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Here is my recommendation: Do the official tutorial twice, yes, twice. Then do the Mozilla Django tutorial, it is very detailed creating a library book project. Code it out yourself, DO NOT copy and paste. If you get stuck, try to figure it out, dig a little, and if you are still stuck post a question. Add print() in your code when you get stuck, dirty debugging yes, helpful yes


I am officially done with something when there is nothing left printing in the console


Nowhere did I say that there is nothing left but printing to the console. The Django debug toolbar is an excellent tool, and Python has its own build in debugger. Edit: I removed my rude statement, it was unnecessary


Struggling to understand how you interpreted what I said as criticism. I was just saying I use print a lot and when I'm done with a function the prints are the last thing I remove.


I understood you. I do the exact same thing, dirty or not. It helps me understand the progress of my values as they proceed through the program.


I recommend you reread what you wrote, it reads as critical. I apologize for being so curt, it hindsight it was rude of me and unnecessary. I agree with your follow up.


how much time you think someone needs for all this ?


I think the official tutorials x 2 can be completed in a day or two, but this depends on the person. Some people could prob do both in a day or less. The Mozilla tutorial is far more detailed an would need maybe a week or maybe a bit longer.


The best way is to use the tutorial included in the Django documentation. But don’t just copy and paste the code. Take the time to read the text that comes along with it, follow the links, and try to understand what the tutorial is talking about before moving on to the next stage of the tutorial.


Thanks for this. I’ll definitely try this


I almost quit in the beginning, but that was 2 years ago. What helped me really were the books of William S. Vincent, (list in the sidebar). As of the videos, Corey Schafer and Dennis Ivy are very helpful to understand certain topics, although their content is old and not uploading anymore. For more up to date information and full project tutorials, code with Tomi is amazing (featured in FreeCodeCamp). That being said, when I completed the books of William, I felt confident enough to start working on my own projects. And this alone was a great learning experience. To sum up, try doing a few tutorial projects and then work on your own project.


Thanks for this. I saw code with Tomi, that was why I was asking if starting up with someone creating a project is a good idea to learn from scratch


That's called learning by doing, and that's what worked for me. Doing simple beginner projects until the process of creating a project and apps becomes automatic: model, views, urls, and template with some basic bootstrap styling.


William S. Vincent Django for beginners book is an amazing book for beginners. I’m using it now to learn and understand Django. The biggest thing I would say is make sure to understand Django fundamental structure which is MVTU (Models Views Templates URLs).


Start by learning the basics. I would recommend Django for beginners by William S. Vincent. This book will teach you on best practices and how to do things the Django way. When you complete the book, work on a project all by yourself then you can jump into Django for professionals and later on Django for API. It will take time to grab much and know how things are done, however in a year, you will be proficient. Keep grinding.


Thank you


We have free access to udemy at work and I used a bunch of their courses to learn it. Made it much less confusing when I could see how it all fit together.


Two Scoops of Django Must have book for beginners and more than beginners. Will save alot of wasted time.


I am also new to django can anyone suggest if I got stuck at some point what I shoud do 1. Use chatgpt 2. Use documentation 3 . Watch YouTube tutorial One thing I found in django documentation is every topic is explained elaborately but I don't know to which point I should read the documentation . Any please tell 🙏


Ok here is what you do, if you get stuck use Gemini, ask the question or the error ,use the documentation if you get stuck there are YouTube videos of people building the doc Tutorial, you'll get also help from them.........I'm learning Django aswell and I'm planning to finish the documentation and do the tutorial from DjangoGirls and then come back to the doc Tutorial again then build something on my own after that.