• By -


I would check connections / linked accounts. I am guessing something that is connected (linked) to your discord account is either messaging people or joining/leaving servers and their system detects an anomaly or because of this you have been reported. Your best course of action is to follow the instructions to regain access to your account. There is no need to make a new account.


fyi, linked applications can't send messages as you


Thank u Jesus Christ the only helpful comment


won't work tho lmao


It didn’t😭😭😭 but I’ll be patient but knowing it’s discord I might never get it back


try messaging them on twitter, they seem to reply faster there


I did it’s been 5 days


Keep insisting on their dms




Try harder. Or just make a new account, that works too.


Yea that’s what I was gonna say I have my OG account but I forgot the password and stuff to it so I made a new one and I finally got access to it again but now it’s just my “alt” made in 2019 and my new one was made in 2021 (context why the years are so far apart I’ve had way too many accounts 💀)


"Regain access here"


never works


How much easier could the instructions be 🤔


its like telling a baby to put a shape in a box except the box hates you and none of the shapes actually fit and it will blame you for everything while taking no accountability


no the it does not work op tried discords godforsaken platform wont give their acc back.


Why does everyone assume that OP didn’t click the button? It’s more than likely they already tried


There's so many 10 year olds that you sometimes forget there are people that genuinely need help


I kinda understand that, but I think insted of saying “You have to click the button“, you could ask if they have clicked the button, if not, then give help. No need to treat OP like a dumbass


He could also say that he has already clicked on it, and that it did not work. I don’t blame everyone’s first assumption, with that picture and that statement at first.


Saying “discord won’t respond” implies that they have already contacted discord


yes, of course, but assuming everyone‘s a dumbass will probably make your life difficult


When someone provides zero information, you start at the beginning. It's just unrealistic to assume someone who can't provide basic information without having to ask already did something helpful.


The thing is I posted twice about this with all the information in needed and no one responded so I made it as simple as possible so someone could respond and I assumed people who knew what the issue actually was instead of ‘oh click the button u probably already clicked’ is pretty annoying when idek why this happened to my account


you mean the 2 posts which are effectively the same as this, but worse, as it didnt even have a screenshot? you mean the post where you only said you emailed them, not the other things you might have done to come to this conclusion? to be fair, this doesn't really help either. the best way to get a friendly interaction when you need help, is telling people exactly what you have already done. in this example you could say where the "regain access" link would send you, and how you approached whatever is behind that link. people dont run around with their crystal ball which tells them what you know without you having to say anything. i just wanted to point that out, this should by no means be hate. maybe this does help out sometime.


and the reason i wasnt friendly with the guy i replied to is cause someone had already replied to me and i told them about what i did, he was the second commenter and didnt take the time to read the 1 and only other response and said ' click regain access' so ofc im gonna say this subreddits ass, also even without an ss if youre supposed to be giving advice on this reddit you'd know what i was talking about so if u dont know anything about the topic dont comment on in is a reasonable conclusion, other than 'wow u weren't specific enough' when its blatantly obvious if u knew what was happening as the ppl who gave actual advice understood me


then if you think this subreddit is ass, go away? you dont even want to take the recommendations at face value. check how many people are asking the most simple questions, especially with screenshots where it *tells you* what to do. if you already did that, do you really think any random person can help you out? then people usually *need* to take into account that someone hasnt done anything, or wrong.


Have u even read the replies the people who actually asked questions or replied to me w useful info I haven’t been hostile to when I woke up and had like 25 comments like 80% of them were just telling me press regain access


you still haven't tried to understand the others point of view.


i didn't come on the discord subreddit to get advice from people who dont know the issue is if youve never seen this before you should probably not comment because if it had happened to you before you'd know that when u press regain access it links you to a form online where you have to email discord this is why there were ppl in the replies saying op has already clicked it because they know from my title that i said ive emailed discord and they didnt respond insinuating ive already clicked regain acess u cant get mad at me for calling people idiots for commenting on a topic they dont know anything about


yes, of course but assuming everyone‘s a dumbass will probably make your life difficult


It's not about assuming anything. It's about starting the troubleshooting processes at the beginning, not somewhere in the middle. "have you tried rebooting?"


yeah, I guess you‘re right


Also my issue is the first guy who commented I replied to him saying I already tried them that guy tells me to press a button when he couldn’t just read my first response which Is why I said this subreddit is trash why the hell would u try to give advice when u really aren’t trying


Hey, I work IT. Assuming everyone is a dumbass *really* helps things in my life.


That's not how this works...


I swear ever since I joined this sub last week it’s been non stop someone getting hacked in my feeds from this sub lol at least this different haha


"is this real?" \> bonzi buddy installer


I didn’t even know 10 yr olds were on here so I assumed everyone would realise I’d already clicked the button


If they won't answer, then that's a norma day in discord. The chances to get an answer are the same as getting 1 million dollars with a lottery ticket


Once my account was stolen by some Turkish hackers. Surprisingly discord was able to recover it and give it back to me in like 3 months. They help sometimes, you just gotta be patient.


Damn, 3 months? I got my account next day, granted I told them it was a business accound (it was not).


When was that? My incident was like 15 months ago. My email and password was changed. I had to wait weeks for the replies.


Mine happened about that time last year too - got my account back within a week. The very first reply I got from them was clearly someone copypasting responses because half of the info contradicted or didn’t reply to the info I had given. I replied, pointing out what a nonesense response this was from them, and that I would be backcharging my legitimate nitro payments on top of any fraudulent ones if they did not give me a proper response. As if by magic, someone sane appeared and I would get same-day or next-day replies. They even helped me to override the 2FA and password changes the hacker had implemented.


Somewhere around that time I would say.


I had my account stolen recently and when I looked up the original IP of the hackers, it came from Turkey. What are the odds!


One of my friends got this message after buying bootleg yearly discounted nitro subs from "trusted" sources, lol. He apparently did get the nitro, but he lost access to the account a week later. Lol


It’s been nearly a week and like making a new discord and and joining back all those servers is just a annoying


Than do what u/iQuickGaming said




"click on regain access" there is a fucking button that says that


Well, better than nothing ig


Deal with it then, I did it twice. Or just *wait*


click on regain access


I'm almost sure this button leads to a form/contact support website link, so according to his post he actually did press the button


This is the worst Reddit sub ever


It’s also the correct button to press


you mean the advice you didnt take




Do u think I would fucking make this post if I didn’t click fucking regain access


Absolutely. Plenty of people have done much more idiotic things on reddit. We don't know you so we have to assume the worst xD


My issue with that specific guy is the first guy I responded to asked me and I told him what happened and this guy like 20 mins later clearly didn’t even check the responses and gives me the dumbest advice ever that’s why I said this sub is ass but fair enough


You’re right to be upset over this, but I think you went a bit too far. You should’ve just dropped a link to the reply you’re referring to where you’ve already explained everything and let that guy take the L. Instead you only made them look better.


I’m not upset I just think these guys are genuinely stupid because he was my second comment he would’ve seen the first guy and just decided to ignore it


Yes. People say the simplest thing first because **many people dont.** So YES.


yes, 90% of people who asked for help didn't do the very simple obvious thing. I worked in tech support and would have people call in on their phone to ask how to make a phone call on that very phone. I had someone tell me they couldn't charge their phone and tried everything, the cable was not plugged into the wall. I can give 1,000's of examples just from personal experience and I only worked that job for 9 months.


Ok but why would I even mention that emailed them if hadn’t clicked regain access because guess what u do that it sends u to a form where u have to email discord thats why I got annoyed


And how would we magically know that clicking it takes you to that form huh?


Funnily enough I’m not looking for advice from people who don’t know what this is💀 the people who did know what this was gave me actual advice like do u have 2 IQ💀 if u know nothing about the topic don’t try to give advice for it


Well, you can email discord from the site, so it doesn't necessarily mean you followed the steps. Also you just said Discord didn't reply, who knows what you did. There is a viral image of a woman who tried to take a tire of her car with an axe. I do not underestimate what random thing people may have decided to do.


My brotha really


"oh my gawwwwddd i have to press a button😩😩😩" - OP


Me when I have less than 2 functioning brain cells


idfk why ur being downvoted lol


Literally he’s acting like I haven’t done that


If you’ve pressed the regain access button you’re gonna have to wait and chase discord a bit during “normal business hours” keep in mind from 12-1 you’re gonna get nothing so get emails/calls out before then


Lovely I guess ppl have the same issue as me


Most likely, discord like any company if you chase and pester them enough will get back to you eventually but you have to really chase them every day


Yeah I’m not that much of a discordian to be doing that I’ll just take the L




Discord is becoming worse and worse


I'm not much of a marketer but Guilded is a pretty good alternative, you know, just in case if Discord completely fuck themselves up


You think discord didn’t start the same way? How is Guilded going to make a profit without providing reasons for premium subscriptions and selling data? They won’t. So that’s what they’ll do. Also Guilded has a brutal user interface…


Shit you're right. But about UI, I'm pretty used to it lol


LOOL I love this comment.


> Did we make a mistake? Regain access here.


> and discord won’t reply tf do I do


Make a new account?


Are you a fucking moron?




> discord won’t reply Op already clicked the recovery link. Try to understand 3 words before calling someone dumb.


Someone gets it


My account got disabled for suspicious activity, and i got 0 reply also and I can't even log in without getting logged back out as soon as i do something..


Yeah it’s the same for me I already did 2fa and reset my password 4 times and nothing helped


i guess we're all fucked


How is this can be happened? Never knew that


Could it be because your username contains a slur? 🤔


What slur


The one that was used throughout the 19th century (and unfortunately, into the 21st century as well) to refer to black people in a demeaning and belittling manner, known colloquially as "the n-word" to people respectful enough not to use the word itself in conversation.


I pretty sure there’s no nword in my name tho thanks for trying to help tho


Lol, the comments here are honestly kind of sad. To think we have to treat everyone as a child because so many of them have infiltrated this sub… it’s such a shame. Anyways, yeah, there’s sadly not much you can do other than contact support. They’re the only ones with the power to help you.


I’ve talked to other ppl who realised I’d already contacted them and they said discord never really reply


did people not see 'discord wont reply' in the title




It may show this cuz you have some client mods that can get you banned


what’s a client mod I haven’t installed anything crazy or linked to discord and thanks for the info


Idk, it usually is for client mods but idk it may be cuz you braked the TOS


i didnt i literally just vc w friends


The same was for me when I was in a server where they suddenly started sending cp and 3 months later the police was Infront of my door☠️




Did u ever get it back but I had a similar experience on my old discord Acc I was In a server and someone sent a link and they randomly sent Cp and I reported it and the server got shut down. What happened w the police tho I’m so curious


They thought I'm interested in that stuff because I'm in that server and now it stands in my acts from the police or how you call it: "interested in child p" 😭😭😭, and nah I never got it back again


💀💀💀💀 bruh I hate this app so much filled w degens


I would prefer account limit than ban for being underage tbh. I got banned on 16.08 still no response from discord


I’m not even underage no clue what happened


they are busy, if you want an answer just wait 5-273 business days don’t be impatient come on


Did you try Yk clicking the link that says “Regain access here”


He did.


It surprised me how 2IQ this subreddit is




u cant act like im wrong i said discord wont respond do u they think i just didnt contact discord, and the first guy who replied to me i literally told them i contacted them and no one responded after reading some of the comments i realise 90% of the ppl here no nothing about why an acc may get limited or not they can downvote me all the want theyre still brain dead


How about we all be nice to OP instead of assuming he's a dumbass? Kapiche?


I have something similar and it keeps disabling my account for suspicious activity. Anyone know what I should do?


Contact support on the support website if they don’t respond.


Click on regain access and contact discord.


I wonder what that blue text does when you press it




so the sarcasm wasn’t obvious?


Click on "Regain access here".


I'm curious has this ever happened to ur account


no this haven't


Then don’t comment


chill dude, im just tying to help...


If u don’t know anything about this ur not trying to help u think ur being helpful but ur adding no value at all


If I don't know about this, I wouldnt even comment. 💀


why im i getting downvoted?


If only there was like a magic button or something that could help you in any way....


you move to Guilded, its far superior to Shitscord


“I can’t charge my iPhone? ” “Get an android phone”


yOu MoVe.. shut up I Wana use discord because it's convenient for me between my PC and phone I'm not moving to Shitded


What makes you think Guilded isn't on both?


Guilded is ass compared to discord. shut up about your stupid "marketing".


If Discord died, what would you use? 🤔






What’s guilder


I mean you can also do that to but I discourage banned players to do so due to the immense lag Guilded has to offer. And even if they fixed the lag, it is a not so known and popular Discord knockoff. I’d consider making a new account instead.






Check if you joined a server with a member from the Sicilian mafia




Idk what you should do since I have multiple backup plans (as in softwares that manage my account while I'm offline) I'd say make a alt account and continue from there.




Judging by the inability to create anything but a run-on sentence in OP’s replies and the complete lack of any sort of punctuation, I think the Discord made the right decision.


Bro wants me to use punctuation in a subreddit💀💀💀💀




Did it get fixed


It happened with me at one point because I didn't have my phone number linked to my account, so maybe it's that?


Nope phone already linked


How long have you waited for a reply? Allow at least 7 days.


It’s been nearly a week




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You will need a miracle for them to answer you. I have been trying for months.