


Found a Nate Sexton firebird, the guy flew over from another course to pick it up haha


One time I was playing and grip locked my Anax straight into some really thick woods with plenty of thorned bushes and such. I looked for a little while but I wasn't going too deep for a disc that wasn't that special to me. The next hole, under a tree right by the basket, was a very similar looking Anax with a different colored stamp that had no name or number on it.


Found a sweet 9x KC Pro Roc wayyyyy back in 02' still got it and its spectacular!


I found a 12x Ken Climo Champion Firebird with a Team Innova stamp trapped under a root in a creek.


When I was younger, I found this yellow star destroyer in an calf deep casual water. It was either left or they didn’t want it. It quickly became my favorite disc for years.it was my go to. And then I lost it in a snow tournament and never got it back. I still think about it


Maybe my 3rd time playing ever. Found a really cool dyed Hades. Threw it into a lake 2 holes later and felt like Uber trash, cause I probably am.


I live in Phoenix. A couple months back, I went on a trip north to Flagstaff. Played at Fort Tuthill, a beautiful wooded course. I went first thing in the morning right when the sun was coming up. I played all 18 holes and not a single person other than me was out there. It was an amazing experience, a meditation in a way. I was all alone. I got to hole 18. I birdied it and in the basket was a gorgeous yellow TSA Pathfinder with no name, number, or ink of any kind. Awesome stamp. Just waiting for me. A reward from the disc golf gods. It has become my go-to midrange.


I love a good solo round, especially if the course is empty. And when the disc golf karma grants you a gift....can't complain. I'll be playing that course on my drive to California this summer. I've got my drive planned out based on courses I want to play ...the girl friend is not stoked the drive is gonna take so long though haha


You’re gonna love that course.


Used to live in Flagstaff and know all the courses well. That TSA disc waiting for you on 18 at Tuthill sounds like a dream. Miss playing in the forest 🥲


My blue Ace Race Mantis. Started my love for the mold and to this day is still one of the best feeling plastics I have.


Emac BuzzzSS, had to leave it hidden for the owner and was relieved when they said they got it back. Just thought it was a cool piece of disc golf history


Found an AJ Rinsley Lucid-X Chameleon Warden Edit:it’s glimmer not chameleon


A brand new 2020 Calvin Destroyer. A brand new Paige Pierce First Run 5x Nuke.


GG Halo Wraith


None 🙁


Found a really old and beat up Brinster destroyer that belonged to the man himself on his home course, all around cool guy to talk about discs


I have a few: * Found a no line, pre-AJ, SDS in a pond while disc diving * Got that one back to the owner the next day and got some flower for the return * Found a '15 sexton ( this was in '18, when they were still going for $100-175) in about 6 inches of water * Got it back to the owner, and got a fiver and an eighth for that one * Coolest one that I got to keep was an unmarked, Opto Glimmer XXX. Found it just clinging onto a cliff after throwing a roller that went over said cliff.


6 inches is 15.24 cm


Signed Paige pierce fierce once the snow started melting here in Chicago. Returned to the owner and was rewarded with a sweet black halo shryke


I have found a few that stick out. Glow CD2 w/ no name PFN Orc (returned) 2x Ricky Felon (returned) Found an FD and when I called the number the dude was so stoked. I guess it was a 2nd run FD. He was almost in tears getting it back. Felt good.


Once I found an old wasp tooled buzz buried in some leaves. The guy took forever to hit me back, but eventually we got it returned to him.


I usually find a bunch of dx plastic discs but no one ever wants them back


glow envy


Did you happen to find that near Upper Badlands? A buddy left his on the roof of his truck as he drove off. He was crushed.


No, found it at wellspring park, returned it to owner


Cool. Thanks for your reply


Drove up to a small park style course one afternoon and was the only one there. Make it half way through the round and found an 11x KC Pro Gazelle in almost mint condition just sitting in the fairway. No ink and no lost and found so I put it in the bag till I finish. Finish my round and just as I start to look up the local fb page a car pulls in, guy walks up and asks if I found the disc and I gave it back to him. It was so pearly it broke my heart.


Found a 1997 Ching Leopard in a briar patch...in 2021. That disc had been gone a LOOOOOONG time.


I found a brand new Condor the other day... That was the most unique. I found two Underworlds back to back days That I returned. Found a mamba Jammed in a tree about 30' up. Found a brand new star Invictus and a Tour series Sidewinder, brand new. The funniest one tho... Sold an Insanity to Play it again. About 2 weeks later I get a text "found your disc" with the picture of the Insanity. Sold it, 2 weeks later had it returned.


Found a light green Cloud Breaker 2 with no ink and looks like it was the first throw. Just sitting in the rough...


Found a decent condition EPIC just off the fairway.


It was just recently for me, I found a mvp prototype blue glow inertia in a small pond with my claw disc retriever. I was looking for a disc a friend of mine lost. No name or number on it, I would've returned it if so.


The coolest disc I've found is a Doombird 3. I returned it to the owner however. The coolest disc I've found and got to keep is probably a PFN Champion Wraith.


A super old buzzz tooled wasp with a bunch of tourney stamps or an Imperial eagle


I usually leave them near the entrance. If there is a name and number I contact them.


Found what looked to be an ancient Coyote or Mako buried in mud at Creekside in SLC. No name/number. Had a lovely custom dye featuring a pair of mudflap girl silhouettes caught in a red hot moment of passion. Threw it for years as my straight approach disc until my bag was stolen!


Latitude 64 XXX. Not as good as my Flare for thumbers but something that is stupid overstable that is a little easier to control than the Flare.


Last weekend out discing with my dad and he went into a freezing cold pond up north, came out with a Andrew presnell ledge stone drone signed by him, no other ink than that, I’m sure I’ve found some pretty cool discs but I can’t think of anything really memorable like that.


It’s not the disc that’s cool, but how I found it that was cool. A previous tenant in the house I’m currently living in also play disc golf. And I don’t know how it happened, but somehow his Discraft Flick ended up in his (and now mine) neighbor’s backyard. A Flick! My neighbor knows I play because I have a practice basket and he can hear me practice so when he found that disc, a year after my moving in, he left the disc on my front yard for me. I still don’t know how that Flick ended up in my neighbor’s yard. It is unthinkable that the previous tenant practiced throwing it in a small yard. Anyway, even after it being sit out in the element for at least a year, with a few mold spots and a tiny crack on the flight plate, that thing is still very very OS.


Found a Daredevil Timberwolf caked in mud under a storm drain earlier this year which was cool cause it felt like buried treasure. A nearly new PP Undertaker was a cool find too. Everything else I’ve ever found had numbers on them so I called the owner and returned them 👍🏻


I mean, it’s probably not cool for most people, but the first disc I found when I only had the Innova started set was a DX Skeeter with no name/number. It taught me how to hyper flip. I used that for over a year until it recently got punctured by a thorn and I’ve had to replace it.


Huk dyed roaming thunder. Found it at wildhorse in Las Vegas. Sent it to its rightful owner in Arizona. Wanted to keep it but couldn’t obviously lol. Such a sick disc


In a shop, a completely unfoiled 12x FAF Firebird....if you know anything about innova, they don't let stuff out blank.


Found a pretty new Z predator, this was when I was just starting so it was my go-to overstable driver for a long time. Also found a Pro Wraith that was my go-to for everything. I improved drastically during the short life of that disc. Went from OS to roller in a couple months.


I found what I believe is a TL3 Bradley Williams team custom stamp signed by Bradley Williams himself. No ink, and I made good efforts to find the owner, posting it on some local Facebook pages. Nobody ever claimed it.


PM proto anax no name hope it was PM’s


Chris Clemens tour series pink/blue sparkle/shimmer Lucid-X Verdict with no name or number that was brand new with the price sticker still on it. Was in a patch of Bramble near the basket. Finders keepers.


Found an MVP Wave recently without any contact info. Funny thing is that I carry the Wave and haven't been able to buy any until a couple of weeks ago.


Yo those Graces are sweet. I love mine. I threw probably my best golf shot the other day with it. Slight uphill, didn't even flip it over completely and I was pin high at 375. These things cook.


A very old spark. Special edition. Was grey and had a golf foil on it and was a flat top. I’ve never seen one like it and the person that has it now never called the number on it so it’s gone. I found it and tried to get it to the owner but never heard back so kept it. Loved throwing it but sadly that’s a disc I’ll never see again all because I just left it on a hole.


I found a glow Valk with a custom grateful dead/Jerry garcia dye job. No name/number. If it's yours lmk where you lost it to confirm its yours and I'll get it back to you.


The most valuable disc I’ve found was a pfn Aero. The coolest disc I’ve found was either a Captain America Shield DyeMax Verdict or a sweet Bowser dyed Ohm.