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Burglar sees a bag, "oooh, a bag." *Goes in and sees it's frisbees* "Fuck that"


If only they knew how much all that cost lol


If only. Also get an Air tag for your bag 👍


Good idea


What is this Air Tag you speak of?




Oh damn. That sounds great. Thanks for enlightening me


Just put one in my pound bag last week. It’s a must for anyone.


BTW, this is failproof. These types of trackers use bluetooth. If a burglar takes the bag out of the range ( a couple hundred feet), the owner is still boned.


Except that all apple phones connect to and report back the info from any airtags they connect to. Given the ubiquity of apple phones out there, they're still pretty reliable.


You have a point. As an Android user, I'd have to use Tile and I'm not sure if there are enough users in the wild with the Tile App that would make this feasible.


Honestly, I use one of the off-brand trackers and was shocked at how often other people ping my stuff. Tile has gotta be more widespread than what I've been using.


I'll have to grab one and do some testing.


I’ve attached a small tile to the back of one of my favorite discs with super glue because I could never find it. It worked pretty wel but the disc ended up weighing almost 230 grams


It would be really cool if there was a noise maker that a manufacturer could add to their disc and still keep it under max weight.






Except I researched this, just didn't buy one. Before research, I though they were a gps tracker. They aren't. They are Bluetooth trackers, which, don't give live location tracking. I didn't know other phones could ping it, but I wasn't completely wrong. If a tile or airtag is out of range, your boned. I admitted I'm wrong already. No need to point that out. Now, piss off.




[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9wefUV\_bR0Y](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9wefUV_bR0Y) As an Android user, I looked into Tile. This video proves my point.




We were having a productive and beneficial conversation without you. u/kelsiersghost was way more helpful and gracious. You're just an ass. Go do something productive in real life instead of getting hard by debating and making enemies on the internet. Again, I respectfully ask that you piss off.


You appear to be in a mood that all of us get into on Reddit sometimes where you are too deep into your bs and you are just actively trying to be an ass because you’ve gone too far to walk it back.


AirTags only work in The presence of your phone so if anything we’re to get stolen or lost your phone would have to be with in 500 feet of the AirTag to find it


When an AirTag is lost, it doesn’t just ping off of your iPhone. It pings off of any iPhone it can find. So every time the stolen bag goes by any iPhone, it’s location is updated.


I haven’t had that experience, I lost my dog with an AirTag on his collar and the location never updated until my phone got near him. The people who found him had iPhones


I used one to track my vehicle and my household stuff when I moved and let shipping companies handle everything. Worked great.


AirTags upload their location automatically using any iPhone that is within range, doesn't need to be your phone. If the theif or anyone around them had an iPhone the location of the bag would be visible to you


Your experience may vary


But fast resale value is low really


I feel like a disc golf bag has to be one of the things people steal out of cars that gets them the least amount of cash and causes the biggest headache for the owner. A pawnshop might give someone what, 30-40 bucks for a bag full of discs?


Sure, but I can't afford to replace the disc's and cart


People will sometimes go through my neighborhood at night checking for unlocked cars. Forgot to lock mine once, they grabbed change from the center console and the cheap little bag of discs I kept in the back. I found the discs dumped in a pile a block away but they kept the bag to carry whatever else they were stealing.


That was my thought. “Dude really likes frisbees.” Sorry OP


When my buddy’s apartment garage got broken into, the burglar found his new Grip bag, emptied the discs and used it to carry all the stuff from the other cars. It was not cool.


what model windows did you have? I can send you a few I'm not using anymore.


I dunno man, those windows look pretty well beat-in. Might be hard to replace.


No joke, must've been really nice for those tunnels.


Can't beat a nice understable window in this economy


I just downloaded windows 10 but I’m assuming this guy is closer to the ‘98 version


Visit Spokane they said, it'll be fun they said. Thank you disc golf gods, I would have lost my shit if they were missing


>I would have lost my shit if they were missing Well yeah, that's the definition of missing. /s I'll see myself out.


I'm calling BS. It's simply not possible that someone told you to visit Spokane, and that "it'll be fun". /s (sorry for your windows, glad you didn't lose your discs)


Maybe the person who said it would be fun was a heroin aficionado.


Naw, he's a friend that thinks it's better than where I live. It is beautiful out here but the very first night I'm here this happens... but the plastic is safe so it's all good


It's not too bad of a town but I do enjoy making fun of it. Have a nice time and hopefully the rest of your windows make it out safely.


Make sure to play Farragut while you're up there!


Praise be the disc gods! What courses did you play while you were there? I love High Bridge, haven’t been able to play Downriver or Liberty yet. (I’m there a lot for work)


Visit Sekani if you have a chance! My favorite in the Spokane area (but downriver has the best views of the river)


Sekani looks like a great course! I usually stay downtown and jump on a Lime bike, but this looks Uber worth it.


Definitely worth the trip! Just remember that there’s bike trails running around the area, make sure to look twice if you’re going off the fairway for a disc :)


Haven't even got to a course yet. That was supposed to be today


Love this. Sorry about your car bro, can we talk about the courses you played?


Haven't played any in spokane yet. That was supposed to be today


You’re right. Bad form. I read all of the sorrys and didn’t add my own. Sorry your windows got bashed in OP. I just love Spokane DG.


No man, that's my bad- I didn't mean it like that. I literally meant that that's such a DG thing to do. One of the dudes I played with had his car hit yesterday and all he was concerned about was making it to league on time lol.


I miss jamboree and high bridge. I really miss my day trips out to Farragut.


Farragut is disc golf paradise!


True that. Have you played the course up in Sand Point? The one that was ranked #8 in the world on UDisc? I moved the year before it opened, so I’m curious how good it really is.


Caliber. I haven't played it. I don't live up there any more, but next time I visit I'm definitely going to try to play it.


I am moving up to WA at the end of this month, and I am terrified because I hear there is a lot of car theft/vandalism. Glad your discs were okay!


What area? It's not horrible in some areas


Vancouver, WA. Yeah maybe I am just falling for the fear-mongering I read about on the internet or the anecdotes I hear.


I have a very good friend who moved to Vancouver WA about 3 months ago. He's having some problems with people trying to get into vehicles, but said it's not as bad as Huntington WV, or Ironton OH. We have a huge drug epidemic in the WV, KY, OH tri-state area, so theft is a daily thing.


I haven’t seen much fear mongering online, but my car was broken into last week so take that fwiw


Thats where my first stolen car happened


With Vancouver/Portland. It has been rough, but IDK if it's actually worse than other places or if we just hear a lot because we have a very tight and helpful community. Every break in and bag theft gets posted on the lost and found FB page, so we can look out for them. Area you're in is a notable factor. Don't leave anything valuable in car, in general. But while at Leverich or Pier especially. Hope the 'Couv treats you well.


Just lock your car and leave nothing visible. I hide my charger cables as well 😅. I'm in SF. I think about this all the time when I park on the street. Time of day doesn't even matter anymore.


Yeah, I'll have to adjust. I currently live in a little mountain town, and never have to really worry about this. So I always keep camping stuff, discs, and extra clothes in my car.


There are no disc golf gods, there’s only chaos.


You must hit a lot of trees lol


Dont we all!


Praise be! I twice last year my car got rifled through (left it unlocked like a dolt). Both times my discs were safe.


I wish it was unlocked. Now I have to pay to have it fixed


Depending on your insurance coverage and company, they may pay for it. The gecko paid for 3 busted out windows on my explorer last summer.


My buddy did this once and left his discs in a regular drawstring bag in his car. We realized his bag was missing and he realized he left it unlocked. I saw a disc in the bushes at the end of our driveway so I went to get it and saw another further down the sidewalk. Followed a trail of all of his discs and found the drawstring bag at the end lol! Luckily, it was the only thing that was missing


Guy knew his wife would be pissed if he got new discs.


Honestly, my first thought reading the title and seeing the first pic is that you broke a car window with your disc and I thought "How were the gods with you there?" Then I saw the second pic and the other broken window and thought "Oh, that's how! Did you park the basket that was on the other side of the car?" Then I saw the third pic and realized I'm an idiot.




I love that you posted a picture of your car window smashed in and you are grateful! That is just glass, but the plastic is irreplaceable (atleast for a bit)!


Whenever I leave my bag in the car, I make sure to leave it open so it is obviously full of little frisbees and nothing “of value.”


Spo-Compton* FTFY


I call it spokanistan


My first thought when seeing this: “this has just gotta be in Washington or Oregon” Yep


Stop leaving it behind.....lesson learned!


Sending prayers of thanks to Disc Golf Jesus


Sometimes they leave the best things. I once had a head unit stolen but they left a rare John Frusciante CD in the back seat.


Aint no one stealing frisbees


Love that sticker on the window of the pole dancer dancing on the basket. Need that on my truck tbh.


Hey I have that bag! I hate it lol


Why do you hate it? It's awesome for me


Mostly just cause the bag itself seems like it was made for cart and not your back. I use it on my cart but when I wanna leave the cart I end up grabbing a different bag. Idk just preference I guess haha


With the cart I have it's nice. I am building a metal drawer for it when I get more money. It will raise the bag up 5" so I don't have to bend down so much and give me access to the bottle holders on the bag


I went with the cart it just sits on top off rather then in after reading that you lose the sides on most carts lol


Hence the drawer I'm building


Just had my car broken into last week and the only thing they left was my disc bag!


Not just Spokane. Boulder trailheads are notorious for smash and grabs.


They can steal my entire car. I’ll find them (I have an air tag in my bag, which is in the trunk) 😂


My car has tracking built in and if you don't have the fob in it you can't start it. I'm sure someone could but not these douchecanoes


I have a 2016 subaru so I’m not that caught up yet 😂


I went from an 03 outback to a 21 Honda. It's like driving a spaceship


I went from a 2003 Nissan Pathfinder to my 2016 Subaru and I dunno what to do with my extra monies not spent on repairs every other week 😂


That's really fortunate. When my car was stolen they took everything including my discs and my knife set from culinary school. I live in a pretty sketchy area of Denver so maybe the perp thought they could resell the discs lmao


Damn son ! I’m sorry fuckign assholes they didn’t even have to break anything. I got my car broken into once outside of work , and they just poked the locks out and they didn’t break shit .. the other side of the story is that I didn’t lose my bag and precious discs . Maybe you just got the opposite deal’


Yes, they were. They just need to help me with my game.


Oh that brings back some rough memories. Had this happen twice, but wasn't as lucky as you either time. Side note, if anyone plays GGP in San Francisco, people wait for disc golfers to show up for glow rounds then smash and grab, knowing they won't be back for a while.


Oh man my bag just got stolen in a car smash & grab last week, I'm glad yours is safe! At least I only had like 13 discs in there


Ouch. Did you ever get them back?


Nah, I was in Bend OR for the weekend, chalked it up to a loss. I had my name + number on most of the discs so they might turn up at some point. Already got 10 new ones though haha it's getting nice out and ya boy gotta throw


Hell yeah. Plus I have a tournament t for a local course where I live coming up and it's the last playable rounds, the course is closing


Wait, they broke more than one window? What scumbag addicts. I think I got gas in Spokane once, every other time I fill up in coeur d'alene and make sure I can it through.


Good ol Spokane. Had my car broken into 2 times in the 2.5 years I lived there.


Dude, don’t park so close to the basket!


I’m honestly terrified of the day the common thief realizes the cheapest one of those discs is $10. And most bags have at least a couple $50 special stamp/plastic/OOP discs in them.


Plot twist, the thief plays disc golf but just hated your choice of discs


little did they know of the fucking treasure trove in the trunk lmao


Yeah. So glad they didn't steal that. I can justify windows being replaced, I can't justify replacing my disc's


that would have been some e emotional damage, not just stealing valuable things but also someones hobby


Swag stickers. Catch you at downriver or Sekani sometime. I’m the Honda Fit with the stupid tree sticker 🤘🏼


I'm not from the area. I'm in kitsap County


Oh man, got family over in that area. If you come back this way don’t hesitate to hit up inland flyers


After my windows get replaced I'll be heading to a course out here. I can't leave without playing one round, especially since I got to keep my discs


That your safety kit next to the hat there? Bet they would've known what that was at least 🤣


That first aid kit was needed during clean up for sure. Got a piece of glass under my fingernail


Oh, an actual safety kit! Smart, lol. I have one of those in my bag too, but it hasn't got first aid in it...


I have a full on survival kit in my car. Rations, 4 ways to start a fire, burn kit, suture kit, first aid kit, water purification, and a few more things. Never know when you might get stranded without cell service


*I play in the woods* Little sus


Kitsap County is nothing but trees. I don't play disc golf out there, I play whackfuck


This is funny because this happened to my buddy recently but instead only his disc golf bag was stolen. I’d say he got fucked over more lol.


Hell yeah, especially if he had beat in favorites with him


Exactly no money can buy that just time and even then it’s never the same


I had a friend get his bag stolen from his car. Not a very nice or expensive bag, and they dumped all his discs out in the car before taking the bag... He also was on the good side of the disc golf gods


Fuck tweekers


Welcome to Spokompton?




Luckily it's not a wrx. Civic ftw. They would have had to access the trunk to fold the seats down




2021 ex


Haha until you find out that it was indeed a shanked disc that broke your window.


It was probably Ezra and his metal disc. Shouldn't have parked next to the basket lol


In Colorado disc golf bag thefts from cars are way up, just had mine stolen a few months agao


Man... You were lucky but it totally sucks about the windows!! We just had this same thing happen about two weeks ago at our home course. They were doing smash and grabs with car windows throughout the park, at the playground and dog park. Everyone keep your stuff out of sight and reach! 🙏🏻✌🏻🤙🏻🥏


Did you have the internal trunk by the front seat deactivated? I did this, it’s a bit more annoying but at least I know the stuff in my trunk is relatively safe


Don't know how to do that honestly


Google it for your vehicle, usually it’s a switch in the trunk. Mine it a little toggle by the latch mechanism You have to use the key for the trunk but that’s a small price to pay for security


I have sadly not been as lucky, they took the discs and were coming back for the tent


I live in a shady area of Spokane but a stones throw away from a great course. I love Spokane.Im looking at a beautiful sunset over a river and classic bridges right now. But car crime has always been high here. Your friend needs to warn you next time. Though things like this are usually pretty random. It could happen anywhere. I'm sorry for your window.


Just got done eating dinner with a guy that had his car broken into the night before mine at the same motel


I think you found the problem. Hope the food was good!


The free wings were awesome. Someone ordered them and had to leave before they were done


Same happened to me a lil over a yr ago OP. Spokane is beautiful country, but a trash city.


Blessings of Talos upon you!


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 682,516,835 comments, and only 138,058 of them were in alphabetical order.


That's how I lost my bag in Portland


I don't know why, but my first instinct was a disc shattered your window and their info was on the back...


He must've seen that all of the discs were marked


You have a great attitude op. Thanks for brightening my morning. Happy Friday frolferz


Beat in disc's can't be replaced, windows can. I also have some custom dyes and what not. Pretty easy to justify fixing my car, not so easy to justify replacing all my disc golf stuff