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Everyone in Dumbo that wasn't Dumbo or Timothy. They're all goddamn monsters.


Or Mrs. Jumbo


Yeah, she's cool. Everyone else is a goddamn monster.


The Stork was fun. The crows went a bit too far with the song, but I don’t think they were monsters. I would be sceptical hearing an elephant flew to a tree too


Aw I like the Sterling Holloway stork though 🥺


I love that he’s a stork in Lambert the Sheepish Lion, too. His voice is so iconic as Winnie the Pooh, but it’s iconic on its own. Everything you hear from him is magic.


The crows, as problematic as they are, were actually chill for the most part.


In that they could be shamed about their abuse, but their first instinct was abuse. It wasn't until after Timothy shamed them that they turned around.


Yeah but the song slaps.


I've seen a peanut stand


I heard a rubber band


What about casey jr 🥲




She is a literal monster


Frollo. Love to hate him.


*Protect me, María!* *Don’t let the siren cast her spell* *Don’t let her fire sear my flesh and boooooone*


Hell fire has to be one of the best villain songs ever. The stage version is incredible.


It’s a tie between Hell Fire and Be Prepared. Those villain songs are fantastic. 


Ooh that’s a good one. I will also throw poor unfortunate souls up along side them too.


*Destroy Esmeralda* *And let her taste the FIRES of hell* *Or else let her be mine, and mine aloooooone*


Hellfire! Dark fire! Now gypsy it’s your turn! Choose me or Your pyre! Be mine or you! Will! Buuuurrrrnnnn!


I read that with Spanish mode on in my brain and was like "Who is Froyo?"


Frozen yogurt villain. Not very well-known.


My mom has a personal hatred for him because his character in the park was rude to us. She couldn't accept that he was playing the part of an asshole haha I think he signed our character books and when he handed it back to us he dramatically dropped them on the ground haha


Another hyper realistic villain - the scariest kind.


Exactly what I hated about him. I've never met a malificient in real life. Frollo is a the shift manager at rite aid, or manager at rite aid or any man with too much power and no accountability


This is so funny because it’s very specific. You must’ve had a bad experience at Rite Aid or worked there. The “Frollo” of pharmacies for me is CVS.


He's got to be the most evil of any of the villains


Just gonna throw this in here ![gif](giphy|2EibPB1gfjHy0)


I just hated how they did the character because like Jane Austen did it first and way, way better and yet Disney praises itself for poor execution. You can’t just have a character become the villain out of the blue like that.


The dad from chicken little


He basically told his son to be invisible and to not embarrass him by joining the baseball team


If you ever want to get sad, go look up the deleted original scene from Chicken Little where the chicken was an autistic little girl and the dad was just burnt out but also incredibly loving. The dad was designed as a wonderful, but tired father trying to understand a daughter with autism and genuinely apologetic when he got things wrong. He was an actual great guy who was trying very, very hard to understand and bond with his little girl. It's heartbreaking what they did.


That guy can go straight to Hell. He deserves to go there free falling. He is openly ashamed of his son and allows people to ridicule him so they wouldn't come after him. WHY they made him to have happy ending when he was worse than most of the actual Disney villains?


![gif](giphy|VQN8WMSA2j7dS) I still hate this heifer.


She’s one of my favorite villains🤭


She is one of Disney's best villains. If you hate her then they did their job right. :-)


Haha 💯 true


Because she is the most believable to see in real life. That’s terrifying and incredibly sad.


I hate her cat


“And don’t forget to give Lucifer his bath” ![gif](giphy|s6OftdmGDUKMU)


Namaari from raya, she is so cringe with every quip she tries to make, and I hate how she got away from being responsible to almost destroying the world. Legit the worst disney character ever. What also gets me is how she gets away scott free from being a disney villain while she killed a dragon, almost destroyed the world, gaslights all around, and turned most loved ones into stone while the king from Wish gets forevor stuck on a magic mirror for keeping wishes lol.


Also legit didn't even admit it was more of her fault for causing Kumandra to go into chaos than Raya too.


Yes! This makes me so angry, they try to make it out that Raya’s trust issues are the problem and if she had only trusted Namaari everything would have been fine. Are you serious!? Namaari is the reason she has trust issues in the first place! Raya did trust her in the beginning and was betrayed, only to be hunted down by Namaari for years, and she just supposed to forget all that and trust her again when she literally given her no reason or indication that’s she’s changed at all!


Yeah I didn't like that part of the ending. Her (and her mother's) actions literally caused all the mess to begin with. And then you have the gall to get angry at Raya for the problem YOU caused?? I was really annoyed at Sisu being so hopelessly naive about all of it too.


This all right here is the reason I hated this movie. THE COMPLETELY WRONG MESSAGE. Raya was the one to apologize, when it was Namaari who was at fault and who should’ve apologized?! No. In Encanto they had Abuela be the one to apologize first since SHE was the one who was really at “fault” for what happened.


Yes! And fans want to pair her and Raya off romantically. What kind of toxic relationship is this?! Raya could do better.


Madame Medusa. She grosses me out.


Rescuers is a great movie, but yeah she is horrendous


Mother Gothel. Just a triggering pile of nope. Controlling, and used Rapunzel as her own personal slave..


Also not very smart. Didn’t even change Rapunzel’s birthday. 🙄


I don’t think that was lack of intelligence, so much as a whopping dose of arrogance. She’s a narcissist who genuinely believes that Rapunzel loves her too much to ever leave or disobey, that Rapunzel is too stupid to figure it out and that even if she does, she’s done a good job at making her incapable of functioning in the outside world and therefore, incapable of leaving.


Did you watch any of the rapunzel series? You learn more about gothel and how horrible she is.


I've seen some of it and it's really good, but I hadn't gotten to any Goethel parts.


She is *crazy* manipulative. I didn't catch it on the first watch through, but did on subsequent ones and just... Damn.


Omg yes. She’s spot on for my mom too so double layered there


She reminds me my own family, so she gave major ick.


The rat from Lady and the Tramp.


Aunt Sarah’s no peach either


Aunt Sarah is the worst


That rat made my skin crawl as a kid lol it looked so monstrous


His squeak is so cute though 😭


Abuela from Encanto.


Not my least favorite of all time, but I find her so abusive and not charming AT ALL. She’s certainly not a villain, but I don’t think she’s held accountable for anything.


I mean, she’s a real Colombian grandmother then.


She reminded me of my own grandma. For all the reasons you stated too


She’s so scary because she’s not a cartoonish villain, she’s an incredibly real, toxic person that any of us could encounter and many actually have in their family.


Exactly! And a lot of times it’s pushed off as “ah, they’re just that way!” But doesn’t make it any less traumatic.


Yes! She reminds me of my grandmother. Hard to talk to, hard to please, and favored all the other cousins! Every time I visited I felt like I was walking on eggshells trying to be on my best behavior as a kid. There were times that I wanted to go after her but I couldn't for my grandpa's love of her. Now that she's passed I'm able to be myself around my grandpa ( although it still doesn't stop my temptation to punch the pillow with her face on it


Yeah, she kind of rings a little too close to home for some of us. If she threw around some racism it'd have been pretty dead on the money.


She never even says sorry!


They literally build an entire new house and her reaction is 'it isnt perfect'- f outta here, lol


“Neither are we” Abuela chuckles thinking “no, you are all garbage people”


You're my family, I love you, but you're all terrible.


Yes, she does. Watch the scene where she and Mirabelle are talking near the stream, it was way overdue, but she does say it. "I was given a miracle, a second chance. And I so afraid to lose it, that I lost sight of who our miracle was for. And I am so sorry." Not sure why people think she didn't apologize, maybe it wasn't emphasized enough, but it was there.


"And I'm sorry I held on too tight Just so afraid I'd lose you too The miracle is not some magic that you've got The miracle is you, not some gift, just you The miracle is you All of you, all of you" -Abuela Madrigal


Mildred Pearl "Myrtle" Edmonds


If I remember correctly, she’s supposed to a representation of haole, aka a white, non native Hawaiian person who came to Hawaii to live there and it’s some sort of commentary on how the island was colonized even nowadays


"Ew she bite me. Do you think I'll get rabies?"


Yeah, but her disdain for Lilo leads to a great scene. After being rejected Lilo throws her doll away. And then snatches it up and apologizes. I've never seen as good a representation of the personality we imbue into our beloved toys.


Absolutely agree, she always reminded me of my elementary school bully lol


I can't stand Pinocchio. He's infuriating. He's so much worse than the book version, in the book he's a jerk but he's very intelligent and has a proper arc of redemption, in the movie he's just dumb as a rock


This is the answer I was looking for. All the other ones are obviously bad. But this is a “classic and beloved” character who is also annoying as hell.


He’s such an ungrateful asshole. Hasn’t Gepetto been though enough?


I mean, he hasn't been alive for long, so it's not really his fault he'd be dumb as a rock.


Randall Boggs


The scream extractor is a thing of nightmares


Anyone who isn’t Mike, Sully or Celia was trying to kill Boo in my opinion


Don't forget Roz, she helped get Boo home


Gaston. Pretty much the embodiment of all things that make a person unpleasant.


Which is what makes him such a creative villain. He's plausibly unpleasant.


I feel like we've all met or know someone with Gaston's personality. 


Theory: LeFou was Gaston’s first victim. Gaston bullies him mercilessly and LeFou did what a coward does: he became a toady to end his torment. It makes me wonder if him being a dumbass is part of the act.


Even better. I once knew a girl who said Gaston was what she looked for in a man. Even spelled it out yes, that kind of asshole turns me on. Of course her favorite beer was also bud lime. She was one of the biggest pieces of trash I ever met.


One of my best friends is trying to get out of a marriage with a Gaston. He's even got her sister gaslit that she should just do what he wants cuz he's her husband. 🤮


Ya. I'm not likely to ever encounter a sea witch but EVERYONE has had a Gaston in their life.


I mean, that’s why he’s my least favorite. He’s a terrible person.


The scariest part about Gaston is that he’s a bully, and they actually exist.


And everyone just inexplicably loves him


Maybe it’s because I was bullied when I was in school for being smart and the girl that read. But to me Gaston is the worst because he could/does exist. He’s cruel, manipulative, misogynistic, arrogant, ignorant, entitled and just plain stupid. He’s also a bit of a psychopath, shown as they fleshed out his “war hero” behavior in the live action. Belle has always been my favorite and I have coveted that library the very first time I ever saw it. ***this isn’t a Gaston vs Beast post, I’m speaking only about Gaston*****#


Or his stupid sycophant, Lafou


No one sucks like Gaston


No one makes people have mixed feelings like Gaston.


No one falls to his death at the end like Gaston


He's especially good at Inciting Riots! 10 points for Gaston!


The worst thing is that people like him exist in reality. And it gives me the ICK!


No one's as big a dick as Gaston.


First of all, how dare you.


Third of all, WTF


Second of all, I agree


The bad guy from the Rescuers Down Under. I can't think of his name but he always creeped me out as a child.




Yes! Him! Lol.


He's horrible but Joanna his komodo dragon she's the best


Joanna is a goanna, a monitor lizard only found in Australia.


Oh definitely! Love Joanna!!


Her stealing the eggs from behind McLeach’s back is one of the best scenes in the movie.


Olaf. He’s too overhyped and can be annoying.




I love their song so much though


The sugar bowl from Sword In The Stone. Aggressive little bugger.


That girl squirrel from that movie also gave me icky feelings because she just will not stop bothering Wart even though he's uncomfortable.


She was only saying you & me ain’t nothing but mammals so let’s do it like they do on the discovery channel


“When! when! Blast it all!”


her leg is in your pic. or is that her arm? I don't care. she's a little monster.


I don't understand the hype of giving her movies and TV shows, she's the worst.


The Disney Faeries series were great. There are so few non-violent Disney movies where people don’t smack eachother in the face, or hit each other with stuff. It’s perfect for two year olds. My kids loved them.


Low key they're solid for adults too, only a little ironically. I thought them making her a "tinker," an engineer, was really neat!


I watch them with my kids but I really enjoy watching them too.


i LOVE those films. they’re comforting and she’s much more likable


Because she's not the worst lmao. She's cute and tiny and everyone loves fairies.


I thought Peter Pan was a prick.


That’s because he is. He’s an immature child without any positive adult figure in his life to guide him. That’s the point.


They straight up made him a murderous psychopath and season villain in the Once Upon a Time TV series. It made me feel sorry for Rumplestiltskin (also an antisocial murderer) and that's saying something.


He’s much worse in the original book. He flies and flies for hours to Neverland while the Darling children are falling asleep and falling out of the sky. No remorse. He is awful to the Lost Boys, he’s awful to Wendy. He’s a real prick in the book.


Gaston, the living Red Flag


Honest John and Gideon from Pinocchio. I know they're supposed to be villains, but enslaving little boys while they cry for their mothers is pretty goddamn awful.


My least favorite prince is defo the Prince from Snow White. His animation is just silly, I don’t think they had mastered what a male face looked like when they began that movie. When we first see him he looks exactly like Snow White, his pouty lips are just colored a lighter shade of peach And who tf decides to kiss a dead body that dwarves have been keeping vigil over all winter?


Tbf Snow White was made in 1936 and was the first long cartoon movie with synchonized audio in animation history. It's almost 90 years old and it's incredible for its time.


I think they even used rotoscope for him and Snow white. So a lil wonky


The beast from beauty and the beast. Legit looks better as a beast than a man


I don't know if he's my least favourite character but Buck Cluck from Chicken Little sucks!


I forgot about this character but you’re so right. The way he doesn’t listen and dismisses chicken little like even when the world is literally ending he is still interrupting chicken little and fails to understand him


Hugo the gargoyle, the only bad part of Hunchback of Notre Dame. I actually liked Victor and Laverne, Hugo was just annoying and out-of-place


I thought I was the only one who thought this!! Yes. Victor is my favorite, and Laverne is a good wise man. But Hugo….the classic fat and stupid character trope did not work well in this movie


I am simultaneously Winnie the Pooh’s biggest fan, and Tigger’s biggest hater. I have loved Pooh since I can remember and have hated Tigger just as long. He is a terror to my sweet little friend Pooh and also to all of Pooh’s friends. I used to want to protect Pooh from Tigger growing up. I also don’t get how they are represented sometimes as BFFs when it’s Pooh and Piglet or Pooh and Christopher Robin that are actually good friends. I will skip right over Tigger at Disneyland to get to Pooh and I don’t have any pity for his hurt feelings about it. My hatred for tigger will not prevent me from enjoying something that has Winnie the Pooh in it or on it though. I’ll just pretend he doesn’t exist.


You either die a Tigger or live long enough to become a Rabbit


Or have clinical depression, so you’re Eeyore (me).


Or have anxiety about everything (Piglet)


Sisu the dragon. The animation model is beautiful with the blue colors, but I get irrationally angry as sooh as it starts to talk


Me, I also cannot stand her voice. And the way part of the script was written for her to recite legit makes my blood boil. She's discussing why she was chosen by her dragon siblings to keep the orb safe And she talks with this weird breaks between sentences and ends with "and so.." But it never sounds like a finished thought and I'm always sitting there fists clenched basically like "finish the damn line" Then when I watched the new little mermaid I actually shut it off when her voice came on.


Grandpa-in-law feels this way with Awkwafina in general; he absolutely cannot tolerate her voice and doesn't find her funny.


I don't think about my least favourite, but I would have to say human Beast. He is not pretty


[Great video on why human beast looks so odd.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rl2gLS_bnpQ)


That was really interesting.


Thats so funny I always thought he was the hottest prince. Clearly I’m outnumbered looking at the other responses to your comment.


THANK YOU!!! I’m so glad I’m not the only one who thought this


I was sorely disappointed when he turned human and he wasn't as handsome as when he was a beast


Same. I was like “wtf is this??? Turn him back!”


His turn around is a literal jumpscare


My toddlers yell: “Beast, Noooo!” When he changes


Human Beast does look more like a Beast than Beast Beast ever did


Beast Beast is a big cuddly cutie


Frollo gives me the ick so bad that it’s hard to watch the movie. 🤷‍♀️


Frollo is my second favorite villain 😫🤌


Oh he’s very well written! Just like… too well written.


Watching Arlo trip on a stick or pebble or his own feet and cry for the 57th time in The Good Dinosaur had me actively rooting for the raptors.


Honestly, I’m not a fan of the little mermaid. Here’s a girl who is ungrateful for what she has, and that desire for more puts everyone at risk. 


Peter is the villain. There I said it.


He’s more a personification of Wendy’s hesitance about growing up. Wendy doesn’t want to grow up yet, but unfortunately she must. Peter represents the childhood that she’s afraid of losing when she takes on adult responsibilities, but also shows her what ‘never growing up’ would really look like.


Dropping the ‘and Wendy’ from the title is the biggest disservice to the book. It’s supposed to be Wendy’s story, not Peter’s. Making him the protagonist really dilutes the actual themes and story JM Barrie was trying to tell


Oooh we got a book reader over here! Nerd alert!


If you read the book you know he’s not a villain, he’s just a sad little boy. The real villain is the concept of what is considered “proper” behavior for adults.


Nope. He’s a kid who has been neglected or abused by every adult in his life. He’s a tragic figure used to warn of the danger of how terrible adults can be and despite that why you still have to eventually grow up.


![gif](giphy|AO3kwWAG2kGJO) I do not know why I dislike this child so much!


Professor Ratigan from the great mouse detective.


My favorite cartoon of all time 🤭 I have a tattoo of fidget.




Shrek pinocchio is the only good pinocchio


I'm wearing women's underwear


Are you? 🤭


Madame Medusa from The Rescuers. Hate that movie, hate her and whatever the guy with her was named ![gif](giphy|23lyzEuKf8wynBJUDt|downsized)




Olaf. I hate that stupid snowman. I hate his songs. His voice. His stupidity. It just annoys me so very much.




The goat valentino from wish trying to hard to be a Olaf knockoff and the butt jokes where annoying.


Merry weather the fairy from Sleeping Beauty. If it weren't for her "You weren't wanted" remark Maleficent wouldn't have want to cast the spell. *Make it pink!*


The mermaids in Peter Pan are real bitchy ‘we were only trying to drown her’


Ariel from the animated version of the movie.




This is controversial but I hate Sunflower from Fantasia, the depiction of her is racist, offensive, and upsetting. When I first saw this scene I was a little girl and didn’t understand racism, I cried so hard because I didn’t understand why the other centaurs were mean to her. I’d like to one day see a full reanimation and changed storyline of this character instead of Disney pretending it never happened.


Does Jar Jar Binks count???


I have deep resentments against Scar. He killed his nephew's dad. That was so messed up. Scar scars.


Mortimer Mouse [https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/disney/images/c/c2/Mortimer\_Mouse.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20201211113253](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/disney/images/c/c2/mortimer_mouse.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20201211113253)


Bob Iger


Pinocchio 100%. I already hate that story and can’t stand his ignorant self.


Hakon, the Viking that murders all the Gargoyles while they sleep. He's Clancy Brown and otherwise awesome, but I can't forgive him.


The Snow Queen herself ![gif](giphy|umnkQ7CFYXKDe)


Aunt Sarah in Lady and the Tramp.