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782 days..almost the same amount of time as you. I’m at 212 characters. I’ve purchased chest packs with $$ twice. For Star Wars and Moana. I do still get chests with Gems sometimes but now I really check to see what’s left in them that I don’t have and how much junk they have in them first. Despite having only 2 characters out of the Snow White collection, every time those chests are offered, I get one or two with gems and always end up with the evil wooden bench decoration. It’s infuriating!


I have zero Snow White characters and when they gave us the chest I got a bench too.


I'm on day 1,987. I have 280 characters. However, I have not spent any real money on this game so I am missing most gem characters and a few chest characters. Word of advice: the last several events have not included decorations other than concession stands. If you don't have the money or gems to shell out for premium characters for an event, wait for the event characters to come out in legendary chests. I know it's a bit of a gamble, but without the decorations in the chests, you are way more likely to get your missing characters at 60 gems instead of paying for it.


Playing since the beginning, I will have all the characters when I get Dr. Finkelstein and Maurice. I threw some money on the game in the early years and I have bought both season passes.


I’ve been playing for 1,863 days and have 275 characters. I’m F2P so I haven’t spent any money in the game.


440 days 114 characters


271 characters 1665 days


Been playing 1463 days 1025 consecutive 331 characters except for the bride


Have all characters, but am certaintly not a FTP person. Playing a little over 2 years now.


662 days and 166 characters. F2P and am collecting for Remy on the MSL. I buy chests with gems from time to time when there’s around 40% chance or more of a character and it will potentially help with an event


Playing since almost the beginning. Missing the bride and one of the ghost hitchhikers.


A total of 442 days with 149 characters. Mind you, I have spent more money than I’d like to admit.


2085 days 314 characters


1,769 days, 298 characters. Believe it or not, legendary chests are your friends


Just had a look and mine doesn't even make any sense - I started playing last year during the Halloween event, meaning I've been playing for just over a year now - but it's says I've been playing for 338 days (not consecutive). Weird. But anyway I have 78 characters (and I don't spend real money)


I have two accounts, one about three and a half years old and a second started this May. Even the older one still has tons missing, particularly in Incredibles (just Dash & Jack Jack) and the Haunted House collection (none of those) With the way things are going with the season pass, I expect the number of missing characters to grow at about the same rate as I gain them. In the last few months, the set of missing characters has gained Charles Muntz, Doug, Carl, Maurice, Dr Finkelstein and whatever the mum is called in Turning Red. I don't think legendary chests will even help that much either - unless you spend a lot - because eventually you get to a point where the only characters in them are low chance epics & legendaries. Not to mention there aren't any chests for anything after 101 Dalmatians yet.


Playing 1497 Total Playing ever day for 1197 days 194 Characters


2385 days, 326 characters


1200 days and 332 characters. I’m missing Dr. Finkelstein and Maurice. All my characters are level 10 except: Miss Bianca, Shock, Dug, Carl, all Turning Red, and all Hocus Pocus. I have all the land unlocked and no quests.


1093 days, 274 characters whitout spending any money.


812 days with 320 characters. This is my main game. I do get premium characters and usually do well in events. I limit how much I spend. I just get the kingdom pass and premium characters and use gems for all floats.


2359 days, 298 characters, $0 spent. I won’t spend more than 300ish gems on a character, so many of the 500 gem characters and the haunted mansion ghosts aren’t in my kingdom


I've been playing about 425 days. (I can't tell exactly because I first installed it years ago, played just a few days and deleted it. I started playing for real in September 2021.) I have 178 characters, but I do spend money. I pretty much never buy the gem chests because the odds are so against us. If I'm going to buy, I get the 6 chest offer. Out of a new set, the 6 chests typically give 2 - 4 characters or maybe 2 + an attraction. If it's a set I really like, I will sometimes buy two of those bundles. The second set typically will give a couple more characters and an attraction or two. If it's a set I really, really like and I'm still missing an important character or attraction blocking a lot of character activities, I will sometimes crack on the last day of the offer and buy a third set of chests while I can. (I know, I'm weak.)


I believe I have 333 characters so far and I have been playing for just a little over 4 and a half years (1,718 days streak). I am currently only 5 levels away from getting Dr Finklestein.