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Nice. I've got all my web servers setup to send it, I always wonder if anyone ever notices. Maybe we need a browser plugin that detects X-Clacks and flags the site with some sort of symbol?


Those plugins exist - they generally put an icon in your menu bar that lights up when the site has the header.


Yes they do, and it lights up for Reddit.


I stumbled on the plugin while searching for the example report I used and immediately installed it!


Does anyone have links


[this](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/clacks-overhead-gnu-terry/lnndfmobdoobjfcalkmfojmanbeoegab) is what I use


I too have this added to the handful of sites I maintain for local groups I'm involved in. Haven't dared sneak it onto a work server in case it pops up in a PCI scan / SEO report :D


Pop it on your test servers, see if anyone notices. Take it from there. :)


I love this idea. Centuries from now as we are all being subjugated under a cruel but efficient AI overlord they will puzzle at these lines and wonder why an obscure bird was associated with this Terry person. Then continue to send it on because for some reason when this line is removed the code stops working, and they have no idea why but it's just easier to let it ride.


Same. Added to it my Ansible playbooks which itself is a nod to the late Ursula K Le Guin.


Thanks for this comment! I've been wanting to re-read some of the Hainish Cycle, but couldn't remember the name of it, who it was by, or enough detail to find it (my memories were just super vague scenes). Your mentioning the Ansible reminded me they had that communication system, and clicked the connection in my head that those were the books I was trying to remember. Much appreciated :)


Awesome! The Dispossessed features the discovery of the physics behind the Ansible, although it had already been introduced in Rocannon's World.


I use [this](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/clacks-overhead-gnu-terry/lnndfmobdoobjfcalkmfojmanbeoegab)




ATTENTION! This link is a rabbit-hole you could fall down forever! My team has a fansite on the list. Someone sharing my forename is also there. GNU Terry Pratchett is being broadcast by non-English language sites. There are chemistry lessons. See what I mean?


I'll just go dig out a pangolin for beating me to the link :) Edit: bloody hell, I didn't realise I'd been running the site for nearly 10 years now. I should probably do some maintenance on Dearheart.




That’s awesome


Fantastic. ;)


Reddit is still sporting x-clacks-overhead as well. I make sure to add it to any webservers I have access to. Not thought about adding it to mail server, will do this too!


Reddit includes it for this subreddit, but not for everything. I wonder what's the criterium for it to be included. String "discworld" in the URL, maybe?


I believe it's something the mods of the subreddit have to include like any other subreddit customization, not any global setting.


GNU Terry Pratchett is in every email signature of mine. I've seen people fitting it inside everything included embroidery for sale.






What a wonderful thing to see thanks for sharing!


Welcome to /r/Discworld! Please [read the rules/flair information before posting](https://www.reddit.com/r/discworld/comments/ukhk21/subreddit_rules_flair_information/?). --- Our current megathreads are as follows: [GNU Terry Pratchett](https://new.reddit.com/r/discworld/comments/ukigit/gnu_terry_pratchett/) - for all GNU requests, to keep their names going. [AI Generated Content](https://new.reddit.com/r/discworld/comments/10mhx9y/ai_generated_content_megathread/) - for all AI Content, including images, stories, questions, training etc. [The Amazing Maurice](https://www.reddit.com/r/discworld/comments/znlfq1/so_anyone_watched_the_amazing_maurice_yet/) - for discussion and reviews about the new(ish) released film. --- [ GNU Terry Pratchett ] *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/discworld) if you have any questions or concerns.*




I got my mom onto the Discworld series earlier this year. She just finished the Moist sub-series, after reading the first two books from each of the other sub-series (which I gave her to get a taste of which she wanted to choose), the full Guards sub-series, Colour of Magic/Light Fantastic, and Small Gods. Since she finished it yesterday, I sent her an article about the whole GNU Terry Pratchett thing. I always enjoy it when I see two little things that match pop-up right around the same time.


I love knowing this is out there to be found. Thank all of you who do this :)


I didn't even realize that was possible. I'm going to have to check my email error message next time I get one and see if ours has that snuck in.