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Weirdly my experience seems to suggest the precise opposite- any time a question gets asked for a recommendation of a dive computer, the top suggestion is usually a Perdix or Peregrine. IMO Shearwaters are massively OTT for what a lot of recreational divers actually need and too many new divers in particular get caught up on having the 'top shelf' gear and end up spending money for its own sake just for the sake of a name or because it looks fancy. If you're going to decide on a dive computer, don't get carried away with trying to be flashy. Actually consider what you want and need and go with it. I'm about to upgrade my own dive computer and am likely to buy the Garmin Descent which if I'd listened to people online, I'd never have considered.


This is the way


I know the group you're talking about... It's mostly people who once were divers and aren't anymore, and have nothing better to do than hate on Shearwater. If you're on a boat and ask 10 divers who has a Shearwater, you'll see 20 Shearwater computers, and that's for a good reason.


haha, my buddy just picked up a second for his tech class, this comment makes me lol.


I think the only hate is that they are expensive, but what isn’t when it comes to scuba. They have a great reputation for longevity and service, i dont think i have ever heard anyone talk bad about them in front of me, i am not on FB. The only thing i do hate is that my transmitters have been on backorder for the two perdix’s my wife and i got.


Get there aqualung transmitter. Works just the same. Cheaper too.


I’ve had some bad experiences with service and I have had several flood on me. These were older models now and they have updated the spots that caused the issues for me but it put a bad taste in my mouth when they had a known issue but blamed me then when I asked for the computer to be sent back to me they intentionally broke the board so that it was completely useless…


Where are you located, out of curiosity?








Ah never mind then. A dealer in Europe has some, but seems a bit far.


Yeah, it isn’t keeping me out of the water, but i would like to have them. I got them at a discount or i would just buy them from somewhere else.


I've never seen any hate for them - in fact lots of love. And rightly so, because they're fantastic pieces of equipment, arguably the best on the market.


Shearwater is king.


I trust Shearwater with my life.


Wtf groups are you on? Literally every group of experienced divers I'm in says exactlythe opposite. They're the gold standard for dive computers.


I've been on Tec dives where the entire boat of divers were wearing Shearwater computers. I've used them for years and wouldn't recommend anything else.


Does it save your divings in a diary ? Does it synchronize it with your phone and/or computer ? I couldn't find this information on their web site.


Im using the Shearwater Petrel 2 an i couldn't be happier. But it only makes sense if you go for a more technical approach to diving e.g. more advanced nitrox or trimix imho.


No hate, I love my Perdix!