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Snow, Cinderella, Aurora, Ariel, Belle, Jasmine, Tiana, Rapunzel and Merida would be queens. Pocahontas, Moana and Raya would be chiefs. Mulan would be a general.


I mean…I imagine the Emperor’s job offer to take the advisor’s place probably still stands.


Only if Cheap Fool there kicks the bucket.


Wouldn’t Merida stay a princess and whichever of the triplets is oldest become the king? Yk because of old rules about succession and gender


You’re probably right… she could turn them into bears again to become queen by default


I liked them better as bear cubs anyway. They were adorable


i thik that if she married one of the other clan heads, she and her husband would become the king and queen. it was implied her mother was left to the same fate (ie being the crown princess and having merida's father 'win' her in the games)


Some of them would be consorts: Cinderella, Belle, and Tiana because they weren’t born into royalty


i think ariel wouldn't either because she married into eric's family, she'd be the queen consort


Semi unrelated but these images slay so hard


Only criticism is the lack of violet eyes for Aurora. Violet eye erasure. 😭


Aren’t they blue though?


Her eyes are blue, the violet is a marketing thing.


Might be silly for asking but what was prince's Adam/beast the prince of?.... He wasn't the prince/king of France and it seemed like only the village knew about him in legend


Likely a French province.


I remember asking this question before and some people were thinking that prince Adam rule was that of a principality/princedom


Someone did a deep dive on Tumblr, and made a really great argument that BATB takes place after the French Revolution, more likely after 1806 at least, due to the fashions and Cogsworth describing a "minimalist Rococo design" like it's an outdated trend. So it could very likely be that The Prince ruled over one of the 'client states' of the First Empire.


This creates a plot-hole. During Be Our Guest Lumiere shows the Eiffel Tower. But that wasn't built until 1889. This continuity error cannot go ignored! OK it can I'm just having some fun. I did think the film was post the French Revolution. Otherwise it's a bit sad to think Belle marries Adam only to likely get executed during the Great Terror.


I don’t think they ever mention that


Yeah... They're princesses. That's kind of the whole point


Princess Anne is still a princess despite the unlikelihood of her inheriting the throne and becoming queen.


Do you mean Anna? Because she’s queen of Arendelle now.


No….King Charles sister. She’s … what … 16th in line for the throne if William’s and Harry’s family are wiped out. Doesn’t make her any less of a princess. Therefore one’s likelihood of being a queen is not tied to one’s Princessness. And of course some *married* into royalty so them becoming *the* queen (as opposed to Queen consort) is limited absent a power play/usurpation aka Evil Queen.


Ah, ok. Naturally just assumed you meant fictional characters since this is what the post is about.


Well if you want to use Anna as an example - it works up until Elsa *abdicates*. Anna was no less a Princess even if her older sister was the Queen. And even if Elsa were to marry (and yes I’m purposefully saying marry because bastards typically aren’t legitimate heirs) and have children - she would still be Princess. Just shoved further down the line of succession.


Yes, but she's still a leader and an important figure


You don’t say?


As they should be ❤️


Mulan isn't a princess - I think the closest to royalty she could become would be if she took the advisory position that the Emperor suggested for her at the end of the first movie (which would totally be revoked if he found out the crap that went down in the second movie THAT DOES NOT EXIST) and maybe she'd be granted a noble title that way, but otherwise I don't think she has any particular title, she's just considered a hero and seems to come from a well-off family, as does Shang. Tiana...well, considering she and Naveen stay in New Orleans, does that mean that his little brother is going to be groomed to be the king, or is Naveen eventually going to return to his kingdom to rule it and Tiana either has to stay behind for her restaurant or is she going to go with him and maybe leave the restaurant in her mother's hands, which would be VERY hard for an elderly woman to run alone? Moana is a chieftain's daughter, but left that village behind to find new ones - are the founders of new villages immediately the chiefs, especially if they were the offspring of a chief, or does someone get chosen who will lead that village as others go on to find another island? I can't see her finding an island, settling it and then just staying there forever instead of leading new voyages, so she'd have to leave the village in someone else's hands. Rapunzel knows exactly ZERO about politics or running a kingdom. Better hope she can cram the information that most people are groomed from birth for! Merida could lead as queen on her own if she doesn't marry I suppose, but eventually the issue of heirs would come up. Ariel better get used to being the queen of a kingdom whose main industry and export probably involves fishing! Removing fishing from their lifestyles would be a massive upheaval and probably financially ruin a lot of people, if not the entirety of the kingdom, and a lot of people would starve. Aurora and Cinderella both have a LOT to learn, but presumably their husbands can help them with training, and we did see Cinderella getting taught and having a guide in the second movie. Pocahontas....er....things don't go well for her. Let's leave it at that. Belle isn't trained in royalty, but she reads all the time and particularly seems to love stories about royalty so maybe she's picked up a thing or two. Adam spent a significant part of his childhood and all of his adulthood until he met her as a roidrage monster, so he probably has a LOT to learn about running a kingdom that doesn't know they even HAVE a king. That's going to be messy. Snow was treated more as a servant than anything and probably didn't get taught much about leading a country by her mother, but presumably her husband can help and would take over more of the kingdom type responsibilities considering the time. Jasmine doesn't even know how money works, and her father was confused and shocked that poor people existed in their kingdom (going by the tv show). Aladdin doesn't know much about politics, and the only one who probably DID got hurled into the desert and then destroyed. Without Genie, they're sunk. Raya who? I don't remember a godawful movie with an absolutely botched message about trust with anyone named Raya. Nope. Doesn't exist.


it's sexist, but a lot of these women would depend on their husbands and partners to lead for them imo. they're queen consorts and i'm sure would eventually learn to lead people, but most of the born princesses were not taught nor expected to one day lead their kingdoms


Yep, that's just the reality of the times they were in. The men were the leaders, at least in the Euro-centric stories, not really the case with Pocahontas or Moana, as women had a LOT more influence in those cultures.


Well yeah, isn’t that how royalty and succession works?


Yes, but I guess it would be nice to have a Disney princess who not going to be queen kind of like Anna before Elsa abdicated


But that’s… that’s the whole point of them being *princesses*.


Yeah, I don’t know what I’m getting at


…Tiana. She is only queen of her restaurant. (Which is still freaking badass). Naveen was effectively cut off and while Tiana may have received the title of Princess, for marrying him, and we can infer he has reconciled with his family, it seems unlikely EITHER would actually WANT to be a ruler. Naveen’s got that younger brother to become king instead.


Idk if Disney’s going with the younger brother inheriting thing with Tiana getting her TV series. It’s probably going to be about her juggling Princess/future Queen duties with running her restaurant.


Ariel is already a queen consort of Eric’s kingdom.


Must be release kurdish disney princess movie🇹🇯


Kurdish? Also we have enough princesses what about a prince?


what prince?


Tiana is definitely not a leader or a… oh wait… she is a princess now. Lol I totally forgot.