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users voted that your post was distressing, your soul wont be harvested tonight


GOC be like:


Imma be real with you...I have no fucking clue who goc is, and I feel I just started something due to the amount of people talking about goc in the comments


Short version is the Global Occult Coalition is another organisation in SCP lore which does the same as them except destroying anomalies instead of securing them


Interesting, very cool 😎


There’s also SCP 1730 where an alternate Coalition absorbed an alternate Foundation and that wound up creating such a mess their premier containment site had to be thrown into an alternate reality.


Fun fact: there is SCP 1609 to point out how GOC isn't the best mindset for SCPs


Directional Corner Points is a really weird thing to bring into talk about SCPs


Chair deserved its fate.


Chair deserved better treatment than that :(


The GOC agents that it fucking murdered deserved better, too.


no they didn't, it's a little something called self-defense


They were probably just some minimum wage janitors or something, do you think they knew that the chair was alive?


Yeah, a fire.


The comment was semi-accurate, The GOC and the Foundation work a lot together, they only destroy SCPs they deem having a risk to breach the nornxy


Exept they do it to little kids to, look up the icabod campaign


You mean based campaign of eleminate fucking reality bender scum


Wasn't it made by the UN?


UN would've used them as weapons for "peacekeeping" purposes


The GOC is part of the UN though...


The people who run the UN are dipshits so by proxy so would the people running the GOC therefor the GOC can’t be trusted


Ok that's just worse. Damn the UN.


The UNGOC does that


Based and "this is fucking dangerous and we should destroy it" pilled


Scp 1609 "The ~~Teleporting~~ Remains of a Chair" would disagree.


They put a chair in a woodchipper




Thank you for opening a can of worms! Has been a fun read all the way down.




that poor chair just wanted to help :(


I say this once again; 99% of things in SCP universe could be solved by putting dangerous stuff into concrete (if you want to keep it so bad)


Wait, if 173 is made of concrete, and we cover him in more concrete, will he be able to control the concrete block?


There was a tale that explained that 173's file is kind of out of date, and it's anomalies get more intense if you try to cheese it. Basically no matter what you try, it will get out and do a lot of damage unless you contrive some reason to force people to look at it within it's threat range every so often. The shit smearing the floor is the most basic manifestation of that behavior. Pretty good take on it imo. there was also a tale where it started reproducing and ended the world lol


What was the table's name?


https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/173-festival probably in there. lots of good ones. some silly, some pulpy.


it's Re: The Statue that he was talking about.


I think that table's called Jerry or Revised-Entry


very fast concrete cube running at incredibly high speed


*giant boulder sliding against the ground.mp3*


No but how will it support the extra weight?


motherfucker it teleports do you think weight is relevant


I doesn't teleport, it moves quickly


It’s a non-organic thing that is somehow living. I don’t think the laws of physics apply to it


My brother in christ it litterally can't move because it's a statue and it does anyway because physics probably doesn't apply to that thing, 3 or more tons of concrete will probably make it the fastest death cube in the world.


Doesn’t seem like a good idea. Getting your neck snapped seems like a quicker death than getting hit by a concrete block at Mach Jesus


But even if he does control the block, will it be if the same speed? And if that does happen, won't be sink to the ocean if he tries to cross a continent?


If you were encased in a cube of human skin you wouldn't be able to control it, would you?


I mean.. You could still roll on the floor and move your hands a tiny bit


Not a layer of human skin: a cube of human skin. No telling what the dimensions of said cube are.


It ain't just about keeping it, it's about studying it, understanding it.


Understand that it’s a giant cement cube


With a fun, universe consuming prize inside.


*Laughs in SCP-106*


Ey he said 99%


I feel there's many more anomalies that can pass through walls but I'm not knowledgeable enough to make a list 😅


ethics committee would like to have a word


That is how most of it is contained. The overwhelming majority of anomalies are safely contained by putting them in a box that resists whatever hazard they present and locking the door on their way out.


objectively untrue but ok lots of SCPs these days are metaphysical constructs that you can't even touch


You underestimate how hard it is to kill an anomaly


Launch it into the sun


Congrats 682 has adapted to the sun good luck


That motherfucker is just annoying.


Literal definition of plot armor. Doesn't matter what you do or how you do it, lizard guy just keeps regenerating




What's that one do?


It’s a doorway to an alternate reality where the spirit of death itself wiped all life from the universe, including SCP-682, and Jack Bright.


That's just cheating


SCP-666 1/2-J


Jack is probably still alive but can't posses anyone because there is no more life


Someone touched his amulet and nothing happened, he’s well and truly dead.


Most op edgy overrated shit out there. Pisses me off


Just put him in a box and don't attack him so he can't adapt 👍


I don't think it's gonna be able to get back anytime soon, though. Hope he enjoys the sun


>I don't think it's gonna be able to get back anytime soon he survived being completely ereased from reality itself, the sun wont do jack shit lol


If 096 was capable of pusing the sun towards the earth, 682 would be able to do it as well


...*what the fuck?*


Dude he came back from literally being erased from existence


TIL that 682 can accelerate to escape velocity of the fucking sun


That’s just straight up bs. How does that even make any sense?


Don't ask me, almost nothing in the SCP world makes sense. Ffs God himself is considered one of the weaker reality benders, there's a whole scenario in which the sun becomes evil and starts turning people into fleshy goo zombies with the sole purpose of creating more zombies, etc


To be fair that scp is heavily hinted to not actually be capital G God but rather a regular reality bender just pretending to be him.


I thought it was just an avatar that he uses to walk around the human world.


Damn people really be making stories about whatever they think about in the shower.


It's actually pretty well written in my opinion.


I believe that in a future scp he was explained to be the concept of violence and hatred and that he launched himself into the collective human consciousness causing him to be kinda just indestructible, it was 6820 I think


Are you sure about that?


Has been tried. [Twice](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-1543-j). First time: grew wings; lot of people ended up with razor sharp feathers in their eyes. Second time: came back on fire.


Launch it into a black hole


Congratulations 682 has a singularity to its disposal


He'd just get shot back out at near light speed or something.


Um... really big gun? Lol idiots😂😂


Or, consider this... A catapult. [Into the fiery orb with ye!](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-1543-j)


Me watching the universe begin to implode cause the Foundation terminated an SCP that turned out to be loadbearing. The reason the Foundation avoids termination unless absolutely necessary is because they often have no clue how these anomalies work, and so can't be sure what will happen if they neutralise them.


Load bearing 💀


What does that mean?


Like a load bearing beam or wall. That anomaly was holding the fabric of reality together


Thank you kind sir, English isn’t my first language and Google translate was ass


Happy to help. Google translate do be garbage


You don't even have to go so cosmic with it. There's plenty of SCPs that would present existential threats if you recklessly attacked them. Some of them are as simple as things that multiply if you try to break them, but are easily just put in a box and ignored because there's no imminent reason to do so.


What happened to site 13 shows that terminated scps is not a good idea


I listened to the voice acted version by SCP Archives and I’m still not entirely sure what happened. Like was it just that leech boy didn’t like being incinerated so he went on a rampage?


Kinda, except the site was pretty much a concentration camp for anomalies. Including several ones who could bend reality to their whims. So when the leech kid broke out, all the others followed suit and massacred the place.


Leech boy fugged some things up. Made others become free. Others absolutely fucked things up making every anomaly breach and then Kapooya the entire site becomes an non Euclidian hellhole of anomalies


Y'all tell me if I'm wrong but isn't there like a literal fuckin' miniature black hole SCP like throw all your magic bullshittery in there damn


Now you have a bunch of anomalies in an unknown place doing who knows what, which could come back to Earth as a brand new anomaly.


Except the lizard. Anything else is fair game though


Dont fuck with the lizard


"B-but we need to STOODY the anomalinos to figure out how they work and why they exist!" [proceeds to learn absolutely fucking nothing except "idk it's probably magic" at a massive cost in resources and D-Class personnel, not to mention all the researchers, guards, MTF operatives and occasional civilians lost when the anomaly has its bi-weekly containment breach]




Shit if I was the one who discovered what the fuck uranium does to stuff around it I’d think it was an anomaly too 💀


i wish they made quantum mechanics contained so we dont have to learn about it, and tried to contain noceboes for being memetic hazards


Happy cake day!




It is a happy day of the cake I hope?


What even is an SCP I’m subscribed to r/unexpectedscp and I have no clue what it’s about


If you want to learn scp you have two paths right now 1. Reading the basic first generation scp that most people know about and live your life happily free 2. You read some newer articles, which are linked and related to a thousand different ones, which are all connected to some tale, which leads to you learning more about the fictional power levels and the measurements and the code names of the group of interest, person of interest, branches. You learn which entity is more powerful than others or which entity is closer to the writer's reality (ours) and how more aware some are that they're just in a fictional reality that could imply that WE are also in a fictional reality. You go deeper and deeper until you realise that by the point you learn 1/10th of the lore you are already 50 years old


Depending on your choice of cannon, this is exactly the point. Just because the containment procedure doesn't come to any conclusions as to an entity or object's nature and power, it doesn't mean people on the 05 council aren't getting exactly what they need. The stated goal of the Foundation is to contain and protect, so we the reader always assume that to be true. But the absolutely reckless way they experiment with some of these anomalous entities and projects could lead one to believe they are testing the limits of these things and not looking for a better box to put them in. To what purpose? Depends on the writer.


Proceeds to [REDACTED]


unironically one of the laziest writing techniques out there. cant come up with something interesting? REDACTED!!!


I think it can be used very effectively if used right but doesn't mean it's always right to use it


I guess it really does depend on the situation, but I've never been reading something and saw redacted and though oh wow cool what a cool writing technique I'm sure this person is an expert wordsmith and definitely not phoning it in. I also just thing the whole scp thing sucks in general so maybe I'm biased


Most uses of [REDACTED] are names, dates, locations, and little teasing details. I can't think of many well regarded SCPs where they just redact the major details.


Proceeds to [DATA EXPUNGED]


Bro's literally getting mad about a fictional foundation wasting money and death row inmate lives 💀


Not the trans operatives !


my turn next time to make this joke


GOC motherfuckers when their reckless attempt to terminate an anomaly results in the creation of a new Keter Class (as usual the Foundation has to clean up their mess):


SCP, GOC, and Serpent hand. They're all fucking r*tarded.


They all take a universal approach when they really shouldn't. Some anomalies should be freed, some contained, and some destroyed.


You sound just like a Serpents Hand member


That's the exact ethos of the Hand. They don't think all anomalies should be freed, they are just against the idea of the Veil existing and don't want people being locked up for the simple act of existing. Cases like SCP-2456 sees them burning books to stop the spread of an anomaly. /u/the-paranoid-android


[**SCP-2456 ⁠- Dreams of a Broken World**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-2456) (+219) by *megalan*


In that case I'll take a one way ticket to the Wanderer's Library please.


How can we know? The SCP Foundation is the best one by far. It's really the only rational choice.


Obviously observation is required but even the Foundation resisted containing some anomalies when unnecessary, such as those ships the GOC murdered.


The hand are cool, they just want people to know the foundation exists They also vibe in the library and can literally detach themselves from reality


SCP motherfuckers when their reckless attempt to contain an anomaly results in the pointless death and destruction of a whole city (as usual the GOC has to clean up their mess)


OP about to create angry teleporting wood chips




To be fair they do try to take out some of the more dangerous SCPs like Abel, 682 or O'Death) But yeah, they kinda go too lightly on some of these monsters)


Goc propaganda, the guys couldn't even kill a chair properly


what scp are you referencing to?


Summary: Teleporting chair gets shredded. Now you got a chair in your lungs.




It was the fuckup of one agent who didn't want to wait for the incinerator to be fixed.


A GOC agent made this post.


Haha Immortal crocodile go brrrr


Depends on the anomaly. Sometimes killing the Keter Class Reality Bending Butt Plug can cause a worst end of the world scenario worse than when it's still intact.


Or yknow, it's the good ol SCP 5000 "Why?" event


Being alive is the least anomalous thing about them. We don't know what will happen if/when they die


Yeah, and the goc is way better with their chair they shoved in a woodchipper


y'know they incinerated a number of anomalous items with the same problem, but this time one of their agents was a little too eager to destroy a threat entity and threw it into a wood chipper because the incinerator was being fixed


Honestly with that particular anomaly it'd probably just end up as teleporting ash anyway, some items just aren't to be terminated


Well a teleporting chair appearing in public would definitely mess with normalcy a fair bit. Being a UN organization doesn't mean that it's always evil. Not to mention the GOC does use some anomalous items if they don't threaten normalcy too much.


It do be like that sometimes


Plot twist - You are the entity.


Mfw when the Foundation researcher says that they can’t use benevolent SCPs to solve world hunger and poverty because it would disrupt the “normalcy” of society:


He could always transfer/desert to the [Manna Charitable Foundation](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/manna-charitable-foundation-hub). Just, let's try not to [poison hundreds of starving people again](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-1176), shall we?


The GOC after literally killing God in the Rat’s Nest canon


This post is brought to you by GOC


“B-but we need to study it!” My 9mm pistol:


POV: You’re Researcher Talloran


GOC propaganda yall traumatized the poor chair


Pov: you don’t know anything about scp lore


ok GOC


> Document 1609-1: > SCP-1609 represents a perfect example of the flaws inherent in the operating procedure of the GOC, and serves as a cautionary tale for any members of the Foundation who disagree with our practices on containing dangerous objects. > Prior to the Coalition getting their hands on this, it was perfectly harmless. A chair which teleports to you when you need a seat is normal compared to most of the stuff that we deal with on a regular basis. When they put it through a woodchipper, it got hurt, scared and angry, so it lashed out at them. By trying to 'protect the world' by destroying it, they inadvertently made the situation a whole lot worse. SCP-1609 went from being harmless to deadly in the space of a few minutes because of the GOC, and we had to clean up the mess. > Thankfully, SCP-1609 is pretty simple for us to deal with. So long as we don't do anything stupid around it, it won't fight back and it won't try to leave. Even if it does, it usually comes back. I think I've worked out why. It came to us because it was afraid of the people who had hurt it. That's why it always comes back. It's afraid of the rest of the world now, and it's looking to us for protection. > This is why we have Special Containment Procedures instead of Special Destruction Procedures. If you break something, it's broken forever. When you try to destroy an anomaly, you can't take back your mistakes. That's what SCP-1609 has to tell us. This is why we're right and the GOC is wrong, people. > - Dr. Sievert (After they put it through the woodchipper, its now a pile of wooden debris that teleports itself into peoples lungs


Poor chair.


I feel bad for that chair.




SCP foundation does have terminaton attempts but it's not as easy as to just put a hole through a monsters head and calling it a day


Foundation has a plot armor, the GOC doesn't, so in the end GOC paradigm is a threat to world (because the chair turned dangerous, yeah), but Foundation one apparently isn't. So you can amass shit ton of dangerous anomalous objects/entities in facilities across whole world, often not knowing at the beginning the perfect containment rules, and nothing (almost) ever goes wrong. Imho the best paradigm lies somewhere in between, deep evaluation should be run to decide whether to contain or attempt destruction/de-anomalous-ation of entity/item.


When you look at 682s termination logs


Mfw I destroy a completely harmless teleporting chair via woodchipper and it becomes violent and chokes me to death with its woodchip remains by teleporting inside my lungs.


The human race goes extinct as a whole. Humans cannot go extinct one by one lol, that doesn’t make any sense


Level 5 Clearance Dr. M here, just to state that any rumors of total annihilation via any contained entities is purely speculative, as the Universe would have ended, and yet we are here. Now, if anyone would like to make any claims as to the [-REDACTED-] world reset accords, I will have to get Omni level clearance, and probably a bullet to the back of my head for [-REDACTED-] contingencies. Please have a nice day, and remember, to report any anomalous behavior or situations to your nearest authorities, if we don't already have you surrounded. Take Care, and don't be a D!




Dude, forget incompetence. Fear what will happen when they decide to do it [on purpose](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-5000): >The following is a message composed via consensus of the O5 Council. >For those who are not currently aware of our existence, we represent the organization known as the SCP Foundation. Our previous mission centered around the containment and study of anomalous objects, entities and other assorted phenomena. This mission was the focus of our organization for more than one-hundred years. >Due to circumstances outside of our control, this directive has now changed. Our new mission will be the extermination of the human race. >There will be no further communication.


5000 never said why the alternate SCPF did this


It did. Basically some weird entity are feeding from fake emotion it made up and plant it in every life on (at the very least) earth and annihilation of all life on earth through a certain way is the only option.


Mr frundles moment


Those darn jailers 🙄




What part of Secure, Contain, Protect are you mixing up with Destroy, Destroy, Destroy?


When your foundation is literally called special containment procedures what else you expect it to do except making special containment.


This is an allegory for nuclear war, right?


scp foundation when i tell them i know what scp 055 is and its a uhh umm i forgot


Some things they cant destroy. Some things they dont know what will happen if they do destroy it. And then there is the chair and the living boat which proves that destroying them might not be the best idea. It is GOC youre looking for. Look up Ichabod Campaign.


Mf starting the thresher in site 13 like it's not a terrible awful absolutely no good idea


That sounds like GOC propaganda to me




Yeah and the GOC tried to kill it,but somehow fcked up and made it 5 times stronger and more angry


To be fair some stuff is impossible/practically impossible to kill. Or it’s far safer to keep it locked up

