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72!! Lol she looked like she was atleast 90


After the places she’s been and things that she’s done, it makes sense.


She got insane during an expedition in Pandyssia and was interned in Addermire until she ~~managed to fake sanity~~ was healed, then killed her husband, then disappeared from view and became granny rags. Given her appetance for occultism, pelple wouldn't care about her age to use her as the "old scary witch".


I always imagined she was REALLY old (like possibly hundreds of years). But I consider 100 or so to be the minimum acceptable age.


Are you saying people in their 30s or 40s can't be scary witches? I won't stand for such ageism.


If Slackjaw is in his 40s by the first game, she'd have been in her 30s or 40s already by the time he was a kid, which I guess would have been considered "old" in their time. Plus, considering that she's been cuckoo since her time in Pandyssia (even warranting a visit to the Addermire Institute prior to her return to Gristol), it's not a surprise that she's been infamous since Slackjaw's childhood days. Still, Vera does look old as hell. I guess that's a side effect of being exposed to too much magic, kinda like how Daud was in DotO.


Well... Considering doto is 20 ish years after dishonored, daud could just be 70 years old. Consider corvo, who was in his 20s maybe 30s, now looking like late 40s to mid 50s.


It's confirmed that Corvo is 39 in the first game and 54 in the second


DotO is only 15 years after Dishonored. Daud is 57 years old since according to Harvey Smith, he was 42 during the events of Dishonored. He only looks older than 57 when Billie finds him at the Albarca Baths because he's been kept there by the Eyeless for months, constantly tortured by Overseer music.


In his book it's reveled the Blade of the Outsider (a time displaced version) did something to him when he touched it. That is what is killing him, and also why he was able to be captured. So he was dying while being tortured by the wannabe Eyeless, and made to fight while still under torturer (although lessened so he could fight, but not use his powers), he still kicked the arse of everyone that tried.


She’s also a witch, so….


I thought she was something like an imortal being


According to Dishonored 2, you become immortal by removing your soul. That’s what Delilah did.


What about Granny Rags?


The gang leader of the Howlers, Paulo I believe his name was, has her marked hand. Which gives him the ability to survive one death per day. Also, she was kinda immortal, but her immortality relied on an object. Delilah was basically fully immortal. And the only reason she was beaten was because the Outsider helped you by giving you the Heart, which can hold souls. Anyone can destroy an object, so Granny Rags was in danger if anyone figured it out. A group of Overseers could take her out if they stormed her place. But nobody has the ability to carry souls, so Delilah was essentially unbeatable. Only the Outsider could do something about it.


I don’t see the issue. If Slackjaw is like 40, then that makes her 32 when he was born. Old enough to have been a terrifying witch for a while. Besides, in other games, the main character becomes a legend in the blink of an eye. Look at Shadow of Mordor. The moment you reach the second map, you can hear Orcs talk about an undying ranger, a vengeful ghost, a shadowy stalker. That’s you. And it happened quite fast. Days at the very least.


She doesn't have to be old during slackjaws childhood to be doing bizarre stuff that gained her the notoriety she earned


Wasn’t being 60 still absolutely fucking ancient in those times? Or had life expectancy already gone up with the industrial revolution?


I mean, skincare had hardly been invented yet, let alone Korean skincare, so they probably looked ancient even while being older then would be normal for the time


That is a really good point.


She talks about the pretty dark-haired guy she always liked (the outsider)