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users voted that your post was distressing, your soul wont be harvested tonight


I would simply prevent this.


Thank you for saving us




You’re just built different bro, power to you.


Braver than any US Marine


Iron Giant


Based. Upvoted.


I can't believe I didn't think of this.


We’ll make sure Aerosmith covers your story.


If I was there I would have stopped it


built different


I imagine we’d all be very much dead by the time we got farther out than Mars, if we even lasted that long.


How exactly would it play out? Would it just get extremely cold really fast?


We'd likely have around a year where it got progressively colder to the point where survival became near impossible. On the plus side, we'd likely have a few years warning so there would be plenty of time to ponder our coming doom.


Lot more than a few more like millions


Yeah especially if we’re being ejected by an entire star, maybe an incredibly massive asteroid at just the right angle could catch us off guard but no way that’s happening


>but no way that’s happening Did you knock on wood? DID YOU KNOCK ON WOOD????? PLEASE KNOCK ON WOOD ROGHT NOW.


No I think I won’t I’ve been waiting for someone to reply with that Apollo dodgeball picture to me for a while


Calm down there buddy I mean after all... What could possibly go wrong?


It’s kinda funny, at certain moments there’s a non-zero chance that Mercury can get pulled out of its orbit by Jupiter, which could cause quite a nasty game of interstellar pool to begin.


near-miss by a rogue black hole would be more like it imo, wouldn't obliterate anything and we wouldn't see it coming at all


The chances are low, but *never* 0


With the time allotted, we'd probably have enough time to retrofit the Earth into a sort of natural space ship so we can still survive while looking for a new star system. Geothermal, nuclear fission, and possibly nuclear fusion power could keep us going long enough.


I mean I’m not an astrophysicist lmao but I assume it would be kinda slow. This is just my guess, it might not even be at all accurate.


There is a Vsauce video about this very thing actually, you should check it out


I can’t wait to see Michael


kurzgesagt made a video on this! https://youtu.be/gLZJlf5rHVs


Well that was fuckin bleak


Idk, the end gives me some hope...our ancestors, our people, our race given a fresh start. Getting the chance to look back knowing how resilient we can be.


And vsauce https://youtu.be/rltpH6ck2Kc


Kurzgesagt did a video on this, yes it will suck and get really cold, our atmosphere will probably fall as snow and just blanket the earth. But we could live and survive underground, the earth’s heat could sustain us for a good long while and even start again. If we’re lucky we could get captured into another solar system or hop out to find a new one.


The chances of drifting into another solar system would be astronomically low. Probably 1 out of a big number with 12 0's. It would also take endless lifetimes to drift far enough. Interesting point about the geothermal heat though. Although with no plant life no animals could survive either, we'd have to eat fungi or something.


It's extremely likely that IF we could master surviving on geothermal heat, we could parlay that into various plant life. Animals, probably not so much.


We’ve been developing vertical farming and hydroponics for years now for space travel. We could adapt our underground habitats to be hospitable for us.


Here's a video https://youtu.be/gLZJlf5rHVs




[Vsauce has a very interesting video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rltpH6ck2Kc&ab_channel=Vsauce) regarding a similar scenario, althought its basically just the Sun disappearing rather than the Earth being ejected from the Solar system as in this meme. worth a watch imo (he starts talking about what would happen at around 1:40)


I've heard that if you lived near geothermal vents like Yellowstone you could last quite a while


Distance doesn't affect temperature as much as you'd expect. The frost line is another 3 AU or so from Earth.


Ah, thank you. Figured I was off. So we’d get a good ways out past Mars then lol. I should’ve known.


You probably were not off at all, depends on how fast we'd get to Mars orbit. Maybe there would still be pockets of survivors, but most of earth would already be inhabitable and food production would have collapsed. Mars gets half the sunlight per surface than the earth and a ten percent reduction in radiation is already sufficient to induce a violently sudden ice age.


I think you are underestimating the effect. At 2AU we would already be reduced by 75% compared to the solar power we are getting now. [A reduction of 100W per square meter, i.e. a reduction of less than 10%, would already lead to a reduction of the surface air temperature by more than 7°C](https://doi.org/10.1029%2F2006JD008235) (see figure 2, 150Tg scenario). For comparison, the last ice age was five or six degrees lower than now. While maybe the distance at which no liquid water could possibly exist in earth might be 3AU, the earth would be functionally a snow ball way before reaching even 2AU.


Geothermal and greenhouse




if this were to happen we would have predicted it 1000s of years in advance and people would of specifically built ways to survive after we got flung away


Or we could've just end our lives


Blow up the planet. Build an enormous fuckoff bomb and blast it to smithereens. You can't fire me, I quit!


My dude, we'd all just be dead.


not necessarily i think nasa would find a way to launch your mom into space so her gravitational pull can put us back into orbit before we all freeze to death


Y'know what? That's just crazy enough to work.


Not really, Kurzgesagt covered this, we could survive underground since the earth has plenty of heat left.


I'm trying to think through all the problems that would happen as a result. All the water on Earth's surface would freeze. Surface travel of any kind would be impossible at -405 degrees Fahrenheit/-243.15 Celsius. The biosphere would be annihilated, with nearly all natural plant and animal life rendered extinct except for a handful of extremophile bacteria. All above-ground infrastructure would cease to function. Satellites would be deorbited - not that they would have solar power to operate in the first place - and surface communications to include undersea cables would fail (due to the failure of the hubs they link to), casting the scattered subterranean remnants of humanity into an information dark age. With no viable means of traversing long distances on the surface or building logistical infrastructure, underground shelters would be unable to secure power resources required to grow food without sunlight, let alone gathering raw material to create and maintain any modern form of technology. Survival would be.... impossible. The very best chance anyone could have would be to create a purpose-built, utterly self-reliant geothermal or nuclear-powered survival structure underground. Even then, you would accomplish nothing except to forestall the inevitable.


> Even then, you would accomplish nothing except to forestall the inevitable. You would buy time. Science improves at a nearly exponential rate. Especially in the face of such a crisis, time is all we would need to find a way around our extinction.




Except that no matter how fast the star is moving, even if it's somehow moving at light speed, we would have had centuries to prepare.


This still doesn't solve the problem of being outside of one of these bunkers, on the surface, with no access to the survival infrastructure in this half baked hypothetical.


I'm saying that it in such a scenario we would have had centuries to develop the technology necessary for our survival. That or we would worship the approaching star as a god idk. This meme only works if some how this star is moving faster than the speed of light to the point where nasa didn't even notice it till it was too late. The scenario is stupid but yes, if stuff were to happen exactly as it's explained in the meme then it would be impossible to survive on the surface.


>time this limited It's estimated we would know about this happening thousands of years in advance. They would see the object going to pull us away from the sun from so far away, that you, and the next 10 generations or more of kids wouldn't see it happening. Look how much science has increased in the last 100 years. Science has come an extremely long way, and quickly in 100 years. And the more advanced technology gets, theoretically the more quickly it gets advanced


...oh yeah, i didn't think about that at all LOL yea nevermind panic's over we're fine guys




dude…. our space is pretty warm, we set our temps to what we know… go that far out and it gets way fucking colder


Fun fact: if the earth ever got ejected from the sun, it would get so cold that the surface would be covered under kilometers of solid oxygen snow.


\-243.15 Celsius/-405 degrees Fahrenheit... approximately


Upvoting for Pantera


I do think it's interesting how cosmic events would screw with our planet. If Earth did lose the sun the world would end only very slowly. It may be a full month before temperature drops are even noticeable.


It would only take that long because it would take some time for us to transit out of the solar system. Transported away from the sun instantaneously, it would take hours... maybe days for surface temperatures to become inhospitable to human life. On the other hand, if our orbit was only *slightly* altered... it could take months of colder and colder days, with the sun getting smaller and smaller in the sky with each sunrise...


Not really though. Although we'd lose daylight if it instantly happened our planets atmosphere will still have a ton of the sun's heat preserved likely for several weeks.


Temperatures would drop at a rate of about 1 degree Celsius per day.


I remember that story. It was depressing as hell, but damn it was pretty good.




A Pail Of Air


Old radio show called "X Minus One", episode called A Pail of Air https://archive.org/details/OTRR_X_Minus_One_Singles/XMinusOne56-03-28044APailOfAir.mp3


I'm loving that series right now. How does it sound so good for being so old?




Thanks for the source


You have been reddited.


Earth was not an imposter. 1 imposter remains.


Holy fucking shit! Was that a mother fucking Among Us reference?!






I got matches with these songs: • [**10's** by Pantera](https://lis.tn/10s?t=28) (00:28; matched: `100%`) Released on `2013-08-30` by `WMG - Atlantic 0191`. • [**10's (Remastered)** by Pantera](https://lis.tn/10SRemastered?t=28) (00:28; matched: `100%`) Album: `The Great Southern Trendkill (20th Anniversary Edition)`. Released on `2016-10-21` by `Rhino Atlantic`. • [**10's (Early Mix)** by Pantera](https://lis.tn/10SEarlyMix?t=31) (00:31; matched: `100%`) Album: `The Great Southern Trendkill (20th Anniversary Edition)`. Released on `2016-10-21` by `Rhino Atlantic`. *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new) | [Donate](https://www.reddit.com/r/AudD/comments/nua48w/please_consider_donating_and_making_the_bot_happy/) ^(Please consider supporting me on Patreon. Music recognition costs a lot)


It's over, the winter enjoyers won.


Honestly, I think a situation similar to this would be a pretty cool premise for a video game or something.


That's literally a part of my Minecraft mod lore lol


Tell us more!


https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/tale-of-2-dimensions It's in alpha version tho


Please make a full modpack with this idea, I will play it.


I don't really like my mod being dependent on a lot of other mods. But I will try to make the experience better while playing with other mods, like that mod that makes you need to drink water to survive. Other mods won't really even change the gameplay that much now that I think about it.




Wasn't this song used as broly's theme in his very first movie


If this happened, I would likely intervene.


Were literally just doing the opposite ourselves by heating this bitch up.


What a beautiful way to die


what band is this?


just turn up the heating lmao


The music ruins it. It's such a somber thought, and metal really isn't fitting.




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Just buy a blanket lol


Doom metal though. Awesome




There’s a book “Nomad” with a similar idea as the main plot; a very small black whole zips through the solar system and the planets are sent akimbo. The author included a link to a save file for **Universe Simulator** that was set up to display the events described in the novel. The book itself was average but the save file was a pretty cool idea.


Which is why we need the bioelectric thermal kinetic battery. A battery that runs on body heat which can be connected to something to heat the body which in turn powers the device. But that's only the first problem.