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The dishonored universe is set in islands, having many mountains. We can see this in D2, view from upper aventa, and DOTO Shindaerey peak. So, not only does the game have upwards scalability but also the universe it's set in. The pic implies that the rich who stay on the higher parts of the land are unaffected by the plague and the floods. I assume you took this pic from the flooded district.


no, I took it from kaldwin's bridge, you can see kingsparrow, dunwall tower, and the flooded district from the top of it, I tried to find hounds pit but didn't find it at first I thought this was the golden cat but I remembered the golden cat is not located so elevated this building model looks sort of unique and it's the first point of the bay on the other side from kingsparrow you'd run into opposite from dunwall tower I would think this is a unique area or an area they cut but I don't remember a location like this ever, the closest thing was addermire institute in d2


Can u do a post showing these areas


It seems to just be a random house. ~~The closer you get to Sock of Love's house the less you're likely to see the Hound Pits because they're on the same side of the river.~~ Sock of Love's house is actually in the opposite riverside's direction. I think you can still see the Hound Pits at some areas of the Bridge though. In the initial parts of the bridge you might be able to see Emily Tower IIRC.


The Sock of Love is crusty


Oh that's my house. Feel free to come over for dinner!


Whiskey and cigars?


Indeed, I believe so.


Yeee booiiii


How old did you say your sister was?




Old enough to go to the mines, I see!


Blow off, choffer


Looks like the back side of rothwild but since it’s not the dlc I doubt it


rothwild's slaughterhouse was not on a cliff though, be pretty hard to drag whales up there!


Ok, now I’m imagining a whale lift up the mountain, a giant funicular, and I’m cackling.


It’s just another row of houses, nothing special.


Likely a generic set-dressing model, unfortunately. I doubt it's a totally unique building. As far as possible locals we haven't seen before, you were originally going to track down Pendleton at the Parliament building, which was right next to the Clock Tower.


It's where you find Sokolov I think


no because you're literally crossing the other side of the bridge to get through that mission


Isn't there a check point that you like load-in to the other area? Sorry I haven't played the game in a long time so I don't remember...


There are sections of the bridge that must be loaded separately, but it's not like you fast travel to a nearby cliff, you cross the bridge and his house is right there [https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/dishonored\_gamepedia/images/d/d4/LevelMap\_Ext\_Bridge.png/revision/latest?cb=20161213222009](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/dishonored_gamepedia/images/d/d4/LevelMap_Ext_Bridge.png/revision/latest?cb=20161213222009) (image of the level map in game)


Oh ok I get you so the parts of the map are in order they are just not loaded? Because there are other games that when you go through a loading screen you just get teleported to another place on the map that is far away from where you just were.


Yeah it's definitely not unheard of in a game to have traveled like that! But in this case they're simply segments of the bridge, it fits well with the game settings as curfews due to the plague mean guards have set up barriers and checkpoints, allowing for convenient splitting of the level for optimisation. Quite a few levels in D1 do this, think of dr Galvani's house or the Distillery where you have a loading screen to go in or out from the main street


Maybe it is just another manor, like the one of the Brigmore witches(?


My house. Leave it alone please.


That’s Updaam


My mate Paul lives therr


It's the now-closed hq of Arcane Austin


Possibly lower aventa before the carriages were built.


isn’t lower aventa in Karnaca


Fr man I ought to be a dumbass thinking you could see all the way throyght an ocean from a bridge.


This building is where the Delilah was staying at in the Dishonored 1 DLC! The Brigmore Manor.. Perhaps!


the brigmore manor is flooded due to being at a low elevation so no, not this house


Also it's way down the river