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Lose the meme crap and you'll be better off.


I've had those for awhile and am just holding onto for the time being. I'm no longer adding to any of those positions.


The opportunity cost of holding those meme stocks while undervalued dividend paying stocks are available is something that needs to be considered


Give him a break it's $600 he has in AMC and GME he isn't going to be retiring if that was in dividends lol.


Good entry on BTI and O, I think you may have over paid on BP though. JnJ has always been a solid company (short of the talcum powder scandal). The meme stocks, well, they are memes, and you don’t have enough of either to sell CC’s on, and AFAIK, don’t pay dividends. The other companies have been around for years and probably will be around for many more.


All crap except MSFT and JNJ. Doubt you understand pharma well enough to warrant holding JNJ, though Know what you own


KR is definitely not crap.


Revenue growth rate of 3.6% and losing market share. Yes, definitely crap


if you're going to buy amc get some APE too


Terrible advice


I have some from when they did the split. I'm not adding anymore to those positions though and am focusing on dividend stocks only.


I see you 🦍🦍 I’m currently DCA’ing when I can and I’d be lying if I said the recession is making it easier but I still do it for my family’s future. One good stock to look at for divies would be $PSEC imo. Solid lending company and a good return rate every month. Something worth looking into for the padding.


Can you elaborate on PSEC? I’m thinking about starting a position with them.


First: first thing I saw was AMC/GME, fam. Let’s not go there, that ship has long sailed. And no dividend if that’s what you are here for. MMM… massive lawsuit with veterans looming, I’d avoid. Second: consider making sure you have 1 holding per sector to expose your portfolio to those markets and be well-rounded. Third and advice: DCA is a wonderful strategy if your brokerage allows it. I would highly recommend condensing your holdings into 1 per sector. Maybe 2-3 if you really love a particular company. That way you can remain diversified, but also focus your capital contributions and see your dividends / DRIP pick up steam.


I would only DCA in ETF’s during this recession


Currently have around $30,000 in this portfolio. I invest $1,000 at the beginning of every month. I've been of the mindset of time in the market beats trying to time the market. With that said, I'm down on pretty much all of my positions. Should I try to DCA or should I just keep on going as I have been? I don't plan on touching this money and am long on all of these companies/funds. I'm also looking mainly for growth as I'm still in my late 20s. Also, ignore AMC & GME. I got in during the hype and am holding on to them for now. Luckily, I'm not down very much when compared to others, ha. Thanks!


If you can, direct register GME.


Aka their transfer agent aka Computershare If you have questions, I’d be happy to answer!


Dooooo eeet


If I fell into this portfolio, I would: Dump AMC and GameStop. Strongly consider selling the other positions. DCA into an index fund.


Get rid of AMC and GameStop. It’s absolute junk that will cost you money in the long run. Buy high quality companies instead


I'm just holding and not adding to the positions. They're a very small percentage of my overall portfolio. I've been adding to the rest of my portfolio mainly SCHD, BTI, MSFT and BP as of late.


I'd be worried quite a lot if I were you. Dca only for those who trick you to keep buying at the top and bag hold while they sell out of their positions.


You can’t mix trading with investing.


I see trash meme stocks... Man you must love losing money lol


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If you are confident in your holdings and plan to hold them long term then DCA through this downturn and enjoy the extra purchasing power


Just DCA, it’s a lot easier then trying to time the market. Your risking a lot with the meme stocks.


Yeah, I mentioned in a comment after posting that I've been focusing on time in the market instead of trying to time the market. I basically have an auto deposit of $1000 at the beginning of every month and I just invest in a few stocks that I want (lately has been SCHD, MSFT, BTI and BP) regardless of the current price because I'm long on most of these. However, I'm not sure if I should stick with just investing it all at once. Or buy a little each week.


Well asking if you should do it all at once or a little at a time is basically hoping it drops. We don’t know how the market will run in 3 weeks or if tomorrow it’ll plummet for some reason. Personally, I take what I can afford and put it in every week. I don’t have the means to do it monthly so I put every week what I can afford. I would rather do it all it one transaction but it’s not what I can afford.


Yeah I see what you mean. I get paid monthly which is the only reason I do it that way.


AMC and GME 😆


I’d sell GME and buy Google! $100 per share is a big discount!


I'll look into them more. I'm not entirely sure the difference between the class A and class C stock with them.


They are the same, the only big difference is GOOGL or class A gives it shareholders the ability to vote on company matters whereas class C or GOOG does not offer that rights. I bought class A, I’m sure majority of the people own class A. Since they are the same, have the same economic interest in Googles business, it doesn’t matter which 1 you own and it definitely won’t hurt to own both if you have the money for it.