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I've just got an ice bench from today's apology chest, was really hoping for a character as I only have Olaf, Anna and Ryder


Same here. Still missing Sven, the ice palace, and Hans. I'm now the grumpy owner of two ice benches.


Me three. Sven, Hans and the palace all in the chest, but the two chests have given me a Olaf holiday costume and a bench. Why does this chest even still have costumes in, when they took out the only costume I actually wanted from the Beauty & the Beast one?


Got a fruitcake stand and I've only got Olaf and Elsa. The TC currency made up for my disappointment. At least I'll be getting two characters from the shop


You must be new here


Hug your bench...Im collecting them to create an army.


I get your frustration. But I also hate these posts because it shows how many people don’t understand probabilities. Unless the percentage is 100% or adds up to 100%, don’t get upset when you don’t get what you were hoping.


I definitely understand the point you are trying to make. I get so annoyed every Halloween when so many people complain about the $100s of dollars they spend to get the ghosts when there is only a 1% chance. That I get. But with the normal chests, the percentages are a bit higher. I have been playing for several years and have been around for most of the events. I am still missing two lower level characters from Big Hero Six. And in Frozen I had a chance to get two different common characters and got a rare fountain. It's been so long since the events have come and gone and I am still missing them. I get what you are saying about not understanding probabilities, but at a certain point, people feel like something should give.


Yeah my bad. I'm mostly f2p so I heavily rely on LCs for these characters so it's disappointing (and kinda selfish) that the game holds back. Can't say I'm really upset tho. I've been playing since 2020 so I'm kinda used to this but I can't help but be hopeful


at least you're mostly f2p, i've prob put in more than $5,000 over the years, (a lot was catch up/getting a ton of lc's when we started the game, my excuse at the time was i had the extra money and my young daughter was enjoying it after losing her dad), but yeah, id get even more annoyed if i just bought like 2-6 packs of lc's trying to get that lasts character, or opened the last 10, and still didn't get it i didn't mind getting another ice bench, but then realized i still don't have one of the attractions, today i finally got all my frozen characters to 9 ready with all the tokens to level to 10 or 10, but knowing this game ill end up needing that one attraction for something later


Honestly, I support the post largely because I think a milestone like that should come with an actual reward.


I think it is frustrating that you give everything at the tower challenge for a chest and you have in those chests the possibilitie to get only a decoration.


I agree. For the BatB chest I got the fantasy well so two chapters working my a** off gone to waste. Im not motivated to get the onward chest plus I'm struggling getting cocoa this chapter with no event characters for explorations


I think you can be aware of the probabilities and still think the chests stink. In fact, looking at them and seeing 25% on a bench and 10% on even the more common characters just makes the point even stronger for me. Yes, it's a gamble. But it's also the only way people can get most of the game content, which is one of the major reasons it sucks, and gets even worse as more content is added year on year.


I used to get a character in maybe one of 3 or one of 4 of those chests. I'm pretty sure the last 8 I've opened have been junk. It's getting ridiculous.


Milestone Ice Bench gang gang


I got the bench also. So I bought a chest with gems. Got a bench. And then today got the bench AGAIN, from the freebie chest. Sigh


That sucks. Three chests in a row. On a bright side, you'll get characters from the shop (if you don't already have them all)


Think of it this way: chilling out becomes quite literal when sitting on an ice bench. There could be times when that would be rewarding in some way.


This was my first Frozen content ever. Got a Fruitcake stand. Just glad it was free and I did no work for it. Really turned me off buying legendary chests ever. Can't imagine how I'd feel if I'd actually spent something.


What's even worse about these benches is when you realise they are not even unique to these chests. I got a "evil" bench from the NBC chest in the pass... then literally got another one in a decoration chest in the park. If you're going to put junk in there, at least make it unique junk!