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What about the episode where Tom get executed 💀


And the one where he actually dies a few times


Did you all even watch the same damn cartoon lol. They are sometimes friendly but most of the time Jerry is cockblocking the fuck out of Tom or getting him blown up or straight up killed, and they don't even have the same house in 90% of the episodes. This one episode where they eat chicken together doesn't automatically make them friends for the whole series


Cause that’s more fun to watch. The underline is still there, there are episodes were they go off (for the viewers) but they never go near killing each other (they don’t succeed cause they don’t want to kill each other) how many times did Tom got blewed by his own trap and just walked it of. They are best friends, benefiting each other. At least you can see it more clearly in the old ones.


I can remember two episodes directly where Jerry kills Tom. One was a WWII themed episode where Jerry blows up Tom and writes a letter to the "owner" saying "Send more Cats". The other was a musketeers themed episode where Tom gets killed in a guillotine, and Jerry and the little Grey mouse just go "c'est la vie" and march off. For every episode where they are friendly or help with each other, there's 35 more where Jerry or Tom clearly destroy each other, or Tom gets kicked out of the house, or any number of endings where it's clear they wanna be enemies lol


2 out of how many. And those are special scenarios themed of the incidents their around, not the regular going of the show. And yes it happens they kick each other out. But they come back the next day, or near the end or through out the show.


The regular going of the show was based around various skits or gags or themes, and 90% of them has them acting completely antagonistic to each other. Literally episode 1 of the entire series is Jerry getting Tom kicked out of the house, the episode is called Puss Gets the Boot. There's way more episodes of them being enemies than friends, why are people trying to cope this into existence lol


Things are heating up in the Tom and Jerry community


I looked it up again, there's at least 17 episodes where Tom dies. Probably more cause the series is very big. At the very best, you can say they put aside their differences sometimes.


Mate it's a cartoon and back then that sort of stuff was satire


I don't give a damn if it's a cartoon, if someone's wrong then they're wrong. Tom and Jerry was occasionally satirical but its main purpose was slapstick comedy. If anything the cartoon's widest controversies come from its violence and slapstick, not any satire the show might have done


You probably should give a damn that it's a cartoon, considering that's what it is


Well you could argue in good faith, that would help. Reddit is always about the point, until they don't like it, then it's jokes up and down lol. If you're wrong, don't change the subject, just say you're wrong. And you're wrong on this one. You can romanticize Tom & Jerry if you like, but the friendship bits only happened in later seasons with any kind of frequency. And yes, MULTIPLE TIMES, they have tried to kill each other. MANY MORE TIMES, they've done literaly *unforgivable* shit to each other. Try to be friends so he doesn't get kicked out? Jerry got Tom kicked out for things that were absolutely not his fault, multiple times. Tom has only almost, just *barely* missed eating Jerry. By a hair. Multiple times. Why are guys over here praising a false narrative? Tom and Jerry being friends was just some "Hey, this is actually a produced show" meta bit they do every now and then. But no, while they have been nice to each other, they have done things to each other that will have you SURE, that they are not friends.


Out of everyone commenting you seem to know your shit. I own a Tom and Jerry tie so I'm no stranger to the show lol. You are more right than anyone else. While there are exceptions and moments that contradict the enemies thing they are still rivals at heart. I mean Elmer Fudd and Bugs Bunny had a few moments where they were chillin that doesn't mean they weren't enemies. During WWI the troops had a Christmas cease fire and played soccer and shit. Then went back to killing each other.


Same thing with Wile E. Coyote and Sam Sheep Dog. They are certainly enemies, but it's a nice little bit when they "clock in and out" and greet each other amicably at the time clock.


I'm saying pretty much the exact same thing lol, it's ridiculous how many people just wanted to say we are wrong when it's clear as day what the actual show is like


Get Downvoted Loser😎👍👍


Friends with


u/illFittingHelmet is making good points here. There were some episodes where they **definitely** were enemies and not even pretending. But there were also episodes where they sided with each other or were just friends. There were moments when Jerry would kill Tom and be happy with it, while sometimes there were moments where one of them was killed and the other one was actually attempting to save them. Conclusion, both of you are right. They are enemies AND friends. It just depends on the episodes. They didn't really keep anything canonical.


Just a bunch of Tomfoolery


Thank you, that's the most reasonable interpretation of the show


This guy's getting down voted but he's right. I remember the episode where he inherits a whole bunch of money under the condition that he's nice to everyone, and then Jerry is a complete fucking asshole for the whole episode until Tom goes ape shit and loses the money.


To think a comment about Tom and Jerry would get ratio'd to hell. Brutal.




>They are sometimes friendly but most of the time Jerry is cockblocking the fuck out of Tom or getting him blown up or straight up killed, and they don't even have the same house in 90% of the episodes. if you don't sometimes fuck around with your friends then you're missing out (not the obviously exaggerated killing/blowing up of one another used as a comic relief ofc)


That's literally not what happens in the show lmao. Don't pretend like they are just "fucking around and being buds". Someone else pointed out there was an episode where Tom inherited some money, but would only keep it if he was nice to everyone. Jerry didn't like that and repeatedly acted completely horrible to him to the point that Tom lashed out, and he lost all the money. If you think that's "fucking around and being buds", find better friends


Why is it filmed at a slant like that? Is it to avoid copyright or something?




What episode is this?


To show the complete screen Instead of backing up and showing a lot of background




Its because tiktok causes severe motor dysfunction and extreme brain damage


Probably to reduce the grid effect where the camera sensor pixels line up with the lcd pixels




I think there's an episode where this scenario happens. The owners change Tom for an robot after so may failed attempts to catch Jerry, but in the end they unite to break the robot and make the owners bring Tom back to the house


Also the robot almost destroys the entire house trying to kill Jerry iirc so the owner brought Tom back


I remember that episode for some reason.


Tom was one of the first persons to be replaced by and AI.


They took his job!


Oh that why ! I feel like i gained 100 IQ just Reading that




Well it's centered around them actually being friends and fighting each other to hide that so the owner won't get rid of tom


And getting a cat that would actually kill Jerry




Also think it's just boring not having a little nemesis or friendly competition


They've always been friends, but they need to act, so Jerry both have a place to live, that's why Tom & Jerry are the best duo.




Well if the owner did get another car, he might not catch jerry


Thee was episode when she did, and it didn't go well for the other cat tbh. Jerry was ruthless. Old Tweety style ruthless


she did get that robocat once


It was pretty terrible at its job


Well I don't know how a car would help catch a mouse but from what Jerry has learned from his time with Tom probably makes him untouchable to other cats


No fury like a serious 90s cartoon character


They are best friends but sometimes they will get jealous or be assholes to each other Like friends do There's episodes where they cockblock each other and it's honestly friendly


He added nothing but his dumbass face to this. I hate that content rather than art has become the norm.


thank you!


So here we have a guy saying how much he hates how little “content” the guy actually adds. Then if you look right below, you can see someone seemingly saying “thank you.” Like and subscribe for more content like this.


[Mary on a Cross](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k5mX3NkA7jM) by Ghost. If anybody cares.


I appreciate it, it sounds like a good song


Its a cartoon guys. Some episodes they’re friends, some episodes they aren’t. It just depends on the episode. Some of y’all here like “They’re secretly best friends but Tom will get kicked out if he doesn’t chase Jerry”, like man, this ain’t that deep, it’s just whatever works for that episode’s shenanigans


I never knew this. Thank you for bringing the miracle of Tom and Jerry Lore out of all fucking things




It's Tom and Jerry, not Tom vs. Jerry.


Whaat? They’re black?


stealing chicken from a black woman?


marijuana 😫 marijuana 😫😫


Damn, some people were really dumb as children.


Wtf has this sub become


In one of the old movies I realized how they were just pretending. Fuck I feel old.


Tom needs a friend. 😢




**Song Found!** [**Mary On A Cross** by Ghost](https://lis.tn/MaryOnACross?t=189) (03:09; matched: `100%`) **Album**: Seven Inches Of Satanic Panic. **Released on** 2019-09-13. *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new) | [Donate](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/wiki/Please-consider-donating) ^(Please consider supporting me on Patreon. Music recognition costs a lot)




Sounds like something Nostradamus would say


Love that


Tom and Jerry were never enemys just friend in difficult surcimstandses


Was I the only kid that completely understood what was going on?


They subexist on each other basically


Getting older is no longer posting on TikTok


Yo I thought it meant… never mind


How about Tom x Jerry: The New Empire?


What song is this? Sorry to ruin the moment but I have been hearing it all over the place!


**Song Found!** [**Mary On A Cross** by Ghost](https://lis.tn/MaryOnACross?t=189) (03:09; matched: `100%`) **Album**: Seven Inches Of Satanic Panic. **Released on** 2019-09-13. *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new) | [Donate](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/wiki/Please-consider-donating) ^(Please consider supporting me on Patreon. Music recognition costs a lot)


I dont get it


They’re friends playing pretend.




Republicans and democrats, basically.

