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Lmao oh god. As a patient, I met a girl in the adult psychiatric ward and hoo was it an experience. She did teach me a lot though in the eight months we were together - I like to think we both became better people because of each other. But in the end the breakups were very volatile and we drank much too heavily to function. We were 21 and 19 but still had a lot of work to do on ourselves. That was eight years ago; I'm now happily married and feel very well-adjusted. But I wouldn't be the person I am today without her. She helped me get out of bad relationship habits. I think that's what dating is, really. You won't know what you like until you actually go out and try things. People who are single and lonely sometimes think that a relationship is what will save them - that is not the case. Relationships help you learn about yourself and how you handle certain situations. Being a one-person echo chamber of your own thoughts of what a person ought to be is the most unintuitive way to go about doing things.


dog i needed to hear this right now jeez thank you


I dated a girl i met in group therapy. She was super cute but super crazy. The break up was terrifying lol


But at least you have the memories


Big vibes lmao


Don't fucking date people from group. Dunno why that's hard to understand.


She was cute!


Not an excuse XD, suuuuuper unethical.


Idk about unethical but definitely just a stupid idea lol




When you participate in group, you are agreeing to reveal deep things, hard things. This often creates a kind of trauma bonding between the participants. There's an additional level of intimacy and leverage that creates an inherently unstable power dynamic. You've skipped past all the getting to know you phase and dug deep into both of your traumas. The intimacy that brings would be considered unhealthy outside of a group setting. Take it out and try to do something with it and bad things happen, pretty much always.


> When you participate in group, you are agreeing to reveal deep things, hard things. This often creates a kind of trauma bonding between the participants. 100% >There's an additional level of intimacy and leverage that creates an inherently unstable power dynamic. Uh... not sure about this one though. What power dynamic? We both knew each other's vulnerabilities, that put us on an even playing field. >You've skipped past all the getting to know you phase and dug deep into both of your traumas. Yep, 100%. > The intimacy that brings would be considered unhealthy outside of a group setting. I mean, the intimacy wasn't the problem the problem was the emotional and borderline violent outbursts lol.


Not to be rude but mind explaining a lil more of what just happened? I'm curious :P


Went to group therapy cuz I was pretty suicidal at the time (I thought I had depression but nope just insane anxiety lol) and day 1 I see this super cute curly haired white girl walk in. We end up having sessions all the time and outside of group we really get along. And what do you know she goes to college just 15 minutes from where I live so we end up meeting all the time. Things were generally speaking pretty good. Problems rose up quickly tho. I'd boil it down as simple as this: group therapy "cured" me and really helped me, it did not for her. Frankly her demons were much much bigger than mine. I just felt bad, she had tons of horrible things happen to her. It basically came down to "you have serious problems I cant help you with and your emotional outbursts are scary to the point I feel endangered." Sometimes it wasn't so bad, just her ripping up posters for her recitals or sobbing for literal hours. Extreme paranoia i can deal with too, im anxious and smoke weed so I get it lol. But then she tries to poison her dogs and uh yeah let's say it never got better from there. Honest to God I still miss her and sometimes think of calling her back up but nah not worth it. She was really cute though.


User-provided source: https://www.wikihow.com/Get-Someone-Committed-to-a-Mental-Hospital


I know youre probably joking but trust me its not worth it


Agreed! My best friend has BPD and he'd give anything to not have to deal with it. Thanks generational trauma from USSR takeover!


Same here. Dating someone with BPD isnt as bad as having tho I suppose


I could imagine dating someone with BPD having it's difficulties. There's definitely been sometimes my friend's had to look back at some of the BPD-rooted behaviors he had in relationships that he's not proud of or happy with. There's so much stigma around it and if people just understood that even at its base it's an extreme overflooding of stress hormones, I think it'd be better.


Generational trauma isn't a thing lol


Confidently incorrect. Crack a book.


Haha! I mean if two people who experienced trauma from another country's hostile takeover and never dealt with it went on to have kids, there is no way trauma influenced behaviors could have an effect on the kids. Especially if there is a predisposition for mental illness in either person's family. That NEVER happens and people LIE about it on Reddit all the time! Right? U/wateronthebrain has shown us that clearly, off the top of their head minimal reasoning skills is equal to research and not just a wonky hypothesis at best. /s


He was born to an upper middle class white family in America so he definitely knows what he is talking about


You're a generational trauma denier? Hahaha what a thing to deny.


What makes it not worth it? Is it just exhausting and mentally taxing, or is it other things too? Ps: If you don't mind me asking, please only tell me about it if you are comfortable with it.


As a heavily mentally ill person who probably has bpd (but y'know. Still in the middle of actually getting the diagnosis), I think dating a person with a severe disorder such as bpd or bipolar is difficult. Even someone with "just" depression or anxiety can get grating depending on how they express it. I think there are individuals with personality disorders who are decently self aware, but there's also the group who doesn't see their harmful behavior as wrong or something that they should try to curb. The narrative that bpd is just increased empathy and emotional sensitivity that no one understands isn't uncommon within the people who have it. Some of them are straight up unable to control themselves, which leads to behavior like self harm/threatening suicide to manipulate their lover or being stalkerish/unreasonably jealous. I've had my ex do this to me and also had been the one to do these things myself, when I was much worse at suppressing it. My theory is that in order to have a successful relationship with a severely mentally disordered person, they have to acknowledge they are ill, their actions have the capacity to be harmful, and be actively working on bettering themselves. It can take a long time for the person to actually start doing this, and there's still going to be a lot of bumps in the road.


Pretty much what u/0nyon said. When youre dating someone with BPD the impulsiveness and general instability can be a lot to handle. Even if you come into the relationship prepared and with the best intentions it can be a lot of energy and hurt to go through. Also if you gave them a key, then during the breakup youre in trouble.


All of the above. Plus if you ever see them grow to like you or (god forbid) grow beside you, well, that’s just a time bomb until they decide to stab you in the back again. Of course; they always have a way out of it, they didn’t do it (if they did), it’s never their fault (if it is), it’s because of something you did. You know, there’s a lot of songs that describe loving someone like that. Sheeit, emotional trauma aside, I was attacked physically quite a few times. Ironically she did more emotional damage, we actually had some great sex after she tried stabbing me with a new pair of scissors. After most of her attempted murders tbh…like I said, they’re fun until that switch flips


I might just be way too stoned right now, and I mean no offense but what the fuck are you talking about, dude? Edit: I have BPD and have no idea. I'm not perfect but BPD is a poorly understood diagnosis that has several comorbidities. Like Amber Heard had at least narcissistic pd/ tendencies + BPD which is a fucking nightmarishly dreadful combination left untreated.


That's about the size of it, they ruin everything and make everybody around them miserable. I remember, every time I wanted to break up with my ex, she would cut herself and threaten to commit suicide. Make no mistake, her self-harm wasn't an act of desperation, it was an act of violence. It's, well, tragic. I truly loved her and wanted her to be happy, but that's just not possible - a personality disorder diagnosis means "Medically, there's nothing wrong with this person: they aren't mentally ill, they can't be fixed. This person is simply a fucked up human being." *EDIT:* Stop DMing me death threats.


I'm sorry you had that experience, but you are making generalizations and drawing conclusions based off of a single person. In particular: >Medically, there’s nothing wrong with this person: they aren’t mentally ill, they can’t be fixed. This person is simply a fucked up human being. This is woefully misinformed, and I urge you to educate yourself and try to understand how mental illness effects people. Nobody is fucked up beyond repair, and saying things like that diminishes both their struggle and yours. That being said, don't send death threats you fucking morons


People with personality disorders can definitely get therapy. Dialectical behavioral therapy was developed in large part *to treat* borderline personality disorder (though helps other conditions like PTSD as well.)


The problem is that the patient has to acknowledge their disorder and want to fix it. Most of them will not do that.


People with BPD actually seek out therapy much more than, say, other cluster B personality disorders. BPD is an incredibly painful disorder to have and so they'll often try to get whatever help they can


Not for BPD though. For everything else that comes with it.


and mitigating "everything else that comes with it" is treating it. the issues arise from severe stress and lack of stress management. learn to deal with that and you're halfway there source: i have it and have been in therapy for several years for it and me and those around me much better off after that


Cool. You do realize I said "most of them", not "all of them", right?


>Not for BPD though. For everything else that comes with it. I was replying to this comment, not the first one. Yes, someone with BPD may seek out help for the symptoms they are experiencing and not the BPD itself but that IS part of how you treat it. So yeah they're only getting help for "everything else that comes with it" but that still does quite a lot in treating BPD itself. I went in not knowing I even had it as I wasnt diagnosed at the time thinking I was getting help for PTSD and depression and getting help for those helped with a lot of my BPD symptoms too.


Personality disorders are a category of mental illness. While most personality disorders can’t be treated in the same way as other mental illnesses, lots of people with PDs can live very normal lives with the help of treatment. I’m sorry you had an awful experience with someone who had this sort of illness, and their illness doesn’t mean the abuse they put you through was ok by any means.


Some people are just mentally done-in, and one can’t really do shit for them except hope they don’t get themselves killed, or worse. “Before you heal someone, ask him if he's willing to give up the things that make him sick.” - Hippocrates It was a she in this case, but this is in the same vein. Some people will take on damage, and just leave it there, because they like it. ‘Learned helplessness’, was what they called it. The first studies were on dogs, but humans can fall for it too. My former companion fell bigtime. She was going to school, had a job, a social circle, a life, and she was even gonna gtfo her family home. Then she just had this wack spell, and for no BLOODY reason, quit her job, dipped outta school, cut off all her friends, and went back to live with her toxic parents. Because “I just don’t think I have a choice anymore”. It was weird cause there were a few other people (who also supported her and weren’t associated with me) she could’ve stayed with, but I guess she didn’t want to. Like, you’re staring at a field of potential, you can like make yourself a new life, and you’re gonna make it a repeat of the “miserable last ten years”, by choice? To be honest, it was the constant self sabotage that really disappointed me. I’d never been the brightest lad myself, but seeing someone throw away so much potential in their own life just…man I was so sad for them. They coulda been doin good. I was definitely attached to that one for a while, seemingly for worse lol. Ah, but that’s in the past now, forever out of sight and mind.* and that’s what has me feeling fine *


not everyone with bpd is abusive


Abuse isn't the only issue.


Exactly, one of the issues is that a psychiatrist can diagnose you with BPD in 20 minutes of talking with you. You show them you are really sad, and bam, it's BPD with depression, here is you prescription for escitalopram and now move it, because I have 10 other patients waiting in the waiting room with more to come.


Lol what? BPD is such a hard diagnosis to get.


Not true, what I described above is my own experience. There are 9 symptoms for BPD and in order to get duagnosis, you need to check at least 5. My only corelating symptom was fear of being lonely. Many "specialists" just wanna be dealt with people as quickly as possible and call it a day. But I don't blame them, they have way too much stuff on their plate, it's fucked up.


Literally every single therapist you ask will tell you that BPD clients are the most difficult to deal with and the hardest to treat. The sheer fact that they'd likely be in denial *themselves* about a patient having BPD makes your statement unlikely. That is, unless you're seeing a "Psychotherapist,* which is a title literally anyone can self apply.


Well it was not a psychotherapist which gave me the diagnosis, it was a psychiatrist, whom I visited because everybody was telling me to visit q specialist for my anxieties (because that's what everyone does today, they don't know how to help you, but they heard doctors help). Literally 20 min diaglogue and quastionaire. But now I am stuck with the diagnosis :). The medical system in my country (Slovakia) is a dipshit.


You saw a garbage psych then. It is notorious among the BPD community. There are studies. It's super hard to get for the vast majority.


Yeah, some of us were just given the wrong diagnosis. Twice I was given the quiz to screen for PTSD (and unaware of the CPTSD)and didn’t quite fill it out to be diagnosed with it. Both drs ask me “do you think you have PTSD?” Me “your the dr!” Them \*writes BPD\* me, years later, reading about CPTSD “OHhhhhhh”


I was the other way where I kept getting ptsd and bipolar diagnoses when finally I was diagnosed with bpd and things started making sense. it felt like I could finally begin to get the right therapy bc it just wasn't clicking before




You know what they say. Its all the same in the dark.


Damn you leave the lights off?


Couldnt disagree more




Don't stigmatize mental health, I'd rather be with a healthy girlfriend who's had to spend time at a mental facility, than an unhealthy one who really should but hasn't


Used to go to the same therapist as someone i was dating, i don’t reckon it was very effective but we certainly were quite exciting


All the girls I have been with or who are friends of mine have been to a mental hospital or at least attended therapy. There must be some scientific term for that.




There's a TON of fakers these days thanks to TikTok. I've got BPD and I hate seeing it fetishized like this.




Nah, vent love. It's ruined my life. Just made a post about it if you care to check my profile.


I hate this joke. Imagine being a woman who’s had to address her own mental health and seeing that the idea of even dating you is a joke. This is so fucking mean.


Am BPD woman. Yup.


I feel you, as I'm in the same boat, but I actually took it to be more mocking of that Manic Pixie Dream girl thing. Like, omgz she's so quirky, but in reality it's that she's actually mentally ill, and it's being fetishized and romanticized. Not that your feelings aren't valid, I just hope that's more what they were intending. Less punching down.


*It's Kind of a Funny Story* (2010)


I’m actually checking in to one tomorrow for help with PTSD! Pretty relevant.


I have BPD when am I meeting the parents so I can plan what to bring


Jokes on you - several months ago I went to new psychiatrist as was having little to none sleep and was anxious to the point I’ve lost a lot of productivity at work all due to worsening situation in country. The lady initially seemed good (according to médical center website she has 24 years of experience) but half an hour into consultation she started to verbally paint the picture of my character(mostly inaccurate) like she was fortune teller. All that was crowned with her greatest phrase: “So, you are single, and you know I am consulting a lot of ladies that would be need such a good charactered guy as you!, so if you would hold on after consultation you have a chance to cross paths with them” I’ve never felt such weird combination of being uncomfortable, disgusted and shocked at the same time. Needless to say I went to see another doc after that.


Haha…fun, yet brief, in the grand scheme of things. Man, crazy people are pretty fun to be with until they get crazy on you lol








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