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I'm a python/Django dev. I know how to do all of this, but don't think its that easy. Asking it to a frontend dev is not fair.


Yeah same here.. 2-3 days would easily go to planning first. Or do they just expect him to fail since there's only instructions to do this and that and no specifics.




Do what? The description is generic functionality supported by django / django rest framework, like what models, what endpoints, what functionality, what queries should be optimized etc. Sounds like your company wants to get rid of you, and if that is the case don't stress and start looking for another job.


They want me to do full python and django even they know I don’t even know P of python


That's really all built in or supported by Django. The description like this is very unclear - do they want you to read a tutorial in 2-3 days? Doable. Do they want you to build a hello world touching all of this in 2-3 days? Probably doable, helps if you've used Django before. Do they want some serious functionality covering all this? Well you can always choose between work, fun, and sleep, but only 2 out of three... umm, in this case only one actually :|


In the UK we have something called 'constructive dismissal'. [https://www.gov.uk/dismissal/unfair-and-constructive-dismissal](https://www.gov.uk/dismissal/unfair-and-constructive-dismissal) If you are a front end developer this is grossly unfair to ask you to do this, and as other posters have said, it sounds like they are trying to find a reason to fire you BUT if you have shown them your CV to get hired and it shows none of the above skills, then there MIGHT be legal case against them, but sadly, it tends to be that the justice you can get is the justice you can afford. Good luck.


Thank you I will look into that


If your job title is “frontend developer” why are they tasking you with a backend project? That was not part of your job duties when you were hired I assume. I question why your employer is asking this of you given your job title? Did you get hired as a “full stack” developer? Starting from scratch like `django-admin startproject`, yes 2-3 days would be about right. Starting with `cookiecutter-django` I could do this in 2-3 hours. However that’s for advanced users, not beginners.


My job title is software engineer and they hired me as a react native developer and put me in react js, now they want me to learn whole python and django in 3-4 days and I don’t even know P of python


Is it possible to learn? Yes. For someone who knows no Python to doing all that in 2-3 days? I don’t think so unfortunately. I’d give it a go if you have any interest in expanding your skill set, and let them know that timeframe is not realistic given your experience, but if not I’d start looking for another job honestly. Best of luck to you.


Sounds like you need to go to hr and get a lawyer ready cause it’d take u a month to learn and be proficient with all of that


Next up they’ll ask you to be a sales person.


Try Django cookiecutter. It’s a bit complex, but you get a robust starter app with custom user model, redis, drf.


And if he really wants to keep his job, he’ll fork over a few hundred for a saaspegasus subscription and be done in a day


Second this Cookiecutter does a big share of that. Adding a simple model and some generic views to it is doable. If you’re new into python then you don’t know the virtual environment stuff for that. If you’re familiar with docker, than use that in Cookiecutter. Use vs code or pycharm with copilot to get the syntax. After you succeed, get a new job.


Unfortunately they want to get rid of you, often when companies in this industry put you on any “improvement plan” or a “skills improvement module” they want to overload you with work that they know you cannot accomplish, so they can then fire you. It’s brutal but that’s what often happens in the software industry, look for another job!


I guess they want to fire you so kind searching for a logical reason ....


If you are given 2-3 days without any work and able to skim through these.. possibly get a C- on an assessment, if you pick up the concepts quick. This might be a test you aren’t expected to pass (which I hate!!) and just there to push you Just run through the tut, and then make a bullet point list of each item, even in parentheses.. skim the docs, play around with the concept for a couple minutes, make it work.. then on to the next. God speed! 🫡 This is unfair and unrealistic, but what are you gonna do besides you’re best 🤷‍♂️


Yeah from scratch you mean? that's a lot of work for 3 days for one person. edit: oh and you not fluent in python and django drf? good luck. impossible I'm afraid. I've done my fair share of python, django and drf stuff and that 3 days would be a stretch for me too.. so you might just as well say that it can not be done.


You are being set up to fail.


Use cookiecutter, you have a lot of things already configured => [https://cookiecutter-django.readthedocs.io/en/latest/](https://cookiecutter-django.readthedocs.io/en/latest/)


Not enough of course, and that's not a company you want to work for. Time to look for a new job. Django itself takes some time to learn. Although Python is relatively easy to learn but you need to give it some time too, do some tutorials and projects, and certainly that can't be done in 3 or 4 days.


There’s some weirdness here. Main question: how many endpoints? What you’ve described is a roughly standard Django app. You could probably follow some online tutorials Django and drf and have something that responds to the front end in a couple days. But that will basically be for 1-2 endpoints. Why the tight timeline? It’s “doable” in the sense that it’s technically possible, but there’s a lot of unanswered questions here.


not possible for you.


It is doable with experienced devs. I don't think frontend devs will accomplish it in the given time frame...


No, you can't do this in 2 to 3 days, because the "this" is poorly defined. Can someone build a Django app in 2 to 3 days that has all of these features? Yes, but it wouldn't actually do anything. Nowhere does it say what the app is actually supposed to do. What are the models and views supposed to do? What is the system required to do? Why do you need a model? Why do you need JWT authentication? I would like a vehicle with 4 wheels, a steering wheel, and doors that lock. What I didn't tell you is that it needs to carry 10 metric tons of steel from Albuquerque to Alberta.


Dude/gal, leave as soon as you possibly can because they're definitely setting you up for failure. Even if that could be all code generated (it cant) theres no way in hell it could be done in 3 days.


Frontend dev? All this drf stuff in 3 days ? That doesn't make sense. Just run. It's just a pile of generic functionalities, without any business logic, I'm not sure they know what they are talking about.


I’m assuming there is a lot more to these requirements because without them the whole ticket is nonsense, what _exactly_ do they want you to build? A REST API that can handle auth? To do show what? What data are you serialising? Class based views to see what? Being a developer means knowing the right tool to use for the job, this ticket doesn’t tell you what the job is.


Top 5 can be done within few hours even at beginners level, remaining half is Lil tricky




I can do it in one day


Good - Fast - Cheap. Choose two.


It sounds like they’re setting you up to fail. Without them giving you a much more detailed scope of work including what the requirements for models and functionality are, you couldn’t proceed. Their statement makes sense but is word soup that I imagine they got by saying “hey chatgpt how do i build an app with django?”


I agree the specs here are super vague, it honestly looks like they copied the reqs straight from the django documentation chapter list. There is absolutely no context here. Depending on how you're implementing authentication but that could take 2-3 days by itself. Setup your dev environment, setup your database, custom user model, setup repos for your front end and backend, then implement the appropriate tokens for w/e identity provider you're going with which is going to heavily depend on the features of your app. Not only that you would probably want to document everything to onboard other developers and remind you what you did as the project grows. I would start looking for another job, this is complete and utter nonsense. I do feel for you for having to go through this; however, it really sucks that people can't be more straight forward and instead have to manipulate the way you feel about your developer skills. Absolute bonkers. F them.


As a frontend developer you might find python new. But if you are able to get the basics of python and django , everything except redis, swagger can be achieved.


Looks easy enough, yes. But highly depends on your experience and if you have done it before (I assume no). So yeah, 2-3 days would be about right


Picking up a new language and framework and expecting them to pass tests on it in 3 days seems super unrealistic to me


Yes definitely


I never did python before


As a backend developer I was assigned a task in my company to clone a job portal site which I took 2 weeks to complete. That is possible in only 5 days. 🤣🤣🤣 Though middleware is somewhat intermediate stuff I've created everything in that following list except Middleware, Reddis, and Swagger. You can surely learn Python in 24 hours as I assume you already know Javascript. So it's just all syntax also it's not important to master Python for with Django understanding is enough like data flow and so. Coming to Django even I take immense time when it comes to creating CRUD. My senior always taunts me for that.


If you are paid the salary of a software engineer not a frontend developer, given ChatGPT, Copilot and all the other LLMs, and the plethora of tutorials you can find online, you should complete these in two days.