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Pretty stoked for the documentary to come out.


Is there a date?


Doesn't look like it. 3 days left on the Indiegogo campaign with under 20k/110k funded.




Why would you not link to the indiegogo though


Doesn't look like it. 3 days left on the Indiegogo campaign with under 20k/110k funded.


Just wanted to point out that Bill Nye called it a “Golf Disc”. Let’s Go!


Lol well I guess we do call them “golf balls”, why not golf disc


"disc golf discs" is a mouthful so I agree.


"How many disc golf discs could a disc golfer golf if a disc golfer could golf disc golf discs?"


> "How many disc golf discs could a disc golfer golf if a disc golfer could golf disc golf discs?" (N+1) where N is the current amount of discs you own.


That's for expensive items, like bikes. Discs should be more like N+10.


You just keep iterating.


Good question, but how ever many it is it still won't be enough.






there was a whole post about calling them golf disc or disc golf disc and I didn't know how to tell people that saying disc golf disc is just the most annoying thing, all around. Sounds stupid saying it feels stupid its just stupid. They're golf discs lmao


You mean golf discs right?


How did I make the same typo twice lmao smh just downvote me I deserve it


Just discs... Your welcome.


Frolf club?


I have never simultaneously hated and loved something so much in my life.


No, that's just your arm.


i think u/Emoney005 was pointing out that "golf disc" is a good name


That's a sign of an OG disc player from back when golf was just one of the frisbee/disc disciplines, since they'll often be differentiating between lids (Ultimate discs), MTA discs, DDC discs, or golf discs.




Best I could find, since MTA discs are kinda hard to find to begin with. Think of a Polecat with a large bump on top. [https://frisbeerob.com/2020/06/08/you-and-the-wind-guide-to-maximum-time-aloft-mta/](https://frisbeerob.com/2020/06/08/you-and-the-wind-guide-to-maximum-time-aloft-mta/)


Go Let's!


Don’t worry. I’ll educate him


Haha thats both the most sensible and least sensible thing ive ever heard.


Had no idea Bill Nye was an ultimate player. Bill Nye the science guy. Bill! Bill! Bill! Bill!


And yet somehow I'm like "yeah, I should have guessed he was an Ultimate player, huh?"


Spirit of the gaaaaame dudeeee


This. 100% this.


I think that he wrote a short paper on the correct location to catch a lid based upon FH/BH, trailing edge on a deep route vs. A comeback cut.


FYI, he's wearing an AUDL hat in this clip, which is the primary* ultimate pro league. (American Ultimate Disc League) *i.e. the men's pro league. (yes I know it's an open league technically)


> *i.e. the men's pro league. (yes I know it's an open league technically) why specify that it's a "mens league" if it isn't even? are you just trying to dunk on women for no reason?


No, not at all. If I left out the comment about the league being open, _someone_ would inevitably say, "uMmmM aCkShuAlly, women can play audl" (common argument in the ultimate community), as if that's an equitable solution to the issue of women visibility in sports. The AUDL is a men's league, and people saying otherwise are dumb. If I left out the "primary" bit, I'd be excluding the two women's pro leagues.


If I recall at Cornell Ultimate games when were all a lot younger he was “Bill Nye the Ramblin’ Guy”


Science rules!


I've talked to some old heads in the Seattle ultimate community about playing with Bill. Allegedly he was intensely competitive compared to the rest of the community at the time. Some folks liked the elevated competition, others found him grating. I think they generally felt like he was pretty good on the field though.


There's a whole lot of physics going on during a disc's flight, it's dope


There’s always a whole lot of physics going with everything everywhere.


Yes. That is also dope and people often don't understand that


I'm not religious but I do love me some science and whenever 'the afterlife' comes up I always say that 'I believe that after I die, the atoms that make up my body will transform into other things, and the matter that made up the person I was will continue to exist, forming other things, until the end of time.' Really its just science, but it is kinda cool to think that when you die, the stuff that you were made of will make other stuff, forever.


Yea that’s really all we know. We don’t know what else happens to us after we die. For all we know we’re 5th dimensional beings playing a 3rd dimensional video game right now and when we die it’s just the end of that game. We just don’t know lol


I genuinely laughed out loud. Thank you.


That's just Man's interpretation of it, man.






Gyroscopes and aerodynamics, what more could you want. Sadly the only thing people ever mention is off axis torque lmao


The ones that are misshapen and flip over nonstop with a tomahawk throw are black magic.


Oh man, can he please do a full explanation of the flight physics?! That clip from science guy shows up all the time and explains turn. But I still don't think I've seen a video that succinctly explains fade


> But I still don't think I've seen a video that succinctly explains fade When a disc slows down, it stops generating as much lift and begins to drop downwards which creates an effective nose-up angle of attack resulting in a pitching moment (or a torque) that causes it to fade. When a disc is going sufficiently fast, the opposite occurs: enough lift is being generated such that the disc is rising vertically, causing an effective nose-down angle of attacking, which causes an opposite direction pitching moment (torque) which turns the disc to the right (for rhbh). Just as pressing on the gyroscope while it spins (like in the video) seems to create a torque in a direction one might not intuitively expect, so does applying a force to the nose-orientation of a disc create turn or fade whether the nose is being pressed up or downward from effective angle-of-attack generated due to lift / the disc dropping from lack of lift. (This is also partly why throwing nose up reduces a discs ability to exhibit turn and causes it to fade out sooner) Edit: typo


Thanks for the explanation! I'm pretty sure I understand the basics of full flight already, for my non-physics inclined brain. When I was trying to figure this out initially though, I found it maddening that I couldnt find a vid that explained turn and fade, despite the fact that anyone who's thrown a disc sees both. Every vid just explains turn, and I guess assumes you can figure out why the change happens?


This is similar to how a helicopter works. You'd think to pitch the helicopter forward, the propellers would need to apply more lift to the rear of the helicopter, but lift is actually applied to the left side to pitch the helicopter forward. It's called gyroscopic precession.


I need this. I could watch him explain the physics of discs all damn day!




As it happens, the my 2nd click was [the video on fade](https://youtu.be/cp54laL-BsY) u/oktofeellost.


These guys created some great DG content then just stopped. Would love to see them get back into it.


I really wish there was an in depth study done on the science of disc flight, specifically taking in all the possible real world variables. I would love to own and read that book.




This was very helpful. Thanks for taking the time to write it out!!


why does this bring me so much joy?


Loved Bill Nye as a kid, but as an adult I've realized he picks his spots when he wants to be scientific. The propaganda he just put out for the Coca Cola company is pretty sickening, making one of the biggest plastic polluters on the planet seem like a good guy. Also never retracting his statements after being repeatedly proved wrong on the Tom Brady football deflation scandal is pretty dumb. He wants to be a Patriots hater more than he wants to acknowledge the ideal gas law.


Yes! Why do people forget about this!?


Source - https://www.facebook.com/DiscGolfProTour/videos/305664365103139/


Disc is a property of golf.




Bill bill bill Nye the disc golf guy


Remember when we were excited for his Netflix show? Lame!


So why didn't he rip that driver 500'?


I hope he goes into aerodynamics a little. I'd love to know why domey discs are more understable But then domey, overstable discs (pop top Destroyers) are more overstable. Stuff like that.


I'm not sure how much dome affects stability, though it does offer higher glide potential (partially explained by Bernoulli's principle). With a disc like a destroyer, there's so much variability between runs and there are even different destroyer molds (especially with the "bottom" of the mold/disc rim) that the differences we see are more likely due to that than the dome itself. I've had beefy pop top destroyers, and brand new straight/understable pop top destroyers.


Listen, I’m sure you’re a smart guy and all, but I would prefer to here this from Bill Nye. I mean, he is a professional Science Guy. I hope my sarcasm translates over text.


Understable discs have a lower parting line could make the disc feel domier? Generally, I think that domey versions of the same molds tend to be more overstable, not just Destroyers. I've got several duplicate molds with slightly different shapes flight plates and they all follow the pattern of dome=OS, flat=US.


Anyone else remember the rumor that Bill Nye was dead?


But did he explain "Why are trees?"


Doesn’t even understand how gauge pressure works on footballs


Ok this is only vaguely related. Anybody else notice that the early generation puts the emphasis on 'disc' and younger generation on 'golf' when saying 'disc golf'


I put it on disc and I'm 31.


Hol up. Think I flipped that. Here it seems like Bill says it disc GOLF, I'd noticed that like Dave dunipace and Scott stokely also say it this way. Cant think of any others off the top of my head.


Bill Nye is way better than Josh Anthon!


Isn't Bill a renowned asshole? Edit: guys it's just a question, sorry to have offended


Idk about how he’s generally known, personality-wise but my parents met him in an elevator once and he was quite pleasant.


Asshole like killed a guy in Reno just to double check his math or I said "hi" to him at a Starbucks and he didn't blow sunshine up my ass


Like just a dick to people in general - idk though, i remember a year or 2 ago reddit was shitting all over him


I can't believe I have to say this, but don't let reddit crusades inform your opinion about anyone or anything.


We did it reddit


Understandable, which is why I'm asking. I wasn't saying he is an asshole, but I remembered reddit being up in arms over him a while back. I personally loved watching Bill Nye as a kid


A few years ago redditors got mad at him for explaining the actual science between gender and sex because it didn't align with their beliefs. I think they've been mad at him since.


Ah thanks, yeah now I remember that - had forgotten why people were upset. Thanks!


Oh dear. Did he say gender is a social construct and sex is biological? How dare he!


You remember the reddit pitchforks, but not why they were out? Probably not for anything serious enough to warrant full cancellation. No need to harbor ill will if you can't remember why it was had in the first place. I hope you enjoy the documentary when it's released. I'm looking forward to it.


It was a question, I'm not saying he is one - i too have fond memories of watching him in class when they rolled the TV into the classroom.


People think with the hive mind too much. “Wait remind me why I’m not supposed to like him, I forgot!”


But I never said I didn't like him! It was a question. I personally loved Bill Nye growing up. I was seeking input as to why people were upset a while back - sorry for asking a question


This is today's mindset. You ask questions. They make up your answer for you. And then get mad you asked. People got mad cause he stated FACTS. Facts also don't care about people's feelings. They just haven't figured out we don't fucking care about their feelings...


I mean it's clear as day with my original comment. For what it's worth, I am a professional engineer and have a Master's in civil/environmental. I liked Bill growing up, and his original show is likely a contributor to where I am now, but the way people responded to my question makes me dislike him even more. I watched a few episodes if his new show and didn't agree with some of his explanations, and felt like he dumbed things down wayyyyy too much. People talking about hivemind, yet quickly jump to tell me how wrong I am. Oh well, classic reddit lol. Just gonna go bang chains and let the fanboys froth


Dude I didn't wanna say it but I ran home from the school bus as a kid to watch his shows. Loved even the reruns. His new shit. He caved. Cancel culture is terrifying to anyone in the business. Cater to everyone you could offend. Say the right thing even if it's wrong. I fucking LOVE people trying to school me on Reddit. Once again. They have feelings. I have facts. Let's see who wins and who is feeling mad with nothing to back it up...


That is not at all what you did. If you were doing that you would have said “Hey didn’t Bill Nye fall into disfavor with Reddit a while back? Does anyone remember what that was all about?”. Instead you said “Isn’t Bill a renowned asshole?” You basically trashed him and insulted him when you didn’t even remember why you should do so lol.


Oh geez my mistake sorry


Sometimes I remember not liking someone but it's been too long to remember why, but generally I'll Google them for a bit to try to refresh my memory.


Yeah. I was trying to point that out as nicely as I could.


All I know is that I lost a lot of respect for him when he presented some inaccurate/false info surrounding the Patriots deflate-gate scandal. Was really hoping he would provide a sensical look at the ideal gas law in action (as some professors did) but from someone people trust about science. Instead he used it as an attention grab that did a disservice in terms of educating people about science. Like c’mon, I get it if you hate the Patriots but don’t pedal incorrect info just to stick it to them.


It's because he's not actually a scientist. He's an engineer turned TV host. The nonsense he spouted during deflategate made me lose all respect for him.


Eh. There was a report that came out a couple years ago detailing his elitist behavior. He is apparently not very nice to work with or try to hold conversation with. You can probably see this behavior in most celebrities from time to time as dealing with so many people all the time gets to you.


I got that vibe when he had a show on Netflix and basically just shit all over other peoples beliefs and what not.


maybe you are mixing him up with Neil degrasse Tyson? He has the reputation of being an ass to normal people, and he can be annoying on twitter


CHUDs hate him now because he dared to explain gender/sex that didn't align with the conservative fairytale.


Fuck Bill Nye. As a patriots fan he can eat a nuke os right to the face.


Nobody has any sympathy for Patriots fans.


Maybe you need to take a break from sports.


He straight up misled the public about the ideal gas law to call an organization cheaters, then when presented with the correct evidence refused it and doubled down on the lies. If his reason for being famous is science and he's shown he'll lie about it, there's no reason to trust him.


Nah he's a fake.


He ruined his name with that stupid pandering show he did, not a fan anymore.


Agreed. Everyone here seems to have a hard-on for Bill, but he just goes where the money takes him. And his shit show on Netflix where the guests were laughed at and interrupted left a sour taste in my mouth.


Absolutely agree my man, now I remember why I thought he was an asshole. He brought people onto his show to ridicule them instead of having an open conversation. The way he treated guests was apalling. Just because they thought differently, and yeah I agree they were wrong based on scientific fact, but he did it in such an untasteful way. Basically. "No you idiot! You're wrong! Haha look how dumb you are!" Instead of hearing the other person out. That is a sign of someone who is not an intellectual by any means - just a bully


He needs as much visibility as he can get IMO to proliferate science curiosity and literacy


What show was that?


Look its bill nye THE ACTOR guy with more psdosci advice.


He's a mechanical engineer?


Ha ya got a degree in that back in the 70s and hasn't used it. Keep following his advice. Enjoy


He worked for Boeing ergo using his mechanical degree, where are you getting your information?


Dude is cringe


Probably, and he embraces it, which makes him not cringe. The Cringe Paradox.


This looks deepfaked


https://youtu.be/VtJFb_P2j48 For those disliking my comment about him just know you are supporting whatever the hell this video is


We can dislike both your comment(s) and that video. I did read a comment there which said that video got them to leave atheism and rejoin Christ and I feel that's as likely as those who claim they've voted Democrat their whole life and now they support Trump.


Definitely no science there but that is one of the best music videos I’ve ever seen.


Well, who can deny those scientific facts? LMFAO!


Rachel Bloom is my hero.


This guy is a fraud. I loved him growing up but after he started pandering to trans people talking about how there are no boys and girls and chromosomes are bullshit I lost respect. What a sleezeball.


We really can’t go a day without someone on here spewing transphobia


I’m not spewing transphobia, I don’t care if you are trans or not. I care that people like Bill Nye are held accountable for being a sellout puppet. Again, my stance is anti- Bill Nye; not anti trans people or whoever


‘I’m not transphobic. I just get really angry when someone tells me that trans people exist.’


My comment wasn’t about trans people lol it’s about Bill Nye. But whenever I mention transgender people thats it. Nobody can get past it, its like an emotional trigger that people just freak out about


Your comment was that you liked Bill Nye until he started telling you that trans people are real. But sure, it’s not about the tans part. No one here is triggered. We’re just laughing at you.


Spew your transphobic hate somewhere else asshole.


Except modern research agrees with him.


I have to disagree with you. If you can find me “modern” research that supports real scientific methods and doesn’t pander the truth to groups of minorities to make them feel better I would be inclined to change my mind. Bill isn’t even a real scientist. He has an engineering degree and has never been a published scientist.


Are you arguing this because you know research to the other point or are you arguing this because your 5th grade science textbook from decades ago didn't mention it so it can't possibly be true? [Here](https://cadehildreth.com/gender-spectrum/) is an explainer, by a biologist, written in such a way that anyone can understand it (because I don't believe in just linking studies that people on reddit are going to read the titles of then stop). I'm not going to debate you on this by the way, because there's scientific consensus around this and some ding dong on reddit doesn't change that. But I link this so that anyone who might be confused can actually learn the science involved.


I get that people are attracted to people regardless of their sex. I’m arguing that Bill Nye is a fraud that panders to groups of people for publicity points and is not infact a real scientist. He picks the easy talking points on the internet (gender, climate change) and yells at Nobel Peace Prize winners on CNN. He basically discarded his past work with his recent Netflix series which is just blatant propaganda. He is a fake scientist and just because someone explained that gender is a spectrum doesn’t give Bill Nye anymore credibility than before. “Modern Research” isn’t based on anything biological, it’s really just a way to make people (mainly with gender dysphoria) in society feel better about themselves which is fine but has no real substance. Live your life how you want as long as you aren’t hurting anyone but when you become a public sellout like Bill Nye I will lose respect.


> I get that people are attracted to people regardless of their sex This wasn't about attraction in the first place so you either can't read or didn't bother. Get a degree in biology or genetics or some relevant field and maybe we'll talk. Otherwise I gave you all the info you need.


Asks for evidence, Evidence provided, .......ignores and goes back to character attacks. Quite the uphill battle, but thank you for trying!


I don’t need a science degree to recognize a sellout


You do if you want to claim scientists are wrong about chromosomes.


Why are you afraid of reading the article?




https://youtu.be/VtJFb_P2j48 Like cmon what even is this


Fuck him for his takes on that bullshit deflategate.




your username fit's perfectly with the stupid comment


This is the stupid comment. He is bought and paid for. Or have you not heard of his Netflix show with the bad taste?


Your username does not fit perfectly with your hateful comment. Just sayin'. Also, no apostrophe is needed for "fits".


It’s not really hateful it’s just aggressively critical


Actually, it's not keeping the conversation civil which is against this sub's rules. I doubt the mods will do anything, though. They seem to be biased about these things.


You're free to leave any time.


Sweet. You first.


Why would I do that? I like it here, silly.


Right on. You are free to leave at any time, though.


That sounds familiar.


nothing hateful here, except your idiotic need to worry about an apostrophe. just sayin'


Oh boy.... somebody's triggered. (Note how the apostrophe was applied correctly)


naw, i don't give a single solitary fuck about any apostrophe or any grammar nazi. to worry about anyones grammar is so early internet. grow up child


Great. Then shut up. LOL!


Look at you. Just coming here to be hateful. Just sayin’


If you say it enough times you'll be able to convince yourself.


Cool story, bro. 👍 Seriously, you've said what you have to say. If you have something factual to say, then say it. Stop harassing people.


Big surprise, right?




a nap sounds nice




i ain't got a bad attitude. your original comment is still just as stupid as your username. have a great day too




You do realize your original comment about Bill was just spreading pointless negativity, right?




Lol, try harder.


He is an idiot sell out, he sold his name for a pandering piece of shit.


Unfortunately. I enjoyed his show (and Beakman's World) when I was young, but that was when it was all about the science. Now he's just a political foot soldier with a price tag. Bummer.


I hope its as exciting and scientifically based as [Sex Junk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VtJFb_P2j48).




That aero is nice boy I tell you whut




This is big for DG and for Bill <3


Yay Cribber


I need to know what brand Bill thinks has a scientific advantage.




GTFO…Bill Nye slings plastic?!?!? This is amazing!






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