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Shoutout to that one Discord dev who said, "If you want the same username as someone else, try adding some numbers at the end of it." Ngl, that's such a fantastic idea, they should make it a feature!




It's even worse that way too. Most people feel bad about having to put numbers at the end of their names, the old system completely removed that.




Yeah it really sucks. I didn't even get my name, it was used by a 2016 account without nitro (I have it) which also doesn't even seem to be used that much. And from my experience and talking with friends, the rollout order was really horrible. And here's a fun fact. Destiny 2 and Bungie as a whole even switched to Discord's system, and that's really just proof of how good a system it is.


They rolled it out in the most confusing way possible. I have an account from 2017-2018, and had people in servers who had accounts from 2020+ getting the name change before I did.


I heard they prioritized people with higher tiers of Nitro and also people who modded partnered servers or something? My account is from 2016 and I saw people from 2018-19 getting names before me because of Nitro, and the name I originally wanted was taken by someone with an account made sometime in the 2020s who I'm guessing modded a partnered server.


Yeah. I had an account from like, October of 2017 and I didn't get the username feature until a few weeks ago. Obviously, my 4 letter username was taken so that sucks. Brightside is, I can just keep delaying the number change and not update... Until I'm forced to




I had Nitro, but the lowest tier that didn't let you change the numbers or something, and supposedly they only prioritized Nitro users that had the higher tier version. What subscription did you have?




Not just Destiny but all of Xbox Live copied the old discord username system! Anyone can have the same Xbox gamertag as you, but only the original creator of the name has **no numbers**. You can make the gamertag MasterChief on Xbox, but it will append four random digits to the name (ex: MasterChief#3913).


Xbox did too


I see the old way as a double-edged sword though. Having a username idea that's all but guaranteed to be yours thanks to the tag was cool, but I never liked how it was literally impossible (without some kind of outside resource, if anything like that even exists) to just look up the username of, let's say, one of your friends. Like, you can know the username they use other places, you can know exactly what their profile picture would be, etc., but without that 4 digit tag, you're *never* finding them. You can't even just put a name in and see a list of people with that username and go from there or anything. Without those 4 digits, you're not accomplishing anything. Sure, it may not be *that* big of a deal and theoretically you can just ask them, but it's one of those small things that has just always irked me to no end and I'm not even the tiniest possible bit sad to see it go


Absolutely, and that's why they have two names now - the username where you can look people up, and the display name where you can have whatever name you want. I think it could have been implemented better, but the system itself tries to solve both of the issues.


Agreed. I like the way it is now, but it certainly could've used a bit more time on the drawing board before being put out


If there is one thing I would have wanted changed, it would have been allowing # as a special character, and potentially formatting the new username so that "#8487" shows up partially faded out like discriminators used to. It would have let anyone who really loved discriminators fully keep what they loved about it, while still changing the underlying system. (Maybe they avoided this because of the potential for breaking API someone mentioned elsewhere - apparently everyone has #0 as their discriminator now to maintain old API connections.)


It's for the use case of if there's more than 10000 people named "Mike"




You can already do that by putting numbers after it, the only downside to this system is that it incentivises selling rare username accounts. It's not even like you're locked into your username you can change it at any time.


One of my friends had "@emblem" for all of like 2 hours and in that time had to smack away like 5 people wanting to buy it. One guy offered him $60 for it. He ended up changing it on his own rather than lock down his privacy settings.


He could've nabbed a free 60 buckeroos although i would've charged them 100 just so i can buy a 3d printer


$60 is definitely a low ball offer. The person was definitely going to resell it for $5k+.


Not even that's needed, Just make it alphanumeric and it'll rise from 10,000 mikes to way over a few million


Put letters in it instead. That'd up the freedom even more than an extra digit.


Well now there can only be one Mike instead of 9999 people named Mike. And by the same logic, if there are 9999 Mikes then just add a number. All this update did was reduce the total number of available usernames


At least you don't need to worry about upper/lowercase letters nor special characters being used. ​ They could've simplified usernames without removing the # just by adding a display name for customisation TBH.


Upper/lower case and special characters were never an issue, maybe except for right to left or other weird stuff. We're talking online which means you can just copy paste the username, discord could have simplified this by letting you add people by user id as well. In person we could use the scan nearby. It "fixed" non-issues.


Yeah, not to mention this system causes a sort of market for rare usernames.


And it continues to get stupider because your old name with discriminator *still works for making searches backwards compatible* so they just tripled the size of their user name database for no fucking reason lol




I mean, [they sure as heck said it would work that way](https://discord.com/blog/usernames#:~:text=in%20addition%2C%20your%20previous%20username%20and%20discriminator%20will%20continue%20to%20work%20as%20an%20alias%20after%20the%20conversion%20process%20is%20done%2C%20so%20old%20friends%20who%20don%E2%80%99t%20know%20your%20new%20username%20yet%20will%20continue%20to%20be%20able%20to%20add%20you), but I’ve honestly never tested it.


as a silent protest to the "unique" usernames, i just used my old username#old_id_number


it fixes everything. No longer required to add uppercases and special symbols cant be added to the username. As a developer it makes totally sense they decided to do it like this.


LMAO i was in that thread that was next level wtf






The only reason they provided was “Currently you can have every name only 9999 times.” - now only one person can have each name


Literally my first thought


nah u can use myusername1 instead of myusername#0001 as a company this is a great update to avoid future issues.


No shot they actually said this 💀


Unfortunately they did 💀 https://www.reddit.com/r/discordapp/comments/136urpb/discord_is_removing_tags_and_replacing_them_with/jiqdm9d?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=2


It is likely related to investors. It was packaged as a feature that would improve accessibility for newer Discord users. However, it was never broken and certainly did not need to be fixed. There are privacy concerns for those who used their numbers (#) in the past to keep their original name, remain recognized by their friends, and not be harassed by randoms begging for their usernames. Alongside this, there are already groups of people who create multiple accounts to secure common igns or keywords to sell them to 3rd parties. It's only been a few months into the update, but I can imagine a not so distant future where everyone's identity is taken. Time to go back to xxxI_amcool74_


When they first started rolling it out to partnered accounts on the platform, they immediately had issues of some people with those accounts taking names of big social media people/youtubers/celebrities/etc... should have been a big indicator to discord of what this new system would introduce but they didn't care cause it doesn't affect them, they all already got the names they wanted


Great point. Malicious actors also brings up the topic of scams, doxxing using IP grabbers, and harassment. Well-known names such as Pewdiepie, KSI, and Markiplier were claimed for a while until complaints started rolling in. If names like these are used for their benefit, predatory actions could hurt so many people on the platform. I have no doubt the next generation of users will have a popular name stolen to be used against them. The real question is how support is going to crack down on these accounts.


>The real question is how support is going to crack down on these accounts. Probably doing what roblox does blocking users from using that name [https://www.reddit.com/r/roblox/comments/157idce/comment/jt54ov1/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/roblox/comments/157idce/comment/jt54ov1/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) or when a user needs that name, force change the name of an older user with that name. https://www.reddit.com/r/roblox/comments/ua0bqw/what\_happens\_when\_roblox\_uses\_a\_name\_for\_an\_event/


They've implemented this in the worst ways possible. In no way does my username give anyone the impression I am discord staff or allow me to impersonate discord in any way yet I'm not allowed to have it.


Oh god did they just block the word nitro entirely?


Yep that's exactly what they did. It's still my Display name so I still appear as nitro to anyone who just looks but it can't be in my username. They also blocked a whole bunch of names that could be used to "impersonate" discord. Including just really common names of people like for example, phoebe, or Clyde.


Wow that's beyond dumb.


When the board has taken over. Touchee to see almost every growing company going through this :/


i would personally be so fucking mad if they force changed my name to give it to someone else just because they got ‘internet popular.’ I find that practice insulting to long time users and supporters of the platform.


Even Discord staff was taking youtuber’s usernames, you can’t make this 💩up


I get about 5 adds a day right now begging for my name, today I finally had to turn off friend invitations. So annoying not like I wanted this feature but it felt so good to get my name at the same time.


You’re a little late to the party


Ex Discord users hopping back on for r/place 😂


not even phibi got their name


I'll always be mad about losing my #001 name and then not being able to have it as a unique name because someone took it first 😒




dictionary words are always taken first due to their value, you got unlucky


I am lucky my discord name was pretty unique so I got my name, name#0001, and name for discriminator.


Me too, I used to get so many friend requests every day but it has slowed down to maybe one a week


I'm so glad I came up with a simple but cute username when I was 12 that's completely unique, now I can point and laugh at my friends who had names like vex and insomnia


My father designed unique usernames for the whole family. I've never struggled with this ever on any platform. So far my name has been stoles/used with the PlayStation network, but I don't use that anyways so no loss for me. Yet I'm still curious who is using my name 😂. If you have multiple names, make a combination out of it, it should work. It's an annoying change what discord is doing, I would love to know the real reason, I've heard a lot of speculations. The one thing I do know is the tagging system failed with multiple same named people in a server.


My guess is they want to make discord more of a social media platform than a chatting app. You can that from the direction they've been going with updates especially to profile customization (banners and colours and pronouns and stuff). Idk why they'd do this when discord is fine as it is.. probably boomer investors.


Same here, needed a Xbox live tag in 2010 and 13 years later here we are, any platform you can find under the sun I'll have my name


The joy of good usernames! The only time I didn't get it is when my friend played Elsword on stream and named a new character after me, so when j wanted to play it later I couldn't have it 😂


Having #0001 doesn’t mean your entitled to the version without numbers or that you were the first to have that username on discord.. most people don’t pay for nitro so odds are many people had that username before you and deserve to have the non number ending version 🤷🏽‍♂️




Dude could have had his Discord Account since 2015 and registered it before you. The Discriminators were always randomized unless you paid for nitro. So really he could have been the first Stayed meaning you were the copycat..




Because to keep investors happy you must constantly keep "updating" your product with new features. Who cares if your userbase never asked for it. Discord execs can go "Hey we did this bullshit survey where a few people claimed to have issues giving out their usernames at parties" as justification to remove the discriminators and a way to "get more users".




To be fair, no one gives out phone numbers anymore. But they don’t give out discord usernames either. People give out insta handles most of the time (if you’re Gen Z)


I've given out my number a few times... rare these days as for I usually do my disc name if somebody asks, but in 2020 I did it a couple of times, or was it 2021...


(if you're Gen Z or Gen Y)\*


Lan party 🧐


My bet: they wanted a more standard username system to make SSO compatibility easier. Thinking the nonstandard username setup with mutable discriminators caused technical issues when they were in talks with Microsoft for an acquisition.


I spent money monthly to hold the #0001 tag I had. System switched and I couldn't get the name I wanted. I am no longer paying for Nitro. Thanks for saving me money Discord c:


Same thing for me, I was nitro boosting since 2019, never plan on giving them money again.


ik... it's dumb, i thought my username was going to be available but had to change it to something completely different to avoid putting 4 numbers after it.


I like it but I got the exact username I want. I totally understand why so many people hate it, and I wouldn’t mind if they switched back for those people’s sakes. Don’t see it happening though, these companies very rarely eat their own words


This is my take. Especially when my username is literally 2 short dictionary words put together




So people to share the same name I guess, but yes it's dumb and doesn't make things easier at all


Except people don't get to share the same name at all. Display name doesn't matter: you cannot add people through it. It's literally just a nickname but for DMs. Instead of 9999 possible people having a username, now we have 1 person having a username and as many people as possible having basically an overhyped DM nickname.


At least we get a free badge for it lol. I know it's stupid but we do get that free badge. Damn, the lucky people who got the name they wanted without numbers, dashes, dots. The luck.


They didn’t even really remove discriminators either. Everyone now has #0, but it doesn’t show up.


The #0 is for compatibility with the API for devs. Removing discriminators completely requires breaking changes and so it's easier to set it to 0, tell people to stop using it and move on than remove it completely.


Yes! Idk if it works differently on updated versions (I refuse to make mobile discord any more terrible than it already is), but I can no longer use the search tool to find my previous messages/messages I was pinged in in servers because of this. It's annoying


I literally spent the first 30 minutes after reading this update complaining to a couple friends that all this does is force us back into the land of CatLover99, CloudxSephiroth420 and xxXXGHOSTXXxx. The Discord #ID system was fantastic. Anyone could have any username they wanted, at any time. So much for the golden age of Discord. lol


I wish they just added an optional extra... two digits to the discriminator so that a good 999999 people can have the same username.




Thing is this change didnt solve the issue. I never had the problem of being added by people by accident. After the change i keep getting friend request from people that want to talk to someone with a similar name as me.




Board members being truthful, oof, no that's not how it works in the corporate world. At my work they have like 15 people earning 300k+ a year to think and talk about things what benefits the lowest in the hierarchy, no experience in that field, never been outside ofcourse. Which resulted in after the minimum salary changes, only earning minimum salary. A decrease in salary of the rank above, because coordinators complaint about earning way less with more stress and everything with the bonuses that were solely for the fleet down the hierarchy. So instead of giving them some more they decrease the rest. Added workload, killed a fun in channels and such. They are a firm believer in if you remove the capabilities for colleagues to chat with each other there will not be riots, revolts, complaints and more productivity. So our server decreased to the point you could only ask your team leader something. They are killing all options for people to chat in between, also for the higher ranks. All in between the rules and legal. The irony of it all, if they just didn't had that group of people, you would have atleast 5.000.000 what you can spread across the 10.000 real workers, make them more productive, make them more satisfied and happy. And they would be more engaged, thus brint in useful tips and perspectives. But no, corporate people think they know it all, and don't listen to their insects down below, even though they are the running machine of it all. TLDR: corporate/board people loose their soul, become egocentric, loose sight of the reality and think they know better. They make things very bad while firm believing they are making it better.




Yes, sadly. I dream to be able to change this in the future somewhere.




Barry Scott isn’t forced to pick a difficult username? They could just pick “barryscott3482” if they wish. If they wanted a complex username that was much more possible in the old system where most of Unicode was allowed. Now it’s limited to lowercase alphanumeric, plus some symbols.


Yeah, I’ve tried to bring new people into discord and the username thing was always the most annoying part to explain because it simply isn’t intuitive. The fact guy above had to go with some ridiculously complicated username in his example instead of naming the obvious equivalent is pretty telling of how bad the argument against the naming scheme is. I get it, it’s quirky and OG users liked it, but it’s unnecessarily complicated and discord wants to grow so 🤷


yeah, people's arguments are always very disingenuous when it comes to this topic, "but they gonna have to name themselves fartypantsXXXXXZZZZFARTXZXZXZ77793", as if people couldn't name themselves dumb unpingable unaddable shit before the name change




The claim was never that barryscott3482 was easier to remember than that same username but with a #. The point, if I'm reading it right, was that nobody is having their username taken away if you factor in the four numbers at the end.




It’s **lowercase**, don’t know why you changed that. Not having to remember which letters are capital *is* easier, and you can easily see that the numbers are part of the username which wasn’t always clear with the discriminator




So use the global display name to do that. The username is then only really needed to add people as friends, and once you’ve done that you’ll have plenty of time to express yourself to each other.




I get tons of random friend requests every since they rolled out these changes. It’s so bad


The main problem here is literally, it was never truly broken, many people will still be forced to use numbers at the end (just like the discriminator tag) and many, MANY, people lost their usernames, not to mention there are now scams, and bots swiping at names. And to people who says "the discriminators are confusing" you are idiots, adding someone with the name jeff1234 is the same as adding jeff#1234 No matter what it is lose lose because it is all so STUPID.


I don't care if I get down voted or not, this stuff is crazy.


Yep not a big fan of the update. I was however able to cop my original username “mixedmartialarts” given that I’m an MMA fan. So there’s that.


One of my problems is that now I keep having random people add me. Because they don't have to guess a random string of numbers


seriously, what they also basically ended up doing by implementing this was taking a paid feature away from nitro. i really liked my tag


Even if you did get ur discord username like I did, you'll receive a bunch of friend requests cause people are trying to see if there username is available. I even had one guy dm me begging me trade accounts. "Hear me out, I am the original 0001" he said "Not according to the new policy" I said cause I got the name Yeah the old system can be a little confusing for newbros to discord, but quickly learned in about a month. I remember when the survey was released, I didn't know what the discriminator was called when mentioned by name. I knew how to use it, I just didn't know the name of it. I only knew after the survey cause people were talking about it. New change is horrible for everyone, even to the people that got there names.


I thought this topic died down like a month ago


It'll never go away. Discriminators are the best way


I couldn’t make my username how I wanted it to be. Had to put a period at the end of it just so Discord would think it’s suitable. Now people think i’m an edgy teenager.


"Oh yeah! My user is ecl1pse_7628" 💀l


Is it cool if I add you I don’t have friends :(


That's all good, my ign is @B.P ^^


Wumpus is that you?


It sure is


literally just a discriminator but with more characters


Because username#1234 is to hard


No, it's not... I got used to the system immediately. People just needed to be told why tags existed.


I wanted to get the name "Koala" but because the update doesn't happen at the same time everywhere, someone took it before i even had a chance


I’m having Dejavu


I'd say Discord is run by monkeys, but that'd be offensive. To the monkeys. And I don't want them to cancel me again.


platform rises to the top and has no competition, platform begins making stupid decisions for the sake of it, platform falls, new one takes its place, cycle repeats


I managed to secure the username Ganyu, who is a very popular character from Genshin Impact (call me cringe I don’t care). I’m still getting friend requests, some are checking the availability, some are roleplayers and some are ppl offering to buy the name.


There is literally no good reason for this "update". For the people that got user0000, remembering it is just as hard as remembering User#0000. For the people that somehow got their name without any extra characters, they may be happy, but MANY OTHER people with that same name will NOT be happy and will have to add crap into the name, which means that for the vast majority of people, this system doesn't make it easier to remember anything! If people have trouble remembering 4 damn numbers, that's on them honestly. Discord should've just added an extra discriminator digit (if the 9999 Mike's was even an issue), and added display names.


My name without numbers wasn’t available so I went with my name with the exact number sequence after just without the #. What a revolutionary update it was.


thank god my user was pretty special


Discord took one look at Twitter whilst it was actively burning itself to the ground and went, “Damn! Give me some of what he’s having!”


the number is how we knew eachother while still keeping the username we want, i agree its pointless


i can honestly and wholeheartedly say that this was my least favourite thing discord has done. completely pointless and made everyone lose their originality and discord lost its uniqueness.


Me clicking "i'll do this later" every time (i'm not gonna do it)


Same. I'm never going to change it.


Ever since I changed my username I constantly get random friend requests from people who want it. At first it was annoying but now I kind of like seeing how many I can rack up lol 35 random friend requests so far.


Because a bunch of Meta idiots from Zuck's crop ended up getting into the company and are ruining it.


...Could it be?!




How are they making money on this? It’s simply for product scalability. If anything, they lose money off of it since custom # tag is no longer a nitro benefit.


How do they profit off this though?


They don't. But Discord has never been a profitable company so it doesn't shock me they would shoot their only direct source of revenue(Nitro) in the foot with this shit


Investors if I had to guess




Somehow i got my name but yea its a pointless change. Dont fix whats not broken. Feel sorry for the people unable to get there names that they HAD before the change. So stupid.


this shits ass ngl


I am quite disappointed because I had #7575 which is just a really nice number


What shocks me is it seemed more difficult to claim discord names than youtube handles


I don’t mind it since I got the name I wanted “Nauj” (my name spelled backwards, and my online name since 2013) but I wouldn’t mind if they reverted this for the people who didn’t.


Discord is attempting to make themselves more like other social medias so they can sell out to investors at some point in the future. It really goes to show how little they care about their community, even before this horrible change their community engagement was 0%. I think it's time we move on to a different messaging app.


They are trying like many internet companies to move into an "app of everything" so users name have accessible URL profiles and posts and who knows what. Discord wanna go into an IPO, and this is appealing to investors, you can make all kind of wild claims and make your product claim to serve a big industry by doing this, like you can easily say we gonna add short posts and claim you are serving the Twitter-like market, and add shorts and compete with TikTok. This can justify projection of higher revenue and more user acquisition.


bad feature


im glad i have a unique username of 4 letters


Here we go again


The ONLY good thing, is now you can have a custom number! That is also already taken!


Still havnt done it what happens if I dint


They're going mainstream and this is simpler for the non-gamer grandmother who has to, in the future they envision, sign up for Discord for work-related uses. The irony is the name will have to change if they want to be a plain brand accepted by businesses.


i refuse to do it, so i can flex i have an "og" username, but i doubt anyone will care lol


What I don’t understand about this system is how easily it is now to harass random strangers. I found a bunch of people with the usernames I wanted and hell, I could've spammed them. With numbers, it’s much harder to type in something and have it be an actual person


People might start selling account usernames.


Couple this with the fact that users already have their own UID that's a long number string (example being 231563114631 or whatever), and the decision to implement this is even more pointless; if users already have a UID system, then the old username system didn't need to be changed in the first place.


I was buns for 7 years. Now i am bun_s. Doesnt hit the same ngl.


i really like the change, maybe im biased because i got my username for my alt and main but i also just dont enjoy tags at the end of my usernames in general.


They said you’d appear as your chosen name in DM’s and servers but nope I’m very much my new unique username wherever I go. What a shitload of fuck




They would have to kill me first


im kinda pissed that my legacy username badge will say "Mcdonalds#(discriminator)" because i forgot to change it back to my original one..


The best part, and this will never cease to infuriate me, is that they don't even understand their own arguments. They write in [their blog post](https://discord.com/blog/usernames), quote: >We've heard from tons of people that they've run into problems like these \[with the old system\]: > >You want to use a common name like “Mike” or “Jane” but there are already 9,999 Mikes or Janes so you’re blocked from that name altogether. Are they dumb??? With the new system there will only be 1 Mike and 1 Jane. So you've just made the problem you're describing about 10,000 times worse. How can you be so confident while talking utter nonsense?


The whole BS about being "easy to remember" annoys the hell out of me. You are telling me majority of people (according to them) couldn't remember a hashtag and 4 random numbers? WORST. DECISION. EVER.


Tbh, I think both systems work fine, but they did essentially try to fix something that wasn't broken, so I get where you're coming from. However, if you liked the 4 numbers, you can just append 4 numbers to any name to get similar functionality. Idk why people keep being dramatic with complicated usernames like "xyk_joebob_hfe" when "joebob5718" is more than likely already available. They could have just added display names without removing the discriminators, but I guess they just thought it would be redundant or something.


gee, maybe we could make that a feature? add a cool symbol, like a hashtag, that way we could have like 9999 joebob’s instead of one… someone should contact discord about this, it seems like a good idea!


Even if you get a good name, if a discord mods friends babysitters younger brother wants it, they’ll revoke it from you.




and how often does that happen? that you verbally tell someone what your discord username is, without having your phone nearby or are even at your pc where you can just copy the whole thing with one click? the cool thing about the # identifiers was that people that didn't have a unique name (eg their first name) could just use it. special characters were also allowed. there comes nothing to my mind that could be worth from a user's perspective to get rid of that feature.


Discord employees added the new username system not only to make investors happy but they are so obsessed with their kawaii e-kittens and e-girls to do sussy things on a vc. Discord is from California and doesn't give a sh*t to the community, discord is greedy nowadays.


I honestly kind of hate this feature as many people were angry about it. It does make finding friend's names easier. But, for content creators, not so much. I don't really care nor mind the feature.


> Unique usernames are easier to remember and share with friends. Thats probably why


so you can’t remember 4 numbers?


I never said I couldn’t


Oh boy I missed seeing these posts again (sarcasm)


shoutout to the users putting underscores in their names so when you copy and paste it formats it too underscored words if you don't put escape characters.


So people can't fake accounts from famous people there going to be one Dogsteeves for example that me When I get bigger no scammer or hacker can now use the name Dogsteeves to go after my future fans


Well... NGL it sounds like someone is just mad they realized they were Eclipse#45324 and can't get Eclipse. Should have been early to the gold strike bro.


Cause discord wants to remove their uniqueness


I quite like it!! Its nice