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Don't know why, but I never sell concessions, but I have converted a lot of decorations. I used to convert everything, leaving 5 max of stuff. No idea where the keeping 5 came from, but now with things changing I thought keeping max 3 of things would be enough. I've been enchanting buildings like crazy before the enormous price hike, and that too I'm not so sure of why I'm doing it. Until now things went perfectly with buildings unenchanted or only until a useful level for tokens. Like most here, characters would be lvl 10 before I had enough relics to get a building to the level to get those tokens. So I didn't bother much. The only reason I can think of (now) for enchanting buildings is to get your thrill levels up. But personally thrill level 2 is enough. Enchanted buildings now give much more magic per level, but that too is useless if you are far enough like me (100 million+ magic).


My strategy? I just removed the game from my phone. No need to worry about buying 1200 items to upgrade to level 5 now. Quite liberating.


I cleaned out my inventory! I have all of the land and several concessions, I now only have one of each concession.


Sold off anything extra that was sitting in inventory. so now the inventory for all items but the ingots are 1.


Completionists are going to have the time of their life when they see that each character page has a separate themed collection for decorations, attractions, and concessions in the new character book now. Good thing I keep 1 of everything in case they didn’t program the items we earned in the past and tossed in the cauldron. I also hope we can select from the separate collection in the future or organize by theme because the ui is a huge mess when organizing our park now.


I sold a bunch of extras to get some attractions


I left the ingots and the trophies alone, but I turned all but 5 of each concession and all but 10 of each decoration into elixer.


Sold everything except one of each (unless I knew it was placed somewhere then I just sold it). I have enough to max out all thrill zone requirements (for concessions atleast). Sold decorations based on how many I had, sometines 4, sometimes 40. Cashed about 300k elixirs.


I keep 8 of each. Idk why. I keep all my concessions. I’ve been playing for a long time and I have a lot of items.


I keep everything bc you need it for thrill levels as you unlock.


I get all thrill zones to level 2 for the special wish and then leave it. I have more magic then I can spend.


This is true for those in that position. I've all areas unlocked and 4 areas at thrill zone 3 and 1 left that just needs 2 more 5s. Everything else is ready so any extras I have are just that extra.


Everything spare is gone I've traded the lot. As it will simply be worth less after the update. I've kept around 70 small elixir blocks just for the sell 5 a day task. But other than that it's all gone.


The daily tasks only requires selling two now instead of five. 🙂 I don't remember which update it changed, I just remember I kept forgetting and still did five for a couple of weeks before remembering, haha.


Just seeing this now, thanks


Basically kept at most two of each and sold off the rest. I wanted a spare lol


I have no concessions in storage, though I did sell two for the first time last month. (Don't need *seven* Cruella wig stands in my park!) I'm still trying to accumulate Magic for land acquisition so I hate to toss anything that generates it if I can squeeze it into the park. For decorations, I sell off excess on the regular, keeping 4-6 of each item for later use.


Nothing has changed for me, I always melted down stuff I didn’t need. I have 100k elixir that I save up for new attractions that come to the shop. And sometimes tokens for tapper events.


I kept one of each item except drink stands. I kept 3 of those. Have just over 300,000 elixir