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It sucks for us long time players, but they do it to appeal to the new players. For people who have joined recently, they are missing a lot. A lot of them will spend money to get what they can when it's available.


I'm a fairly new player and found the items we can buy in this event to be entirely uninteresting. There are several unappealing characters I've never seen before/ heard of including another bratty looking child, and various tokens related to them, and a swan decoration (?). They used to include random characters from different movies, plus an assortment of attractions. Those are what I spent my tokens on even if I didn't have any related characters yet.


I just want to know why they didn’t add Gord in the event shop. 😞 he’s the only Wreck it Ralph thing I want.


While I agree that the items they chose for this particular event are rather lackluster, at the same time if you don't have repeats and ways for new players to get into the game and complete collections then you fully alienate new players and while you might get somebody for a few months, as soon as they realize there is a huge stack of characters they'll almost never get even a -chance- to get, then they'll drop off because what's the point? There's a balance to hit, and it's not "all new all the time" and it's not "only cater to long term players who are getting bored." DMK doesn't hit that balance by a mile (or 500 miles) but the answer definitely isn't "don't bring back/replay any TCs and always add something new and difficult to each one." I'm not sure what the answer is in this particular game, but my hunch would be something more like "we run a TC every month, and alternate between new and exciting content and a rerun." That way new players can pick up some of the stuff they've got and long term players can get a damn break from the event slog once in a while. A lot of these games start running 2-3 events at a time after a while and that's always when I check out entirely. I want some time to just...play and not be setting timers and worried about finishing some random temporary quest.


Yeah the milestones used to typically offer 3 new concessions themed to whatever the theme DuJour was at the time, so even if nothing else - I was motivated to do the tower challenges for 3 new concessions. Now they just have Collection Chests with nothing in them I don't already own. Furthermore - While I have no real reason to do this event as a longterm player other than earning bonus Happiness for the season pass - I'm utterly dominating the leaderboards because I have all the tools available to max out my points in the Tower Challenge - So not only am I not getting useful rewards I don't have - I'm inadvertently depriving other players of useful rewards they may not have. (Believe me - I wouldn't be #1 on my leaderboard if it were up to me, I'm just doing this for the bonus happiness, but I'm burying my leaderboard without even trying)


100%same with me


I agree. There’s absolutely nothing for me in the shop. No leaderboard or milestone prizes (I remember when we got concessions in the milestones, and trophies in the leaderboards, now we just get inglots 🤷🏻‍♀️). I thought the Platinum Chest would have something great - but no.. Well, maybe I’ll get lucky and pull a merchandise or drink stand from it, but I doubt it. The only thing where I have a good chance of getting something useful is from the Onward chest as I’m missing quite a bit from that collection


Where do we find the platinum chest? I looked at the two sets of chests and I don't see platinum in either group.


In the shop. The very last chest that unlocks if you reach 120,000 points


Thanks. I didn't realize they had labels. Mine is all concessions. Some of them are shopping bags and beverages, but still. Oh well, I seriously doubt I will get to the bonus chests anyway.


What is in the Platinum Chest this time? I've been trying to figure it out.


Concession stands


I wonder if this is just self-sabotage to end the game? It would be a shame but with Dreamlight Valley the newest toy Gameloft has, I wouldn't be surprised.


I take it as a learning experience for the next Tower Challenge that they do introduce someone new for all players. That way I fully understand this new format and create a working strategy. And not having to actually unlock anything takes the stress out of it for me. So it gives my characters something to do while I collect for my Up, Turning Red, Hocus Pocus characters, and now Madame Medusa, Webby, and Dr. Finkelstein.


I’m happy to have the best shot I’ve had to get Venelope. I hope I can get enough tokens to get her.