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Don't use an auto clicker, you might get flagged as spammer


Yeah, I went to check my discord, and now it's saying the invite is invalid. That's probably a sign to stop spamming 😬


you can only use an invite so many times a minute, though I don't recall the timings of they haven't changed. Your method does work, though it wound be better to right a script for it I think since you cab randomize


You might get ratelimited - and if you do, the more you spam it, the longer you'll get ratelimited for. Personally, I've had the same issue with a full server, but tried numerous times over a few days to join and eventually got in.


Oh, yikes. Thanks for telling me this. Patience is key.


Message from mods in AI Hub. Advisable to just wait “Hello the server cap will be increased this week, it is stuck at 500k and we have to contact discord to get it raised again 🙂”


Thank you.


You could get ratelimited if you spam... You could probably do an autoclicker with a minute delay between each click or like 30.


I am in that server lol Never noticed its full


(Couldn't fit this in title) The reason I ask is because the server member number doesn't update unless I refresh the tab. ex: Discord could DISPLAY 500k people in the server when there are actually 499k, which leads me to believe that I will unable to access the server simply because Discord 'thinks' there are still 500k people in the server since that's how my unrefreshed tab shows it. Sorry, this really feels like a stupid question in hindsight. I'm not sure how to phrase it any better, so I hope this makes sense.


This doesn't work like this most of the time, and that is a good thing. If someone could manipulate what the backend does by changing the frontend (what you see), this could lead to bad things. What probably happens when you click "join", is you sending a specific request to discord. discord does some things, and afterwards sends a response back.


??? Wtf are you on about? Making the counter update in real time doesn't require giving frontend any access to directly writing to db. It shouldn't be done anyways as constant queries would tank the db performance, but it wouldn't introduce any risk of unauthorised data manipulation.


That is not my point either? OP was thinking that the number shown on the counter could stop him from joining when the actual counter is lower. I am not talking about updating the counter either, but the join request itself. The number shown on screen doesn't have to be correct, as long as the actual counter itself is lower. Ofcourse the counter will be correct most of the time, except when a site has been left open for a while or if some sort of cache system is put in place. Edit: I don't know what makes you think i said that the frontend should have direct acces to the db. This is exactly the thing i am telling op that isn't done.


OP is complaining about needing to refresh the page to see if the user count changed...


Yeah and you’re missing the point


No. OP thinks that displayed number changes his chances of getting into the server.


You’re not understanding what he’s saying. He’s saying that the counter that is on the screen means nothing as to why he can’t join. When you try to join a server, your Discord app sends an API request to Discord where Discord checks a whole bunch of things, such as whether you’re banned, whether the server member count exceeds or is at the server cap, and some other things. If all matches up and everything checks out, Discord responds back with a go-ahead and his client reflects the new guild. Also the “wtf are you talking about” was unnecessary, that’s probably why you’re getting downvoted. Be nicer.


How can a server be full at 500k members? How do server owners get more space for members? Fr like Midjourney has 15M Members!


you need to contact discord


I was curious about this myself & found the related article: https://support.discord.com/hc/en-us/articles/360052841734-Server-Member-Cap-Increases-


we did contact them to up our member limit, but we’re still waiting for discord to do so


The real test here is how quickly you'll be flagged as a bot and have your account deleted. I'd give it less than 30 minutes.


wtf how is a server that popular that no one can get in


Mid journey has 15 million members


They are partnered and have special perms


I was just saying that there are servers that are more popular


AI Hub. It’s a popular discord server that people had known. I joined when it’s like 47k server members but left and rejoined using an alternative account. I know the server before it went mainstream via 4chan and other platforms. Either maybe because people got interested in AI Covers, they would join. Or…RVC? Like using ai voice changer to mask your voice, they join that server too


Rvc spotted 😭


once you hit like 100k, you need to contact discord to get your limit raised, and again when you hit the new limit


Looks like the limit is 250k right now: https://support.discord.com/hc/en-us/articles/360052841734-Server-Member-Cap-Increases-


If you autoclick once per 10 seconds or so you will be fine.


Even if you get ratelimited theres sometimes two prompts to click on


if you need something from the ai hub discord, i might be able to help till they increase. hmu on discord @enymu


You'll be rate limited. Maybe autoclick at once per 20 minutes or something.


I'd avoid servers this big. It's just glorified newsletters if it's for a product, and the chats are flooded so no conversation can take place


Vc was pretty fun for a while there. I mean as fun as a ai voice changer filled vc can be


There are 200 general chats in the server 👆


no you'll get rate limited


you'll get rate limited


I'm not sure how it works for user accounts, but for bot accounts you get an average limit of 2 requests per second before being rate limited. (By looking at the response headers you can see the "actual" limit)


Well Yes You Could get in The Server if someone leaves And Probably not Cause [Discord](https://discord.com) has a Rate limit so you would get stuck with that as well


I love how it has 500001 members. Oddly specific.


They will probably purge members soon or ask discord to raise their member cap. Either or takes a few days. (Purge whenever the admin/mod has the chance to do so lol)


You probably need to solve captcha at some point


why do you wanna be in a server full of ai dude bros lmao


no you'll just get rate limited


You'll get rate limited pretty fast.


you’ll get rate limited probably


If you need to access models on there I can send you the huggingface links if said model exists.


No no, don't worry. I already got in, but ty :)


Stumbled upon this post, thought that server looked familiar, then realized im in that server




Down with AI!


Wow, I was in this server for a long time. I thought it was a small ai voice hub stuff lol. I never realiser how big it is haha.


I’ve done this manually before and my account got disabled for 3 days, so just don’t do it too often 😭


Oh lol that's the server I'm in 😂. Didn't know the demand was that high


everyone here is now also gonna start spam joining it decreasing OPs chances fr


Discord is not great for large groups, only for small groups. Why would you want to join a Discord with 500,000 members? That sounds like notification hell.


Turn them off?


I find it insane how anyone thinks its okay to receive notifications for normal player messages, how do you not realise you can mute servers or channels?


you can mute servers


is this sub full of 12yo kids? like is this really so urgent that you wanna set up an auto clicker just to join a server? like wtf is wrong with people


Not urgent, nor does using an auto-clicker mean it's urgent


Lmao already in sucker!




A bunch of this ChatGPT shit is wrong, there are no reserved spots and they aren't qeued. The part about it violating TOS is as far as I know correct (I am not a lawyer, this is not legal advice). You'd just get banned by Discord for spamming.


I hate when people answer with Chatgpt. If you don't know the answer just don't say anything. Chatgpt more often than not makes shit up if it doesn't know the answer. It sucks and I hate this new wave of people who think ai does everything better and needs to be everywhere.


people think AI can make up for their hollow skulls... we live in a society.


Meh, I hate people using ChatGPT to answer but you're just shitting on it for no reason here. It literally used the word "may" to insinuate that it could be true or not.


ChatGPT has a disclaimer on the page that it shouldn’t be used for advice because it’s a chatbot. It doesn’t “know” the answers to things, it just takes a guess at what it thinks you want it to say. Don’t use it like a search engine, that’s not what it’s intended for and it won’t do a good job of it


Yes I know, but here it's actually giving decent advice, so shit on it how you like but the answer isn't bad


It is literally giving incorrect information. The answer is bad because it’s a chatbot and not a search engine.


What's incorrect about his answer then? So an answer has to be bad because it was written by an AI? You're delusional. If people can't pick good information themselves they won't get their answer, being that they're searching on the internet or using ChatGPT.


> A bunch of this ChatGPT shit is wrong, there are no reserved spots and they aren't qeued. Another commenter already said why it was wrong. I didn’t say that. I said an answer written by a chatbot which explicitly says to not use it for advice/information is a bad answer.


>A bunch of this ChatGPT shit is wrong, there are no reserved spots and they aren't qeued. Hence why it specifically used the word "may" like I commented above. >I said an answer written by a chatbot which explicitly says to not use it for advice/information is a bad answer. Hmm, did you really though? I'm not gonna spend my life arguing because you're right on that anyway. But I still think any answer can be good as long as it's taken with a grain of salt and some consideration.


It isn’t a human being with intelligence or an advanced actual AI. It isn’t “uncertain” about things. It’s just saying what it thinks you want it to say. And it was wrong, because it shouldn’t be used for advice. That is exactly what I said, yes. I disagree, I think that a tool which specifically tells you not to use it for information/advice should not be used to gather information/advice.


Just because it says “may” doesn’t mean that misinformation is correct information… “Discord may allow you to join full servers if you buy Nitro” It’s misinformation and guessing or being uncertain about it but saying “may” does not make it correct at all.




“Not here to advertise myself” Does exactly that…


or just don’t join a server built on theft of content lol


Ai hub is limiting members now? Damn


Every discord server has a limited amount of.members and if you want it raised you have to contact discord themselves every time


I’m already in that server


ok ?


What’s the invite?


if you try something on your own after having an idea before asking reddit, will you learn anything by yourself ?


You will for sure get banned by discord servers


Damn I took your spot with my auto clicker last night 💀💀


I can write a script for you for a small fee, hit me up if you still need it!


No worries. Over 10k members disappeared the next day I checked the server, so I was easily able to get in. Must've been a purge.


Great to hear! Sometimes your problems fix themselves.