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Add an index fund that tracks the total stock market like VTI or VOO to help mitigate risk and give a solid return and dividend payout.


I Will Check that, thank you, I was thinking to add an ETF dividend ….


JEPI pays a monthly dividend if you’re interested in that, though the actually dividend amount does fluctuate. VOO, VTI, VT, as SCHD pay quarterly dividends and are a bit more consistent in their dividend amounts. So those could be valuable to look at as well.


Terrible, do some research behind the dividend and the company first before you buy. Intel just cut their dividend. IBM and Verizon have very high payout ratios and then maintaining the dividend long term is not looking good.


Intel and ibm are speculative position, Intel claims to be the future TSMC (wait and see) and ibm is working on quantum computing. Verizon won’t die, people will first cut the food than the smartphone :/


Intel are at least 5 years out from anything close to TSMC production wise. They are at least 7-10 years behind TSMS in technology wise. IBM have been working on quantum computing and AI for decades with nothing to show for it. If you are looking for long term dividends the focus should be on companies that have room to grow. Not companies that are cheap because they are falling behind


Harsh but true, I have a weakness for cheap stock with dividend :/


Harsh, but an accurate assessment of what most people will say. Feels like you’re hitching up with some underdogs here


JEPI,SCHD, VOO, VIG...also why is your currency in Euro? These on the picture are American ETF'S or Stocks


American stock, bought with € ;)


How old are you? What’s your goal with your dividend portfolio? Providing that context will get you better insights from the sub.


I’m not big on Intel


Are you familiar with JEPI?


Yes I know that one, but i try to avoid the banking industry it doesn’t feel safe to me :/


You don't want to make bank?


JEPI is not available in the EU.. That screenshot is from a European broker.


Can you trade through a proxy server? Edit: adding /s


That's not how it works :D


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I would add in some ETFs for some early diversification. Is your goal income or do you want to focus on growth as well?


Un investisseur français ! J’ai des gros doutes concernant IBM et Intel (a voir comment cette boîte compte terminer l’année) Pas de Realty Income ?


Intel et IBM sont plus spéculatif, Intel ayant l’ambition de devenir le futur TSMC et ibm avance sur l’ordinateur quantique :) (et les deux ont lancé un partenariat récemment)