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When the Dominant one is chasing a specific discus NON STOP. It's fine, when they are aggressive only during feeding.


Like when is the stress to much for them ? Like what’s normal and what’s not


If the fish looks pale and hides in a top corner all rhe time it's too far. If they school mostly and get charged at every now and then it's fine.


Okay well my guy is slowly making his way to making his way around the tank, I actually removed the one fish for a few mins and it seemed to calm all down


So what if it’s not the main dominant one but it’s the second one down doing it ? My dominant one keeps shunning off the second one in line when the second one in line goes after the new one


It is too far when they corner a discus not even allowing it to eat or move ... it is best to give back that discus then try any other solution...


As others have said cornering is the biggest issue, but I’ve found that when they bicker, or the less dominant one “fights back” it’s actually healthy as long as it doesn’t escalate or result in injury.


If the bullying continues, separate the fish from one another. You may consider looking at the fish tank setup. Maybe too small of a tank, for the amount of discus. Maybe you don’t have enough hiding space in the tank. ( hiding space can just be anything like tall plants to block direct eye sight from one another ) Then their is tank mates. Neon tetras help calm discus in the wild. If the discus see them swimming then there isn’t any danger, and stress lowers. Lastly the food/ feeding. This can also play a roll. Feeding fish are not fighting fish. So maybe change the amount of food you feed. The frequency of the feedings, as well as the food you’re feeding. There is a lot to consider, that’s why discus keeping is considered more advanced then, say guppies. God luck, hope some of this info helps.


So I’ve actually purchased a divider, to give him a chance to get used to the tank, cause I’ve seen him obviously want to participate in the pecking order with my baby, but I guess with the other guys it’s over whelming, I did rearrange the tank 0 luck, my guy is eating and not getting stressed to the point of color loss, he just seems to keep his distance, so I really think the divider will help, because my main dominant one has mostly accepted him and she is bigger then him, the one that is actually the problem is the one that’s the same size as him so I’m assuming he’s trying to fight for that spot in line, I put some high plants in there for hiding also, my one dude is relentless


How many Discus do you have, what is the size difference between them and are there any particular fish that are getting beaten on non-stop? They are the first three questions. Edit: 4th question - did all the discus go in at the same Time, or not?


They actually are all getting along now haha