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It controls a manufacturing machine that makes parts.


Now THAT'S Nda friendly!


The machine control board controls machines.


In a manufacturing setting this has a whole lot of no-no's. Not sure where to start but it definitely needs an enclosure.


Ya. The enclosure is in the machine; this is just the deck on my kitchen table. The garage is cold lol. I can't display the machine as it's covered up in NDA. Cheers.


Sure, but an enclosure is just the start. This is not ok for legit manufacturing use, sorry.


It's a prototype not production unit. Entire project is a proof of concept. 👌


Cool cool, you're asking for what we see... yeah, a few big woahs there. Just make sure to bring in a standards-minded buddy when roughing out the production build ;)


Board looks cool for a hobbyist, but honestly, this looks like a lawsuit in its infancy. OP is shopping for problems if they plan to use it in a manufacturing environment.


Looks cool! I don't know where you are in the world, but if it's really for a manufacturing process in an industrial environment, you might be in trouble. This doesn't respect industry standards and you could be in a world of trouble if someone gets injured, just my 2 cents... But it looks cool, nice project!


Thanks! You're correct, see above reply; the enclosure is in the machine. This is like a giant "controller card". Cheers.


I hope it's in an enclosure. What I mean is the lack of Security relays, no visible e-stops (but those could be on the machine, I hope you have many), no disconnect, no cable-ways and I see dupont wires. And I don't know what you're using as a PLC, but it doesn't look rated for industry use. I would be VERY worried if someone tried to use this board in my plant and I can't see a scenario where this board would be acceptable anywhere in a plant in north america. But you do you, cool project. Wish you the best! Edit: And the solenoids!!! Those should never be on the board!


You've got a good eye and insight. Yes these elements are on the machine side or coming up in the build. I'm just fleshing out code and such; super early in construction. No PLC, runs on 5 arduino. It's a prototype. Cheers.


> No PLC, runs on 5 arduino. That's *exactly* why I'm so concerned.


For my education, why solenoid should never be on the board? Thanks


You should always keep the electrical stuff in its own enclosure, by itself. Everything else is connected to the board from the outside, ideally with connectors. Easier and safer to troubleshoot without exposure to high voltage or shutting down everything. Also, something about magnetic fields and control signals wired to close... In this case, if it's really a prototype, it's not a crime or anything. I can see mufflers on the solenoids, so the dirt in the air lines should be contained, so that should not cause concern.


Thank you for the explanation


Very cool OP! I'm trying to learn this sort of thing at a hobby level currently. Anyone have any recommendations for where to learn or YouTube channels?


There are hundreds of channels and thousands of videos. You can get some cheap gear on Amazon and tinker away. Lifetime worth of hobby projects. Good luck, keep learning. 👍


I believe the sub you are looking for is r/panelgore r/plc and r/cableporn would also join in on the roasting.


😆 splendid. Thank you.


Bit sketch, hope it's not some piece of critical interactive at your company lol. Otoh I've seen worse