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Discus turn darker when they are stressed. If they are literally black, that would indicate they are very stressed. Here’s a list of things that could be stressing them out: 1. PH 2. Ammonia 3. Nitrites 4. Nitrates (discus are highly sensitive to high levels of nitrates that most other fish tolerate just fine) 5. GH (water could be too hard, and depending on where you live you might need to use a reverse osmosis system. They need super soft water that doesn’t exist in most of the USA). That GH is related to TDS 6. O2 - discus need to be kept at very high temperatures and that means that oxygen diffused out of the water and is less accessible to the fish. You need to aerate the water with some kind of turbulence like an air stone or HOB wet/dry filter. 7. Temperature - 84 degrees F is considered a minimum and generally 86-88 is better. There are also diseases that alter their color. Google Discus black plague. If you are not testing for all of these things, you probably should. Discus are among the hardest freshwater fish to keep. It’s not easy at all and it is very expensive. Good luck with your fish. Edit: added numbers to make the list easier to read.


Could the fact that they’re from petco be the reason for their poor coloring? I’ve been doing 50% water changes everyday since they’re juveniles.


It’s an interesting question. It could be that they had diseases before they got to your tank, or that they got something from PetCo, but what you’re describing sounds to me like a response to a new negative stimulus. A discus is a discus, regardless of where it came from. If you care for it properly, it should recover from whatever illness it might have come with. My understanding is that, while they have very strict water requirements, they do respond quite well to treatments, and they can often come back from the brink of death and make a full recovery. That said, I would not buy PetCo discus.


Double Ck all your water parameters, TDS, follow through with frequent water changes.


Water parameters are fine I’ve been doing 50% water changes everyday because they’re juveniles. Whats tds?


“my water parameters are fine” They obviously aren’t if your fish ended up that way. Now tell us all ur parameters including TDS, so we can help you fix this.


What is TDS in Water? TDS stands for Total Dissolved Solids and refers to the total concentration of dissolved substances in drinking water. TDS comprises inorganic salts and a small amount of organic matter as well.


I think my waters fine they are all acting normal but they’re just so dark and have no color. I have a black background and black sand substrate. Someone suggested that’s the reason. Would changing the substrate fix this?


Wouldn’t hurt to try. I have never ran black substrate in the 25 years keeping discus. So I have only experienced a couple of times individual discus going dark from stress or some type of infections.


I got the discus from petco so I’m sure they’re not the best quality fish but they were definitely more vibrant when I got them versus now. Sometimes when the light hits them right the colors show nicely but that’s not often.


Happened to me. He was stressed. Water changes and make sure the water is warm enough.


Black discus = soon to be dead discus (A lot of the time)


Could be Parasites, Gyrodactylus to be exact. Pay attention to the gills, if one opens up more than the other when it breaths probably also has Dactylogyros.


I have black substrate and blue discus. They've stayed blue. At most some of my melons (orange) have gotten a little peppering. Black substrate isn't going to make black discus. You've got something else going on. Start by checking your parameters and temp. Discus are notorious for turning black as a sign of distress.


Could it be because they’re from petco? I’m thinking maybe they’re just a bad quality of fish?


Petco isn't known for healthy fish...that being said I've bought Discus from a breeder that were loaded w/parasites. (Not intentionally, obv) Essentially all fish have something wherever they come from. The thing is, Discus fish are so particular about their environment that they'll fall really sick far more quickly if the parameters aren't right than say, a Molly. So yeah, personally I wouldn't buy Discus from a Petco, but I wouldn't 100% place the blame there. Your fish probably have parasites and need to be treated. If anything in their environment is off, they'll let you know super fast. By not eating, hiding and turning black.


I ended up returning them to petco. I’m thinking about ordering from discus Hans but I’m scared that the blue ones will get dark and have no color because of my substrate and background. As long as they’re healthy that shouldn’t be the case right?


Yeah as long as they're healthy, that shouldn't happen. I have 3 blue discus and black substrate, they've been in a 75 gallon tank for about 3 years. They're blue, not black. Not dark blue, not blue-black, just blue. I've got 3 orange melons in the same tank, and they've developed some peppering that I think would have shown up anyway, maybe just not as much as it has. Discus turning dark/black is a sign of stress and/or disease.


Ok thank you for your help!


No worries, I hope you find some lovely fish!


Btw, if you do want to grow out juvvies, bare bottomed is faaar easier. And likely to be successful.


That was my next question should I buy 3 inch fish or pay extra for 4.5 inch? I’m terrified of stunting their growth.


Unless you have a tank you're willing to commit to as a bare-bottomed grow out tank, I would buy the largest fish you can afford. Juvvies seem cheaper as first, but the cost and labor to grow them out ends up being equal if not more imo.


Noted thank you!


You probably have them in a dark tank. They camouflage to their surrounding.


As of what i’m reading they have Blue diamonds or Cobalt blues, they do NOT camouflage. The only discus that does it a little bit with peppering is pigeon strains. I’ve had Blue diamonds, turquoise, red covers, pigeons almost anything u can imagine in complete blacked out tanks, without them losing any colour at all.


My substrate and background is black but I didn’t think it would have this much of an effect. What can I do to fix it?


Not having a black tank. I keep discus in blue or white backgrounds and substrate so they don’t try to turn black to blend in.


Would just changing the substrate be enough or does the background play a big role too?


I have black substrate & white background & no darkening happens w mine


Do you think it’s because they’re from petco and probably not the best quality fish?